Membership Site Content Management

An overview of effective content management for membership sites.

Membership Site Content Management

Membership site content managementWhether you plan to start a membership site or optimize an existing one, understanding how to manage and organize its content is vitally important for creating a seamless and engaging member experience.

This guide provides an overview of managing content effectively in a successful membership site, including content planning, organization, and the tools available to create and curate content that will resonate with your members and help you build and maintain a thriving online community.

Understanding Membership Site Content Management

What is Membership Site Content Management?

Membership site content management is the process of creating, organizing, and maintaining the content that is available to members of a membership site.

It involves:

It’s important to understand the unique challenges and opportunities of membership site content management.

You must be able to create content that not only attracts and retains members, but also drives revenue for your site. This requires a deep understanding of the target audience, the goals of the membership site, and implementing best practices for content creation and distribution.

By effectively managing membership site content, you will increase member engagement, drive traffic to the site, improve search engine rankings, and ultimately, grow your membership base.

Importance of Effective Content Management for Membership Sites

Effective content management in a membership site is vital for several reasons:

  1. Personalization: Managing content allows for personalized experiences, increasing member engagement and the overall success of the community.
  2. Recurring Revenue: Well-managed content is crucial for membership sites, serving as the foundation for high-level views of membership plan offerings and ensuring recurring revenue.
  3. Audience Understanding: Creating a content strategy involves understanding your audience’s motivations.
  4. Streamlined Administration: Membership management becomes more efficient with organized content, leading to streamlined administrative processes and enhanced member experiences..
  5. User Engagement: Essential features in content management contribute to keeping the membership community engaged and returning for more.
  6. Skill Development: Using a Content Management System (CMS) effectively aids in learning and growing membership site skills, including content creation, marketing, management, and development.

Membership sites rely on providing valuable and engaging content to members in order to keep them subscribed and engaged. Without a solid content management strategy in place, membership sites can quickly become stagnant and lose their appeal to members.

One of the key reasons why effective content management is so important for membership sites is the need to keep members engaged. By consistently providing fresh and relevant content, membership sites can ensure that their members remain active and interested in what the site has to offer. This can help to reduce churn rates and increase overall member satisfaction.

Content management also plays a crucial role in personalizing the member experience. By understanding the preferences and interests of individual members, membership sites can tailor their content to better meet the needs of each member. This can help to increase member loyalty and encourage them to remain subscribed.

Additionally, effective content management can help membership sites to track and analyze member behavior. By monitoring which content is most popular with members, site owners can gain valuable insights into what resonates with their audience and make informed decisions about future content creation.

Integrating multimedia content into membership sites can also help to enhance the member experience and keep them engaged. By incorporating videos, podcasts, and other multimedia elements, membership sites can provide a more dynamic and interactive user experience.

Overall, effective content management is essential for the success of membership sites. By prioritizing content scheduling, planning, and personalization, you can create a more engaging and valuable experience for your members, leading to increased retention rates and overall site success.

Content Management System (CMS)

Launching a membership site demands a robust CMS that can handle user data, content management, and security effortlessly.

WordPress is a great CMS platform choice for membership site owners. Here’s why:

  1. Flexibility: WordPress is open-source, allowing for endless customization through plugins and themes.
  2. User-Friendly: Easy installation, intuitive dashboard, and beginner-friendly themes make managing your site a breeze.
  3. Security: WordPress is continuously updated to patch vulnerabilities, with additional security plugins available for added protection.
  4. Membership Tools: A vast array of membership plugins cater specifically to membership sites, offering features like user registration, payment processing, and content management.
  5. Cost-Effectiveness: Minimal investment required to start a membership site with WordPress, with the option to add premium features as needed.

In summary, WordPress provides the flexibility, ease of use, security, and affordability necessary for membership site success.

Content Marketing Strategy

As a business owner running a membership site, consistently delivering high-quality content is a challenge. Time constraints often limit production, but not every piece needs to go viral.

Quality content has enduring value, promoting your membership site effectively for years to come.

The Importance of Quality Content for Membership Sites

Unlike a one-time purchase, content marketing fosters ongoing engagement with customers, increasing the likelihood of recurring purchases or subscription renewals.

Quality content serves as a valuable product itself, enhancing the perceived value of memberships and encouraging continued engagement.

Effective content marketing not only attracts potential customers through search engine results but also achieves the following:

1. Heightens Brand Awareness: Addressing common queries positions your brand as an authority in relevant topics, fostering brand association and recognition.

2. Establishes Credibility: Providing credible and informative content elevates your website’s reputation, leading to higher search result rankings and increased consumer trust.

3. Educates Consumers: Content not only attracts visitors but also educates them about your offerings, converting curiosity into informed purchasing decisions.

4. Generates Leads: Trustworthy content nurtures customer trust, increasing the likelihood of future purchases or subscription enrollments through strategically placed calls-to-action.

5. Boosts Website Traffic: Informative content draws users seeking answers, driving traffic to your site and expanding your potential customer base.

6. Enhances SEO: Quality content optimized with relevant keywords improves search engine ranking, increasing visibility and attracting organic traffic over time.

When Quantity Trumps Quality

While quality remains paramount, there are instances where prioritizing quantity proves beneficial:

1. Initial Stages: Building momentum requires a substantial content library, making it acceptable to prioritize quantity over depth at the outset.

2. Batch Creation: Batch content creation prevents perfectionism, allowing for consistent output and rapid skill improvement.

3. New Content Formats: Experimenting with new formats like podcasts or videos warrants a focus on quantity to expedite skill development and workflow establishment.

4. Exploring Niche: Diverse content creation aids in niche identification, helping refine content strategies to cater to specific audience interests.

Essential Components of Quality Content

To assess content quality, two critical factors merit consideration:

1. Audience Relevance: Align content with audience needs and interests to ensure relevance and value delivery.

2. Uniqueness and Originality: Despite existing answers online, infuse content with unique perspectives and brand voice to stand out amidst saturation.

Writing Quality Content

While impeccable grammar and vocabulary are beneficial, prioritize clear communication of ideas over linguistic perfection. Consistent posting, peer review, and gradual improvement foster content quality.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Keyword research informs content creation, ensuring alignment with audience search queries and enhancing visibility. Understanding evolving SEO trends aids in crafting content optimized for maximum reach and impact.

Tips for Content Creation Success

1. Take Action: Initiate content creation without waiting for perfect ideas or mastery.

2. Authenticity: Infuse content with personal voice and authenticity to foster audience connection.

3. Share Experience: Leverage personal experiences to establish authority and credibility.

4. Address Pain Points: Offer solutions to audience problems to drive engagement and retention.

5. Collaborative Brainstorming: Engage with peers and explore competitor content for idea generation.

6. Solution-Agnostic Approach: Provide solutions without overtly promoting specific products or services.

7. Focus on Specifics: Narrow content focus to enhance coherence and actionable insights.

8. Consistent Posting: Adhere to regular posting schedules to maintain audience engagement.

9. Diverse Content Formats: Experiment with various content formats to cater to diverse audience preferences.

10. Stay Informed: Keep abreast of SEO trends to optimize content for maximum impact.

Crafting a Strategic Membership Content Plan

When strategizing your membership content, explore innovative approaches to market your site and expand your member base.

Here are some effective strategies to consider:

1. Produce Explainer Videos: Capitalize on the popularity of video content by creating informative explainer videos about your offerings. This engaging format not only answers customer queries but also enhances your site’s visibility, especially if shared on platforms like YouTube.

2. Establish an Affiliate Program: Leverage your existing member base as brand ambassadors through an affiliate program. Encourage them to promote your membership program, incentivizing their efforts with commissions for successful referrals.

3. Repurpose Free Content: While certain content may reside behind a paywall, ensure a portion of your content remains freely accessible. This not only attracts search traffic but also introduces new audiences to your offerings, fostering brand awareness.

4. Host Online Events: Build rapport and credibility with your audience by organizing online events such as webinars, live Q&A sessions, interviews, and interactive chats. These events facilitate direct engagement with your community, fostering trust and loyalty.

5. Utilize Social Media Retargeting: Maximize the effectiveness of your social media efforts through retargeting campaigns. By re-engaging visitors who have previously visited your signup page, you can nurture leads and encourage conversions effectively.

6. Integrate Marketing Tools: Simplify your marketing efforts by integrating your membership plugin with add-ons that streamline social media and email marketing tasks. This integration eliminates duplication of work and optimizes efficiency across different platforms.

Membership Site Content Marketing Plan

Crafting a content marketing plan ensures maximum effectiveness and cohesiveness in your content creation strategy.

Follow these steps to develop a robust plan:

1. Define Objectives: Define clear goals and metrics to guide and gauge your content creation efforts and plan effectively.

2. Understand Your Audience: Understand audience preferences and platform usage to gain insights into your target audience’s preferences, behaviors, and demographics and develop a strategy for targeted content delivery.

3. Select Content Topics: Choose content themes that resonate with your audience’s interests and align with your business objectives.

4. Deliver Value: Create content that provides valuable insights, addresses audience needs, and encourages engagement and action.

5. Promote Strategically: Utilize various promotional channels, including social media, email marketing, and paid advertising, to maximize content visibility and reach.

6. Measure Performance: Monitor and analyze content performance metrics to assess effectiveness and identify areas for improvement.

7. Adapt and Evolve: Continuously refine and adjust your content marketing plan based on audience feedback, market trends, and performance insights to ensure ongoing success.

Content Scheduling and Planning

Creating a Content Calendar for Membership Sites

One of the key components of effectively managing a membership site is creating a content calendar. This tool will help you stay organized, plan ahead, and ensure that your members are consistently engaged with fresh, valuable content.

Here are some tips for creating a content calendar for your membership site:

1. Start by identifying your goals and objectives for your membership site. What do you want to achieve with your content? Are you looking to increase member engagement, drive more sign-ups, or generate revenue through exclusive content? Once you have a clear understanding of your goals, you can start planning your content calendar accordingly.

2. Consider the different types of content you want to include on your membership site. This could include articles, videos, webinars, podcasts, downloadable resources, and more. Think about the frequency at which you want to publish each type of content and how it aligns with your overall goals.

3. Create a calendar template that outlines the dates for when each piece of content will be published. Be sure to include deadlines for when content needs to be created, reviewed, and scheduled. This will help you stay on track and ensure that your content is consistently delivered to your members.

4. Take advantage of tools like content management systems and social media scheduling platforms. These tools can help you streamline the content creation and distribution process, automate tasks, track performance metrics, and ensure that your content is optimized for search engines.

By creating a content calendar for your membership site, you can effectively plan, organize, and execute your content strategy. This will help you attract and retain members, drive engagement, and ultimately achieve your goals for your membership site.

Strategies for Consistent Content Planning

To successfully manage a membership site and keep members engaged, you must have a solid content planning strategy in place. Consistency is key when it comes to attracting and retaining members, and there are several strategies that can help ensure that your content remains fresh and engaging.

One of the most important aspects of content planning is scheduling.

By creating a content calendar, you can map out when each piece of content will be published, ensuring a steady stream of new material for members to engage with. This can also help with planning ahead for special events or promotions, allowing for timely and relevant content to be released.

Another important strategy for consistent content planning is personalization.

By tailoring content to the specific interests and needs of your members, you can increase engagement and loyalty. This can involve using member data to create targeted content recommendations, or even allowing members to customize their own content preferences.

Analytics and tracking are also essential tools for monitoring the success of your content strategy.

By analyzing metrics such as engagement rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates, you will gain valuable insights into what is working well and what can be improved upon. This data can then be used to refine future content plans and ensure that members are receiving the most relevant and valuable content possible.

Integrating multimedia content into your membership site can also help to keep members engaged. By incorporating videos, podcasts, and interactive elements, you can create a more dynamic and engaging user experience. This can help to attract new members and keep existing members coming back for more.

In addition, content curation and user-generated content can help to supplement your content efforts and keep members engaged.

By curating content from other sources or allowing members to contribute their content, you can provide a wider variety of material for members to enjoy.

Finally, content monetization strategies can help to turn your content into a revenue-generating tool.

By creating exclusive member-only content or offering premium content upgrades, you can incentivize members to upgrade their memberships or make additional purchases. This can help to increase revenue and ensure the long-term success of your membership site.

Overall, by implementing these strategies for consistent content planning, you can create a compelling and engaging experience for your members, leading to increased retention, engagement, and revenue.

Member Engagement Strategies

Building a Community within Membership Sites

One of the key elements of a successful membership site is the sense of community it can create among its members. Building a strong and engaged community can not only increase member retention and satisfaction but also drive word-of-mouth referrals and attract new members.

It is crucial to focus on strategies that foster a sense of belonging and connection within your membership site.

Content Scheduling and Planning: To build a thriving community, it is essential to have a well-thought-out content schedule and plan in place. This will ensure that your members are consistently receiving valuable and engaging content that keeps them coming back for more.

Member Engagement Strategies: Engaging with your members on a regular basis is key to building a community within your membership site. Encourage discussions, ask for feedback, and create opportunities for members to interact with each other. This can be done through forums, live Q&A sessions, or virtual events.

Content Personalization for Members: Personalizing content for your members can help create a more personalized experience and foster a deeper connection with your community. Use member data to tailor content recommendations and offerings based on their interests and preferences.

Membership Site Analytics and Tracking: Tracking member engagement and behavior can provide valuable insights into what content resonates with your audience and what areas need improvement. Use analytics to optimize your content strategy and keep members actively engaged.

Integrating Multimedia Content: Incorporating multimedia content such as videos, webinars, and podcasts can enhance the overall member experience and make your site more interactive and engaging.

By focusing on building a strong community within your membership site, you can create a loyal and active member base that will help drive the success of your site. Implementing these strategies can help you create a thriving community that keeps members coming back for more.

Encouraging Member Participation and Interaction

One of the key factors in the success of a membership site is member participation and interaction. Without active engagement from your members, your site will struggle to retain members and attract new ones.

Here are some strategies to encourage member participation and interaction on your membership site:

1. Create a sense of community: Members are more likely to engage with your site if they feel like they are part of a community. Encourage members to interact with each other through forums, discussion boards, and social media groups. Host live events, webinars, and Q&A sessions to foster a sense of community among members.

2. Personalize content for members: Tailor your content to the interests and preferences of your members. Use data analytics to track member behavior and preferences, and use this information to create personalized content recommendations for each member. Personalized content will keep members engaged and coming back for more.

3. Gamify the user experience: Gamification is a powerful tool for encouraging member participation and interaction. Create challenges, contests, and leaderboards to incentivize members to engage with your site. Offer rewards, badges, and exclusive content to members who actively participate in site activities.

4. Encourage user-generated content: Involve your members in the content creation process by encouraging them to submit user-generated content. Member-contributed articles, videos, and reviews can add value to your site and keep members engaged. Reward members for contributing content with recognition, prizes, or exclusive access to premium content.

5. Track and analyze member engagement: Use membership site analytics and tracking tools to monitor member engagement levels. Track metrics such as page views, time spent on site, and click-through rates to assess member engagement. Use this data to identify trends, optimize content, and tailor your engagement strategies to better meet the needs of your members.

By implementing these strategies, you can encourage member participation and interaction on your membership site, leading to increased member satisfaction, retention, and growth.

Remember that member engagement is an ongoing process, so continue to monitor and adjust your strategies to keep members actively engaged with your site.

Content Personalization for Members

Utilizing Data to Personalize Member Experiences

By utilizing data to personalize member experiences, you can create a more tailored and engaging user experience that will keep members coming back for more.

One of the first steps in utilizing data to personalize member experiences is tracking and analyzing member behavior on your site. By using membership site analytics and tracking tools, you can gain valuable insights into how members are interacting with your content, what they are interested in, and how they are navigating through your site.

This data can then be used to create personalized content recommendations, targeted promotions, and customized experiences for each member.

Content personalization for members goes beyond just recommending relevant articles or videos. It also involves creating exclusive member-only content that adds value to their membership experience.

This could include access to premium resources, behind-the-scenes content, or interactive tools that help members achieve their goals.

Integrating multimedia content into your membership site is another way to personalize member experiences. By offering a mix of video, audio, and interactive content, you can cater to different learning styles and preferences, making your site more engaging and appealing to a wider audience.

Managing user-generated content on your membership site is another important aspect of personalization. Encouraging members to contribute their own content, whether it be through comments, forums, or user-generated videos, can help create a sense of community and belonging among members.

Overall, by utilizing data to personalize member experiences, you can create a more engaging and valuable membership site that keeps members coming back for more.

By understanding your members’ preferences, behaviors, and interests, you can create a customized experience that meets their needs and keeps them engaged and satisfied.

Implementing Dynamic Content for Personalization

Personalization is key to engaging and retaining members on your membership site. One way to achieve this is through implementing dynamic content that is tailored to each individual member’s preferences and behavior. By delivering personalized content, you can enhance the overall user experience and increase member engagement.

One effective strategy for implementing dynamic content is to utilize data analytics to track member behavior and preferences. By analyzing data such as click-through rates, time spent on certain pages, and content interactions, you can gain valuable insights into what type of content resonates with your members. This information can then be used to create personalized content recommendations for each member based on their interests and past interactions with your site.

Another way to personalize content is by segmenting your members into different groups based on demographics, interests, or membership level. This allows you to deliver targeted content that is relevant to each group, increasing the likelihood of member engagement and satisfaction.

Integrating multimedia content into your membership site can also enhance personalization. By offering a variety of content formats such as videos, podcasts, and webinars, you can cater to different learning styles and preferences. This not only keeps members engaged, but also helps to create a more dynamic and interactive user experience.

Overall, implementing dynamic content for personalization is essential for managing membership site content effectively. By utilizing data analytics, segmenting members, and integrating multimedia content, you can create a personalized experience that keeps members coming back for more. This ultimately leads to increased member satisfaction, higher retention rates, and a more successful membership site overall.

Membership Site Analytics and Tracking

Understanding Key Metrics for Membership Site Performance

It is crucial to track key metrics to understand how well your membership site is performing and how engaged your members are. By analyzing these metrics, you can make informed decisions to improve the overall user experience and drive more value for your members.

One of the most important metrics to track is member retention rate. This metric measures the percentage of members who continue to renew their subscriptions over time.

A high retention rate indicates that your content is valuable and engaging, while a low retention rate may signal that you need to make improvements to your site.

Another key metric to monitor is member engagement. This includes metrics such as average time spent on the site, number of logins per member, and interactions with content.

By tracking these metrics, you can gain insights into what types of content are resonating with your members and tailor your content strategy accordingly.

Additionally, tracking conversion rates for different membership tiers can help you optimize your pricing strategy and maximize revenue. By analyzing which membership tiers are converting the most members, you can make data-driven decisions on how to structure your offerings to attract more subscribers.

Overall, understanding key metrics for membership site performance is essential to drive growth and engagement on your membership site. By regularly monitoring these metrics and making data-driven decisions, you can ensure that your membership site is successful in providing value to your members and generating revenue for your business.

Using Analytics to Make Informed Content Decisions

Data and analytics play a crucial role in making informed decisions, especially when it comes to managing membership site content. Leverage analytics tools to gain insights into user behavior, preferences, and engagement levels to create content that resonates with your audience.

One of the key benefits of using analytics for content decisions is the ability to track and measure the performance of different types of content. By analyzing metrics such as page views, time on site, and conversion rates, you can identify which pieces of content are driving engagement and which ones are falling flat. This data can then be used to inform content scheduling and planning, ensuring that the most effective content is being delivered to members at the right time.

Analytics can also help you personalize content for members based on their interests and preferences. By tracking user interactions and behaviors, you can create tailored content recommendations that keep members engaged and coming back for more. This level of personalization not only enhances the member experience but also increases the likelihood of retention and loyalty.

Furthermore, analytics can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of content monetization strategies. By tracking metrics such as conversion rates and revenue generated from content, you can optimize your monetization efforts and maximize ROI.

Overall, using analytics to make informed content decisions is essential to drive engagement, retention, and revenue on their membership sites. By leveraging data and insights, you can create a content strategy that is tailored to the needs and preferences of your audience, ultimately leading to a more successful and profitable membership site.

Integrating Multimedia Content into Membership Sites

Benefits of Multimedia Content for Member Engagement

From videos and podcasts to interactive quizzes and webinars, multimedia content offers a dynamic and immersive experience that can captivate and retain members like never before.

One of the key benefits of using multimedia content for member engagement is its ability to cater to different learning styles. Some members may prefer to consume information through visual content like videos, while others may prefer audio content such as podcasts. By offering a variety of multimedia formats, you can appeal to a broader audience and keep members engaged for longer periods.

Multimedia content also has the power to personalize the member experience. By creating interactive quizzes or personalized video messages, you can make members feel valued and appreciated, which can lead to increased loyalty and retention rates. Additionally, multimedia content can help you track member behavior and preferences more effectively, allowing you to tailor future content to better meet their needs.

Integrating multimedia content into your membership site can also help you stand out from the competition. With so many membership sites vying for members’ attention, offering high-quality multimedia content can set you apart and attract more users to your platform.

Overall, using multimedia content for member engagement can lead to higher levels of member satisfaction, increased retention rates, and ultimately, greater success for your membership site. By incorporating multimedia content into your content strategy, you can create a more engaging and rewarding experience for your members while also driving growth and success for your membership site.

Best Practices for Incorporating Videos, Webinars, and Podcasts

Let’s look at some of the best practices for integrating different types of content into your membership site to maximize engagement and retention.

When it comes to using videos, quality is key. Make sure your videos are high-definition, well-produced, and engaging to keep your members interested.

Consider creating tutorial videos, behind-the-scenes footage, or interviews with industry experts to provide valuable content that will keep your members coming back for more.

Webinars are another great way to engage your members and provide them with valuable information. Make sure to promote your webinars well in advance to ensure a high turnout, and consider offering interactive elements such as Q&A sessions or polls to keep your audience engaged throughout the presentation.

Podcasts are a convenient way for members to consume content on the go. Consider creating a regular podcast series that covers topics of interest to your members, and make sure to promote each episode on your membership site and social media channels to maximize visibility.

When incorporating multimedia content into your membership site, it’s important to keep track of analytics to see what types of content are resonating with your audience. Use this information to tailor your content strategy and continue to provide valuable content that will keep your members engaged and coming back for more.

Membership Site Content Curation

Curating Relevant and Valuable Content for Members

In addition to creating original content, consider curating content from external sources to provide additional value to your members. By sharing relevant articles, videos, infographics, and other resources, you can enrich the member experience and position your site as a valuable source of information and insights.

When curating content for your membership site, it is important to consider the interests, needs, and preferences of your target audience. Conducting market research, analyzing member feedback, and keeping track of industry trends can help you understand what type of content resonates with your members. By staying abreast of these insights, you can tailor your content to meet the specific needs of your audience.

Tools and Strategies for Content Curation

Content curation involves finding, organizing, and sharing relevant content with your members to keep them engaged and informed. To effectively curate content for your membership site, you need the right tools and strategies in place.

One essential tool for content curation is a content management system (CMS) that allows you to easily organize and publish content on your site.

Popular CMS platforms like WordPress, Joomla, or Drupal offer various plugins and extensions that can help streamline the content curation process.

Another useful tool is a content calendar or scheduling tool to plan and organize your content in advance. This helps ensure a consistent flow of content for your members and allows you to align your content with your marketing goals and strategies.

To enhance member engagement, consider personalizing your content based on the preferences and interests of your members. Use analytics and tracking tools to gather insights on member behavior and preferences, and tailor your content to meet their needs.

Integrating multimedia content, such as videos, podcasts, or infographics, can also help make your membership site more engaging and interactive. Visual content is highly effective in capturing attention and conveying information in a more compelling way.

When curating user-generated content on your membership site, ensure that you have a system in place to moderate and manage user submissions effectively. Encourage members to contribute their content and foster a sense of community and collaboration on your site.

Lastly, consider implementing content monetization strategies to generate revenue from your membership site. This could include offering exclusive member-only content, premium subscriptions, or sponsored content opportunities.

By utilizing the right tools and strategies for content curation, you can create a more engaging and valuable experience for your members on your membership site.

Managing User-Generated Content on Membership Sites

Encouraging User Contributions and Engagement

Actively involving your members in creating and engaging with your membership site content will keep them coming back for more.

One way to encourage user contributions is by creating a sense of community on your site. This can be done through forums, discussion boards, and social media groups where members can interact with each other and share their thoughts and ideas. By fostering a sense of belonging, members will feel more invested in the site and be more likely to contribute their own content.

Another effective strategy is to incentivize user contributions. This can be done through contests, rewards, or badges for members who contribute the most valuable content. By offering tangible rewards, members will be motivated to actively engage with the site and create high-quality content.

Personalization is also key when it comes to encouraging user engagement. By tailoring content to the individual preferences and interests of each member, digital marketers can create a more personalized and engaging experience that keeps members coming back for more.

Additionally, integrating multimedia content into membership sites can help to keep members engaged and interested. By offering a variety of content formats, such as videos, podcasts, and infographics, digital marketers can cater to different learning styles and preferences, keeping members engaged and coming back for more.

Overall, by actively encouraging user contributions and engagement, you can create a thriving community of members who are invested in the site and eager to consume and contribute valuable content.

Moderating and Managing User-Generated Content

Moderating and managing your membership site’s content ensures a positive user experience and helps maintain the integrity of your membership site.

Moderating user-generated content involves establishing clear guidelines for what is acceptable on the site, as well as actively monitoring and removing any inappropriate or harmful content. This can help foster a safe and positive community for members to engage with.

For an example of widely acceptable forum and user-generated guidelines, go here: Forum Guidelines

Managing user-generated content also involves actively involving members in the content creation process and encouraging members to contribute valuable and engaging content to the site. This can be done through various engagement strategies, such as hosting contests, encouraging discussions, and highlighting member contributions.

Content Monetization Strategies for Membership Sites

Pricing Models and Membership Tiers

When determining the pricing structure and membership tiers for your membership site, you must carefully consider your target audience, the value of your content, and your business goals.

There are several common pricing models to consider

For example:

  • Fixed Lifetime Fee: Members pay a one-time fee for lifetime access. Example: Charging $199 for unlimited access to premium content.
  • Recurring Subscription Fee: Members pay a regular, ongoing fee for continuous access (monthly/annual). Example: Charging $15/month for exclusive content and community access.
  • Tiered Pricing: Offering multiple membership levels with varying features and costs. Example: Basic membership at $10/month, Premium at $20/month, VIP at $30/month.
  • Freemium Pricing: Offering a free membership with limited access and premium tiers with additional benefits. Example: Free membership with basic content, Premium membership at $5/month for exclusive content.
  • Fixed Term Membership: Members pay a fixed fee for access during a specific period. Example: $50 for a 3-month membership with all features included.
  • Recurring Subscriptions with Fixed Price per Period: Combining recurring payments with fixed prices for specific time intervals. Example: $20/month with a fixed annual renewal fee of $50.
  • Front-Loaded Membership Pricing: Charging a higher fee initially for enhanced benefits over time. Example: $30 for the first month, decreasing to $15/month thereafter.
  • Installment Plans: Allowing members to pay in installments rather than a lump sum. Example: $100 annual membership, payable in four quarterly installments.
  • Per-User Rate: Charging based on the number of users or accounts. Example:* $5/month per additional user under a primary membership.
  • Dynamic Pricing: Adjusting membership fees based on factors like usage, engagement, or membership level. Example: Variable pricing based on content consumption and participation.

Each model has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it’s important to choose the one that best aligns with your content and audience.

Membership tiers can help segment your audience and provide different levels of access to content and benefits.

For example, you could offer a basic tier with limited access to content, a premium tier with exclusive content and perks, and a VIP tier with personalized services and one-on-one support. By offering different tiers, you can cater to the diverse needs and budgets of your audience while maximizing your revenue potential.

When setting pricing and membership tiers, it’s essential to conduct market research, analyze competitor pricing, and test different options to find the optimal balance between value and affordability. Additionally, regularly reviewing and adjusting your pricing strategy based on member feedback and performance metrics can help ensure long-term success.

Overall, developing a strategic pricing model and membership tier structure is key to attracting and retaining members, maximizing revenue, and achieving your business goals. By carefully evaluating your audience and content, digital marketers can create a successful membership site that engages members, drives revenue, and fosters a loyal community.

Implementing Upsells and Cross-Sells for Revenue Generation

One of the most effective ways to increase revenue on your membership site is by implementing upsells and cross-sells. By offering additional products or services to your members, you can not only increase the value they receive from their membership but also boost your bottom line.

Upsells involve offering a higher-priced product or service to a member who has already made a purchase. This could be a premium membership tier with added benefits, a one-on-one coaching session, or exclusive access to a special event. By highlighting the additional value they will receive, you can entice members to upgrade and increase their investment in your site.

Cross-sells, on the other hand, involve offering related products or services to members who are already engaged with your content. This could be a bundle of courses, a complementary product, or a discounted add-on. By showcasing the benefits of these additional offerings, you can encourage members to make additional purchases and increase their overall spend on your site.

To effectively implement upsells and cross-sells, it’s important to understand your members’ needs and preferences. Use data from your analytics and tracking tools to identify opportunities for additional sales, and tailor your offers to align with their interests.

By strategically incorporating upsells and cross-sells into your membership site content, you can not only increase revenue but also enhance the overall member experience.

This section explores best practices for implementing these strategies, as well as tips for optimizing your offers to maximize their impact on your bottom line.

Creating Exclusive Member-Only Content

Developing Premium Content for Member Subscriptions

Creating high-quality premium content for member subscriptions is key to keeping your audience engaged and coming back for more, and enticing users to become paying members of your site.

One of the first steps in developing premium content for member subscriptions is understanding your audience.

Take the time to research and analyze your target market to determine their interests, needs, and preferences. This will help you create content that resonates with them and provides value.

Once you have a clear understanding of your audience, it’s time to brainstorm ideas for premium content offerings. Consider creating exclusive member-only content such as in-depth guides, tutorials, webinars, or interviews with industry experts.

You can also offer early access to new products or services, discounts, or special offers to incentivize users to become paying members.

When developing premium content, focus on quality over quantity. Ensure that your content is well-researched, well-written, and visually appealing. Consider integrating multimedia content such as videos, infographics, or podcasts to enhance the user experience and keep members engaged.

In addition to creating premium content, it’s important to regularly monitor and track the performance of your membership site content. Use analytics tools to measure user engagement, retention rates, and conversion rates to identify what content is resonating with your audience and what may need improvement.

By developing premium content for member subscriptions, you can create a valuable and engaging experience for your audience while also driving revenue for your membership site.

Strategies for Retaining Members with Exclusive Content

Retaining members on a membership site can be a challenging task. One effective strategy for keeping members engaged and subscribed is by offering exclusive content that is not available to non-members.

Let’s explore some key strategies for retaining members with exclusive content.

One strategy is to create a content schedule and plan ahead for exclusive content releases. By planning out a schedule of when exclusive content will be released, members will have something to look forward to and will be more likely to stay subscribed to access this content.

Another strategy is to engage members through personalized content. By tailoring content to meet the specific interests and needs of each member, you can increase engagement and encourage members to remain active on the site.

Additionally, utilizing analytics and tracking tools can help you understand what types of exclusive content are resonating with members. By analyzing data on member engagement with exclusive content, you can make informed decisions on what content to create in the future to keep members interested and subscribed.

Integrating multimedia content, such as videos, podcasts, and webinars, into your membership site can also help retain members. Multimedia content can provide a more interactive and engaging experience for members, keeping them coming back for more.

Furthermore, curating user-generated content on your membership site can help foster a sense of community among members. Encouraging members to contribute their own content can increase engagement and loyalty to the site.

By implementing these strategies for retaining members with exclusive content, you can create a valuable and engaging experience for your members, ultimately leading to increased retention rates and a successful membership site.

Content Optimization for SEO on Membership Sites

SEO Best Practices for Membership Site Content

If you plan to keep most of your membership site content behind a paywall, optimizing it for search engines is not really a priority.

However, you should optimize content that is made public or designed to attract new members.

Here are some best practices for improving the SEO of your membership site content:

1. Conduct keyword research: Before creating any content, research relevant keywords that your target audience is searching for. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush to identify high-volume keywords that you can incorporate into your content.

2. Optimize meta tags: Make sure to include your target keywords in the meta title and description of your membership site’s public-facing pages. This will help search engines understand what your membership site is all about and improve its visibility in search results.

3. Create high-quality, valuable content: Search engines prioritize content that is informative, engaging, and relevant to users. Familiarize yourself with Google’s E-E-A-T Guidelines and focus on creating content that provides value to your members and addresses their needs and pain points.

4. Interlink your content: Linking related pages within your membership site not only helps users navigate your site more easily but also improves SEO by showing search engines the structure and hierarchy of your content.

5. Optimize for mobile: With the increasing use of mobile devices, it’s important to ensure that your membership site is mobile-friendly. Google prioritizes mobile-responsive sites in search results, so make sure your site is optimized for all devices.

By following these SEO best practices, you can improve the visibility and ranking of your membership site in search engine results, attracting more members and increasing engagement.

Remember to stay up-to-date with the latest SEO trends and algorithm updates to ensure your content remains optimized for search engines.




Content Management For Affiliate Marketers

An overview of content management for affiliate marketers.

Introduction to Content Management for Affiliate Marketers

Affiliate marketing - illustration inside laptop imageThis article series provides an overview of content management for affiliate marketers.

The content is aimed at WordPress users and expands on the topics covered in this lesson: Affiliate Marketing Content

To learn how to use a WordPress website effectively, refer to the tutorials in the WordPress Training Manual.

Understanding the Importance of Content Management

As with any kind of digital-related activity, organizing and managing content effectively is crucial for affiliate marketing success.

This chapter delves into the significance of content management specifically tailored for affiliate marketers, with a focus on WordPress, the world’s most popular content management system.

Content management plays a pivotal role in the affiliate marketing industry. It encompasses creating, organizing, and optimizing content to engage target audiences and drive conversions.

Effective content management ensures that your website is populated with high-quality, relevant, and engaging content that resonates with your niche audience.

For affiliate marketers, content management is a multifaceted task that involves keyword research, content creation, scheduling, optimization, and performance tracking.

A well-managed content strategy not only helps in attracting and retaining visitors but also builds credibility and trust, leading to higher conversion rates.

WordPress, with its user-friendly interface and extensive plugin library, has emerged as the go-to content management system for affiliate marketers. It offers a wide range of features and functionalities that make content creation and management a breeze.

From intuitive editing tools to search engine optimization plugins, WordPress provides the necessary framework to create and optimize compelling content.

This section explores various aspects of content management specifically tailored for affiliate marketers using WordPress. It covers essential topics such as keyword research techniques, content creation strategies, plugin selection, and performance tracking tools.

Additionally, it provides insights into effective content organization, editorial calendars, and content distribution channels.

By understanding the importance of content management and leveraging the power of WordPress, you can effectively streamline your content creation and management process as an affiliate marketer.

This will not only save time but also enhance productivity and ultimately boosts your affiliate marketing results.

Additionally, by implementing best practices and utilizing the right tools, you will enhance your content management process, attract more visitors, drive higher conversions, and boost sales and affiliate commissions.

Benefits of Effective Content Management for Affiliate Marketers

As an affiliate marketer, your primary goal is to drive traffic to your website and convert that traffic into clicks of your affiliate links to generate sales.

To achieve this, you need to create and manage compelling content that engages your audience and drives them to take action. This is where effective content management comes into play, and in this section, we will explore the benefits it can bring to affiliate marketers.

One of the primary benefits of effective content management is improved organization. With the vast amount of content that affiliate marketers need to create and manage, having a system in place to organize and categorize your content is essential.

By utilizing a content management system like WordPress, you can easily organize your content into categories, tags, and custom taxonomies. This not only makes it easier for you to find and update your content but also enhances the user experience for your audience, allowing them to navigate your website more effortlessly.

Another significant benefit of effective content management is increased productivity. Affiliate marketers often have multiple websites and campaigns to manage simultaneously.

By utilizing a content management system, you can streamline your content creation process, allowing you to create, edit, and publish content more efficiently.

Features like scheduled posts, content templates, and collaboration tools enable you to save time and effort, allowing you to focus on other essential aspects of your marketing strategy.

Furthermore, effective content management can help improve your website’s search engine optimization (SEO). By structuring your content properly, utilizing keywords, and optimizing meta tags, you can improve your website’s visibility in search engine results. This, in turn, can drive more organic traffic to your site, increasing the chances of conversions and affiliate sales.

Lastly, effective content management allows for better tracking and analysis. By keeping track of your content creation efforts, you can identify which types of content perform best, which topics resonate with your audience, and which strategies yield the most conversions.

Armed with this data, you can make informed decisions about your future content creation and marketing efforts, maximizing your chances of success.

Additionally, a content management system like WordPress lets you streamline your content creation process, engage your audience more effectively, and ultimately achieve your marketing goals.

Common Challenges in Content Management for Affiliate Marketers

In addition to the challenges discussed in our overview lesson on managing affiliate content, there are several common challenges that affiliate marketers face in their content management strategies.

Let’s briefly explore these challenges and provide practical solutions to overcome them.

One of the primary challenges is creating high-quality and original content consistently.

With an increasing number of affiliate marketers vying for attention in the digital landscape, it is essential to stand out from the competition. This requires investing time and effort into researching, planning, and creating unique content that provides value to your audience.

Effective content creation techniques, such as conducting keyword research, leveraging user-generated content, and utilizing various content formats help to keep your audience engaged.

Another challenge is managing and organizing a vast amount of content.

As your website grows, it becomes challenging to keep track of all your content, resulting in outdated content, links to deactivated programs, disorganization, and potential duplication.

Implementing an effective content management system, categorizing and tagging your content, and utilizing tools such as WordPress plugins will help you streamline your content management process.

Another challenge is optimizing your content for search engines and improving your website’s visibility. Without proper search engine optimization (SEO), your content may not rank well in search engine results, making it difficult for your target audience to find you.

It’s important, therefore, to learn about best practices for on-page and off-page SEO, including keyword optimization, meta tags, backlink building, and social media integration, and how these can help drive organic traffic to your website.

Lastly, maintaining a consistent brand image across multiple platforms and channels can be a challenge in affiliate marketing. It is crucial to establish a strong and recognizable brand identity that resonates with your target audience.

Branding strategies, including logo design, color schemes, and tone of voice, will help you create a cohesive brand image that builds trust and credibility with your audience, establish yourself as an authority in your niche, and drive more targeted traffic to your site.

Overview of the WordPress Content Management System

WordPress has become one of the most popular and widely used content management systems (CMS) in the world, and for good reason. It offers a user-friendly interface, powerful features, and a flexible framework that can be customized to suit the needs of affiliate marketers.

Let’s briefly review the WordPress CMS, its key features, and benefits for affiliate marketers.

WordPress is an open-source platform, which means that it is constantly evolving and being improved by a community of developers. This ensures that the CMS remains up-to-date with the latest technological advancements and security measures. This means that you can rely on a stable and reliable platform for managing your content.

One of the main reasons why affiliate marketers choose WordPress is its ease of use. You don’t need to be a coding expert to create and manage your website. With its intuitive interface, you can quickly set up a professional-looking website and start publishing content.

Additionally, WordPress offers a wide range of plugins and themes that allow you to enhance the functionality and design of your site with just a few clicks.

Content management enables you to effectively organize and display your affiliate links, product reviews, and promotional content. WordPress provides a robust content management system that allows you to create and publish different types of content, such as blog posts, pages, and custom post types. You can easily categorize and tag your content, making it easier for your audience to navigate and find the information they’re looking for.

Another advantage of WordPress is its search engine optimization (SEO) capabilities. The platform is designed with SEO in mind, allowing you to optimize your content for better visibility on search engines like Google. WordPress offers various SEO plugins that will help you improve your website’s rankings and attract more organic traffic.

In conclusion, WordPress is an excellent choice for affiliate marketers looking for a reliable and user-friendly content management system. Its ease of use, flexibility, and SEO capabilities make it an ideal platform for managing affiliate marketing websites.

In later sections, we will explore how to leverage WordPress’s features and plugins to enhance your affiliate marketing efforts.

Setting Up Your WordPress Website for Affiliate Marketing

Having a well-optimized website is crucial for your affiliate marketing success. And what better platform to build your website on than WordPress? With its user-friendly interface and a wide range of customizable themes and plugins, WordPress is the go-to content management system for affiliate marketers.

Let’s do a quick walkthrough of the process of setting up your WordPress website for affiliate marketing.

For detailed step-by-step tutorials on how to set up a WordPress site with no coding skills required, see these tutorials:

The first step in setting up your WordPress website is selecting and registering a domain name that reflects your niche and is easy to remember. Your domain name should be relevant to your content and resonate with your target audience.

Once you have secured a domain name, the next step is to set up a web hosting account and install WordPress.

It’s helpful to understand the different hosting options available and choose the one that best suits your needs and budget.

Next, you will want to choose a WordPress theme. A visually appealing and responsive theme is essential for engaging your audience and keeping them on your website. Select a theme that complements your niche and aligns with your branding.

There are many WordPress plugins available to enhance your website’s functionality and optimize it for affiliate marketing. These plugins will help you track affiliate links, optimize your website for search engines, and improve your website’s speed and performance.

Having a fully functional WordPress website will help you generate income through affiliate marketing.

The other sections of this guide contain practical tips and best practices for setting up your WordPress website for affiliate marketing success and ways to address common challenges you may face when managing your affiliate content.


For additional information, tutorials, and resources, go here:

This is the end of part 1. To continue reading this article series, click on the pagination section below.

eCommerce Website Content Management

A comprehensive overview of content management for e-commerce websites and product retailers.

Chapter 1: Introduction to Content Management for Product Retailers

eCommerce website content managementThis guide provides a comprehensive overview of content management for e-commerce websites.

This series of articles also provides practical tips for product retailers on ways to drive more revenue by managing content more effectively on their eCommerce website.

For expanded tutorials, click on the content links.

Importance of Content Management for eCommerce Websites

eCommerce has become an integral part of the retail industry. As a product retailer, having a strong online presence to attract and engage customers is not only important, but necessary.

Simply having an eCommerce website, however, is not enough to drive revenue and ensure success in the competitive online marketplace.

To truly stand out and capture the attention of potential customers, you need to prioritize content management.

Content management refers to the process of creating, organizing, and maintaining digital content on your eCommerce website. It involves not only the textual components but also visual elements such as images, videos, and infographics.

Effective content management is crucial for several reasons.

Firstly, content management is essential for providing accurate and up-to-date product information. As a product retailer, your customers rely on your website to gain insights into the products you offer.

By regularly updating and managing your content, you can ensure that the product descriptions, specifications, and pricing details are accurate and reect the current inventory. This instills trust and condence in your customers, leading to increased conversions and repeat purchases.

Secondly, content management plays a crucial role in enhancing the user experience on your eCommerce website. A well-organized and visually appealing website with clear and concise content helps customers navigate effortlessly through your product catalog.

By implementing effective content management strategies, such as categorizing products, providing detailed descriptions, and incorporating search functionality, you can improve the overall user experience and reduce bounce rates.

Furthermore, content management is vital for search engine optimization (SEO). Search engines rely on relevant and high-quality content to determine the ranking of your website in search results.

By consistently updating and optimizing your website content with relevant keywords and meta tags, you can improve your visibility and attract organic traffic to your eCommerce site.

Moreover, content management also enables you to leverage content marketing strategies. By creating and publishing valuable and engaging content such as blog posts, product guides, and customer testimonials, you can establish yourself as an industry expert and build a loyal customer base.

Content marketing not only drives traffic to your website but also helps in nurturing leads and increasing customer engagement.

Content management is of utmost importance for eCommerce websites. It ensures accurate product information, enhances the user experience, improves search engine rankings, and enables effective content marketing.

By investing in a robust content management system and implementing best practices, you can drive revenue, increase customer satisfaction, and stay ahead in the competitive online retail landscape.

Benefits of Effective Content Management For Product Retailers

Effective content management is crucial for product retailers, especially for those operating eCommerce websites.

There are numerous benefits that you can reap by implementing smart content management strategies.

First and foremost, effective content management enables product retailers to create a seamless and engaging user experience on their eCommerce websites.

By organizing and structuring content in a logical and user-friendly manner, you can ensure that visitors can easily find the information they are looking for, leading to increased customer satisfaction and improved conversion rates.

Furthermore, content management systems provide you with the ability to easily update and modify product information, prices, and availability in real-time.

This means that you can quickly respond to market changes, launch new products, and manage inventory efficiently. Such agility not only saves time and resources but also allows you to stay ahead of the competition.

Another benefit of effective content management is improved search engine optimization (SEO).

By implementing SEO best practices, such as optimizing metadata, keywords, and URLs, you can enhance your website’s visibility in search engine results.

This, in turn, drives organic traffic and increases the chances of attracting potential customers who are actively searching for the products you offer.

Moreover, content management systems offer robust analytics and reporting capabilities, allowing you to gain valuable insights into their website’s performance.

By tracking key content metrics such as page views, bounce rates, and conversion rates, you can identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions to optimize your content strategy. This data-driven approach ultimately leads to increased sales and revenue.

Effective content management also plays a vital role in building brand consistency and loyalty. By maintaining a consistent brand voice and messaging across all content channels, you can establish trust and credibility with your target audience.

This consistency fosters brand loyalty and encourages customers to return for repeat purchases, ultimately driving long-term customer value.

Incorporating effective content management practices is essential for product retailers operating eCommerce websites. From enhancing user experience and agility to improving SEO and customer loyalty, the benefits are numerous.

By investing in a robust content management system and implementing a smart content strategy, you can drive revenue, stay ahead of the competition, and build a strong online presence in the ever-evolving digital marketplace.

Challenges in Content Management for eCommerce Websites

Content management plays a crucial role in driving revenue for product retailers. With the rise of eCommerce websites, managing content effectively has become more challenging than ever.

There are key challenges faced by product retailers when it comes to managing their eCommerce website content.

One of the foremost challenges in content management for eCommerce websites is maintaining consistency across multiple channels. product retailers often struggle with ensuring that the content displayed on their website is consistent with what is presented on social media platforms or in email marketing campaigns.

This inconsistency can lead to confusion among customers and negatively impact their purchasing decisions. To address this challenge, you must implement a centralized content management system that allows your business to maintain uniformity across all channels.

Another signicant challenge is the sheer volume of content that needs to be managed. eCommerce websites typically have a vast product catalog, each with its own set of descriptions, images, and specifications.

Updating and organizing this content can be a time-consuming task. To overcome this challenge, leverage automation tools and content management systems that enable bulk updates and streamline your content creation process.

Furthermore, ensuring accurate and up-to-date product information poses a challenge for many eCommerce websites. You must constantly update your content to reflect changes in pricing, availability, or specifications. Failure to do so can result in customer dissatisfaction and lost sales.

Implementing a content management system that integrates with inventory and pricing systems can help automate these updates and ensure that customers have access to the most accurate information.

Additionally, maintaining search engine optimization (SEO) for product content is a challenge in itself. eCommerce websites must optimize their content to rank higher in search engine results and attract organic traffic.

This involves keyword research, metadata optimization, and regular content updates. product retailers should invest in SEO tools and strategies to boost their website’s visibility and drive more traffic and sales.

Content management for eCommerce websites presents several challenges for product retailers. However, by implementing a centralized content management system, leveraging automation tools, ensuring accurate product information, and prioritizing SEO, these challenges can be effectively addressed.

By overcoming these hurdles, you can drive revenue and create a seamless shopping experience for your customers.

This is the end of part 1. To continue reading this article series, click on the pagination section below.

Content Management 101: A Practical Blueprint For Small Businesses

A practical guide to content management for small businesses.

Introduction to Content Management

Content Management 101 - A Practical Blueprint for Small BusinessesIn today’s digital age, effective content management has become a cornerstone for small business success.

This practical guide provides an introduction to content management for small businesses and offers a blueprint on how to effectively organize, manage, and optimize your digital content.

It also provides a comprehensive overview on content management systems (CMS), content strategy development, and best practices for content creation, curation, and distribution.

This series of articles is also designed to address common challenges faced by small businesses in the digital sphere, including limited resources, content visibility, and audience engagement. It will help you gain a practical understanding of how to develop a personalized content management plan that aligns with your business objectives, to enhance your online presence and drive growth.

Whether you’re looking to launch a new business, elevate an existing one, or searching for tools and insights to make content work smarter, not harder, for your business, we recommend using this series as a roadmap to your digital empowerment.

NOTE: For accompanying online tutorials that expand on the topics covered in this guide, click on the links in the content.

Why Do You Need This Guide?

The importance of having quality content cannot be overstated. Businesses, both big and small, are constantly competing for the attention of their target audience.

To stand out from the crowd, therefore, it is crucial for your business to have an effective content management strategy in place.

This practical guide dives into the concept of content management, exploring its significance and providing practical insights for small businesses looking to develop their own content management blueprint.

What is Content Management?

Content management can be defined as the process of organizing, creating, managing, and distributing valuable content to reach and engage a specific audience. It encompasses various activities, such as content creation, editing, storage, and publishing.

A well-executed content management strategy helps your business establish brand identity, attract potential customers, and retain existing ones.

For a small business, having a content management blueprint is vital for several reasons. Firstly, it allows you to have a clear understanding of your target audience and their needs.

By creating content that resonates with your audience, your businesses can build trust and credibility, ultimately driving customer loyalty and increasing sales.

Secondly, a content management blueprint helps your businesses maintain consistency across different channels.

Whether it’s a blog post, social media update, or email newsletter, delivering a consistent message and tone helps reinforce your brand image and fosters a sense of familiarity among customers.

Furthermore, effective content management enables your business to stay relevant and up-to-date in your industry.

By regularly sharing valuable and informative content, your business can position itself as a thought leader, attracting industry experts and influencers to collaborate and promote your brand.

Developing a content management blueprint for your small business starts with defining your goals and objectives. This includes identifying your target audience, specifying the types of content to be created, and determining the desired outcome.

Once your goals are clear, your business can start developing a content calendar, outlining the topics, formats, and distribution channels to be utilized.

To ensure the success of your content management blueprint, it is essential to regularly analyze and measure the effectiveness of the content.

Your business can monitor metrics such as website traffic, social media engagement, and conversion rates to evaluate the impact of their content and make necessary adjustments.

In conclusion, content management is a critical component of any successful small business marketing strategy.

By developing a content management blueprint, your business can effectively engage itstarget audience, build brand awareness, and drive business growth.

Importance of Content Management for Small Businesses

No doubt, you’ve heard that “content is king.”

Content is everywhere. All websites need content, and all content needs management.

Whether you are a small business owner or an entrepreneur looking to establish your brand online, content management is essential for your success.

Let’s explore, then, the significance of content management and highlight the benefits it can offer your business.

Content Management Blueprint: A Practical Approach

Businesses often struggle with limited resources. However, by implementing a content management blueprint tailored to your needs, you can effectively manage your online presence.

A content management blueprint provides your business with a practical approach to creating, organizing, and distributing your content consistently across various platforms.

Enhancing Brand Awareness and Visibility

One of the primary reasons your business should prioritize content management is to enhance your brand awareness and visibility.

By consistently producing high-quality and relevant content, you will engage your target audience, build credibility, and establish your brand as an industry expert.

This increased visibility can lead to more website traffic, improved search engine rankings, and ultimately, more conversions.

Driving Customer Engagement and Loyalty

Effective content management allows your business to engage customers in meaningful ways.

By creating valuable content such as blog posts, articles, videos, and social media updates, you will establish a connection with your audience.

Engaging content not only keeps your customers informed and entertained but also fosters loyalty, as they perceive your business as a reliable source of information.

Improving Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Rankings

Content management and SEO go hand in hand. By optimizing your content with relevant keywords, meta tags, and descriptions, you can improve your search engine rankings.

When potential customers search for products or services related to your business, having a solid content management strategy in place will make your website more visible, increasing the likelihood of attracting organic traffic.

Streamlining Workflow and Collaboration

Efficient content management systems streamline workflow and collaboration within small businesses.

By centralizing content creation, editing, and scheduling processes, you can eliminate duplicate efforts, reduce errors, and ensure consistent messaging across all channels.

Additionally, content management tools often offer collaboration features, allowing team members to work together seamlessly, even remotely.

In conclusion, content management plays a crucial role in the success of small businesses.

By implementing a content management blueprint tailored to your specific needs, you can enhance brand awareness, drive customer engagement and loyalty, improve SEO rankings, and streamline workflow and collaboration.

Investing time and resources in content management will undoubtedly yield long-term benefits, and help your small business thrive in the digital landscape.

This is the end of part 1. To continue reading this article series, click on the pagination section below.


This transformational book is essential reading for understanding the importance of using effective systems to grow your business.

The E-Myth: Why Most Small Businesses Don’t Work And What To Do About It

This transformational book is essential reading for understanding the importance of using effective systems to grow your business.

The E-MythThe E-Myth is a classic tome in the world of entrepreneurship.

In this best-selling book, Michael E. Gerber argues that most small businesses fail because their owners fall into what he calls “the e-myth trap.”

This trap is the belief that just because you’re good at something, you’ll automatically be good at running a business that does that thing.

In other words, if you’re a great baker, you’ll automatically be a great bakery owner.

In The E-Myth, Michael Gerber dispels the myths surrounding starting your own business and shows how commonplace assumptions can get in the way of running the business.

Gerber contends that running a business is actually a completely different skill set from the actual work the business does. It’s like being a great football player and thinking that automatically makes you a great coach or team owner. They are different jobs that require different skills.

So, what’s the solution to the e-myth trap?

Gerber suggests that small business owners need to think like franchisees, even if they have no intention of franchising their business. This means creating a system for everything and treating your business like a well-oiled machine. It means working on your business, not just in it.

To do this, Gerber advises business owners to develop standard operating procedures for every aspect of their business, from how to answer the phone to how to package products for shipping. He also stresses the importance of delegating tasks to employees and using technology to automate processes wherever possible.

In short, if you want your business to succeed, you need to think like a franchisee and treat your business like a well-oiled machine. Don’t fall into the e-myth trap – unless you want your business to crash and burn like a stunt car at a demolition derby.

Applying E-Myth Principles To Content Management

So, how can this book help you when it comes to content management?

Well, for a start, the entire approach of this course is based on using E-Myth principles to manage your content effectively.

One of the key takeaways from Gerber’s book is that business owners — especially small business owners — need to work on their businesses, not just in them.

This means focusing on developing and implementing effective systems and processes that can be replicated and scaled, and employing people to manage these systems and processes, rather than trying to manage people and relying on them to do day-to-day tasks that will keep the business running in their own way.

Effective content management, then, starts with the right mindset and a content strategy, and then developing systems and processes to manage areas like content planning, content production, and content promotion.

This ensures that your content-related systems and processes are managed in an efficient and organized way, that they can be measured and improved upon, and that this can ultimately lead to achieving your business goals and objectives.

Next, Gerber stresses the importance of creating standard operating procedures for every aspect of your business. This ensures that every aspect of the business is consistent and reliable, no matter who is doing the work.

Another important aspect of Gerber’s approach is the emphasis on delegating tasks to your team and training them to follow and contribute to improving the systems, processes, and procedures of the business.

This helps to prevent organization-wide burnout and failure and allows the business to focus on its strategic aspects, such as growth and expansion.

Finally, Gerber emphasizes the importance of using technology to automate processes wherever possible. This not only saves time and money, but it also ensures that the business is scalable and can grow without becoming overwhelmed by manual processes.

There are many ways to implement content automation in your business.

The book walks you through the steps in the life of a business from entrepreneurial infancy, through adolescent growing pains, to the mature entrepreneurial perspective, the guiding light of all businesses that succeed.

Gerber then shows how to apply the lessons of franchising to any business whether or not it is a franchise. Finally, Gerber draws the vital, often overlooked distinction between working on your business and working in your business.

“The E-Myth” is an essential read if you plan to start a small business or improve the performance of an existing business, including all your content-related areas.

More info: The E-Myth


Automate Your Lead Generation With PhantomBuster

PhantomBuster is a lead generation automation tool that helps you automate your lead generation process.

Automate Your Lead Generation With PhantomBuster

PhantomBuster is a powerful lead-generation tool that helps you automate your lead-generation process.

Generating leads is crucial for acquiring new customers and increasing revenue.

However, lead generation can be a challenging task, and one of the biggest obstacles is obtaining verified email addresses for contacting prospects.

PhantomBuster is a powerful tool that lets you generate leads from all major networks and websites with 100+ ready-made automation tools, including obtaining verified email addresses of prospects for your business.

In this article, we briefly cover what PhantomBuster is and the benefits of using this powerful lead generation tool.

What Is PhantomBuster?

PhantomBuster is an automation tool that carries out automated actions on your behalf, and with its intuitive dashboard, you can set it up in minutes.

Use PhantomBuster’s Email Extractor to obtain verified email addresses of prospects.

It works via 100+ automation tools for every major platform and website you can think of, running actions on your behalf while you focus on more important things.

PhantomBuster is designed with lead generation in mind; so your sales and marketing teams will particularly benefit from this software.

For example, you can use Phantoms and Flows (See “How To Use” section below) to auto-connect with a list of LinkedIn profiles, gather emails from a Sales Navigator search, send personalized messages on Twitter, collect contact data from a Google Maps search, extract the followers of an Instagram account, and so much more.

To learn all that you can do with PhantomBuster, visit their site, check out their add-ons store, and read their blog for tutorials on how to extract verified email addresses from LinkedIn, how to automate your lead generation, how to connect Phantoms to your CRM, etc.

How To Use PhantomBuster

There are two types of automations that you can use; “Phantoms” and “Flows.”

A Phantom is an automation that works solo, while a Flow has multiple actions that work in sync with each other.

All you have to do is select a Phantom or Flow from the store, add an input (e.g. your session cookie or an API key to get access), specify what you would like the Phantom/Flow to do, and how often (e.g. run a search URL or work through a Google Sheet database), and hit ‘Launch’.

The automation tool will then take care of the rest. When it’s finished running, it will create a data output file with all the resulting information—ready for you to upload straight to your CRM.

The video below explains what a Phantom is:

Benefits Of Using PhantomBuster To Automate Your Lead Generation

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More info: PhantomBuster


Image: PhantomBuster logo

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business – Course Overview

Learn how to create an effective content strategy for your business with this free video course. Part 1.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business – Part 1: Course Overview

Learn how to create an effective content strategy for your business with this free video course. Part 1 of 12.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Video course.This is Part 1 of our free How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business video course.

This lesson provides an overview of the course modules, what a content strategy is, why your business needs one, and the benefits of having a clear content strategy.


Watch the video lesson below or refer to the video transcript:

Video Transcript

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

Hello and welcome to this video course on how to create an effective content strategy for your business.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

My name is Martin Aranovitch. I’m a professional content writer and the blog editor of a global software company.

I also run a number of business training websites including, where you can learn how to manage your content more effectively for free.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

So, why a course on content strategy?

Well, in case you haven’t noticed,

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

Content is everywhere!

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

All businesses and websites need content, all content needs management, and all management needs a strategy.

So, whether you are a business or website owner, or someone who creates, promotes, or manages content for a business, or you work in any kind of business that wants to grow using content.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

This course will show you how to create a content strategy that will help you produce more targeted content, drive more traffic to your website, generate more leads, and manage your content more effectively!

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

The aim of this course is to help you develop a sustainable way to grow your business by targeting the right audience, using the right content, at the right time, to get whatever outcome you set as a goal.

This could be buying your products, subscribing to your newsletter, or signing up for a membership.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

I designed the lessons in this course to help you create a practical content strategy quickly and easily.

So, if the purpose of having a content strategy is to help your business grow using content, then the first thing we need to do is understand who our target audience is, and set goals for what we want to achieve with our content.

Once we have set our content goals, the next step is to decide which content types and formats will work best to deliver results that will help us achieve our goals.

After we have a clear picture of the content types and formats that our business will create, the next step is to do a content audit of our business.

This will help us assess if any existing content we have fits our strategy and if not, what do we do with it?

The content audit will also help us identify if there are any missing gaps that we need to fill and any content opportunities that we can take advantage of.

Once we have the full picture of the content we will need to create and the resources we have available to work with, the next step is to create a content plan.

We’ll then break down our overall content plan into three key areas and develop a content production plan, a content promotion plan, and a content management plan.

These plans will then be used to execute our content strategy, to put systems in place to measure how our content is performing and to assess and improve the results of our content strategy to make sure that we are meeting our business goals and objectives.

Finally, we will look at troubleshooting any content-related problems to make sure that our content strategy is delivering our expected results to our business.

So that’s the logic behind this video course.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

Now, let’s take a brief look at what the lessons in this video series will actually cover:

So this is Module 1, and after this overview, we’ll look at what a content strategy is, why your business needs one, and the benefits of having a clear content strategy.

In module 2, we look at what you need to know and do before you can create an effective content strategy for your business.

We’ll look at the challenges of managing content effectively and the things that need to be put in place first.

In module 3, we’ll define our target audience.

And we’ll look at ways and methods to identify the demographics, interests, and pain points of our target audience, create user personas for our business, and understand the buyer’s journey and what type of content will be most relevant and valuable to our audience at each different stage.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

In module 4, we’ll use our target audience information to set content goals.

First, we’ll define our business goals, then we’ll align our content strategy with our business goals, and determine what we want to achieve with our content. For example, drive traffic, generate leads, build brand awareness, etc.

We’ll then set SMART goals for our content that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound.

In module 5, we’ll decide which content types and formats will best help us reach our goals.

We’ll choose the types of content that will be most effective for achieving our goals and resonating with our audience, such as blog posts, videos, infographics, ebooks, podcasts, etc., and consider the format and delivery of our content. For example, digital content delivered online, in-person, in print format, and so on.

In module 6, we’ll look at effective ways and tools to do a content audit.

This will help us to identify the types of content that our business is currently producing, assess the performance of our existing content, and identify gaps in our current content offerings.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

In module 7, we’ll create a content plan.

We’ll cover topics like planning out the frequency, topics, and distribution of our content, coordinating with other teams and stakeholders to ensure a consistent and cohesive content plan, deciding which content management tools to use, establishing a content publishing schedule, and assigning tasks and deadlines to team members.

In module 8, we’ll develop a content production plan.

We’ll look at using a variety of sources and methods to generate content ideas such as using keyword research, customer feedback, industry events, etc., developing a workflow process, and how to follow best practices for creating high-quality and engaging content.

In module 9, we’ll develop a content promotion plan.

We’ll look at ways to identify the channels to distribute our content and create a content distribution plan. Develop a plan to promote our content using a variety of tactics to get the content in front of our target audience. For example, social media, email marketing, paid advertising, and so on, and using analytics and metrics to track the performance of our content, to measure the effectiveness of our content distribution efforts, and determine what is working and what needs improvement.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

In module 10, we’ll develop a content management plan.

Here we tie in our goals, audience information, content types, and resources with workflow processes, tools & technologies, content performance and measurement, content documentation, security & storage.

In module 11, we look at troubleshooting and fixing issues with our content, our content strategy, and our content plan.

And in module 12 we’ll bring everything we’ve discussed in the course to a conclusion and discuss the next steps, plus we’ll look at some useful tips and resources.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

So, as you can see this is a fairly comprehensive video course.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

Now, here’s what I suggest you do to get the most out of this course.

First, go through the entire course and make sure to watch all of the modules and video lessons.

After watching the videos, refer to the online tutorials on for more details.

I have spent over a year writing these lessons and tutorials and they are very comprehensive.

I also recommend subscribing to the free email course on the site for additional information related to this course, plus tips, links to useful resources, and updates.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

So, that’s an overview of what this course is all about.

Now, let’s just get straight into it.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

So, what is a content strategy?

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

A content strategy is a plan for creating, publishing, and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to achieve specific business goals and objectives.

A content strategy helps you define who your target audience is and understand their needs and interests, create the right content to address their needs and speak to their interests, determine the most effective channels for distributing your content — so this could be your website, social media, email marketing, or even offline channels like events or print materials, and track and measure performance so you can continue to improve your results.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

So, basically, a content strategy provides an organized and sustainable plan to help your business reach its goals using content.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

Now, there are many benefits to having a clear content strategy.

Let’s go through some of these.

So one of the main benefits is consistency. Ensuring consistency in the quality, tone, and style of your content helps to build trust with your audience and establish your brand as a reliable source of information.

Another benefit is improved audience targeting. A content strategy helps to identify your target audience and create content that’s tailored specifically to their needs and interests.

Also, increased brand awareness: Publishing content of a consistently high quality helps to increase awareness of your brand and establish your business as a thought leader in your industry.

Another benefit is greater customer engagement. By providing valuable and relevant content, you can better engage and build relationships with your customers, which can lead to increased loyalty and greater customer retention.

Also, higher search engine rankings. Optimizing your website’s content for search engines leads to higher search rankings and increased organic traffic.

Another benefit is enhanced reputation management. By proactively managing your brand’s reputation, you ensure that all content will align with your brand values and messaging.

Also, increased sales and conversions. By providing valuable and relevant content, you can drive more traffic to your website and convert more visitors into customers.

A content strategy also helps to improve internal communication. Aligning the goals and messaging of different teams within your organization helps to improve internal communication and collaboration.

Also streamlined content creation. A content strategy helps to streamline the content creation process by defining the types of content that will be created, who will create it, and how it will be distributed.

And finally, reduced costs. A content strategy helps you avoid wasting time and resources creating ineffective or redundant content and lets you focus on creating high-quality content that resonates with your target audience.

So, those are some of the key benefits of developing an effective content strategy.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

Without a content strategy, your business will just drift aimlessly like a rudderless ship in a vast ocean of digital information.

A content strategy provides the map and the compass that helps you navigate this sea of information and reach your destination.

So, my aim for this course is not just to give you a map and a compass, but a complete GPS content navigation system for your business.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

In the next video training module, we’ll look at what you need to know and do before you can create an effective content strategy for your business.

So, thank you for watching and I’ll see you in the next lesson.


See the following lessons and tutorials for more information  about the topics covered in this video lesson:


Image: Robin Higgins. Music Bensound.

Free Video Course: How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business

Learn how to create an effective content strategy for your business with this free 12-part video course.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business – Free Video Course

Learn how to create an effective content strategy for your business with this free 12-part video course.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Free Video Course

Welcome to our free video course on how to create an effective content strategy for your business.

In this course, you will learn the key principles and best practices for creating a successful content strategy that drives results for your business.

Whether you are a small business owner, marketer, or content creator, this course will provide you with the tools and knowledge you need to create and execute a content strategy that is tailored to your business goals.

Content is a critical component of any successful marketing strategy, and an effective content strategy is essential for building brand awareness, engaging your audience, and driving business results.

In this course, you will learn how to develop a content strategy that aligns with your business goals, resonates with your target audience, and drives results.

From defining your target audience and identifying your business goals to creating a content calendar and measuring your success, this course will walk you through the entire process of creating an effective content strategy. You will also learn about the different types of content, how to create and promote content, and how to measure your success.

So, whether you are just starting out or looking to improve your existing content strategy, this course is for you. By the end of this course, you will have the skills and knowledge you need to create an effective content strategy that drives results for your business.

This free and comprehensive video course on how to create an effective content strategy for your business consists of 12 video lessons with links to detailed step-by-step online tutorials for all topics covered in the lessons.


Video Course Description

Part 1 provides an overview of the course modules, what a content strategy is, why your business needs one, and the benefits of having a clear content strategy.

Part 2 covers what you need to know and do before you can create an effective content strategy for your business. Learn about the challenges of managing content effectively and what you need to put in place first.

Part 3 looks at ways and methods to identify the demographics, interests, and pain points of your target audience, create user personas for your business, and understand the buyer’s journey and what types of content will be most relevant and valuable to your audience at each different stage of their journey.

Part 4 covers how to use your target audience information to set SMART goals for your content, plus defining your business goals, aligning your content strategy with your business goals, and determining what you want to achieve with your content (e.g. drive traffic, generate leads, build brand awareness, etc.)

Part 5 covers deciding which content types and formats will best help your business reach its goals.

Part 6 discusses effective ways and tools to do a content audit to identify the types of content your business is currently producing, assess the performance of your existing content, and identify gaps and opportunities in your current content offerings.

Part 7 covers creating a content plan – what a content plan is, why your business needs one, and how to create a content plan for your business.

Part 8 covers creating a content production plan specifying the strategy and the schedule your business will use to create and publish its content.

Part 9 covers creating a content promotion plan specifying the strategy and tactics your business will use to distribute and promote its content.

Part 10 covers creating a content management plan specifying the processes your business will use to manage and maintain its content.

Part 11 covers troubleshooting and fixing issues with your content, your content strategy, and your content plan.

Part 12 provides a recap of the course, discusses the next steps for implementing a content strategy for your business, and provides useful tips and resources.

Click the links in the gallery below the video to visit lesson pages with the video and a full transcript with screenshots…

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Overview
How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business – Course Overview
Learn how to create an effective content strategy for your business with this free video course. Part 1.
How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Content Challenges
How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business – Content Challenges
Learn how to create an effective content strategy for your business with this free video course. Part 2.
How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Overview
How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business – Target Audience
Learn how to create an effective content strategy for your business with this free video course. Part 3.
How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Content Goals
How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business – Content Goals
Learn how to create an effective content strategy for your business with this free video course. Part 4.
How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Content Types
How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business – Content Types
Learn how to create an effective content strategy for your business with this free video course. Part 5.
How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Content Audit
How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business – Content Audit
Learn how to create an effective content strategy for your business with this free video course. Part 6.
How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Content Plan
How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business – Content Plan
Learn how to create an effective content strategy for your business with this free video course. Part 7.
How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Content Production Plan
How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business – Content Production Plan
Learn how to create an effective content strategy for your business with this free video course. Part 8.
How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Content Promotion Plan
How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business – Content Promotion Plan
Learn how to create an effective content strategy for your business with this free video course. Part 9.
How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Content Management Plan
How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business – Content Management Plan
Learn how to create an effective content strategy for your business with this free video course. Part 10.
How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Content Troubleshooting
How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business – Content Troubleshooting
Learn how to create an effective content strategy for your business with this free video course. Part 11.
How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Next Steps
How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business – Next Steps
Learn how to create an effective content strategy for your business with this free video course. Part 12.

Or access the full video playlist below:

Subscribe to our YouTube channel: @contentmanagementcourse


How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business – Next Steps

Learn how to create an effective content strategy for your business with this free video course. Part 12.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business – Part 12: Next Steps

Learn how to create an effective content strategy for your business with this free video course. Part 12 of 12.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Video course.This is Part 12 of our free How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business video course.

This lesson provides a recap of the course, discusses the next steps for implementing a content strategy for your business, and provides useful tips and resources.


Watch the video lesson below or refer to the video transcript:

Video Transcript

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

Welcome back to our video course on how to create an effective content strategy for your business.

This is module 12 and it’s the last lesson in our video series.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

In our previous lessons, we covered all the steps we need to develop a strategy that will allow us to create, promote, and manage our content effectively.

We also looked at how to troubleshoot any problems and issues that can affect our content’s performance and results.

In this final lesson, I want to recap what we have covered in this course, talk about the next steps to take after creating a content strategy and provide links to additional information and useful resources.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

If your business has done everything that we’ve talked about in this course and put all of the right foundations in place, developed a content strategy, created a sound content plan, and implemented plans to create, promote, and manage your content effectively, then you can expect your content to perform well and deliver your business great results.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

And here is why your business can expect this.

Your business is thinking about content strategically. Strategic thinking lets you adapt and respond quickly to changes. You don’t change your destination, you just change the methods and tactics you are using to get there.

You can also expect great results if your business has set clear goals and objectives and you understand your audience’s needs, interests, and pain points, then create the right content, delivered at the right stage of their buyer journey, in the right type and format, and distribute it using the right channels, so that your content production and promotion are fully aligned with your business goals and your audience’s needs.

And you can also expect great results if your business uses documented systems to create, promote, manage, track, measure, and improve its content, and has a methodical approach to troubleshoot and fix issues.

This is what an effective content strategy aims to do. It lets you examine every area of your business that involves using content and make sure that everyone involved is aligned with the right goals and objectives and is working toward achieving these.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

Now, I admit that this is not easy to do, especially if your business is already going full steam ahead and hasn’t put in place the systems and processes that we’ve discussed in this course…

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

…but this is the map that will get your business there and deliver you success using content.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

So, now that you know what the purpose of having a content strategy is and how to create one, where do you go from here?

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

Well, if you plan to start a business or a website and haven’t started yet, then the first thing you need to do is put all the right business foundations in place, develop a content strategy, and create and implement plans to produce, promote, and manage your content effectively, as shown in this course.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

And if your business is already going full steam ahead and it hasn’t put in place the systems and processes that we’ve discussed in this course, then that’s what you need to do next.

However poorly you do it, any attempt to develop and implement a content strategy with plans, systems, and documented processes is better than none at all.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

The worst thing that can happen if you attempt to develop a content strategy for a business that hasn’t got one is that it will show you why your business actually needs one.

So, once you have this awareness, you can begin to do something about it.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

So, regardless of whether you are planning to start a business or trying to manage content for an existing business, here are the practical steps that I recommend taking next…

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

First, I suggest that you review all of the video course lessons and any accompanying notes that are included with this course.

Next, go through all of the detailed tutorials that expand on these lessons. They are all available for free on

If you haven’t already, I also suggest that you register for the content management course email lessons on the site. It’s also 100% free and it will take you step-by-step through everything you need to know to manage content for your business or website effectively.

I have created another comprehensive email course on how to generate new content ideas for your website, blog, or newsletter. It’s also completely free to subscribe and will help you create an endless content pipeline for your business.

If your business uses WordPress as its content management system, I have created detailed step-by-step tutorials on how to use WordPress that you can access for free at

And I also run a site that provides thousands of video lessons that will help you develop digital business skills and master using WordPress. This site is not free but there’s a very low subscription price, so it’s extremely affordable.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

So, I hope that you have found this video course instructive, useful, and practical.

I’m Martin Aranovitch, thank you for watching, and make sure to review the accompanying notes for ways to stay connected and updated.

Also, make sure to visit for additional information and comprehensive tutorials that expand on everything we’ve covered in his course.


Image: Robin Higgins. Music Bensound.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business – Content Troubleshooting

Learn how to create an effective content strategy for your business with this free video course. Part 11.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business – Part 11: Content Troubleshooting

Learn how to create an effective content strategy for your business with this free video course. Part 11 of 12.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Video course.This is Part 11 of our free How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business video course.

This lesson covers troubleshooting and fixing issues with your content, your content strategy, and your content plan.


Watch the video lesson below or refer to the video transcript:

Video Transcript

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

Welcome back to our video course on how to create an effective content strategy for your business.

This is module 11.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

In the previous lessons, we looked at creating a content strategy and implementing plans for creating, promoting, and managing your content.

Now, what we want to do is look at what we can do if our content strategy isn’t working as expected, and how we can troubleshoot and find ways to fix any issues related to our content.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

So, in this lesson, I’m going to introduce you to a systematic approach for troubleshooting content-related issues.

We’ll look at the general principles of this approach, and then look at how to troubleshoot issues with your content strategy and your content plan.

Everything covered in this lesson is documented in detail in a Content Troubleshooting Guide that you can refer to by visiting the link on your screen.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

So here is the simple model we’ll use.

Basically, it’s a drill-down approach. So, when you run into a problem with your content, we start at the top to see if we can address, correct and eliminate the problem at that level, and if we can’t fix it at that level, we then drill down to the next level below it and start diagnosing the issue at that level, and so on.

Now, before we get into this, let me show you what I believe is the most important slide of this entire course.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

Ok, this chart looks very simple, but if you really get it and understand what it means, you will realize that it is the key to fixing not only problems related to your content but also most of the problems in your business too!

And I’m not exaggerating here about the importance of understanding this chart. I showed this same chart to someone who was struggling to grow their business many years ago and it completely transformed their business.

Every business has three levels of decision-making and you can’t get away from this. So, even if you are just a one-person business, your business still has these three levels. You’ll just have to wear three different hats when making business decisions.

So let’s go through these.

The executive level is where strategic decisions get made, like defining your business vision and setting targets, goals and objectives.

The managerial level is where decisions get made that affect how your business will achieve the strategic goals and targets set by the executive level.

Now many people think that the managerial level is about managing people, but that’s the wrong approach.

Managerial-level decisions should be about implementing and managing the systems that the business will use to achieve its strategic goals and objectives.

So it’s about managing systems, not people.

And the tactical or technical level is where people do the actual work that will help the business realize its vision and achieve its goals and objectives.

At this level, people should be trained to follow the systems put in place by the management level, to hit the targets and goals set by the strategic level.

So, ideally, the way this works is that the executive level sets a strategic target, like for example “to increase annual sales by 20%”.

The managerial level then figures out which systems the business needs to put in place to achieve that 20% increase in sales.

The managerial level then also implements those systems and makes sure that the people hired to fill the tactical or technical roles have the skills and the training to operate those systems because when they do that, it will help to achieve the vision and goals set at the executive level.

Now, let me show you why understanding this is so important to fixing problems in your business like content-related issues.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

So, let’s say that you have a small business and you want to grow your business with content marketing.

So you put together a content team with an editor, a couple of content writers, an illustrator with video-making skills, and a marketer who can do email marketing and social media marketing.

So everything is going well. Your team is publishing regular articles and blog posts, posting social media updates, uploading videos online, sending out newsletters, and so on.

A few months down the track, your manager informs you that the content is not really performing too well in terms of generating new leads, increasing engagement, and improving conversions.

And your content team also tells you that they’ve run out of content ideas and that the content pipeline has run dry.

So now we have a couple of serious problems on our hands.

We’re running out of new content ideas and our existing content isn’t delivering us the results that we need.

This is all costing us time and money so we need to find a solution.

At this point, many businesses kind of get stuck and start looking at short-term solutions.

So you can start running regular brainstorming sessions with your team each week to try and keep your content pipeline going, but if your content is not delivering the results you need, then just creating content for content’s sake isn’t going to fix anything.

It’s also kind of hard to know what to do to improve things like increase traffic from organic search or get more engagement on social media or convert traffic into sales if all you have is lots of data from analytics reports, but no systems or processes in place for turning this data into specific actions.

So what do you do to fix these problems?

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

Let’s go back to our chart with the three levels of decision-making and let’s map it on top of this scenario, and let’s see if it can help us troubleshoot and fix these problems.

First, if you really understand what this chart is about, you will see straight away why asking your writers to brainstorm new content ideas to create a content pipeline is not going to fix your issues and improve your results.

Why? Because you’re asking people at the tactical level to fix issues that should have been addressed at the strategic and managerial levels.

So you can come up with new content ideas all day long but if the content isn’t helping your business grow, then you’re just wasting valuable time, money, and resources.

But you can’t brainstorm new content ideas unless you first have a clear idea of what you are aiming to achieve, of who your target audience is, what kind of content you should be focusing on, and so on.

All of these questions need to be answered by the managerial level in the form of a content plan spelling out in nitty-gritty detail what kind of content needs to be written, how it should be delivered, and so on.

But the managerial level can’t create an effective content plan if the executive level hasn’t defined a content strategy with realistic and achievable goals and objectives, allocated sufficient budget for resources, tools, and training, and so on.

So the point here is, if your content pipeline runs dry, it’s not the responsibility of people at the tactical level to fix the issue. The responsibility is at the managerial level.

A business owner has the big picture of their business but everyone below that level doesn’t.

So, your editor and your content writers, they don’t have the big picture, which means that putting them in charge of your content strategy is only going to create more problems.

And if your content isn’t performing well, the problem may not even be at the managerial level. It could be at the strategic level, which is the responsibility of the business owners to fix.

This is where many businesses say “well… I’m too busy trying to run other parts of the business to fix content issues and come up with new content ideas – that’s why we hired all these content experts!”

Well, how can you blame the body for following a head that doesn’t know where it’s going?

So this is what this chart is telling you. That the executive level has to know where it’s going and the managerial level has to put the systems in place to help the business get there before your business can start putting people into tactical or technical roles and giving them responsibilities for getting the work done.

Without putting those foundations in place, your business will just keep running into problems.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

This is why outsourcing areas of your business like content production, content promotion, or even content management to a digital agency or freelance writers without first putting systems in place to manage the outsourcing process can often lead to poor results.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

The chart tells you that an external digital agency is not part of the executive level of the business and so they shouldn’t make executive-level decisions, and that freelance writers won’t build managerial-level systems that will help the business realize its vision, so a lot of the time, what businesses think is outsourcing is really just abdicating their responsibility for making executive and managerial-level decisions.

Once you know which level is responsible for doing what in the business, you can start troubleshooting and fixing issues with your content.

Until this happens, any short-term fixes are really just a game of “passing the buck” where nothing is really going to get fixed in the long run.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

So, now that we understand this, let’s apply our content troubleshooting approach and see how we would solve the issues of getting our content pipeline running again and improve our content’s performance.

So we’ll use our simple content troubleshooting model and map our chart of decision-making levels on top of it.

As I mentioned earlier, this is a top-down approach, so we’ll start at the top by making sure that our basic business principles are in place.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

This means looking at things like:

  • Has the business clearly defined its vision, mission, and core values?
  • Has the business set clear, realistic, and achievable goals and objectives?
  • Does it have a business plan, marketing strategy, and marketing plan that flow logically from its vision, mission, and core values?
  • Is there an allocated budget for resources and is it realistic?
  • Are the business and marketing plans aligned with the goals and objectives of the business?
  • And more importantly, is all of this documented and accessible to everyone in the business?

If all of the above are not in place, then the business is going to experience problems at the levels of implementation.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

Let’s assume, then, that everything checks out at the foundational level, so the next level to look at is your content strategy.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

As you can see from this chart, creating a content strategy is an executive-level responsibility.

The managerial and tactical levels can be involved and contribute to the content strategy, but the responsibility for setting the overall strategy for the long-term vision and direction of the content ultimately lies with the executive level.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

So let’s look at some of the key areas to assess and review when troubleshooting our content strategy.

I’ve listed here a number of areas that can lead to content issues when certain things aren’t addressed at the content strategy level.

You will notice that many of these areas will also show up at the managerial level, i.e. the content plan, but for different reasons.

For example, if poor search engine optimization is identified as an issue that’s affecting your content performance, the strategic level is responsible for outlining in its content strategy that all content must follow SEO best practices.

The managerial level then has to figure out what these SEO best practices are and put together the SEO systems, guides, and guidelines that the content team should follow to make sure that SEO best practices are being implemented.

Another example is the allocation of resources.

Your content strategy might allocate a budget for content marketing based on their total budget for all business areas, but when the managerial level tries to implement their plans, they might find that their allocated budget is insufficient to cover all of the costs needed to meet the content strategy’s specifications, like hiring or training new content team members, investing in tools and technologies, and covering production costs like creating high-quality videos, and so on.

In this case, either the executive level needs to find and allocated additional funds or re-evaluate their specifications.

So as before, let’s assume that our content strategy has all of these areas covered, but that our content team still has no content pipeline and that our content isn’t performing as well as expected.

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So, we have to go down one more level and see if we can try to locate the issues at the level of the content plan.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

Here are some of the key areas to look at when troubleshooting your content plan.

What you will find with most of the areas listed here, is that the real time-consuming work of building systems, processes, and procedures to make the content strategy work is the managerial level’s responsibility. The executive and tactical levels can be involved in helping to document the content plan, but it’s not the responsibility of the content team to create it.

So, with areas like no content measuring or evaluating, a content strategy will tell us which metrics are important to track, but setting up the systems, processes, and tools to measure and report on those metrics is a managerial-level responsibility.

A content manager might choose to create and run those systems themselves, or assign it to someone else in the team, or even to outsource the task to experts, but it is their responsibility to create a content plan first that addresses all of these areas.

So the point here is that these are all managerial-level decisions and responsibilities. And if any of these areas is deficient, then your content team will struggle to have an ongoing pipeline and your business will struggle to improve its content performance.

Your business will keep running into problems if managers are trying to manage people instead of putting systems and processes in place for tactical and technical-level roles to follow.

So if the strategic level has clearly outlined the metrics that are important to track in its content strategy and the managerial level has implemented an effective content tracking system as per their content plan, and the same thing has been done for all of the other important areas like understanding the target market, defining content types, setting guidelines for your content, branding, SEO, etc. then you should be able to identify and pinpoint exactly what’s causing the issue with a content pipeline or with your content performance.

You would have all the systems in place for creating, promoting, and managing your content effectively and your content team would know what content topics and themes they should be focusing on.

This is where and when they can help brainstorm new content ideas to keep the content pipeline running.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

If everything at the content plan level is fine and there are still issues, then the next step is to drill further down into your content plan and look at the specific components like your content production plan, your content promotion plan, and your content management plan.

Once again, creating these is the responsibility of the managerial level.

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So, for example, if having no content pipeline is still an issue, you would look at your content production plan and see if there are any issues or problems like poorly-defined production workflow processes, or a lack of documented procedures, or are people just not following the documented processes and guidelines, or is there no content calendar, or are there unclear roles and responsibilities, or lack of skills or training in using the right tools, and so on.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

Now, if your content performance hasn’t improved after reviewing your content plan, then you would look at your content promotion plan and see if there are any issues or problems like whether your team is following the marketing plan, if they have access to analytics data and reports and can understand the metrics, if they are using the right distribution channels and the right tools to track content performance, improve SEO, and so on.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

Similarly, if after drilling all the way down there are still issues, then you would go through your content management plan and review whether any areas here are causing issues.

For example, issues at this level may be related to poor organization, poor time management, work overload, blurry roles and responsibilities, or a lack of documentation, or even issues with content tracking and content protection, poor content linking practices, failures to backup content, a lack of knowledge of using management tools, and so on.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

So, in summary,

Understanding the three levels of decision-making in a business is very important, as it helps to work out who is responsible for doing what in your business.

Use a top-down approach to diagnose and troubleshoot issues with your content. This is an effective approach because as you address and eliminate issues at the higher levels, your business will experience fewer problems and get better results as time goes on.

Also, keep in mind that most content-related issues are caused by the lack of a well-defined content strategy, so the more you focus on getting your content strategy clear from the outset, the fewer problems you will experience later in other areas of your business.

And finally, keep in mind that your content strategy is really an outline of the work that needs to be done but most of the time-consuming work of implementing the strategy is done at the managerial level, such as documenting system, processes, and guidelines, making sure that the content team is trained to follow systems, guidelines, and procedures, and troubleshooting and fixing issues with your content systems.

Now, as I mentioned earlier, you can refer to the comprehensive Content Troubleshooting Guide and tutorials on if you need help with any of these areas.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

So, that’s all for this video.

In the next and final lesson, we’ll wrap up this course with a recap and useful tips and suggestions for taking the next steps.

Thank you for watching and I’ll see you in the next lesson.


See the following lessons and tutorials for more information  about the topics covered in this video lesson:


Music Bensound.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business – Content Management Plan

Learn how to create an effective content strategy for your business with this free video course. Part 10.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business – Part 10: Content Management Plan

Learn how to create an effective content strategy for your business with this free video course. Part 10 of 12.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Video course.This is Part 10 of our free How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business video course.

This lesson covers creating a content management plan specifying the processes your business will use to manage and maintain its content.


Watch the video lesson below or refer to the video transcript:

Video Transcript

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

Welcome back to our video course on how to create an effective content strategy for your business.

This is module 10.

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In the previous lesson, we looked at creating a content promotion plan for your business.

In this lesson, we’ll look at creating and implementing a content management plan.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

This is the part of the content plan that determines how we’ll manage and maintain all of the content that we create, publish, and promote.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

In this lesson, we’ll cover what a content management plan is, why your business needs it, and how to create one for your business.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

So, what is a content management plan?

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

A content management plan is a document that outlines the processes your business will use to manage and maintain all of its content.

It includes your content management goals and objectives, information about your target audience, the types of content and distribution channels that you will manage, and the KPIs that will be used to measure the success of your content management practices.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

Now, why does your business need a content management plan?

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

It needs a content management plan because it helps your business to…

Manage all the content it produces, from initial idea to final publication.

Also, to make roles and responsibilities of team members and stakeholders clear.

Establish a consistent workflow to ensure content is accurate, on-brand, and on time.

It helps you track your content performance over time, ensuring that content goals are being met and that your target audience is being reached.

It also helps to ensure that your content is organized, easily searchable, and retrievable, saving your business time and resources and providing a consistent customer experience.

Also, it helps to avoid duplication of effort and ensures compliance with legal or regulatory requirements.

And it also helps your business to stay consistent and on-brand with your messaging.

So, in short, your content management plan is a strategy for organizing, storing, and maintaining your business content. It helps your business keep its content organized, ensuring that it stays up-to-date and relevant, and making it easily accessible to the people who need it.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

So now that we have a basic understanding of what a content management plan is and why your business needs it, let’s look at how to create one.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

I’ve outlined here the main steps and suggestions for creating a content management plan.

Like in our previous lessons, I’m only going to touch briefly on these points, because we’ve already covered many of the steps listed here in our Content Plan lesson in module 7.

If you need help with these steps, visit the link on the screen for a detailed tutorial.

So, how do we create a content management plan?

First, we need to define our content management goals. For example, it may be improving your website traffic or increasing customer engagement.

Next, we make an inventory of all of our existing content, including formats, topics, and target audience, and we covered this in Module 6.

To manage your content effectively, you’ll need to develop a content strategy and this is the central focus of our video course. Creating a content strategy includes outlining your content goals, defining your target audience, your content topics, content types and formats, and a whole lot more.

Next, establish a content workflow and document the processes your business will use to create, review, edit, and publish content.

Set up a content calendar with your content publishing schedule.

Document the roles and responsibilities involved in creating, editing, publishing, and promoting your content.

Use a content management system to organize, store, and distribute your content.

Document your SEO Guidelines. Include best SEO practices, links to SEO courses, resources, tutorials, etc.

Use analytics tools to track and analyze your content performance and gather insights for future content.

Review and update to make sure your content stays fresh and relevant.

Collaborate and communicate with your team members and stakeholders to ensure that your content stays aligned with your overall goals and objectives.

Document all of your processes to ensure that anyone can manage your content to the highest quality standards set by your business.

Make regular content backups to keep your content safe and protected and to ensure business continuity, and

Continuously monitor and improve your content management processes.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

In terms of choosing a content management system for your business, I recommend that you consider using a platform like WordPress.

WordPress is the most popular content management system platform in the world,

Over one-third of all websites in fact run on WordPress.

WordPress is a free, open-source CMS, which means it’s infinitely expandable with add-ons, which WordPress calls plugins.

WordPress is also actively supported by a community of thousands of web developers, so it’s always being updated with new features and bug fixes, which means that it’s secure.

And you can build any kind of website you can imagine with WordPress. From company websites and blogs to full-featured e-commerce stores, private membership sites, business directories, and so much more!

Plus, WordPress is easy-to-use and requires no coding skills.

You can learn more about using content management systems by following the link on the screen.

More importantly, if your website runs on WordPress, I have created comprehensive and detailed step-by-step tutorials on how to use WordPress.

You can access these tutorials for free at Just visit the link on the slide for more details.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide


How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

Also, in terms of content organization, you’ll want to implement systems that will improve your efficiency and user experience, that will save you time and money, and that will help your business maximize its resources.

So, see the link on your screen for a detailed tutorial on ways to organize your content.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

And regarding documenting, backing up, and protecting your content, I have also written comprehensive tutorials covering each of these areas, so if you need help with any of these areas visit the links on the screen.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

So, in summary,

A content management plan specifies the processes for managing and maintaining your content.

It also includes your goals and objectives for managing your content, information about your target audience, the content types and the distribution channels that you will manage, and the KPIs you will use to measure your content.

Follow the steps discussed in this lesson to create and implement a content management plan for your business and if you need help or want to see an example of a content management plan, check out the tutorials listed on the screen.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

So, that’s all for this lesson.

In the next lesson, we’ll look at how to troubleshoot and fix issues with your content strategy.

Thank you for watching and I’ll see you in the next lesson.


See the following lessons and tutorials for more information  about the topics covered in this video lesson:


Image: Robin Higgins. Music Bensound.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business – Content Promotion Plan

Learn how to create an effective content strategy for your business with this free video course. Part 9.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business – Part 9: Content Promotion Plan

Learn how to create an effective content strategy for your business with this free video course. Part 9 of 12.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Video course.This is Part 9 of our free How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business video course.

This lesson covers creating a content promotion plan specifying the strategy and tactics your business will use to distribute and promote its content.


Watch the video lesson below or refer to the video transcript:

Video Transcript

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

Welcome back to our video course on how to create an effective content strategy for your business.

This is module 9.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

In the previous lesson, we looked at creating a content production plan for your business.

In this lesson, we’ll look at creating and implementing a content promotion plan.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

This is the part of the content plan that determines how we’ll promote and get our content in front of our target audiences.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

So in this lesson, we’ll cover what a content promotion plan is, why your business needs it, and how to create one for your business.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

So, what is a content promotion plan?

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

A content promotion plan is a document that outlines the strategy and tactics your business will use to distribute and promote its content.

It includes your content promotion goals and objectives, information about your target audience, the types of content you will produce, the distribution channels that you will use to get your content out there, and the KPIs or key performance indicators that will be used to measure the success of your content promotion activities.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

Now, why does your business need a content promotion plan?

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

Your business needs a content promotion plan because it helps your business to:

Reach and engage your target audience more effectively.

Helps to maximize the impact of the content you produce.

It helps to allocate resources and budgets more efficiently toward content promotion.

It helps to track your content’s performance over time.

It helps to identify & leverage the most effective distribution channels to reach your target audience.

And it helps you to stay consistent and on-brand with your messaging.

So in short, your content promotion plan tells you how to get the word out about your content, increase its visibility and drive engagement and conversions.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

So now that we have a basic understanding of what a content promotion plan is and why your business needs it, let’s look at how to create one.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

I’ve outlined here the main steps and suggestions for creating a content promotion plan.

Like in our previous lessons, I’m only going to touch briefly on these points, because many of these steps have already been covered in our Content Plan lesson in module 7.

If you need help with these steps, visit the link on the screen for a detailed tutorial.

So, to create a content production plan we’ll need to…

Define our goals for promoting our content, for example, increase website traffic, generate leads, etc.

Identify our target audience: Where are they are most likely to be found?

Create a plan for distributing our content through various channels, for example, social media, email, videos, paid advertising, etc.

Use a promotion calendar or scheduling tool to plan out when and how to promote each published piece of content.

Optimize content for search engines

Share the content on social media platforms and encourage followers to share it.

And you may also want to reach out to influencers in your industry and ask them to share your content with their audience.

Also, you can leverage email and video marketing, so include the content in your email newsletter and send it to your email subscribers.

And upload and share your videos on video-sharing platforms

And also you can consider using paid promotions like Google Ads or Facebook ads, to reach a larger audience.

Additionally, set metrics and use analytics tools to track and analyze your promotions and gather insights for future campaigns.

Repurpose and refresh your content with new information and insights to reach new audiences and keep your existing audiences engaged.

And continuously monitor and improve your promotion strategy based on your results and feedback.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

So, in summary…

Your content promotion plan specifies the strategy and schedule for promoting and distributing your content, and it includes your goals and objectives for promoting your content, information about your target audience, the content types that you will create, your distribution channels, and the key performance indicators you will use to measure the success of your content promotion efforts.

Follow the steps presented in this lesson to create and implement a content promotion plan for your business and if you need help or want to see an example of a content promotion plan, check out the tutorials listed on the screen.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course SlideSo that’s all for this lesson.

In the next lesson, we’ll look at how to create a content management plan for your business.

Thank you for watching and I’ll see you in the next lesson.


See the following lessons and tutorials for more information  about the topics covered in this video lesson:


Image: Robin Higgins. Music Bensound.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business – Content Production Plan

Learn how to create an effective content strategy for your business with this free video course. Part 8.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business – Part 8: Content Production Plan

Learn how to create an effective content strategy for your business with this free video course. Part 8 of 12.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Video course.This is Part 8 of our free How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business video course.

This lesson covers creating a content production plan specifying the strategy and the schedule your business will use to create and publish its content.


Watch the video lesson below or refer to the video transcript:

Video Transcript

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

Welcome back to our video course on how to create an effective content strategy for your business.

This is module 8.

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In the previous lesson, we looked at creating a content plan so we can start implementing our content strategy.

In this lesson, we’ll look at creating and implementing a content production plan.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

This is the part of the content plan that determines how we’ll create and produce all the content in our business.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

So in this lesson, we’ll cover what a content production plan is, why your business needs it, and how to create one for your business.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

So, what is a content production plan?

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

A content production plan is a document that outlines the strategy and schedule your business will use to create and publish its content.

It includes your content production goals and objectives, information about your target audience, the types of content you will produce, the distribution channels that you will use, and the KPIs or key performance indicators that will be used to measure the success of your content production efforts.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

Ok. Now that we know what a content production plan is, why does your business need one?

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

Your business needs one because it helps your business to:

Align its content efforts with its overall marketing and business goals.

It also ensures the creation of relevant, valuable, and engaging content for your target audience.

It helps you allocate resources and budget more efficiently towards content creation.

Helps you track content performance over time.

Helps you to identify and fill gaps in your content offerings.

And it helps you stay consistent and on-brand with your messaging.

So in short, a content production plan is a detailed plan that outlines the specific actions and resources that your business will use to create and publish content.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

So now that we have a basic understanding of what a content production plan is and why your business needs it, let’s look at how to create one.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

I’ve outlined here the main steps to creating a content production plan.

I’m only going to touch briefly on these points here, because many of these steps have already been covered in the Content Plan lesson in module 7.

If you need help, I’ve also written a detailed tutorial covering these steps, just visit the link on the screen.

So to create a content production plan, we need to…

Review our content plan and make sure that we have a clear understanding of our audience, goals, topics, and distribution channels.

We also have to assign roles and responsibilities, which means deciding who will be responsible for each aspect of the content creation process, like who will do the research, writing, editing, design, etc.

We also need a calendar or a scheduling tool to plan out when each piece of content will be created, reviewed, and published.

Another important step is to create a detailed workflow outlining the specific steps that will be taken for each piece of content. This should include research, writing, editing, design, and distribution. We’ll cover this in the next slide.

Also, outline the process for creating each type of content. Identify the tools, resources, and steps required to create different types of content, such as blog posts, videos, podcasts, infographics, etc.

And, finally, review and optimize. Review the content production plan regularly and make adjustments when needed. Use the metrics defined in your content plan to measure the success of your content and to make changes that will help to improve your results over time.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

In terms of defining our workflow, we want to outline the processes for creating, reviewing, editing, and publishing content for each different type of content that we will create.

Obviously creating an article for a blog requires a different process than creating a video, so when we outline the workflow for each content type, we need to define things like:

  • The steps involved
  • Who is responsible for doing each step and what each step involves doing
  • How and when should a process move to the next step
  • What formats, guidelines, and procedures need to be followed to ensure that consistent standards are maintained
  • How and when to deliver each step, and so on.

For more information about outlining and documenting workflow processes visit the links on the screen.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

Another thing to keep in mind when creating your content production plan is to include different methods like content repurposing.

Content repurposing is the process of taking existing content and adapting it for use on different platforms or in different formats.

This can include things like turning a blog post into a video, or republishing an article on a different website or creating an infographic from a research report, and many other forms, such as the examples listed here.

Repurposing content helps you get the most out of the content you have already created, maximizing your resources, and helping you reach new audiences.

The link on this screen has more information about repurposing content.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

Coming up with ideas for your content can be a challenging part of the content creation process. But with the right sources, resources, and methods, you can generate a steady stream of ideas to keep your content fresh and engaging.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

I recommend visiting and signing up for my free and comprehensive email course on how to keep coming up with endless new content ideas for your website articles, blog posts, and newsletters.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

So, in summary…

A content production plan specifies the strategy and schedule for creating and publishing your content, and it typically includes the goals and objectives for your content, information about your target audience, the content types that you will create, your distribution channels, and the KPIs that will be used to measure the success of your content production efforts.

Follow the steps discussed in this lesson to create and implement a content production plan for your business and if you need help or want to see an example of a content production plan, check out the tutorials listed on the screen.

Also, make sure to sign up for the free content ideas creation email course so you’ll never run out of content ideas.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

So, that’s all for this lesson.

In the next lesson, we’ll look at creating a content promotion plan for your business.

Thank you for watching and I’ll see you in the next lesson.


See the following lessons and tutorials for more information  about the topics covered in this video lesson:


Image: Robin Higgins. Music Bensound.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business – Content Plan

Learn how to create an effective content strategy for your business with this free video course. Part 7.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business – Part 7: Content Plan

Learn how to create an effective content strategy for your business with this free video course. Part 7 of 12.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Video course.This is Part 7 of our free How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business video course.

This lesson covers creating a content plan – what a content plan is, why your business needs one, and how to create a content plan for your business.


Watch the video lesson below or refer to the video transcript:

Video Transcript

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

Welcome back to our video course on how to create an effective content strategy for your business.

This is module 7.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

In the previous lesson, we looked at doing a content audit, which is taking an inventory of all of our existing content.

In this lesson, we’ll look at how to create a content plan so we can start implementing our content strategy in our business.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

So, this is where we take all of the information we’ve been compiling about our audience, setting content goals, choosing content types, and doing a content audit, and we put it all together into a cohesive and actionable plan.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

In this lesson, we are going to cover what a content plan is, why your business needs one, and how to create a content plan that will deliver your business results.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

So, what is a content plan?

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

A content plan is a document that specifies what content your business will create to target your audience at all stages of their buyer journey, and how this content will be created, distributed, and managed.

A content plan also outlines…

  • who is responsible for creating the content,
  • what the purpose of the content is, and
  • how the content impacts your content strategy

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Course Slide

The difference between a content plan and a content strategy, is that a content strategy is the overarching plan for creating, publishing, and managing content that aligns with the goals and objectives of your organization.

A content strategy defines the goals for the content, the audience it will target, and the overall tone and style of the content.

A content plan, on the other hand, is the tactical plan for executing your content strategy.

A content plan outlines the specific pieces of content that will be created, the channels through which they will be distributed, and the schedule for publishing and promoting your content. It also includes tasks and responsibilities for creating, editing, and publishing your content.

So, in short, a content strategy tells us the why and what, and a content plan tells us the how and when.

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Now, why does your business need a content plan?

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Your business needs a content plan to ensure that the right systems and workflow processes are put in place to create the right content, for the right audience, at the right time, using the right distribution channels, to help your business achieve its strategic goals.

So essentially, the goal of the content plan is to deliver the goals of the content strategy.

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Now that we have a basic understanding of what a content plan is and why our business needs one, let’s look at how to create a content plan.

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Here I’ve outlined 12 steps to creating a content plan and I’m just going to touch on these briefly in this lesson because I’ve written a comprehensive tutorial that covers all of these steps in detail and you can go through each of these at your own pace by visiting the link on the screen.

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So in Step 1, we ask the question “what do we want our content to achieve?” Are we looking to increase brand awareness, generate leads, or drive sales? We covered this step in module 4 of this course.

We also covered Step 3 which content types to focus on in module 5, so if you need help in those areas, just go back and review those modules.

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So let’s take a brief look, then, at Steps 2, 4, and 5, which is setting the frequency, topics, and distribution of our content.

And these are the questions that we need to ask

  • How often should we be publishing new content?” This will tell us the frequency.
  • What content should we be writing or talking about?” This will tell us the topics to write about, and
  • How should we be getting our content out into the world?” This will tell us the distribution methods.

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So let’s look at frequency first.

It’s important to find a sustainable balance between producing enough content to keep your audience engaged, but not so much that it becomes overwhelming or low quality.

It also depends on the type of business you’re in. For example, if you run a news website, you’ll probably need to publish multiple articles a day to keep up with the latest developments. On the other hand, if you’re running a personal blog or a small business, you might only have the capacity to publish once or twice a week or a few times a month.

So, it’s important to consider our audience, our resources, and our goals when determining the frequency of our content. In general, it’s a good idea to find a frequency that we can sustain over the long term. Consistency is key when it comes to content marketing, so it’s better to publish on a regular schedule rather than trying to push out as much content as possible and then burn out.

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Next up, are the topics you should be writing or talking about. Again, this will depend on your goals and audience.

If you’re running a business, you’ll want to focus on topics that are relevant to your products or services. For example, if you sell outdoor gear, you might want to write about hiking, camping, and other outdoor activities.

It’s also a good idea to consider what your audience is interested in. You can use social media polls, surveys, and other tools to get a sense of what your followers want to see more of.

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Finally, there’s distribution. There are many options to choose from when it comes to getting your content out, including social media, email newsletters, press releases, guest blogging on other websites, and so on.

So it’s important to find the right mix of distribution channels for your business or personal brand. For example, if you’re targeting a younger audience, you might want to focus on social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok. And if you’re targeting a more professional audience, you may want to target channels like LinkedIn.

Another important area of distribution is understanding that there are different types of distribution channels, like owned media, paid media, and earned media.

Owned media is content that you create, own, and have full and complete control over. Like blog posts and articles that you write and publish on your website.

Paid media is where you pay to promote your content. Like taking ads on Google and social media.

And then there’s earned media, which is content that someone else creates, and you don’t pay for it but it benefits your business. Like when someone posts a great review about your business.

You can read more about these distribution channels by visiting the link on the screen.

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Our content plan needs to align with our content strategy, so if our content strategy includes paid media, this brings up the next step, which is how to allocate our resources.

So the two main areas we need to focus on here are financial and personnel resources.

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Financial resources mostly come down to the budget allocated to create and distribute content and to invest in the right tools.

So, if our content strategy specifies using paid media to distribute our content and there’s no budget for paid media, we’re going to have a problem.

We either have to try and find the budget, or rework our content strategy and content plan to focus more on owned media like blog posts and articles.

Which brings up the issue of personnel resources.

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So, what kind of content team can your business afford to put together?

Creating and promoting content involves many different skills and responsibilities.

Whatever talent you have available to create and promote content is going to have a tremendous impact on your content plan.

For example, I run a number of websites on my own and I also work with a team in my full-time job, and both of these have pros and cons.

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Working with a content team, for example, requires having really effective communication.

So, to implement a content plan effectively with a team means that we need to establish a central point of contact. This can be a content manager or a designated member of the team.

We also need to set up regular meetings or check-ins with all relevant teams and stakeholders and establish clear guidelines and processes for creating and approving content.

We’ll cover some parts of this step in this lesson, like setting up a content calendar. But in the next lesson, we’ll talk about editorial guidelines and workflow processes for reviewing and approving content.

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It’s also very important to choose the right tools to ensure that everyone has access to the latest version of the content plan.

So, this would be like a document management system and also setting up team communication channels so everyone can communicate effectively, especially if your team comprises of people working remotely.

This can be done using tools like Slack and email, plus tools for live meetings, conference calls, and online presentations, like Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, Skype, etc.

And we also need to choose our content management tools. These include Project Management Software like for example,, or Asana, Jira, or Trello, and a Content Management System like WordPress, Drupal, or Joomla.

Once again, the tools you choose will depend on your budget, your needs, and how you’ve designed your workflow processes.

If you need more information about these tools, visit the links on the screen.

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After choosing the tools your team will use to collaborate, communicate, and manage your content, the next step is to set up a content publishing schedule to organize and schedule your content creation and promotion activities.

Typically, this will be a tool that lets you set up and manage a content calendar or an editorial calendar.

Now, these terms are often used interchangeably, but an editorial calendar generally outlines each step of the process, while a content calendar usually covers one aspect, such as when posts are published or shared to social media.

If you’re just starting out, you can use a spreadsheet to track your content publishing schedule, but if keeping track of things starts to become too hard, you might want to use a calendar tool.

Some project management tools and content management systems also include scheduling features, so whichever method you choose, just make sure that everyone in your team can access the tool and that they know how to use it.

For a detailed tutorial on how to set up a content scheduling calendar, visit the link shown on the screen.

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Now, we’re almost done setting up our content plan.

We just need to work out how to assign tasks and set deadlines for everyone who is involved in creating and promoting our content.

And here are some things to keep in mind.

First, we want to provide clear and detailed descriptions of the task and ensure that everyone on the team understands the expected outcomes.

So include any necessary resources or instructions.

Also, we want to take each team member’s skills and workload into consideration and make sure that we assign the task to the right person.

It’s also important to set realistic deadlines by learning to estimate accurately how long tasks will take to complete and how complex they are.

We also want to clearly communicate tasks and deadlines to assigned team members.

To do this, we can use team meetings, email, or a project management tool to follow up with team members and make sure they understand the task and have what they need to complete it.

And we also want to check in with our team members periodically to keep track of their progress, offer assistance and support, provide additional resources, and answer any questions they may have.

Finally, it’s important to create guidelines for assigning tasks to members that include all the points we’ve just discussed and add these guidelines to your workflow documentation.

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The next step in creating your content plan is to include ways to measure content performance and content ROI, so you can see which parts of the plan are working and which areas will need improvement.

With content performance, we want to set up metrics to measure and analyze our content’s performance in areas like engagement, traffic, lead generation, conversions, bounce rates, and so.

We also want to set up ways to track revenue generated from our content and compare this to the costs of creating and promoting our content to work out our return on investment.

The links on the slide will take you to tutorials on how to set up content metrics, content tracking and a content measurement plan, and lists of tools you can use to measure your content performance.

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Now the last step in creating our content plan is to schedule a periodic review of the plan itself to make sure that everything set out in the plan is progressing along, that all strategic goals are being met, and to figure out how to improve things if the goals are not being met.

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So, in summary, a content plan tells us how and when to execute our content strategy.

Follow the steps we’ve covered in this lesson to create and implement a content plan for your business, and if you need help in any of these areas refer to the tutorials listed on the screen.

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So, that’s all for this lesson.

In the next lesson, we’ll look at how to break our content plan into a content production plan, a content promotion plan, and a content management plan, so we can create, promote and manage our content more effectively.

Thank you for watching and I’ll see you in the next lesson.


See the following lessons and tutorials for more information  about the topics covered in this video lesson:


Image: Robin Higgins. Music Bensound.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business – Content Audit

Learn how to create an effective content strategy for your business with this free video course. Part 6.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business – Part 6: Content Audit

Learn how to create an effective content strategy for your business with this free video course. Part 6 of 12.

How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business - Video course.This is Part 6 of our free How To Create An Effective Content Strategy For Your Business video course.

This lesson discusses effective ways and tools to do a content audit to identify the types of content your business is currently producing, assess the performance of your existing content, and identify gaps and opportunities in your current content offerings.


Watch the video lesson below or refer to the video transcript:

Video Transcript

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Welcome back to our video course on how to create an effective content strategy for your business.

This is Module 6.

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In the previous lesson, we looked at the types of content we’ll need to produce to meet our audience’s needs and the goals we have set.

In this lesson, we’ll look at doing a content audit, which is taking an inventory of our existing content to see how it’s performing and to identify any gaps or opportunities that we may be missing.

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Up to this point, the focus has been to get our thinking organized so we know who we are going to be creating content for, what types of content we’ll be creating, and what we want to achieve with our content.

Now, it’s time to take stock of where we are currently at, so we can plan where to go from here.

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So.. how do we go about identifying the types of content that our business is currently producing?

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The best way is by doing a content audit.

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So in this lesson, we are going to look at what a content audit is and why your business needs one.

And we’ll also look at how to perform a content audit and tools that will help make this easier and faster.


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So, what is a content audit?

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A content audit is the process of systematically analyzing and evaluating our existing content’s performance and effectiveness.

It involves identifying and cataloging all of our content, evaluating its quality and relevance, and determining which content should be kept, updated, consolidated, or removed.

The goal of a content audit is to ensure that our content is aligned with our business goals and objectives and is providing value to our target audience.

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So, why does your business need to perform a content audit? What are the benefits?

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Well, there are a number of reasons for performing a content audit.

The first reason is to make sure that the content is aligned with your business goals.

By evaluating the relevance and effectiveness of your existing content, we can then identify areas that need to improve to better support the goals of the business.

Another reason is to improve user experience.

A content audit can help to identify content that is confusing, outdated, or irrelevant to users, which can negatively impact their experience.

By removing or updating this content, we can improve the overall experience of our visitors.

Another benefit is that it helps to identify gaps in our content and inform our future content strategy and planning activities.

A content audit also helps to improve SEO: By identifying and removing duplicate or low-quality content, we can improve our content’s search engine rankings and visibility.

And a content audit also provides insights to help evaluate our content performance in terms of engagement and conversions, and identify which content is resonating with our audience and which content isn’t.

So those are some of the reasons for performing a content audit.

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Now, how do we actually perform one?

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Well, the first step is to set some goals.

So, here are some general goals we’ll want to set.

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First, we’ll want to start by identifying the purpose and the main objectives of the audit.

This could be to improve the user experience, increase conversions, or to align our content with the overall goals of our business.

Once we have identified the main objectives of our content audit, the next step is to define the specific goals and steps that will help us achieve those objectives.

For example, if our goal is to improve user experience, a specific goal could be to reduce the bounce rate on our website.

We’ll also want to set measurable targets to track our progress and evaluate the success of our audit.

For example, if our goal is to reduce the bounce rate on our website, then we’ll want to set a target percentage to achieve.

It’s also important to establish a timeline and set a deadline for achieving our goals.

It’s easy to get lost in all the little details and become overwhelmed once we start, so defining a time frame will help us to stay focused and motivated throughout the audit process.

We’ll also want to review and revise our results once the content audit is completed and evaluate whether the goals were met.

If they weren’t, we’ll need to revise our goals and identify any areas that need improvement.

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Once we have set goals for our content audit, the next step is to perform an inventory of our existing content.

The aim of the content inventory is to basically take stock of all of our existing content … so, that means making a list of all of our blog posts and articles, videos, podcasts, social media posts, email newsletters, infographics, and any other types of content that we are currently outputting.

There are a number of tools that can help make this process easier and faster, and I’ve listed these in the URL shown on the screen.

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After gathering and making an inventory of all our content, the next step is to organize and categorize it.

You can use a spreadsheet to document everything. You can create this spreadsheet from scratch or use a template.

There are content audit templates that you can download and I’ve added links to useful content audit templates in the slide.

In our spreadsheet, we simply create a column for every new category of data that we want to analyze, add each new content item from our inventory into a new row, and then just go across and fill in the information.

The table on the slide lists some of the items that you may want to include in your spreadsheet to categorize content-related, SEO, and performance elements.

And how you choose to organize and categorize your content and how much detail you want to record about each item is completely up to you.

At a minimum, you’ll want to list your content URLs, and add various useful categories, some metadata, and important metrics to track.

It’s also a good idea to categorize the content into different types. For example, written content, video content, social media posts, etc.

Also, if you review your content calendar – which we’ll talk about in another lesson, it will help you identify the types of content that your business is currently producing and planning to create in the near future.

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After categorizing our content, we can then start to analyze our data.

Analyzing our content gives us a better understanding of the types of content our business is currently producing.

So we can begin by asking questions like:

  • Which topics or themes are we mostly focused on writing about?
  • Which content types are we mostly focused on creating?
  • How often are we producing this type of content?
  • What is the purpose of the content (is it to educate, entertain, generate leads, etc.)?
  • Who is its intended audience?
  • Which stage of the buyer journey is this content aimed at?
  • Which types of content perform the best?
  • Which types of content are most popular with our audience?
  • Are there any obvious gaps in the content that stand out, which we should be addressing and taking advantage of?

Do this for your web content, your social media channels, your email marketing, etc.

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As you analyze your content, you can also record notes about each item to help your team decide what to do with it later on.

For example, you can mark items as having

  • Missing content. So, are there any topics that the content hasn’t covered which would be of interest to the audience?
  • Underperforming content. Looking at the numbers, are there any items that aren’t performing as well as they should?
  • Outdated content. Can the information be refined (or updated or reworked) to remain optimized and relevant to our audience?
  • Hit Content. This is content that’s performing well, and its metrics and results are meeting or exceeding all targets and expectations. So it can be left alone, as it’s already doing well.

A really useful tip is to use color coding where assigning colors to different categories in your analysis, then highlight the rows with these colors as you work through the spreadsheet.

So, for example, you can highlight items with missing content in a light red color, underperforming content in yellow, or outdated content in blue, and hit content in green.

This way, anyone looking at the spreadsheet will quickly be able to tell which items need attention and filter these for actioning later.

You can also use tools like Google Analytics and social media analytics tools to gather data on how your content is performing.

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After analyzing the content, the next step is to classify it.

This step is important if you plan to rank content by priorities or include a timeline for your audit.

So, the goals that we defined earlier will help to prioritize what needs to be executed first.

For example, you may want to prioritize content from 1 to 5, and then define what happens to content assigned to each of these levels.

So, we would first classify all items as 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5.

Then, let’s say that all items ranked 1 are top-converting content and should be given top-priority treatment.

So, we analyze all priority treatment items, that is all items marked 1, further to find ways to do things like

Improve the content, for example, make sections clearer or more detailed, add supporting media like explainer videos, downloadable reports, etc.

Or improve search ranking through different SEO methods, for example, internal linking, more helpful content, etc.

Or improve traffic through social media, email newsletters, paid ads, content repurposing, etc.

So using this process, we can then specify that all items with a score lower than 3 should be transferred to a separate spreadsheet, analyzed in more detail, and assigned different highlight colors to determine whether the content should be updated, rewritten, or trashed.

Now. depending on how much content there is, you may also want to schedule it using a content production tool or your editorial calendar.

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And the last step of the content audit process is to take action.

Here we evaluate our content and note what’s working and what isn’t.

Are you seeing desired results from your content like increased website traffic, leads, etc.? If not, what can be improved?

Look for opportunities for improvement and document your findings in your content strategy.

Ultimately, the objective of the content audit is to help you decide whether to keep, discard, refine, or develop content after analyzing each content item that you have inventoried.

So with each item of content, we would use our analysis data and notes to decide if we are going to keep or trash the item.

If we decide to trash the item, there are some things to consider, like whether the item has any kind of traffic or SEO value.

If so, we may want to redirect visitors to another content item before trashing it.

And if we decide to keep the item, does it need to be refined with a quick fix, a longer update, or even a complete rewrite?

Also, the audit may reveal missing gaps and opportunities to develop new content, repurpose existing content, like turning an article into a video or even consolidate a number of articles or blog posts on a similar topic into one authoritative long-form article or guide.

For more information on how to make the most from each of these options, please visit the tutorial listed on the screen.

Let me give you just a couple more tips before we move on…

After performing a content audit, list 5-10 immediate action steps and start getting to work on those right away.

Also, keep in mind that some actions that require little effort can deliver big results (like improving page structure or adding internal links to other content on your site), while other actions need a lot of effort but could deliver poor results (like spending weeks creating a downloadable guide or an eBook).

It’s also important to keep things manageable. As you can imagine, a content audit can turn into a huge and overwhelming task, especially if your business has already published lots of existing content already.

Ideally, performing a complete and thorough audit of your content is best. However, it’s completely up to you to decide which content you will audit, how you will do it, and what goals you are trying to achieve.

So for example if time is a limiting factor, you can break things down into smaller goals and audit only content that falls within a certain period of time (e.g. the previous 6-12 months), or content that meets only certain metrics (like your 50 most popular articles ranked by traffic or conversions), or audit only your website’s blog posts, etc.

Finally, after performing an initial content audit, you will want to schedule regular content reviews (e.g. perform an annual review), as this will continue delivering valuable insights on ways to improve not just your content strategy, but your website and your business too.

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Now, let’s talk briefly about taking our content audit further.

A content audit doesn’t have to be limited only to content on your website.

You can also perform audits in areas like…

Offsite content assets. So if you’ve published content on external sites like infographics or slide decks, it’s a good idea to include as much data as you can gather on any external content pieces to help you assess how effective your content marketing efforts are.

There’s also other marketing channels you can look at. As mentioned earlier, you are not restricted only to your web content, you can also look at your social media channels, email marketing, and so on.

For example, if you run email marketing campaigns, is the content in your autoresponders up-to-date? Are there messages with higher open rates than others? Many email services provide analytics and reports that can help you improve the performance of your emails.

You can also audit your social shares. If your site displays share counters on pages, you can measure social shares by looking at the post itself, or by entering the URL of the page or post into various online services. This should provide plenty of actionable data about areas where your competition is outperforming your site.

Also, think about approaching sites that are linking to your competitors with a better piece of content or a guest post idea on the same topic and see if you can persuade them to link to your site instead.

And finally, you can also audit your competitor’s websites. You can use many of the same tools that you used to analyze your own site to perform competitive analysis on your competitors’ sites.

This can help to improve your content performance, especially in areas like SEO or driving more traffic to your site.

While you won’t be able to access certain metrics about their website (such as bounce rate, average time on page, and conversion rate), there are things you can track, like who is ranking higher for the keywords you are targeting, number of backlinks, etc.

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So in summary,

If your business has existing content, performing a content audit is key to an effective content strategy.

Taking stock of what we have helps us know how we are doing and where we are going.

A content audit can benefit your business in many ways. It helps to align your content with your goals, improve user experience, identify missing gaps and new opportunities, make better data-driven decisions, and improve your content strategy’s overall performance and results.

And depending on how much content you have, a content audit can be a major task, so use tools to help you. Keep it manageable, but take action. Don’t just let the information sit in a spreadsheet.

After performing an initial content audit, schedule regular content reviews to make sure that there’s continuous improvement and better results in your business and your website.

And finally, remember that you can perform content audits in other areas of your business too, such as external content, other marketing channels, social shares, even audit your competition!

For more detailed information about what we’ve covered in this video, visit the tutorials and lessons listed on your screen.

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So that’s all for this lesson.

In the next lesson, we’ll look at how to start implementing our content strategy by creating a content plan for our business.

Thank you for watching and I’ll see you in the next lesson.


See the following lessons and tutorials for more information  about the topics covered in this video lesson:


Image: Robin Higgins. Music Bensound.