Content Planning

Learn how to create a content plan and manage your content planning process effectively to meet your organization’s strategic outcomes.

Content Planning

Learn how to create a content plan and manage your content planning process effectively to meet your organization’s strategic outcomes. - Content Planning Module

Man with laptop and writing pad.An effective content strategy requires an actionable content plan that allows your business or organization to create and regularly publish content that targets the right audience and meets strategic goals.

In this lesson, we’ll cover:

  • What is a content plan?
  • Why do you need a content plan?
  • Benefits of developing a content plan for your organization
  • The content planning process
  • How to create a content plan


Before You Begin

Make sure to review and complete the lessons in the Content Strategy module before you begin.

Additionally, we recommend subscribing to our free content management course email lessons if you haven’t already, as these provide a practical step-by-step way to implement the lessons in this course.

As a subscriber, you will also get notified when new posts (containing practical information and valuable content management tips) are added to our blog.

What Is A Content Plan?

A content plan is a document that specifies:

  1. What content your business will create to target potential customers at all stages of their buyer journey, and
  2. How this content will be created.

A content plan also outlines:

  • Who is responsible for creating the content
  • What the purpose of the content is
  • How the content impacts your content strategy.

Content planning is the structure by which your company determines which content initiatives to execute and when. It’s all about processes and workflows

Source: Divvyhq

A content plan is integral to your marketing activity and should be consulted regularly as the business builds its content marketing funnel.

It’s important to note that content strategy and content planning are two different things.

A content strategy is the overarching plan for creating, publishing, and managing content that aligns with the goals and objectives of your organization. It defines the goals for the content, the audience it will target, and the overall tone and style of the content.

A content plan, on the other hand, is the tactical plan for executing your content strategy. It outlines the specific pieces of content that will be created, the channels through which they will be distributed, and the schedule for publishing and promoting the content. It also includes tasks and responsibilities for creating, editing, and publishing the content.

In short, a content strategy is the “why” and “what” of content creation, while a content plan is the “how” and “when”.

Your content strategy directs all of your marketing channels where your content lives. It’s where you outline all the different marketing goals you have and how you plan to achieve these goals.

When your strategy’s ready to go, you’ll turn to content planning to determine how you’ll execute that plan. Your content plan will outline all of the assets and data you need to achieve the goals you set in your strategy.

Source: SemRush

Why Do You Need A Content Plan?

To understand why having a content plan is essential, consider what can happen to businesses that create and publish content without a content strategy and a content plan.

Let’s suppose that a small business has a blog where it can publish articles to increase its visibility on search engines and attract new customers.

The business owner has ideas for topics to write articles about and begins to write and publish content on the blog. She soon finds that she is too busy attending to other areas of the business, however, and delegates this task to one of her staff members.

The staff member, however, doesn’t have the “full picture” of the business like the owner has, and so is unaware of all the areas that could benefit from using content to educate, inform, train, and attract new customers. He is also busy and after a short time, he too starts running out of ideas for new article topics to write about.

The business owner then decides to outsource its content creation. Lacking the budget to hire a full-service marketing agency that can develop a content strategy for the business and take over and manage their blog, they hire a person with SEO skills to come up with new content for the blog.

The SEO expert, however, also doesn’t have the “full picture” of the business, so he does some content research about the industry, niche, and its competitors, and supplies the business with a list of article topics based on keywords it could potentially rank for.

The SEO expert doesn’t write the actual content, so the business outsources its article writing to freelance writers. After a while, they also begin to accept submissions from guest bloggers.

Although the business is getting content published on its blog, the content doesn’t seem to be effective at driving traffic or attracting new customers. So, the business owner assigns another staff member to perform a content audit.

The content audit reveals that many articles are simply too general to rank competitively in the search engines and are not addressing the specific needs and pain points of their target audience. It also reveals that multiple articles are targeting the same keywords and ‘cannibalizing’ each other. Many of the articles submitted by guest bloggers also link to sites that are not relevant to the business.

Instead of using content strategically to grow the business, the business now has a bunch of content that doesn’t contribute to helping the business achieve its goals and a blog that needs cleaning up.

Just think how much more productive and effective this whole effort would have been had the business first invested in researching and creating a content strategy and incorporated its goals and research into a plan to drive content production before writing even a single piece of content.

Content Strategy Map
A content strategy map. Source: @CarlaGates247. Click on the image to enlarge it.

A content plan, then, is essential for ensuring that your business puts the right systems and workflow processes in place to create the right content, delivered to the right audience at the right time, using the right distribution channels, to achieve its strategic goals.

Content Plan Goals
The goal of your Content Plan is to deliver the goals of your Content Strategy.

Benefits Of Developing A Content Plan

Think about the benefits of having a content plan this way…

One well-planned piece of content (e.g. a blog post, video, etc.) that is perfectly aligned with the strategic goals and objectives of the business, that hits the spot with the right target audience, and that gets picked up by search engines and/or linked to from other websites, can continue driving new traffic, leads, sales, and subscribers long after it’s been published.

Additionally, a content plan:

  • Addresses each step of the content creation process and how to research, create, publish, and track the content.
  • Helps to create content that will target the right audience, increase engagement and retention, and drive more traffic and sales to the business.
  • Makes it easier for teams to create, collaborate on, and share information about the content.
  • Helps to avoid unnecessary costs or delays in important strategic areas, like preparing a budget or requesting additional resources.

Content Planning Goals And Objectives

Common content planning goals and objectives include:

  • Audience understanding: The goal is to understand the target audience and create content that meets their needs, interests, and preferences. This can be achieved by conducting market research, creating buyer personas, and analyzing website traffic data.
  • Content creation: The goal is to create high-quality, engaging, and relevant content that meets your target audience’s needs. This can be achieved by writing blog posts, creating videos, and designing graphics and infographics.
  • Content optimization: The goal is to improve the quality and performance of content by ensuring it is well-written, visually appealing, and optimized for search engines and social media. This can be achieved by optimizing headlines, meta descriptions, and images, using keywords and hashtags, and making sure the content is mobile-friendly.
  • Content distribution: The goal is to distribute and promote content through various channels, such as social media, email, and other digital platforms. This can be achieved by publishing content on the website, sharing it on social media, and sending newsletters.
  • Content measurement and analytics: The goal is to track and measure your content’s performance in terms of engagement, conversion, and other key performance indicators (KPIs). This can be achieved by using analytics tools to track website traffic, social media engagement, and conversion rates.
  • Content repurposing: The goal is to repurpose existing content in new and different formats for different channels and audiences. This can be achieved by republishing a blog post as a video, creating an e-book from a series of blog posts, or turning a podcast episode into a transcript.
  • Content updating: The goal is to keep your content up-to-date and relevant by updating or removing outdated information. This can be achieved by updating a blog post with new information, removing a broken link, or revising an old video.
  • Content governance: The goal is to ensure that all content is accurate, up-to-date, and compliant with legal, ethical, and brand guidelines. This can be achieved by creating and enforcing a content style guide, regularly reviewing and updating content, and ensuring that all content is accessible and inclusive.
  • Budget and resources allocation: The goal is to plan and allocate the budget and resources needed to achieve your content goals. This can be achieved by identifying the cost of creating, distributing, and measuring the content, and allocating resources to create, review, and publish the content.
  • Content calendar: The goal is to plan and organize your content creation and publishing schedule. This can be achieved by creating an editorial calendar, scheduling the publishing of blog posts, and creating a plan for the distribution of your content.

The Content Planning Process

Your content planning process should flow from your content strategy.

Before creating your content plan, your business should have already defined its content strategy with clear goals, performed an audience analysis and competitive analysis, assessed its resources, determined a content budget, and specified ways to track and analyze results.

If you need help in this area, see our lesson on how to create a content strategy.

Once this is done, you can create a content plan (see next section below) that will help your business align its content with its customer’s buyer journey and identify the topics, needs, and questions to address in the content.

The content planning process also involves doing a content audit to determine if the existing content can be used as-is or if it needs to be updated and to identify any content gaps or new opportunities that can be created or developed.

The content planning process also needs to incorporate elements like:

  • A content production plan to determine the format of each content piece it will produce and identify who the subject experts, authors, and contributors will be for each item.
  • A content measurement plan with performance measures to determine the objective of each item of content created and how its performance will be tracked and measured, as this will help to assess whether the content is delivering its strategic goals.
  • A content distribution plan to identify which online and offline channels will be used to get the content in front of your intended target audience.
Content Planning Process
An effective content planning process.

Different approaches to creating a content plan can also include additional elements like onboarding and training and communication processes.

Elements of Content Planning - DivvyHQ
Your content plan can also incorporate additional elements like onboarding and training team members and communication tools and processes for better collaboration. Source:

Example Of A Content Plan

Below is an example of what a simple content plan for a  software company might look like:

  • Audience: Small business owners looking for an easy-to-use accounting software
  • Goal: Increase website traffic, generate leads
  • Competitors: Quickbooks, Xero
  • Topics:
    • How to streamline your invoicing process
    • Tips for managing your business finances
    • How to get the most out of your accounting software
  • Plan:
    • Blog post: once a week
    • YouTube video: once a month
    • Infographic: Once a quarter
  • Distribution:
    • Social media: LinkedIn, Facebook
    • Email marketing: Weekly newsletter
    • Paid Advertising: Google Ads, Facebook ads

Now that we have covered what a content plan is and why businesses need one, let’s look at how to create one.

How To Create A Content Plan

Here are the steps for creating an effective content plan for your business or organization:

1. Ask Content Planning Questions

Once you have a content strategy in place, begin the content planning process by asking questions like:

  • Who is the content for?
  • Where will the content be published?
  • What problem(s)/challenge(s) does the content help to solve?
  • Why/how is your business different?
  • How will you deliver your message?
  • How will you create the content?

See this excellent content planning article for more details on how to answer the above questions: Content Planning: How to Create a Content Plan That Brings Results.

2. What To Include In Your Content Plan

Your Content Plan will most likely consist of a document that includes all the research, analysis, and marketing collateral laid out in the content strategy, with information such as:

Content Planning Templates

There are different content planning templates you can use and various workflow tools provide content planning templates that can be imported into the tool and then customized to suit your needs.

Content Planning Template -
Use a content planning template to present and communicate your content plan to team members. Source:

Some templates, for example, suit Kanban-style content workflows…

Content Planning Template -
Content Planning Template for Kanban-style workflow processes – Source:

Other templates are suitable for spreadsheet-like content workflows…

Content Plan Sample Template -
Prefer working with spreadsheets? Then use a more spreadsheet-like content plan template. Source:

For links to various content planning templates, see the Resources section at the end of this lesson.

3. Create Your Content Plan

As mentioned earlier, there are different approaches you can take to create your content plan.

To keep things simple, we’ll go through the basic steps of creating a content plan that involves the following steps:

  1. Define your goals
  2. Set the content frequency
  3. Choose your content types
  4. Choose your content topics
  5. Choose your content distribution channels
  6. Allocate your resources
  7. Set up your team communications
  8. Choose your content management tools
  9. Set up a content publishing schedule and create a content calendar
  10. Assign tasks and deadlines to members
  11. Create a content measurement plan
  12. Schedule a periodic review of your content plan

Let’s go briefly through each of these steps:

1. Define Your Goals

Think about why you are developing a content plan and why you want to produce content. Knowing your goals will make determining what’s best for your strategy easier and clearer.

Defining goals for your content plan is easier if you have already defined your target audience (including your buyer persona) and performed a content audit to assess and understand your best- and worst-content types.

For a downloadable template that can help you with this step, go here: How To Determine Your SMART Marketing Goals

2. Set Your Content Frequency

“How often should you be publishing new content?”

If you run a news website, you’ll likely need to publish multiple articles a day to keep up with the latest developments. On the other hand, if you’re running a personal blog or a small business, you might only have the capacity to publish once or twice a week or a few times a month.

Also, when it comes to content, more isn’t always better. It’s important to find a balance between producing enough content to keep your audience engaged, but not so much that it becomes overwhelming or low quality.

Consider your audience, your resources, and your goals when determining the frequency of your content. In general, it’s a good idea to find a frequency that can be sustained over the long term. Consistency is key when it comes to content marketing, so it’s better to publish on a regular schedule rather than trying to push out as much content as possible and then burn out.

3. Choose Your Content Types

There are a number of options you can choose to create content, including:

  • Blog posts
  • Videos
  • Social media
  • Emails
  • eBooks
  • Case studies
  • Infographics
  • Podcasts
  • Templates
  • etc.

The type of content you create will depend on how your audience prefers to consume information and which stage they are at in your marketing funnel.

For example, social media posts work well for increasing brand awareness and targeting TOFU (top-of-the-funnel) users, while publishing content using blog posts is more effective at targeting MOFU (middle-of-the-funnel) users and increasing organic search traffic, and email marketing is best used for converting a BOFU (bottom-of-the-funnel) audience who may be ready to buy products and services your business.

Content Plan
Make sure to specify in your content plan what type of content you plan to create, and for what purpose. Source:

For more information on the different content types that you can use in your content marketing strategy, see this lesson: Content Marketing

4. Choose Your Content Topics

“What content should you be writing or talking about?”

Again, this will depend on your goals and audience.

If you’re running a business, you’ll want to focus on topics that are relevant to your products or services. For example, if you sell outdoor gear, you might want to write about hiking, camping, and other outdoor activities.

It’s also a good idea to consider what your audience is interested in. You can use social media polls, surveys, and other tools to get a sense of what your followers want to see more of.

It’s important to consider what your audience is interested in and what will be relevant to them. This can involve researching industry trends, keeping an eye on your competitors, and seeking feedback from your audience. You should also consider what topics align with your business or organization’s goals and values.

5. Choose Your Content Distribution Channels

“How should you be getting your content out into the world?

Content distribution channels are the channels through which content is shared and promoted. There are many channels you can choose to publish and share your content on, depending on your audience and resources.

For example:

Distribution channels can be divided into three main types: owned, earned, and paid.

Content Distribution Channels - HubSpot
Content distribution channels can be owned, paid, or earned. Source: HubSpot

Using one or more of these channels can increase the effectiveness of your published content and help you reach your goals.

It’s important to find the right mix of distribution channels for your business or personal brand. For example, if you’re targeting a younger audience, you might want to focus on social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok. If you’re targeting a more professional audience, LinkedIn might be a better fit.

For more information on using different content channels to distribute and promote your content, see this lesson: Content Distribution

6. Allocate Your Resources

An effective content plan requires allocating both financial and personnel resources.

A budget should be allocated for creating and distributing your content. This may involve hiring writers, designers, and marketers to produce and promote the content.

In addition, your business may need to invest in tools such as a content management system, social media management platforms, and analytics software to effectively manage and measure the success of the content.

Also, personnel resources should be allocated to ensure that all aspects of the content plan are effectively executed.

This may include assigning a dedicated content manager or team to oversee the creation and distribution of the content. Your content team should be composed of individuals with diverse skills such as writing, design, marketing, and analytics, and may even extend to subject experts, experienced authors, and guest contributors.

Your content strategy should provide you with an assessment of business resources and a budget for creating and promoting content using either a dedicated in-house team and/or outsourced resources.

How your business chooses to allocate its resources will have a significant impact on the implementation and execution of your content plan.

For example, if you plan to create articles for your blog, who will write them? Will blog writing be assigned to an employee who is already performing in a different role as an additional responsibility (because your business lacks resources to set up a content team), a dedicated blog writer, an outsourced freelance article writer, or a guest blogger?

Content Team - Organization Chart
What kind of budget does your business have to put a content team together? Click image to enlarge

7. Set Up Your Team Communications

Having a consistent and cohesive content plan is essential for any business or organization looking to effectively communicate with its audience.

However, with multiple teams and stakeholders involved, it can be a challenge to ensure that everyone is on the same page.

Content planning involves extensive communication with stakeholders across different areas of the organization and coordinating and collaborating with your content production team, so it’s important to make sure that you can communicate easily and exchange information promptly and transparently with everyone involved in the process.

First, it’s important to establish clear lines of communication and establish a central point of contact for content-related issues. This could be a content manager or a designated member of the marketing team.

Next, consider setting up regular meetings or check-ins with all relevant teams and stakeholders to discuss the content plan. This can help ensure that everyone is on the same page and can provide an opportunity to address any concerns or issues.

It’s also a good idea to establish clear guidelines and processes for creating and approving content. This can include things like a content calendar, editorial guidelines, and a review and approval process.

Finally, it’s important to choose the right tools to make sure that everyone has access to the latest version of the content plan and can communicate effectively. For example, a document management system.

Most likely your business will have already set up team communication channels (e.g. Slack and email for exchanging information, and Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, or Skype, for live video conference calls and online presentations – especially if your team includes members working remotely), so use these tools and your content production team meetings to keep everyone informed and up-to-date on the progress and any changes or new developments made to your content plan.

8. Choose Your Content Management Tools

If you’re responsible for creating and managing content for your business or organization, it’s important to have the right tools in place to make the process as efficient and effective as possible.

Consider using tools like project management software or a content management system to help coordinate content creation and ensure that everyone has access to the latest version of the content plan.

Project management software helps individuals and teams plan, organize, and manage tasks and resources for projects.

These tools typically include features such as task assignments, calendars, timelines, and communication tools to keep team members on track and informed. They also often include tools for tracking time, expenses, and progress, as well as the ability to generate reports and analytics.

Some popular examples of project management software include, Asana, and Trello. See more project management tools.

A content management system (CMS) is a software application that enables users to create, manage, and publish digital content, typically for websites.

The content could be in form of text, images, audio, and video files. A CMS typically includes a user-friendly interface that allows non-technical users to easily create, edit, and publish content without the need for extensive technical knowledge.

It also provides tools for organizing and categorizing content, and for controlling access and permissions for different users. Some popular examples of CMS include WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla.

Some key considerations when choosing the right content management tools include:

  • Budget: There is a wide range of content management tools available, ranging from free options to more expensive enterprise-level solutions. Determine what you can afford and look for tools that offer the features you need at a price that fits your budget.
  • Your team and their needs: Does your team need a tool that is user-friendly and easy to learn, or are they more tech-savvy and comfortable with more advanced features? Make sure to choose a tool that meets the needs of your team and will be easy for them to use.
  • Your content workflow: Which features do you need to support your content workflow? For example, do you need a tool that allows for collaboration, organization, distribution, and version control, or do you just need something simple to store and organize your content? Make a list of your must-have features and look for a tool that meets those needs.

Don’t be afraid to try out different tools and see what works best for you. It may take some trial and error to find the right fit, but it’s worth the effort to find a tool that makes your content management process as efficient and effective as possible.

9. Set Up A Content Publishing Schedule

A content publishing schedule is an important part of any content marketing strategy. It helps you plan and organize your content in advance, so you can consistently publish high-quality content for your audience.

Whether you are publishing blog posts, social media updates, or videos, having a set schedule for when you release new content can help you stay organized and attract and retain an audience.

An editorial calendar or content calendar lets you organize and schedule all the content your business or organization needs to produce and publish.

See our in-depth lesson on creating an editorial or content calendar here: Editorial Calendar

Establishing a content publishing schedule is only effective if you stick to it. Make sure to set a sustainable content frequency and allocate enough time and resources to create and publish your content on a consistent basis.

10. Assign Tasks And Deadlines To Members

Effective task assignment is an important part of managing a team. It helps ensure that work is completed efficiently and on schedule.

As a  team leader or manager, it’s important to know how to assign tasks and deadlines to your team members in a way that is clear, organized, and fair.

Here are some steps you can follow to effectively assign tasks and deadlines to your team:

Clearly define the task

Make sure to provide clear and detailed descriptions of the task and ensure that everyone on the team understands the expected outcomes. Include any necessary resources or instructions.

Consider each team member’s skills and workload:

Think about which team member is best suited to complete the task and assign the task to the right person.

Consider their current workload and capacity. It’s important to balance the workload among team members to prevent burnout.

Set a realistic deadline

Deadlines help ensure that tasks are completed in a timely manner. Consider how long tasks will take to complete and set deadlines accordingly.

Take into account the complexity of the task and the availability of the team member. It’s important to be realistic about what can be achieved within a certain time frame, as setting unrealistic deadlines can lead to frustration and missed expectations.

If it takes 5 to 7 days to create, review, and approve a comprehensive, well-researched and authoritative article, don’t expect it to be published in two days. It just puts unnecessary pressure on everyone.

Communicate the task and deadline

Make sure to clearly communicate the task and deadlines to the team members in your content brief.

Use team meetings, email, or an online project management tool to follow up and ensure that they understand the task and have everything they need to complete it.

Monitor progress and provide support

Check-in with your team members periodically to make sure the task is on track to be completed by the deadline.

Keep track of their progress and offer assistance and support as needed. This might involve providing additional resources or answering questions.

By following these steps, you can effectively assign tasks and deadlines to your team, helping everyone work together efficiently to ensure that the work is completed efficiently and on schedule.

Create guidelines for assigning tasks

Create guidelines for assigning tasks to members that include the points mentioned above and add these guidelines to your team’s workflow documentation.

11. Create a Content Measurement And Content ROI Plan

A content strategy requires a way to measure the performance of all content created to help the business achieve its overall objectives. This is necessary to justify both the investment (i.e. budget) and the methods used to create and distribute content.

The content plan is where you formulate a plan to measure your content performance in terms of meeting strategic goals and content marketing ROI.

Measuring content performance typically involves analyzing metrics such as engagement (e.g. likes, shares, comments), traffic (e.g. page views, unique visitors), lead generation (e.g. email signups, demo requests), conversions, bounce rate, etc.

To measure content ROI, you need to track the revenue generated from your content marketing activities and compare it to the costs associated with creating and promoting the content.

For example, if your company spends $5,000 on creating and promoting a blog post and that post generated $10,000 in revenue from leads generated, the content ROI would be 100%.

Another example is A/B testing for website landing pages. You can measure the conversion rate of the different versions of the landing page, and see which one performed better in terms of lead generation or sales.

It is also important to track and measure your content’s performance over time. You can do this using analytics tools such as Google Analytics and social media analytics to track engagement and traffic, and by monitoring lead generation metrics such as email signups, demo requests, and sales.

Learn more about content metrics and content tracking.

Meeting Strategic Goals

A content measurement plan provides an objective way that everyone in the organization can use to:

  • Measure the success and effectiveness of its content strategies based on setting KPIs and identifying metrics,
  • Make more informed decisions about the content channels and methods being used, and
  • Identify areas that need addressing or gaps that need filling.
Content Measurement Plan
A content measurement plan lets you know if you are meeting your content goals. Source: CSR

For more details on how to create and implement a plan to meet strategic content goals, see this article: How To Create A Content Measurement Plan

Return On Investment

A plan for measuring the return on investment of your content involves:

1. Calculating how much was spent producing the content.
2: Figuring out the cost to distribute the content.
3: Working out how much the content generated in revenue.
4: Calculating the content marketing ROI.

How To Calculate Content Marketing ROI
Content Marketing ROI formula. Source: OptinMonster

For more details on how to create this 4-step formula, see this excellent article: How To Measure Your Content Marketing ROI

12. Schedule A Periodic Review Of Your Content Plan

The last step is to schedule a periodic review of your content plan (e.g. quarterly, half-yearly, annually) to make sure that everything set out in the plan is progressing along, that all strategic goals are being met, and to figure out how to improve things if goals are not being met.

Make sure to include content reviews as part of your periodic content plan review.

Content Planning Challenges

While content planning helps your business to identify the goals, topics, and formats of the content that will be created and is a crucial step in the content creation process, it can also present some challenges.

Here are some of the challenges of content planning:

  1. Setting clear goals: Setting clear and measurable goals for the content can be challenging, as it requires a good understanding of the target audience, the industry, and the business objectives.
  2. Identifying relevant topics: Identifying relevant topics that will engage the target audience and align with the goals of the content can be challenging, as it requires a good understanding of the audience’s interests, pain points, and industry trends.
  3. Content format: Deciding on the format of the content that will be created can be challenging, as it requires understanding the audience’s preferences and the goals of the content.
  4. Scheduling: Scheduling the content creation and publishing process can be challenging, as it requires balancing the need for timely and relevant content with the resources and capabilities of the team.
  5. Collaboration: Collaborating with different teams and stakeholders can be challenging, as it requires effective communication and coordination to ensure that the content aligns with the overall goals and objectives of the organization.
  6. Budgeting: Allocating the necessary budget for the content creation process can be challenging, as it requires balancing the costs with the expected return on investment.
  7. Measuring success: Measuring the success of the content can be challenging, as it requires tracking metrics such as engagement, traffic, and conversion rates, and then using that data to improve future content planning.

As you can see, content planning requires a good understanding of your target audience, your industry, and your business objectives, as well as effective communication and coordination between all members of your content team.

Content Planning Checklist

  • Define goals and objectives: Clearly define the goals and objectives for the content, such as increasing brand awareness or driving website traffic.
  • Audience research: Conduct research to understand the demographics, interests, and pain points of your target audience. This will help inform the topics and tone of your content.
  • Competitive research: Analyze the content of your competitors to understand what topics and formats are resonating with your target audience and how you can differentiate your content.
  • Topic generation: Generate a list of potential topics for your content, based on your audience research and competitive analysis.
  • Content calendar: Create a content calendar that outlines the topics, formats, and publishing schedule for your content. This will help you stay organized and ensure a consistent flow of content.
  • Format and medium: Determine the format and medium that best suits your content and audience, such as blog posts, videos, podcasts, or infographics.
  • Keyword research: Research keywords related to your content topics to optimize for search engines and increase visibility.
  • Content creation: Create the content using the information gathered in the previous steps.
  • Review and approval: Review and get approval from relevant stakeholders before publishing
  • Promote and distribute: Develop a plan to promote and distribute your content through various channels such as social media, email, and paid advertising.
  • Measure and analyze: Use analytics tools to measure the success of your content and gather insights for future planning.

Content Planning – FAQs

Here are frequently asked questions about content planning:

What is content planning?

Content planning involves the strategic development of content ideas, scheduling of content creation, and distribution across various channels to meet specific business objectives.

How does content planning differ from content strategy?

Content planning focuses on the operational aspects such as ideation, scheduling, and distribution. Content strategy defines the overall goals, audience targeting, and metrics for success.

Why is content planning important?

It ensures that content creation aligns with marketing goals, maximizes resource efficiency, and enhances the ability to engage and convert specific audiences.

What are the steps involved in content planning?

Identify goals, understand your audience, brainstorm content ideas, create a content calendar, produce and distribute content, and analyze results.

What are the benefits of using a content management system in content planning?

A CMS helps manage digital content, allows for easy updates, multiple user access, and provides tools for SEO and analytics tracking.

How do you choose the right content management system (CMS) for content planning?

Assess your needs based on the type of content, user-friendliness, scalability, integration capabilities, and cost.

How can content planning impact audience engagement?

Effective content planning ensures that the content is relevant, timely, and engaging to the audience, which boosts interaction and retention.

What role does content planning play in SEO?

It helps in targeting relevant keywords, organizing content for easy navigation, and updating content regularly to improve search engine rankings.

How often should you revise your content plan?

Regularly review and adjust your content plan based on performance metrics, audience feedback, and evolving business goals, typically quarterly or biannually.

What are some common challenges in content planning?

Challenges include maintaining consistency, measuring effectiveness, keeping content fresh and relevant, and aligning with dynamic market conditions.


A content plan ensures that every piece of content you create is aligned with your content strategy and flows through the right stages in the right order, to the right people in order to meet strategic objectives.

Using a content plan template and a content calendar allows your business to execute its content plan while getting stakeholder feedback at the right times, and ensuring that everyone on the team can collaborate and see how each piece of content is progressing along.

Content planning also has challenges. Understanding your target audience, your industry, and your business objectives, and maintaining effective communication and coordination between the members of your content team can help your business overcome these challenges.

Action Steps

Follow the steps in this lesson and use the simple checklist below to create a content plan for your business:

  • Define your audience: Identify the demographics and psychographics of the people you want to target with your content. Understanding your audience will help you create content that resonates with them.
  • Set your goals: Determine what you want to achieve with your content. Goals can include increasing website traffic, generating leads, boosting brand awareness, or improving engagement on social media.
  • Research your competitors: Look at what other businesses in your industry are doing with their content. This can give you an idea of what has worked well in the past, and what strategies you might want to avoid.
  • Identify your topics: Choose the topics you will create content around. This might include product- or service-related information, industry news, or thought leadership pieces.
  • Plan your content: Decide on the content type (e.g. blog post, video, podcast, infographics) and schedule when you will publish it.
  • Create a distribution plan: Outline the channels you will use to distribute your content. For example, you might use social media, email marketing, or paid advertising.
  • Measure and evaluate: Create a content measurement plan. Define key metrics and implement content tracking methods to track the success of your content and regularly evaluate your results. Use this information to optimize your content and distribution strategy over time.



The articles below contain additional information that you may find useful to complete this lesson:

Next Lesson

The list below contains all the lessons included in this module:

Content Planning

Content Planning

Learn how to create a content plan and manage your content planning process effectively to meet your organization's strategic outcomes.
Content Roadmap

Content Roadmap

Learn how to create a content roadmap to help streamline your content marketing strategy.
Content Ideas

Content Ideas

Here is a long list of content ideas and content topics to help you with your next content project.
Mind Mapping

Mind Mapping

Use mind mapping to streamline your content planning and content creation process.
Evergreen Content

Evergreen Content

Evergreen content remains relevant and valuable over time. Learn about various types of evergreen content you can create for your organization.
Managing Content Ideas

Managing Your Content Ideas

Learn how to set up a simple and effective system for generating, storing, organizing, and managing your content ideas.
Content Research

Content Research

Learn how to perform effective content research before investing time and effort into creating content for your business. 
Editorial Calendar

Editorial Calendar

Learn how to create, use, and manage an editorial calendar, and how it can help with your content planning, scheduling, and production.
Content Linking Planning Tips For Large Content Projects

Linking Content On Multiple Web Pages

How do you interlink content across many web pages when the content on those pages hasn't even been written yet? Here's how...
Content Planning Automation

Content Planning Automation

Streamline your content planning process and maximize your team's productivity with content planning automation.
Content Organizing Tools

Content Organizing Tools

Content-organizing and note-taking apps to help you stay on top of your tasks and boost your productivity.


Image: Man writing.

Content Reviews

Content reviews are the best way to ensure that you stay on top of managing your existing content as your digital presence grows.

Content Reviews

Content reviews are the best way to ensure that you stay on top of managing your existing content as your digital presence grows.

Content Reviews - Man with laptopContent reviews are a vitally important part of effective content management.

In this lesson, we look at why, when, and how to conduct periodic content reviews to ensure that your content remains in alignment with your content strategy.


What Are Content Reviews?

Content reviews are the process of evaluating and checking the quality and relevance of the content on your website or other digital platforms.

Why Do Content Reviews?

The goal of a content review is to ensure that your content is accurate, up-to-date, and relevant to your target audience and that it aligns with your company’s brand and messaging.

As mentioned in the overview lesson of the Content Management module of this course, effective content management involves managing both the production of new content and the management of existing content in your business.

Managing your existing content and making sure that it not only remains up-to-date and relevant to your audience but is also aligned with your content strategy is an ongoing process.

This process becomes even more necessary as your digital presence grows and more new content is added, giving you more existing content to manage.

The solution is to implement an effective and periodic content review process.

Content Review spreadsheet.
Performing in-depth content reviews is a vitally important part of effective content management.

Content Reviews Goals And Objectives

The goals and objectives of performing regular content reviews include:

  • Ensure accuracy and credibility: This goal aims to ensure that all the content and information presented on your website is accurate, credible, up-to-date, and relevant to your target audience. Examples include fact-checking, verifying and citing sources, and updating outdated information.
  • Improve readability and clarity: This goal focuses on making sure the content is easy to read, understand, engage with, and user-friendly. Examples include using simple language, breaking up content into smaller sections, and using headings, subheadings, and formatting to improve readability.
  • Remove duplicate or low-value content: This goal aims to remove duplicate or low-value content that can dilute the user’s experience. Examples include identifying and removing duplicate content, consolidating similar content, and removing irrelevant or low-value content.
  • Increase search engine visibility: This goal focuses on improving your website’s search engine rankings in order to drive more organic traffic. Examples include optimizing meta tags, adding keywords, creating high-quality helpful content, and ensuring that your content is well-structured.
  • Increase user engagement: This goal focuses on making the content more engaging and interactive to increase user engagement. Examples include using multimedia and interactive elements and encouraging user feedback and comments.
  • Ensure consistency and brand alignment: This goal aims to ensure that all content is consistent with your brand’s voice, tone, and style. Examples include creating a style guide, reviewing for consistency in voice and the use of branding elements, and ensuring that all images and videos align with your brand.
  • Improve website navigation: This goal focuses on making your website easy for users to navigate and find the content they are looking for. Examples include creating a clear and consistent website structure, improving website navigation, reviewing for broken links, and ensuring that all pages are linked and that all links are working correctly.
  • Address user feedback: This goal aims to address any user feedback or complaints and make necessary changes to improve the website. Examples include monitoring social media and website comments, reviewing user feedback, and making changes based on user feedback.
  • Monitor analytics to identify gaps: This goal focuses on monitoring your website’s analytics to gain insights into user behavior, improve performance, and identify gaps in the content. Examples include setting up Google Analytics, setting up tracking codes, tracking website traffic, monitoring bounce rates, and regularly monitoring and analyzing website metrics.
  • Improve accessibility: This goal aims to make your website and web content accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. Examples include reviewing for accessibility issues, providing alternative text for images, using captioning and transcripts for videos, and using semantic HTML.

The Content Review Process

During a content review, you or a member of your content team should go through all of the content on your website and check for errors, inconsistencies, and areas that need improvement.

This may include fact-checking, verifying sources, and updating outdated information. Your team should also check for readability, user engagement, and how well your content is optimized for search engines.

Performing a content review may include different steps such as:

  • Identifying the content that needs to be reviewed.
  • Assigning a team or individual to perform the review.
  • Setting up a schedule for the review.
  • Reviewing the content and making notes and recommendations.
  • Implementing changes and updates to the content.
  • Testing the changes and monitoring the results.

Developing Your Content Review Process

Before you can embark on a proper review of your existing content, make sure that you already have your Content Strategy and Content Production systems in place.

Without these systems, you won’t know what you are aiming toward or how to get there.

Once these systems are in place, the next step is to conduct a thorough Content Audit of your existing content.

This would result in a document listing every existing item of content in your business that is used to grow your business.


Note: To make this lesson practical, we’ll confine our Content Audit examples to website content only and use screenshots generated from the author’s work as the blog editor of a technology company’s website.

What Exactly Are You Reviewing?

Before we look at how to run a content review, let’s briefly review exactly what you should be looking at when reviewing your content.

You know that your content has to meet the following criteria:

  1. Provide your target audience what they are looking for.
  2. Provide search engines what they are looking for.
  3. Provide your business what it is looking for.

So, your content review is about ensuring that:

  1. Your target audience will find your content to be 100% valuable, useful, informative, up-to-date, and accurate, and turn to your site for solutions to their questions, problems, and needs.
  2. Search engines will find your content to be authoritative and 100% relevant to what users are searching for, and reward you with content that ranks increasingly higher in their search results, and delivers you consistent organic traffic.
  3. Your business will achieve its strategic objectives, e.g. get more leads, sales, and conversions using content.

To achieve the above, the focus of your content review should be to make sure that all of the areas listed below deliver the best possible results when users and search engines land on your content:

  • Article outlines and structures make complete sense to readers and are fully optimized for search engines.
  • Headlines are compelling and lead to users clicking through to the rest of the article.
  • The introductory section describes succinctly what the content is all about and what readers can expect to gain from reading it.
  • Articles have a clickable table of contents. Readers can jump to the section they are interested in quickly.
  • The content structure is skimmable. Readers can quickly understand what the article is all about.
  • Stats, references, and citations are accurate and up-to-date.
  • The content is readable and easy to comprehend.
  • Internal links lead to useful and relevant content.
  • Graphics add value to users.
  • CTA used in the content has proven to convert well.
  • The content matches the overall query intent of the user.
  • Reading the content aloud makes perfect sense.
  • Content has been fact-checked by a subject matter expert (SME).

For details on each of the above areas, see this article: 13 Ways To Review Content For SEO To Rank Faster

Now that you know what you should be looking for in your content, let’s look at how to set up and run effective content reviews.

Your Content Audit Results

One of the most effective ways to document and present your content audit results is to use a spreadsheet.

You can add as much detail to your Content Audit spreadsheet as you like, but we recommend adding two distinct sections to your audit after listing all of your content items (one per row):

SEO Analysis

Create columns to record the results of all of your meaningful content SEO metrics for each content item, e.g.:

  • Content analysis metrics
  • Keyword performance metrics
  • Traffic performance metrics
  • Engagement metrics
  • Conversion metrics

SEO performance metrics are important because any changes you make to your content can impact your SEO results.

Incidentally, this also makes things more challenging when it comes to making decisions to improve your content.

For example, what happens if improving your content results in lower search rankings, less traffic, or fewer conversions?

Content Analysis

In this section, add columns where you simply indicate with an “X” which action you recommend taking for each post/article as you go through and review these.

For example:

  1. Trash – Select this column if you are going to trash the article (because it has no traffic, no backlinks, the content is obsolete, etc.).
  2. Redirect – Select this column if you are going to redirect visitors landing on this article to another article. For more information on redirecting articles, see further below.
  3. Fix – If most of the content is fine but there are some minor glaring issues (e.g. spelling or grammatical errors, a sentence or paragraph that should be removed or added, links that need to point to different pages, etc.) and it would take no more than 15-30 minutes to fix this, then mark the item as a “quick fix” (or just fix it on the spot).
  4. Update – If sections of the content are outdated, irrelevant, or obsolete and it would take more than an hour or so to fix these, the item may need to be scheduled for an update.
  5. Rewrite – If the topic is worth preserving but the content contains mostly outdated, irrelevant, or obsolete information that would require a complete rewrite to fix, then the item may need to be scheduled for a rewrite.
  6. Leave As Is – If the content is fine and performing well, you may simply want to leave it as is. Or, this could be an old announcement post where the content is outdated but has historical value for the company and so the decision is to leave it as it is.
  7. Query – Select this column if you are not sure what to do with the article and need to consult other members of your team (e.g. an editor, SEO analyst, product manager, etc.
  8. Comments – Use this column to add notes if you feel a need to further explain your rationale for why you recommend taking such an action or record important things about the item to keep in mind.

Once you have added this information to your audit document, assigned members of your team can then go through each piece of content, review, classify, and make recommendations, and decision-makers can then act on those recommendations in alignment with your content strategy.

Example: Blog Post Audit

Below is a screenshot taken from a section of a content audit performed for a popular technology blog containing over 3,000+ published posts.

Blog post audit spreadsheet
Blog post audit spreadsheet. Source: WPMU DEV

This blog generates millions of visits each year and ranks for tens of thousands of industry-related keywords.

As no content audit had previously been done on the company’s blog, this was a massive project, so here’s how we made it doable:

First, we divided all the blog articles into the years they were published (e.g. 2010, 2011, 2012, etc.), all the way to the present year.

We then added these posts to worksheets for each year and assigned these worksheets to each content team member to review.

Blog Audit - Worksheets
Blog posts were assigned to worksheets in the audit spreadsheet according to the year they were published.

Use Color Schemes

Next, we agreed on a color-coding scheme to make it easier to determine ‘at-a-glance’, the status of each content item, and what (if any) action was required.

For example:

  • Green: Completed. This item has either already been fixed, reviewed, and approved by the blog editor or another role assigned the responsibility of making a final decision. In other words, this item’s action is completed and there is nothing else to do.
  • Yellow: Currently Being Worked On.  This item has been scheduled for a quick fix, update, or rewrite, scheduled to a writer, and is currently being worked on.
  • Orange: Fixed – Needs Review. This item has been worked on and just needs someone to review it. If everything is ok, then the item gets marked green (i.e. completed).
  • Pink: Has Problems That Need Addressing. If a member assigned the task of reviewing this content item can’t decide what should be done with the article, then they tick the “Query” column for that item, add their notes in the “Comments” column, and highlight the item row in pink before moving onto the next item.
  • Blue: Redirection. The content reviewer has determined that this item should be redirected to another article or blog post. Here are the criteria used to make a redirection decision: if the old article has significant traffic and backlinks but the content is too outdated, irrelevant, or beyond saving, and there is a similar article or post that visitors can be redirected to, then it’s best to redirect this post to the other post. The reviewer should then add the suggested destination article to redirect this post to in the “Comments” section.

You can assign whichever review criteria you want to assign to content items.

In larger companies, different departments or teams may choose to create their own criteria and assign their own color schemes to mean different actions.

In this case, we recommend documenting this using the spreadsheet’s comments feature so that the color code explanations are viewable by hovering over each column header.

Color code explanation added to Status column
You can add your color code explanation to the Audit spreadsheet’s Status column and make it viewable as a tooltip.

In fact, we recommend adding comments to all the column headings in your spreadsheets so there is no confusion about what your content team is required to do. This is another great way to document your workflow processes.

Adding comments to Excel spreadsheet
Adding comments to spreadsheet column headers is a great way to document your workflow processes.

Divide Large Tasks Into Smaller Projects

When performing a complex review or content audit for the first time, you may want to break the task down into smaller projects.

For example, some of your subtasks may include:

  • Review article URLs to improve SEO or check if content can be made evergreen (to save having to update it again).
  • Review content images for licensed use of media (to avoid licensing/copyright infringements) meta descriptions for SEO (e.g. image alt tags), etc.
  • Check if articles have consistent elements (e.g. featured images, correctly formatted sections, a table of content with jump links, calls-to-action, etc.)
  • Replace product or brand names, links to outdated products, update/remove pricing information, etc.

You can create as many subtasks as you like by simply adding new worksheets to your spreadsheet and populating each worksheet’s rows and columns with the information you need to review.

Worksheet tabs
Add new worksheet tabs for content review subtasks.

In the example we are looking at in this lesson, any time the content team is asked to review and change something throughout the blog (e.g. change links from the paid version of some products to their free version), a new worksheet is created specifically for handling that subtask.

Assign Priority Codes

After creating your main task spreadsheet (or subtask worksheet), you can assign priority codes to a column if you need to further segment the task into tasks that are urgent and should be worked on immediately vs non-urgent items that can be worked on when there is some spare time or items that will take longer to resolve.

For example, you could create a “Solution” or “Recommendation” column and assign a 1-2-3 priority code to items as follows:

  1. Work on these immediately (quick wins, e.g. a quick fix or update). These may be assigned to high-traffic or high-converting articles containing wrong information or content that is outdated, irrelevant, or obsolete.
  2. Schedule these into workflow (require more time, e.g. a content rewrite)
  3. Loads of issues or problems (carefully review and assess these items before going any further).
Content review spreadsheet - Solution column with task prioritization.
Add a column to your content review spreadsheet to prioritize tasks if required.

As you review each item, add notes in the “Comments” column when appropriate or necessary. These notes will not only help you remember why you made the recommendation but it also helps others to understand the rationale behind your recommendation and to take over the project if required.

Content review spreadsheet - Notes column
Add a “Notes” column to your review spreadsheet where team members can jot down notes, comments, reminders, and recommendations.

Classify Your Content

If you are performing a content audit for the first time, it may also help to review and classify your content into main categories and subcategories.

This will help your business understand and identify:

  • What content topics you have (or have not) already published content about.
  • Which industry or niche topics to focus on for improving SEO rankings.
  • How many articles have been written on a similar or related topic (and checked for duplicate content or consolidated into authoritative articles).
  • How to better organize your content for SEO using silos, topic clusters, pillar pages, internal linking, etc.
  • Missing gaps in your overall content plan and new content opportunities.
Content review spreadsheet - Categorizing content
Content reviews provide a great opportunity to review and reorganize your content categories.

As you work on the review process, you can schedule content updates and rewrites (or new content projects) based on its recommendations.

This also gives you an opportunity to make sure that your existing content and any future scheduled work are aligned with your strategic objectives.

Additional Review Tasks

Here are some additional tasks (and subtasks) you may want to include in your Content Review (create separate worksheets for these if required and prioritize accordingly):

Check For Broken & Suspicious Links

Broken links not only deter visitors from staying on and returning to your site, but they can also negatively impact your search engine rankings.

Also, suspicious links can cause serious harm through malware or phishing.

You can check for broken links using tools that will not only automate the process and save you time by scanning all the URLs on your site but also allow you to export the results.

Dr. Link Check
Broken links in your content can impact your search results. Use broken link-checking tools to help you fix this.

For tools that can help you check and fix broken links, go here:

Use Evergreen Content URLs

While not all the content you create will be “evergreen,” you can avoid creating long-term problems by making sure that your article URLs are evergreen.

For example, everything looks fine in the article below. The article URL (10-plugins-to-improve-your-wordpress-pages) matches the article title (10 Plugins to Improve Your WordPress Pages).

Matching blog URL and blog title
This blog URL matches the blog title, but…

The problem is that as time goes by, your content may change.

With the listicle below, for example, several years after it was published, many of the items covered in the article no longer exist or are no longer available, so the content was updated.

Now the article’s URL (120-free-premium-wordpress-themes) doesn’t reflect the title (60+ Free Premium WordPress Themes) or the content that visitors may expect to see after clicking from a link with the original URL to the updated content.

Screenshot of original article URL highlighted showing a different number of items than is written in the article.
Visitors clicking through to the article may get confused or disappointed to find that the content contains a different number of items than shown in the article’s URL.

The solution is to make the article’s URL “evergreen” so that regardless of how often the content changes, it won’t affect the users’ experience or require the web address to be updated.

Blog post with evergreen URL highlighted.
The content of this post can change as often as needed…adding more or fewer items to this article won’t affect its URL or visitors’ experience!

This is not only a good content SEO practice, but it will also save you time making changes to the content in the future.

To keep your article URLs evergreen, therefore, it’s best to avoid wherever possible using words in the post slug that will create issues if/when your content changes.

For example:

  • Amounts, Numbers, Quantities, etc.: e.g. use best-burger-restaurants-foodsville instead of the-best-14-burger-restaurants-in-foodsville. You can now promote as many burger restaurants as you want in your article regardless of how many new restaurants you remove or add to the list.
  • Dates: e.g. use best-air-fryer-recipes instead of best-air-fryer-recipes-2022. Keeping the post URL generic allows you to update your list and change the article’s title every year to keep it relevant without creating any problems.
  • New, Launched, Released, etc.: e.g. use portable-brand-name-coffee-maker instead of new-portable-brand-name-coffee-maker-released. This keeps your article’s URL relevant long after the newly launched product or service stops being “new”.

Redirect Trashed Posts

If you consolidate the content of two or more blog posts into one new article (e.g. to make it more comprehensive and authoritative), you may want to trash the old posts to prevent duplicate content.

A good practice when trashing old posts or changing URLs is to create a 301 Redirect. This automatically redirects any visitors clicking on the old URL to the new article location and instructs search engines to follow the new URL whenever they come across the old URL.

If your site uses WordPress, you can use a plugin like Redirection to easily add and manage URL redirects.

WordPress plugin - Redirection
WordPress lets you easily manage URL redirections using a plugin.

Using tools to manage redirections is especially useful if you have an established web presence with thousands of published posts and trashed posts.

Screenshot of Posts table with Trash menu highlighted showing thousands of trashed posts.
A redirection tool can help you manage thousands of redirected links and trashed post URLs.

Check For Design Consistency

Another subtask you can add to your content reviews is to skim through the page and check for consistent design elements as you review each article or blog post.

Some elements you can check include:

  • Featured images (e.g. hero banners)
  • Content images (e.g. size: too small or too large, visibility: are there errors preventing images from displaying on the page? content: is the image showing incorrect, irrelevant, or outdated information?)
  • Media (e.g. check that videos are not displaying a “this video has been removed and is no longer available” message.)
  • Calls-to-action (CTAs) – e.g. Is the content promoting an expired offer or a product that you no longer sell?
  • Other: e.g. check pricing information, the presence of broken code, etc.

For example, during our content review of the technology blog, we noticed that many older posts were missing feature banners.

On this particular blog, banner images display above the article’s title.

Screenshot of a blog post with feature banner image missing.
This blog post is missing a featured image above the Post title.

It’s easier to check for things like missing featured images while conducting the content review, so here’s how to address this issue.

First, add a new column to your main Content Review spreadsheet or create a subtask worksheet (or even a separate spreadsheet altogether) to track articles that need design elements to be fixed (e.g. create a post banner, fix media problems like embedded videos that no longer play or have been removed, etc.).

Spreadsheet: Create new featured images for blog posts.
Create a new subtask using a spreadsheet.

Since you are already looking at the article, it should only take you a few additional seconds to notice something blatantly wrong or missing as you go through and review each content item and record it on your subtask list as a “to-do”.

Screenshot of a blog post with missing feature banner image.
Once you notice something missing on the page, even if you can’t see it, you can’t unsee it!

In this example (and as explained in the Workflow Documentation lesson), we work with a team of illustrators, so whenever article banners are required:

  • The person assigned to review the article adds the task to the “Banner required” spreadsheet, creates a task in the content production workflow tool (Jira), and pings the design team channel using the work communication tool (Slack) to notify them that a new job has been created.
  • Design team members work out amongst themselves who is available to take on the assignment. This is then noted on the spreadsheet using a color-coding system.
  • When the artwork has been created, the illustrator then provides a download link to the Design team’s artwork folder (Google Drive).
  • The team member who requested the artwork then uploads the banner to the article and marks the task as done on the subtask spreadsheet.
Screenshot of blog post with featured image added.
This old blog post now has a new banner image.

The content team member responsible for performing quality checks reviews the subtask spreadsheet periodically and clicks on each article link marked as “done” to make sure that each task has been completed successfully (i.e. check that a new banner has been added to the post) and did not get accidentally skipped or missed during the process.

This quality check also involves making sure that the artwork is visually suitable for the article topic, and consistent with branding guidelines, dimensions, resolution, etc.).

Blog post with featured banner image
Use content reviews to check for consistency in your content’s design and essential elements like CTAs, formatting, etc.

Check Meta Content

While conducting the content review, it’s also important to perform certain content SEO checks, like:

  • Images: Check images for alt tags, captions, etc. (and either fix or improve anything that needs fixing on the spot or make a note in the comments section)
  • Content Formatting: Check for correctly formatted section headings (e.g. H1-H6)
  • Other: e.g. check for the presence of a Table of Contents with jump links to section headings.
WordPress Media Library: Image meta fields.
Check images for alt tags and captions and fix or improve these wherever possible.

Check For Compliance Issues

If you outsource your content writing to external agencies, freelance writers, guest authors, etc. it’s important to make sure that your content is not going to get your site penalized by search engines or even get you into legal issues (e.g. copyright infringements, unauthorized use of images, etc.)

While conducting this kind of review can be quite elaborate and time-consuming, there are some things you can check for that won’t take as long, such as:

  • Make sure stock images are licensed: If your content uses stock images, make sure that you have the rights to use these in your content. If you can’t find the license or attribution or have any doubts about an image, it’s best to remove it from your content or replace it with an image that you do have the right to use and can prove if asked to do so.
  • Delete suspicious/spammy links: Unless you have entered into a prior agreement with the article writer, check and remove links that aren’t relevant, don’t make sense in the overall context of the content, or links that just shouldn’t be there (e.g. someone else’s promotional or affiliate links).
  • Disclaimers & Compliance – If your content does include affiliate links (e.g. Amazon), AdSense ads, etc. make sure that everything on your page complies not only with the policies of 3rd-party advertisers but also with state, federal, and legal requirements, such as adding disclaimers for site users, GDPR notices, etc.
Screenshot of WordPress content editor with image about to be removed.
Make sure that you have the rights to use stock images in your content.

For a list of sources where you can find images to use in your content, see this article: Where To Find Free & Royalty-Free Images For Your Content

Check Externally-Hosted Content

If your site displays content hosted on external sites (e.g. embedded media, applications, code snippets, etc.), it’s important to make sure that:

  • The 3rd-party service is active and operational,
  • The embedded content is working normally
  • You have access to the external service account

Having access to the external account hosting your content is very important and should not be overlooked during the content review process.

For example, if we go back to the technology blog we’ve been using as an example in this lesson, some of the articles on the blog feature snippets of code.

Sometimes, these code snippets are added as regular content with some special formatting to make it stand out from the rest of the article’s content, as shown in the screenshot below.

Code snippet added to content as regular content.
Here is a code snippet added to the content as regular content…

Other times, however, code snippets are hosted externally and added to the blog’s content via a script or shortcode.

This is fine, except for the fact that previous blog writers who no longer work for the company had:

  1. Set up accounts under their own names on these external services, then
  2. Created the code snippets within their own accounts, and
  3. Added this content to the blog articles via shortcodes linked to their own accounts.
Example of a Github gist hosted on the content writer's account.
This content is hosted externally and embedded from the account of an author who no longer works for the company.

Most of the company’s previous writers had followed this method, putting every externally-hosted snippet of code on the blog in peril.

While it’s completely understandable why the article writers would have done this (many were guest writers and it’s easier for them to work inside their own accounts when writing their articles), what this means is that if any code in any of the snippets embedded in the blog needs editing, the company’s content team cannot access the snippets to make the necessary changes on their own content because they don’t control or have access to those accounts.

So, if the original author(s), who are no longer with the company (and who may not be contactable) decide to either close or deactivate their account, then managing articles containing their embedded content becomes a serious issue for the company.

Example of a Github gist.
If this user closes his or her account, this content may need to be recreated from scratch.

The recommended solution was for the company to create its own account with the 3rd-party service, transfer all the code snippets found on its blog to its account, then replace all the embedding shortcodes found in all blog articles with their own shortcodes.

GitHub Gist account
The company created its own account with the content-hosting service so all existing code snippets on its blog could be transferred from other users’ accounts.

As you can imagine, with thousands of published articles on the blog, this was quite an undertaking. It required a new and separate review of all the blog articles containing the embedded shortcode for this service.

Following the same content review process, we created a new worksheet for this subtask and assigned team members to go through and transfer all the content from the previous writers’ accounts to the company’s account.

Content Review Spreadsheet- partially completed.
Reviewing content may not be the highlight of a content manager’s life, but it definitely plays a big part in it!

After completing the transfer of content from a previous writer’s account to the company’s account and replacing the code snippet shortcode on the blog article, the team member marked the item as fixed and highlighted the item’s row in yellow.

Another team member then checked the articles highlighted in yellow to make sure that everything looked ok.

Gist moved to site owner's account
This content snippet was transferred successfully to the blog owner’s account.

After confirming that the content transfer was performed successfully, the item was then highlighted on the spreadsheet as green.

Checking the source of an embedded code snippet.
Every content snippet on the blog was checked to confirm that it was transferred to the site owner’s account.

This process continued until all items on the spreadsheet had been completed, checked, and marked as done.

Content review spreadsheet with all rows highlighted in green.
All code snippets were transferred successfully. This review is done!


If you use WordPress and need help adding scripts and codes to content, see this tutorial on How To Add Scripts And Code To WordPress Posts And Pages.

Create A Content Review System

If planned and executed correctly, your Content Review document (e.g. a spreadsheet or other tool) becomes your master blueprint, allowing you to perform future content audits, reviews, and performance assessments against defined metrics more easily.

Initially, it’s a lot of work to get all this done, but it will save a lot of time in the future. It will also allow your business to make better (i.e. more strategic) decisions about your content and adapt faster to any changes affecting your business moving forward.

Content Review Setup

You can stay on top of the tasks and subtasks associated with performing a content review by:

Scheduling Content Reviews

When and how often should you schedule content reviews?

Ideally, you should perform an initial content audit and then aim to do a periodic review of your content at least once a year.

The schedule for reviewing content that will work best for your organization, however, really depends on:

  • How much existing content you have already published
  • How much new content you are currently publishing or plan to publish
  • What kind of content your organization publishes (i.e. cornerstone, gated, evolving)
  • How much of your content is currently outdated, irrelevant, inaccurate, or obsolete
  • What resources are available to conduct a thorough content review and implement its findings.

Also, keep in mind that the process described in this lesson works for both periodic (i.e. repeated regularly) and one-time reviews.

One-Time Reviews

One-time reviews are done when your organization requires global changes to be made to your content or some form of “search and replace” across your entire site or a section of it.

Examples of this are:

  • Pricing changes (e.g. update or remove pricing information across your site)
  • Replace product/service/brand name changes or descriptions
  • Replace or remove calls-to-action, expired offers, etc.
  • Check for broken or suspicious links, specific content sections, design elements, offers or text added manually to content, content belonging to specific topics, categories, authors, etc.

Periodic Reviews

Periodic content reviews are designed to ensure that your content is being maintained up to standards.

Examples of regular reviews include:

  • Complete or partial content audits to check if the content is up-to-date, relevant, and accurate for its intended audience.
  • SEO reviews (e.g. analyze the Top 20 most visited/best-converting articles each month for content and SEO improvements).
  • Spam comment checking – this can be done daily, weekly, at the start and end of the week, etc.
Spam Comment Checking

If you plan to allow site visitors to leave comments on your blog posts, you are opening yourself up to receiving — and having to deal with — comment spam.

Comment spam can negatively impact your content SEO.

For this reason, we recommend taking the following into account when developing a process for reviewing and handling spam comments:

  • Is it Spam? Sometimes it’s difficult to assess whether comments and replies left on blog posts are actually spam or not. You will need to define which kinds of comments are ok to leave posted and which should be deleted from your posts.
  • Is it technical? Make sure to work out how to respond to comments left on your blog that require a reply from someone with technical knowledge about your products or services.  This may involve reaching out to your technical team for a reply or asking technical members of your team to reply directly.
  • Is it content related? Does the comment or reply relate to the topic of the article? Or did the commenter simply find an opportunity to inject a spam comment?
  • Who should reply? Who is responsible for replying to comments left on your blog posts? Should the post’s author or the customer support team reply? What if the original post author no longer works for your company?
  • How quickly should you reply? After defining who replies to comments left on articles the next is to work out the maximum acceptable period for leaving comments unanswered (e.g. 48 hrs).

Once you have defined the above process, make sure to document it and add it as part of your content management documentation.

Content Review Process

Here is a suggested process to make the content review simple and systematic:

We recommend you start the process by performing a thorough content audit listing all of your content items on a spreadsheet or other tool where you/your team will then record key information about each item.

Next, distribute and assign the work to those who are able to participate. Make sure to document what you are asking your team to review and assess either in the tool itself (e.g. using descriptive column names, tooltips, etc.) or in a shareable guide or document.

When team members review and assess each item, they should enter their recommendations by placing letters or marks in columns (e.g. “x” or ticking checkboxes if you want to add these), use color codes, assign priority numbers, type notes, comments, etc.

Content Review Spreadsheet - Initial stage
The sooner you begin implementing your content review process, the easier it will be to keep your existing content up-to-date.

Using a shared spreadsheet (e.g. Google Sheets) allows the process to be saved, so members can work on their assigned tasks a little bit each day or whenever they are not attending to other priorities, then leave and come back to the task, and pick things up again from where they left off.

Content Review Spreadsheet - work in progress
Your content review spreadsheet is both a tool for tracking work progress and documenting the process itself.

As your spreadsheet records the total work progress, how much work is being completed per session, and who is accountable for it, this allows you to set some benchmarks and metrics for future content reviews (e.g. how many content items a team member can review in X amount of time).

The better you design the process initially, the less time it will take to complete subsequent reviews.

As each subtask is completed and marked off…

Content Review Spreadsheet - moving towards completion
Once the review gathers momentum, it can be satisfying to see tasks are being completed.

You get closer and closer to completing the overall review…

Content Review Spreadsheet - Completion stage.
This is content review nirvana!

So that ultimately, your business achieves the goal of thoroughly reviewing and updating your existing content.

Content Review Process
Is there any greater satisfaction than seeing your content review spreadsheet go from this to this? You’ll look forward to doing it all over again next year!

Once your content review is completed, take a moment to acknowledge and appreciate your team for a great achievement, schedule the next content review on your content calendar (e.g. set it as a task to be done annually), and repeat this process all over again.

If performing a content review seems all too daunting, remember:

“Mile by mile, it’s a trial; yard by yard, it’s hard; but inch by inch, it’s a cinch.”

Gabrielle Giffords

Content Reviews – FAQs

Here are frequently asked questions about content reviews:

What is a content review?

A content review is a thorough assessment of the text, images, videos, and other media on a website or in a content management system to ensure accuracy, relevance, compliance, and quality.

Why are content reviews important?

Content reviews help maintain the credibility and reliability of information presented, ensuring it meets the intended audience’s needs and complies with legal and ethical standards.

Who should perform a content review?

Content reviews should be performed by content specialists, editors, or subject matter experts familiar with the content’s context and the standards required for its presentation.

What does a content review involve?

A review involves checking for factual accuracy, grammatical correctness, style consistency, and compliance with regulatory standards. It may also include optimizing content for search engines and improving user engagement.

How often should content reviews be conducted?

The frequency of content reviews depends on the nature of the content. High-impact or frequently visited content might need more frequent reviews, while less critical material may be reviewed less often.

What tools can assist in content reviews?

Tools like content management systems, SEO platforms, grammar checkers, and plagiarism detectors can aid in efficient and effective content reviews.

How do you handle negative findings in a content review?

Address negative findings by revising the content accordingly, providing training for content creators, or implementing stricter quality controls to prevent future issues.

Can automated tools replace human content reviewers?

While automated tools can help streamline the review process and catch common errors, human judgment is essential for interpreting context and nuanced language, and for making strategic decisions about content.

What are the challenges in content reviewing?

Challenges include maintaining objectivity, managing large volumes of content, staying updated with the latest content standards, and balancing SEO with user experience.

What is the impact of not conducting content reviews?

Neglecting content reviews can lead to outdated or incorrect information, decreased user trust, legal repercussions, and a damaged brand reputation.


Content reviews are a critical step in ensuring that your website provides high-quality, valuable information to visitors, and they can also improve your overall website performance, user experience, and search engine visibility.

Regular content reviews are important to maintain the quality and relevance of your content, and to ensure that the website continues to meet the needs of your target audience.

Managing content effectively requires performing regular content reviews, so the best thing to do is to systematize it as soon as possible and integrate it into your overall content strategy.

Keeping track of all your existing content to see if anything has changed (and if so, what has changed) is a mammoth task, especially as your digital presence matures and becomes more established.

So many factors can affect your existing content. Facts, stats, and prices continually change. Companies, brands, and platforms appear, evolve, get acquired, change names, or collapse, products and services get added, modified, or dropped, externally-linked content gets moved or removed, and a host of other things can happen.

If you regularly publish new content, your website or blog can grow into hundreds or thousands of existing posts or articles in just a few short years, and many (if not most) will contain information that needs to be added, updated, or removed.

Content reviews are the best way to ensure that you stay on top of managing your existing content as your digital presence grows.

Action Steps

  • Perform an initial content audit of your website or blog’s content.
  • Review and implement the steps described in this lesson.
  • Schedule periodic maintenance reviews in your team’s content calendar.



Next Steps


Image: Man writing