Content Monetization

Learn about different ways to monetize your content.

Content Monetization

Content MonetizationContent monetization and content management are intricately connected in our digital ecosystem.

Mastering the art of content management sets the stage for successful content monetization, unlocking new and exciting opportunities for revenue generation in the competitive digital landscape.

In this series of lessons, we look at different methods you can implement to monetize your digital content.

Understanding Content Monetization

Content monetization is not only a strategic avenue for businesses to disseminate valuable content but also to generate revenue.

Content monetization refers to the process of leveraging content assets to earn money, transforming the creation and distribution of content into a profitable venture.

This means strategically capitalizing on the content you produce, whether it be articles, videos, or other forms of media, to cultivate new revenue streams.

The symbiotic relationship between content monetization and content management is crucial for success in the digital realm.

Effective content management lays the foundation for organizing, optimizing, and distributing content seamlessly. This, in turn, streamlines the content monetization process by ensuring that valuable assets are easily accessible and can be strategically leveraged for financial gain.

By recognizing that the efficiency of content management directly impacts the effectiveness of content monetization strategies and adopting robust content management systems and practices, your organization can not only enhance its content creation and distribution processes but also maximize the revenue potential of its valuable digital assets.

The Basics of Content Monetization

Whether you create video content, blog posts, podcasts, social media posts, e-books, online courses, email newsletters, webinars, or subscription-based content, there are various strategies you can utilize to generate revenue from your content.

One of the most common ways to monetize your content is through advertising. This can include placing ads on your website, YouTube videos, podcasts, or social media posts. You can also partner with brands for sponsored content, where you promote their products or services in exchange for payment.

Another popular monetization strategy is affiliate marketing, where you earn a commission for promoting products or services on your platform. This can be done through affiliate links in your blog posts, social media posts, or email newsletters.

Creating premium content is another effective way to monetize your website. This can include offering online courses, e-books, webinars, or subscription-based content that users can access for a fee.

By providing valuable and exclusive content, you can attract a loyal audience willing to pay for your expertise.

It’s important to diversify your monetization strategies to maximize your revenue potential. Experiment with different tactics to see what works best for your audience and niche.

Remember, building a profitable website takes time and effort, but with the right strategies in place, you can turn your passion into a successful online business or boost your existing website’s revenue.

Why Monetize Content?

Your business may have invested a lot of time and effort into creating valuable content for its audience. It’s very important, therefore, to realize the importance of monetizing this content effectively and getting the most return on investment.

Content monetization is essential for businesses across all niches and offers a myriad of benefits for businesses, bloggers, digital marketers, and individuals with an online presence.

Here are just of the benefits and reasons to consider monetizing your content:

1. Diversify Income Sources: Monetizing content provides an additional revenue stream, reducing dependency on a single income source and offering financial stability and protection against fluctuations in the market and changes in consumer behavior.

By implementing one or multiple content monetization strategies, you can also turn your passion or website into a profitable and sustainable business.

2. Increase Reader Loyalty: By introducing subscriptions or micropayments, content creators can establish themselves as an authority in their niche and enhance reader loyalty, fostering a dedicated audience base. This can lead to increased traffic, engagement, and ultimately, more opportunities for monetization.

3. Tap into Affiliate Marketing: Affiliate marketing through content monetization allows businesses and bloggers to earn commissions by promoting products or services on their platforms.

4. Optimize Digital Marketing Efforts: Monetizing content aligns with digital marketing strategies, helping businesses optimize their efforts and generate returns on their marketing investments.

5. Enhance Brand Collaboration Opportunities: Monetized platforms attract brands seeking partnerships, leading to collaborative opportunities and sponsorships for content creators.

6. Maximize Social Media Presence: Content monetization on social media platforms enables individuals and businesses to leverage their audience and transform their online presence into a lucrative venture.

7. Drive Website Traffic and Engagement: Monetized content often attracts more traffic, increasing engagement and interaction with the audience, which is beneficial for SEO and overall online visibility.

8. Establish Thought Leadership: Monetizing content positions businesses and individuals as thought leaders in their respective fields, enhancing credibility and trust among their audience.

9. Adapt to Changing Business Models: In the ever-evolving digital landscape, monetizing content allows businesses to adapt to new business models and stay competitive.

10. Unlock Creative Opportunities: Monetization can provide the financial support needed for content creators to explore innovative and creative projects, pushing the boundaries of their content offerings.

Always prioritize the needs and interests of your target audience. This will ensure long-term success in your content monetization strategies.

Content Monetization Methods

Whether you choose to monetize through ads, affiliate marketing, sponsored content, or other strategies, there are numerous ways to earn money from your valuable content.

Let’s now go through some of these methods…

This is the end of part 1. To continue reading this article series, click on the pagination section below.

Social Media Director

Learn about the role and responsibilities of a social media director. 

Social Media Director

Learn about the role and responsibilities of a social media director. 

Social Media DirectorIn this section of the Digital Business course module, we look at the role and responsibilities of a social media director.

This article is part of our free content management course series where we look at various digital roles and responsibilities that a content manager may need to oversee and assume, depending on the organizational structure of the business.


Social Media Director Role

A social media director is responsible for managing an organization’s social media presence. This includes creating and implementing a social media strategy, developing and curating content for social media channels, and analyzing and reporting on the effectiveness of social media campaigns.

The role of a social media director requires a strong understanding of the various social media platforms and how to effectively use them for marketing and engagement. They must be able to create engaging and shareable content, as well as know how to target specific audiences and measure the success of their efforts.

In addition to content creation and strategy, a social media director is also responsible for managing community engagement and customer service on social media. They must be able to effectively handle and resolve customer issues, as well as moderate comments and interactions on the organization’s social media channels.

Overall, the role of a social media director is crucial in today’s digital age, as they play a key role in building and maintaining the online reputation and presence of an organization.

Social Media Director Duties And Responsibilities

Social media directors help companies increase their online presence by planning out social media strategies and brainstorming ways to connect with current and potential customers.

Social media directors monitor campaigns and review analytic reports to discover which aspects of the content or offers visitors find most appealing.

Social media directors are responsible for:

  • Identifying the types of consumers the business wishes to reach
  • Mapping out who their customers are
  • Introducing those customers to interesting content, company updates, or special offers that will capture their attention and attract more visitors to their social media page.

Social Media Director Role Requirements

Recruitment sites advertising the role of Social Media Director recommend someone with a marketing background and experience with social networking, preferably someone with an established social media presence who can maintain a following, update their feeds with relevant content, engage in communities, and stay up-to-date on trends in the field.

Full-time social media directors can expect to earn at least USD$40,000 a year.

Social Media Director Role – FAQs

Here are frequently asked questions about the role of Social Media Director:

What does a Social Media Director do?

A Social Media Director is responsible for overseeing all aspects of an organization’s social media strategy and presence. This includes developing comprehensive social media strategies, managing social media teams, overseeing content creation and publishing, analyzing performance metrics, and ensuring alignment with overall marketing goals.

What are the primary responsibilities of a Social Media Director?

Primary responsibilities include developing social media strategies, overseeing content creation and publishing schedules, managing social media advertising campaigns, monitoring social media trends and conversations, analyzing performance data, and leading social media team members.

What skills are essential for success as a Social Media Director?

Essential skills include strategic thinking, leadership abilities, strong written and verbal communication skills, proficiency in social media platforms and analytics tools, creativity, project management expertise, and the ability to interpret and act on data insights.

What qualifications are typically required for a Social Media Director role?

Qualifications often include a bachelor’s degree in marketing, communications, business, or a related field. Extensive experience in social media management roles, including leadership experience, is usually required. Certifications in social media marketing or relevant platforms can also be beneficial.

How does a Social Media Director collaborate with other teams within an organization?

A Social Media Director collaborates closely with marketing teams, content teams, design teams, product teams, sales teams, and senior leadership to align social media efforts with overall business objectives. They provide guidance, share insights, and coordinate efforts to achieve common goals.

What tools and technologies does a Social Media Director use?

Social Media Directors use a variety of tools and technologies, including social media management platforms (e.g., Hootsuite, Sprout Social), analytics tools (e.g., Facebook Insights, Twitter Analytics), content creation tools (e.g., Canva, Adobe Creative Suite), and project management software (e.g., Asana, Trello).

How does a Social Media Director measure the success of social media efforts?

A Social Media Director measures success through key performance indicators (KPIs) such as engagement metrics (e.g., likes, shares, comments), reach, impressions, follower growth, click-through rates, conversion rates, and overall ROI of social media campaigns. They analyze data to track performance and make data-driven optimizations.

How does a Social Media Director stay updated on industry trends and best practices?

A Social Media Director stays updated through continuous learning, attending industry conferences and webinars, reading industry blogs and publications, participating in online courses and forums, and networking with peers. They also conduct regular competitor analyses and stay informed about emerging trends.

How does a Social Media Director handle crisis communications on social media?

A Social Media Director handles crisis communications by monitoring social media conversations, responding promptly and transparently to negative feedback or incidents, providing accurate information, and working with relevant teams to address issues and mitigate reputational damage.

What are some challenges faced by Social Media Directors?

Challenges may include keeping up with rapidly changing social media algorithms and trends, managing multiple social media platforms and accounts, proving the ROI of social media efforts, addressing negative feedback and managing online crises, and ensuring consistent branding and messaging across diverse social channels.

Social Media Director – Interview Questions

If you are considering applying for a role as a Social Media Director, here are some interview questions you may be asked:

Strategic Vision and Planning

  • How do you develop and execute a social media strategy aligned with overall business goals
  • Can you provide examples of successful social media campaigns you’ve led from strategy development to execution?
  • How do you stay ahead of social media trends and incorporate them into your strategic planning process?

Leadership and Management

  • Describe your experience leading and managing a team of social media professionals.
  • How do you foster collaboration and creativity within your social media team?
  • Can you discuss a time when you successfully resolved conflicts within your team?

Analytics and Performance Measurement

  • How do you track and analyze social media metrics to assess the effectiveness of campaigns?
  • Can you share examples of how you used data insights to optimize social media strategies?
  • What KPIs do you prioritize when evaluating social media performance?

Crisis Management

  • How do you handle social media crises or negative publicity effectively?
  • Can you provide an example of a challenging situation you faced in managing social media crises?
  • What strategies do you employ to maintain brand reputation during crises on social media platforms?

For more interview questions related to the role of Social Media Director, see these resources:

Related Roles

Social media directors interact with people in various creative and analytical roles, including:


Useful Resources

We recommend the following resources:

Visit our tools and resources section for additional courses, guides, and helpful tools and resources.

Other Digital Content Related Roles

Click on the links below for more information about other digital content-related roles:

Digital Content Team

Digital Content Team

An overview of different digital team roles, responsibilities, and job descriptions.
Digital Strategy Director

Digital Strategy Director

Learn about the role and responsibilities of a digital strategy director. 
Digital Content Strategist

Digital Content Strategist

Learn about the role and responsibilities of a digital content strategist. 
Digital Content Manager

Digital Content Manager

Learn about the role and responsibilities of a digital content manager. 
Content Production Manager

Content Production Manager

Learn about the role and responsibilities of a content production manager. 
Digital Content Editor

Digital Content Editor

Learn about the role and responsibilities of a digital content editor. 
Digital Content Writer

Digital Content Writer

Learn about the role and responsibilities of a digital content writer. 
Digital Media Manager

Digital Media Manager

Learn about the role and responsibilities of a digital media manager. 
Interactive Media Manager

Interactive Media Manager

Learn about the role and responsibilities of an interactive media manager.
Internet Marketing Director

Internet Marketing Director

Learn about the role and responsibilities of an internet marketing director. 
Content Marketing Specialist

Content Marketing Specialist

Learn about the role and responsibilities of a content marketing specialist. 
Digital Communications Professional

Digital Communications Professional

Learn about the role and responsibilities of a digital communications professional. 
Search Engine Marketing Director

Search Engine Marketing Director

Learn about the role and responsibilities of a search engine marketing director. 
Digital Marketing Manager

Digital Marketing Manager

Learn about the role and responsibilities of a digital marketing manager. 
Internet Marketing Coordinator

Internet Marketing Coordinator

Learn about the role and responsibilities of an internet marketing coordinator. 
Internet Marketer

Internet Marketer

Learn about the role and responsibilities of an internet marketer. 
Email Marketing Manager

Email Marketing Manager

Learn about the role and responsibilities of an email marketing manager. 
Social Media Director

Social Media Director

Learn about the role and responsibilities of a social media director. 
Social Media Strategist

Social Media Strategist

Learn about the role and responsibilities of a social media strategist. 
Content Outsourcing

Content Outsourcing Resources

Here are useful resources to help you find people with the right talent and skills for outsourcing your content needs.
Content-Related Jobs and Careers

Content-Related Jobs and Careers

Learn how to start a job or career in a content-related field and where to find professional work ...

Return to our content management course outline


Image: Pixabay

Social Media Strategist

Learn about the role and responsibilities of a social media strategist. 

Social Media Strategist

Learn about the role and responsibilities of a social media strategist. 

Social Media StrategistIn this section of the Digital Business course module, we look at the role and responsibilities of a social media strategist.

This article is part of our free content management course series where we look at various digital roles and responsibilities that a content manager may need to oversee and assume, depending on the organizational structure of the business.


Social Media Strategist Role

A social media strategist is responsible for developing and implementing a social media strategy for an organization. This includes identifying the target audience, determining the most effective social media platforms to reach that audience, and creating a content calendar to ensure a consistent and cohesive message is being shared across all channels.

The role of a social media strategist requires a strong understanding of the various social media platforms, as well as an understanding of the organization’s goals and objectives. They must be able to analyze data and insights to determine the effectiveness of campaigns and make recommendations for improvement.

In addition to developing and implementing the social media strategy, a social media strategist is also responsible for monitoring and analyzing the organization’s social media presence. This includes tracking engagement, analyzing web traffic, and identifying trends and insights.

Overall, the role of a social media strategist is crucial in today’s digital age, as they play a key role in helping organizations effectively reach and engage their target audience through social media channels.

Social Media Strategist Duties And Responsibilities

Social media strategists plan online media outreach campaigns to engage consumers in the marketing and product development process and manage online communities to ensure that their products are being talked about.

Social media strategists have strong analytical skills and are able to craft strategy proposals detailing budget scenarios and the potential return on investment for marketing directors.

Duties and responsibilities of a social media strategist include:

  • Identifying target users who might be interested in a product or service
  • Planning out multiple outreach risk scenarios
  • Detailing ways and communication channels the business can use to reach those users (e.g. social networking site, blog, forum, etc.). This can involve offering special deals on products for “liking” a page, developing promotional contests where users submit stories or reviews of a product to win a prize, etc.

Social Media Strategist Role Requirements

Recruitment sites advertising the role of Social Media Strategist recommend someone with qualifications in marketing, an established social media presence, and experience engaging consumers online.

Full-time social media strategists can expect to earn between USD$60,000 to USD$80,000 a year.

Social Media Strategist Role – FAQs

Here are frequently asked questions about the role of Social Media Strategist:

What does a Social Media Strategist do?

A Social Media Strategist is responsible for developing and executing strategic plans to leverage social media platforms for brand promotion, engagement, and growth. They analyze data, identify target audiences, create content plans, and implement tactics to achieve social media marketing goals.

What are the primary responsibilities of a Social Media Strategist?

Primary responsibilities include developing social media strategies, conducting audience research, creating content calendars, managing social media accounts, analyzing performance metrics, staying updated on industry trends, and collaborating with other teams to align social media efforts with overall marketing objectives.

What skills are essential for success as a Social Media Strategist?

Essential skills include strategic thinking, data analysis abilities, proficiency in social media platforms and analytics tools, excellent written and verbal communication skills, creativity, project management expertise, and the ability to adapt to changing trends and algorithms.

What qualifications are typically required for a Social Media Strategist role?

Qualifications often include a bachelor’s degree in marketing, communications, business, or a related field. Previous experience in social media roles, including experience with social media strategy development and execution, is usually required. Certifications in social media marketing or analytics can also be beneficial.

How does a Social Media Strategist collaborate with other teams within an organization?

A Social Media Strategist collaborates closely with marketing teams, content teams, design teams, product teams, sales teams, and senior leadership to ensure social media efforts align with overall business objectives. They provide insights, share updates, and coordinate efforts to achieve common goals.

What tools and technologies does a Social Media Strategist use?

Social Media Strategists use a variety of tools and technologies, including social media management platforms (e.g., Hootsuite, Sprout Social), analytics tools (e.g., Facebook Insights, Twitter Analytics), content creation tools (e.g., Canva, Adobe Creative Suite), and project management software (e.g., Asana, Trello).

How does a Social Media Strategist measure the success of social media efforts?

A Social Media Strategist measures success through key performance indicators (KPIs) such as engagement metrics (e.g., likes, shares, comments), reach, impressions, follower growth, click-through rates, conversion rates, and overall ROI of social media campaigns. They analyze data to track performance and make data-driven optimizations.

How does a Social Media Strategist stay updated on industry trends and best practices?

A Social Media Strategist stays updated through continuous learning, attending industry conferences and webinars, reading industry blogs and publications, participating in online courses and forums, and networking with peers. They also conduct regular competitor analyses and stay informed about emerging trends.

How does a Social Media Strategist handle crisis communications on social media?

A Social Media Strategist handles crisis communications by monitoring social media conversations, responding promptly and transparently to negative feedback or incidents, providing accurate information, and working with relevant teams to address issues and mitigate reputational damage.

What are some challenges faced by Social Media Strategists?

Challenges may include keeping up with rapidly changing social media algorithms and trends, managing multiple social media platforms and accounts, proving the ROI of social media efforts, addressing negative feedback and managing online crises, and ensuring consistent branding and messaging across diverse social channels.

Social Media Strategist – Interview Questions

If you are considering applying for a role as a Social Media Strategist, here are some interview questions you may be asked:

Experience and Background

  • Tell me about your experience managing social media accounts or channels.
  • Can you describe a social media campaign you’re particularly proud of? What role did you play in it?
  • What online communities have you managed in the past?

Strategy and Planning

  • How do you develop a social media strategy for a new product or service?
  • How do you determine social media success? What metrics do you use?
  • Which social media channels do you recommend for our business and why?

Technical Skills and Tools

  • What social media management tools are you familiar with?
  • How do you utilize data analytics to improve social media performance?
  • Describe one strategy that will help you succeed as a social media strategist.

Content Creation and Engagement

  • What types of content do you find most effective for engagement on social media?
  • How do you handle negative feedback or comments on social media?
  • How do you ensure your social media content aligns with our brand voice and values?

Trends and Adaptability

  • How do you stay updated with the latest trends and changes in social media?
  • What recent social media trends do you think are here to stay?
  • How have you adapted your strategies in response to changes in social media trends or algorithms?

For more interview questions related to the role of Social Media Strategist, see these resources:

Related Roles

Social media strategists interact with people in various social media-related roles, including:


Useful Resources

We recommend the following resources:

Visit our tools and resources section for additional courses, guides, and helpful tools and resources.

Other Digital Content Related Roles

Click on the links below for more information about other digital content-related roles:

Digital Content Team

Digital Content Team

An overview of different digital team roles, responsibilities, and job descriptions.
Digital Strategy Director

Digital Strategy Director

Learn about the role and responsibilities of a digital strategy director. 
Digital Content Strategist

Digital Content Strategist

Learn about the role and responsibilities of a digital content strategist. 
Digital Content Manager

Digital Content Manager

Learn about the role and responsibilities of a digital content manager. 
Content Production Manager

Content Production Manager

Learn about the role and responsibilities of a content production manager. 
Digital Content Editor

Digital Content Editor

Learn about the role and responsibilities of a digital content editor. 
Digital Content Writer

Digital Content Writer

Learn about the role and responsibilities of a digital content writer. 
Digital Media Manager

Digital Media Manager

Learn about the role and responsibilities of a digital media manager. 
Interactive Media Manager

Interactive Media Manager

Learn about the role and responsibilities of an interactive media manager.
Internet Marketing Director

Internet Marketing Director

Learn about the role and responsibilities of an internet marketing director. 
Content Marketing Specialist

Content Marketing Specialist

Learn about the role and responsibilities of a content marketing specialist. 
Digital Communications Professional

Digital Communications Professional

Learn about the role and responsibilities of a digital communications professional. 
Search Engine Marketing Director

Search Engine Marketing Director

Learn about the role and responsibilities of a search engine marketing director. 
Digital Marketing Manager

Digital Marketing Manager

Learn about the role and responsibilities of a digital marketing manager. 
Internet Marketing Coordinator

Internet Marketing Coordinator

Learn about the role and responsibilities of an internet marketing coordinator. 
Internet Marketer

Internet Marketer

Learn about the role and responsibilities of an internet marketer. 
Email Marketing Manager

Email Marketing Manager

Learn about the role and responsibilities of an email marketing manager. 
Social Media Director

Social Media Director

Learn about the role and responsibilities of a social media director. 
Social Media Strategist

Social Media Strategist

Learn about the role and responsibilities of a social media strategist. 
Content Outsourcing

Content Outsourcing Resources

Here are useful resources to help you find people with the right talent and skills for outsourcing your content needs.
Content-Related Jobs and Careers

Content-Related Jobs and Careers

Learn how to start a job or career in a content-related field and where to find professional work ...

Return to our content management course outline


Image: Pixabay

Social Media Tools

Manage your content more effectively on your social media platforms with these social media tools and resources.

Social Media Tools And Resources

Manage your content more effectively on your social media platforms using these social media tools and resources.

Social Media Tools - Social media browsing on mobile phone

Social media has become an integral part of the content marketing strategy of most businesses.

Creating and posting social media content, however, requires defining social media metrics, having content tracking systems in place, and using tools to manage your social media campaigns in order to see a return on investment from your efforts.

This section provides a comprehensive list of social media management tools that can help you improve your social media marketing efforts and results.

Social Media Management Tools

The social media tools and resources below will help you manage your content more effectively on your social media platforms.

Social Media Sharing Tools & Counters

There are two main ways to get your content shared on social media platforms:

  1. Post content directly on one or more social media platforms, or
  2. Publish content on your website and encourage people to share it on their social networks using social media sharing tools.

You need to provide your site visitors with social media sharing tools if you want them to share content published on your website.

If your website is powered by WordPress, for example, you can install a free plugin like Hustle that lets you easily add social sharing tools and counters to your posts and pages.

Social Media Tools - Hustle - social sharing tools
Hustle lets you add social sharing tools and counters to WordPress sites quickly, easily, and for free!

Hustle lets you display a social media sharing bar that visitors can use to share your content on social networks.

You can select which social networks you would like to display on your social sharing toolbar, and customize options like toolbar layout (e.g. centered horizontally at the top or the bottom of your content or vertically on the left or right-hand side of your web page), visibility conditions (e.g. only show on specific posts or under certain conditions), colors, icons, etc.

Hustle - Add Platform screen
Plugins like Hustle let you choose the social media platforms to display on your social sharing toolbars.

More info: Hustle

There are other social sharing WordPress plugins you can use, like:

If your site is not powered by WordPress, you can use the social sharing buttons provided either by the social platforms themselves, or the tools listed below.

Social Media Management Tools (SMB)

The tools listed below are ideal for helping small-to-medium businesses measure and track their social media content performance.

Google Analytics

Social Media Tools - Google Analytics
Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a free website analytics dashboard that lets you track your social media content performance and identify what type of content your audience is responding positively to, and which social networks they prefer.

Google Analytics provides great social media analytics insights, including:

  • Social network traffic sources.
  • Individual page traffic.
  • The number of leads converted and where those leads come from.
  • Whether your traffic comes from mobile or desktop.
  • Which social media platforms give you the most traffic.
  • ROI of social media campaigns.
  • Which content works best on different social media platforms.
  • How many sales conversions result from social media traffic.

The above data will help you get the most out of your social media campaigns and improve future marketing strategies.

For a great guide on using Google Analytics to track your social media content’s performance, go here: How To Track Social Media In Google Analytics (Beginner’s Guide)

More info: Google Analytics


Social Media Tools - Buffer

Buffer is a social media management platform that lets you set up a queue of posts to share on various social media channels.

It offers a suite of intuitive tools and products that integrate publishing, engagement, analytics, simple landing pages, and team collaboration, allowing you to work efficiently to drive meaningful social media engagement and results.

Buffer also allows your business to automate your social media scheduling processes by scheduling social media posts in advance across multiple social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and more.

The benefits of using Buffer include:

  • Save time and effort: Buffer eliminates the need for manually posting social media content every day, enabling businesses to schedule posts in advance and automate the posting process.
  • Streamline social media management: With Buffer, businesses can manage all their social media accounts in one place, making it easy to monitor engagement, track performance, and streamline social media management.
  • Enable data-driven decision-making: Buffer provides analytics and insights that allow businesses to track engagement, reach, and other key performance metrics, providing the data necessary to make data-driven decisions.
  • Improve consistency and accuracy: Buffer helps ensure consistent posting schedules and eliminates the possibility of human error by automating the scheduling process.
  • Support team collaboration: Buffer allows teams to collaborate on social media management, with features that enable team members to work together on content creation, scheduling, and analysis.

More info: Buffer


Social Media Tools - BuzzSumo

BuzzSumo allows you to analyze your content engagement based on relevant industry keywords and see how your content marketing campaigns are performing against your competition.

While not strictly a social media tool, it lets you see how often your blog posts are shared on social platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc., and which types of posts receive the most engagement.

Visit the site: BuzzSumo


Social Media Tools - CoSchedule

CoSchedule is a software that integrates content marketing, a marketing calendar, and marketing management tools to help keep all of your marketing organized in one place.

More info: CoSchedule


Social Media Tools - Hootsuite
Hootsuite – Social Media Management Platform

Hootsuite is a social media management platform with an integrated user interface that lets you manage your social interactions on various social networks and prepare social media updates in advance.

More info: Hootsuite

Additionally, check out these tools:

Agora Pulse

Social Media Tools - Agora Pulse
Agora Pulse

Agora Pulse provides scheduling, competitor analysis, reporting features, and Facebook contest apps in an all-in-one social media platform.

More info: Agora Pulse


Social Media Tools - Crowdfire

Crowdfire lets you schedule content, manage your Twitter account, connect your blogs and your YouTube channel, create social media posts, and provide suggestions about articles for sharing on your sites.

More info: Crowdfire


Social Media Tools - Databox
Databox Metric-Tracking Software.

Databox lets you connect data from over 70+ tools and track it from any device using customizable dashboards.

More info: Databox


Social Media Tools - eClincher
eClincher – Social Media Management Platform

eClincher lets you analyze your social media performance, schedule and publish posts, reply to social messages, and auto-post with smart queues and RSS feeds. It also provides an image media library, and search function for social media influencers.

More info: eClincher


Social Media Tools - Edgar
Edgar – social media scheduling tool.

Edgar lets you schedule posts that continue even after your list of updates to send is empty by cycling through a library of content.

More info: Edgar


Social Media Tools - Followerwonk

Followerwonk is a Twitter analytics tool that lets you analyze your followers (e.g. where they are located and when they tweet) to help you gain insights on Twitter users and trends.

Additionally, this tool helps you find and connect with the top influencers in your industry, expand your reach and widen your follower base, and develop your social graph by digging into your Twitter analytics data.

More info: Followerwonk 


Social Media Tools - Friends+Me

Friends+Meis a social media post scheduling and content management solution that helps you increase your brand visibility online, stay organized and stay focused on creating great content to share with your followers on platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Pinterest.

More info: Friends+Me 


Hookle – Social Media Planning App

Hookle is an app that lets you manage all of your social media marketing in one place and lets you see how your brand is doing online across all of your platforms from your mobile device.

More info: Hookle


Social Media Tools - Later

Later is a social media management tool that lets you connect your Pinterest, Facebook, and Twitter profiles but focuses mostly on Instagram.

It provides a visual drag-and-drop content calendar and a free linking tool that you can use on your Instagram profile to link to a shoppable Instagram feed or various blog posts and websites.

More info: Later


Social Media Tools - MavSocial

MavSocial is a visual social media management tool that provides scheduling, monitoring, and reporting features for your social content.

MavSocial allows you to repeat social media posts for a specified duration and includes access to a search engine where you can browse through a digital catalog of millions of stock photos and manage and edit media content for your social media posts.

More info: MavSocial

Post Planner

Social Media Tools - Post Planner
Post Planner

Post Planner helps you find and curate high-quality content proven to drive user engagement, as well as plan and schedule a content-type-based social media publishing calendar, and then post your content regularly and consistently.

Post Planner also lets you create a targeted sharing plan where you select the content type for each time slot and the tool will then fill each slot with your chosen content, as well as allowing you to schedule posts outside of your social content sharing plan.

More info: Post Planner


Social Media Tools - Sendible

Sendible is a social media management tool with a customizable and brandable dashboard suited for agencies with multiple clients.

Sendible provides royalty-free image and YouTube searches, integrates the Canva graphics editor, and automates repetitive tasks.

More info: Sendible

Social Pilot

Social Media Tools - Social Pilot
Social Pilot

Social Pilot is a social media management tool with a simple dashboard that curates and suggests content from different niches and industries and provides scheduling, analytics, and white-label reporting suited for digital agencies.

More info: Social Pilot


Social Media Tools - SocialBee

SocialBee is a social media management tool that lets you add, organize, and share content across several social channels, integrates with Buffer (see above), and uses post variations to keep your content evergreen.

More info: SocialBee


Social Media Tools - Tailwind 

Tailwind is a social media management tool for Instagram and Pinterest that helps you schedule posts, monitor conversations, measure results, and provides recommendations for improving your Pinterest and Instagram performance.

More info: Tailwind 

Social Media Management Tools (Enterprise)

The tools below are ideal for helping enterprise-level companies measure and track their social media content performance.


HubSpot Social Media Management Software
HubSpot Social Media Management Software

HubSpot‘s social media management software lets you publish content to your social networks, run all of your social media campaigns from one central location, set up keyword monitoring to be alerted whenever your brand is mentioned, and link your interactions back to your CRM to track contextual conversations and access insightful social media ROI reports.

More info: HubSpot

Sprout Social

Sprout Social
Sprout Social – All-in-one social media management platform

Sprout Social is a social media management tool that combines social media scheduling, monitoring, reporting, and customer relationship management (CRM) into one platform.

Sprout Social Reporting Dashboard
Sprout Social Reporting Dashboard

Sprout Social’s “listening” features let you uncover trends and actionable insights from social data to improve and drive your brand and business strategy.

SproutSocial can also help your business streamline its social media presence by automating scheduling and publishing of posts across various social media channels. With SproutSocial, you can easily manage your social media accounts from a single dashboard, which makes it easy to collaborate with your team members and track your social media performance.

The benefits of using SproutSocial for social media scheduling include:

  • Save time and effort by automating the process of scheduling posts, allowing you to plan and publish content in advance.
  • Analytics tools that allow you to track and analyze your social media performance, enabling you to make data-driven decisions about your social media strategy and identify which posts are working well and which ones need improvement.
  • An intuitive and user-friendly interface, making it easy to schedule posts, monitor your social media presence, and collaborate with your team members.

More info: Sprout Social



Brandwatch is a tool that allows you to quantify brand awareness. You can use it to identify brand sentiments and see if your video campaigns are working and helping you build positive brand awareness for your business.

Brandwatch gives you access to weekly and monthly social media monitoring reports and video campaign tracking and customer conversations about your brand in real-time.

This is not only invaluable for market research, but it also helps you see what people think of your video campaigns and how these impact your brand perception.

More info: Brandwatch

Additionally, check out these tools:



Keyhole is a social media monitoring tool that provides real-time tracking and reporting of social media and influencer campaigns and key metrics via a social media analytics dashboard.

The software lets you monitor the performance of keywords, URLs, topics, hashtags, and @mentions, gain information about brand sentiment, relevant conversations, topics, and influencers’ engagement rates and reach, track campaign performance on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube, and compare your social media accounts and campaigns against major competitors.

Keyhole also provides a free downloadable influencer campaign tracking template.

More info: Keyhole


Khoros – Social media management software for enterprise-level companies.

Khoros is used by many large companies to manage their social media.

More info: Khoros



Oktopost is a social media management platform aimed at helping B2B marketers generate leads using social media and quantify their social media results.

More info: Oktopost



Reputation provides social media engagement tools, real-time data visualization, and customized views and reports to help companies gain insights, respond quickly, and immprove their social media strategy.

More info: Reputation



Sprinklr provides a suite of products and tools to help enterprise-level teams collaborate, connect and engage with their customers on 25+ social media channels.

More info: Sprinklr

Social Media Influencer Marketing Tools

Use these tools to search for influencers based on niche, audience size, and engagement rates, and automate your outreach campaigns.


Aspire - influencer marketing software platform.
Aspire – influencer marketing software platform.

Aspire is an influencer marketing software that helps your business discover and engage with creators on autopilot.

The Creator Marketplace allows you to receive hundreds of inbound creator applications each week, while the search engine lets them search, compare, and contact millions of creators across various platforms.

Social listening tools enable you to engage with brand fans who mention them online, and e-commerce integrations help them find influential customers to partner with.

Aspire also enables you to create, license, and promote more content than ever before by allowing you to build a campaign around anyone with influence, brief and review content before it goes live, license content for allowlisting and boosting, and measure which content is most effective with content analytics.

Aspire - Social influencer marketing automation software.
Use Aspire to drive business growth through effective influencer marketing strategies.

You can run performance-based influencer campaigns by identifying who drives the most ROI and sales through the analytics dashboard, putting ad spend behind content that performs through allowlisting and boosting, and driving and tracking sales through affiliate links and promo codes.

More info: Aspire


Upfluence – All-in-one affiliate and influencer marketing platform.

Upfluence is a social influencer marketing software that helps your business find the best creators for your brand by analyzing engagement and performance metrics.

With Upfluence, you can manage and hire creators at scale, simplify influencer gifting campaigns, easily pay influencers, and track marketing ROI.

The platform goes beyond just influencer marketing by also offering affiliate programs, creator management, user-generated content, and brand ambassador tools to help your business build valuable partnerships and turn creators into revenue.

More info: Upfluence


GRIN creator management platform for influencer marketing.
GRIN – a creator management platform for influencer marketing.

GRIN is a creator management platform that helps brands establish authentic relationships with content creators and turn them into brand ambassadors.

The software offers tools for discovering and recruiting creators, nurturing relationships, reporting and analyzing metrics, content management, product seeding, and payment management.

With multiple ways to identify and invite the perfect ambassadors for your brand, GRIN provides an all-in-one solution to simplify the influencer marketing campaign process.

The software also integrates with other marketing stack tools, including social platforms, e-commerce solutions, and communication tools.

Use GRIN to build more valuable relationships with content creators and grow your brand through the power of creator partnerships.

More info: GRIN

Social Media Video Courses For Beginners

These video courses will help to improve your social media skills (note: you can access all of the video courses below with a single all-access pass):

Social Media Marketing - WPMasterclasses.comSocial Media Marketing

Learn how to market and promote your business online using popular social media platforms like LinkedIn, Instagram, and Pinterest.

More info: Social Media Marketing

YouTube Marketing - WPMasterclasses.comYouTube Marketing

Learn how to drive more traffic to your site and more customers to your business by getting your videos to rank higher on YouTube and on Google’s search results.

More info: YouTube Marketing

Facebook Marketing - WPMasterclasses.comFacebook Marketing

Learn how to drive more traffic to your website and how to better promote your business online using Facebook.

More info: Facebook Marketing

Twitter Marketing - WPMasterclasses.comTwitter Marketing

Learn how to market and promote your business online using Twitter.

More info: Twitter Marketing


For more video courses, see this section: Digital Business Video Courses


  • Social Media Content Calendar Templates – Social media content calendar templates and information on the best times to post content on different social platforms.
  • Influencer Campaign tracking Template – A free downloadable template from Keyhole. Use it to track accurate KPIs of your influencer marketing campaigns, measure the engagement rate of influencers’ posts, and understand which influencers are delivering customers.

For WordPress users:

Visit our tools and resources section for additional courses, guides, and helpful tools and resources for managing content effectively.



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Image: Social Media