Content Management Best Practices

Best practices for planning, creating, managing, and promoting your content.

Content Management Best Practices

Best practices for planning, creating, managing, and promoting your content.

Content Management Best Practices - AI-generated image.Content management is the process of creating, editing, and publishing digital content to reach target audiences. It is an essential part of any digital marketing strategy.

With the right content management best practices, your business can improve its online presence, increase website traffic, and generate more leads.

This lesson covers best practices for managing and organizing your content, including tips and strategies for planning, creating, editing, publishing, and promoting your content.

From using a content calendar and creating a style guide to optimizing content for search engines, we will cover the best practices you need to know to improve your content management skills.


Content Planning And Organization

Planning and organization are important aspects of content management that can help you to create consistent, relevant, and efficient content that resonates with your target audience and is easily discoverable.

Without proper planning and organization, it can be difficult to effectively create, edit, and publish content that resonates with your target audience.

By implementing the best practices listed below, you can improve the effectiveness of your content marketing strategy and achieve your business objectives:

  • Consistency: Planning and organizing your content allows you to maintain a consistent tone, style, and message across all of your content. This helps to build trust and credibility with your audience and makes it easier for them to engage with your brand.
  • Efficiency: Planning and organizing your content in advance can help you to work more efficiently and avoid last-minute scrambling to come up with content ideas. By having a content calendar and style guide in place, you can easily identify gaps in your content and plan ahead to fill them.
  • Relevance: Planning and organizing your content allows you to ensure that it is relevant to your target audience. By understanding your audience’s needs, interests, and pain points, you can create content that resonates with them and addresses their specific concerns.
  • SEO: Planning and organizing your content allows you to optimize it for search engines, making it easier for your target audience to find your content when they are searching for relevant keywords.


  • Content calendar: A content calendar is a tool that allows you to plan out your content in advance. You can use it to schedule blog posts, social media updates, email newsletters, and other types of content. By planning out your content in advance, you can ensure that it is consistent and relevant.
  • Content style guide: A style guide is a document that outlines the guidelines for creating content. It includes information on tone, voice, grammar, and formatting. By having a style guide in place, you can ensure that all of your content is consistent and easy to read.
  • Content Management System (CMS): A Content Management System (CMS) is a software application that allows you to easily manage your content, keep it organized and updated, and publish website content without the need for technical skills.



  • A business that sells beauty products can use a content calendar to plan out its social media updates for the month, with a focus on specific products or promotions each week. They can also create a style guide that outlines the tone and voice they want to use in their social media posts.
  • A B2B SaaS company can use a content calendar to plan out the topics of their blog posts for the quarter, focusing on the pain points of their target audience, and the solutions their software can provide. They can also create a style guide that outlines the technical terms and acronyms that should be used in the blog posts.
  • A restaurant can use tools like Grammarly to check grammar and spelling in their menu items and other marketing materials and use Google Analytics to track the performance of their website and adjust their strategy accordingly.

See the lessons below for additional information:

Content Creation

Creating high-quality content is an essential aspect of any successful online marketing strategy. With so much content being produced every day, it’s important to develop effective content production practices that will make your content stand out from the rest.

Here are some of the best practices for content production, including descriptions, examples, tips, and suggestions.

  1. Start with a clear goal in mind

Before you begin creating your content, it’s important to establish a clear goal or objective for what you want to achieve with your content.

Do you want to educate your audience, promote your products or services, or build your brand’s reputation? By having a clear goal in mind, you can create content that is focused, targeted, and effective.

For example, if you are creating content to promote a new product, your goal may be to increase sales. In this case, you might create content that highlights the unique features and benefits of your product, provides customer testimonials, and includes a clear call to action to encourage readers to make a purchase.

  1. Understand your audience

To create content that resonates with your target audience, it’s essential to understand who they are and what they’re looking for. Take the time to research your audience’s demographics, interests, pain points, and online behavior. This will help you tailor your content to their specific needs and interests.

For example, if you’re creating content for a fashion blog aimed at teenage girls, your audience is likely to be interested in topics such as fashion trends, makeup tips, and celebrity style. By understanding your audience’s interests and preferences, you can create content that is more likely to be shared and engaged with.

  1. Develop a content calendar

Consistency is key when it comes to content production. By developing a content calendar, you can plan out your content in advance, ensuring that you always have a steady stream of content to publish on your website, blog, or social media channels.

Your content calendar should include details such as the topic, format, publication date, and distribution channels for each piece of content. This will help you stay organized, ensure that your content is published on schedule, and allow you to plan ahead for important events or promotions.

  1. Focus on quality over quantity

While it’s important to publish content on a regular basis, it’s equally important to ensure that your content is of high quality. Poorly written or low-quality content is unlikely to be shared or engaged with, and can even damage your brand’s reputation.

To ensure that your content is of high quality, take the time to research your topic thoroughly, write clear and engaging copy, and include high-quality images or videos where appropriate. It’s also important to proofread your content carefully and ensure that it is free from errors or typos.

  1. Use a variety of formats

To keep your content fresh and engaging, it’s important to use a variety of formats. This could include blog posts, videos, infographics, podcasts, or social media posts. By using a variety of formats, you can appeal to different learning styles and preferences, and keep your audience interested and engaged.

For example, you might create a series of blog posts on a specific topic, interspersed with short videos or infographics that summarize key points. This can help to break up your content and make it more engaging and accessible to your audience.

  1. Promote your content

Creating great content is only half the battle. To ensure that your content reaches your target audience, it’s important to promote it effectively. This could include sharing your content on social media, reaching out to influencers or bloggers in your niche, or using paid advertising to reach a wider audience.

When promoting your content, it’s important to use a variety of channels and tactics, and to tailor your approach to your specific goals and target audience. For example, if you’re promoting a new product, you might use paid social media ads to target users who have shown an interest in similar products, or you might reach out to influencers in your industry to review your product and share their thoughts with their followers.

  1. Measure and analyze your results

To ensure that your content production practices are effective, it’s important to measure and analyze your results. This can help you identify what’s working well, what’s not working, and where you can make improvements.

Tools such as Google Analytics can provide valuable insights into how your content is performing, including metrics such as pageviews, engagement, and conversion rates. By analyzing this data, you can adjust your content production practices to optimize your results and achieve your goals.

  1. Stay up-to-date with industry trends

The world of content production is constantly evolving, with new formats, platforms, and trends emerging all the time. To stay ahead of the curve, it’s important to stay up-to-date with industry trends and best practices.

This could include attending conferences or webinars, following industry thought leaders on social media, or subscribing to industry newsletters or blogs. By staying informed and learning from others in your industry, you can ensure that your content production practices remain relevant and effective.

See the lessons below for additional information:

Publishing And Promoting Content

Publishing and promoting content is an essential part of content management.

By implementing the best practices below, your business can increase the reach and effectiveness of your content marketing efforts:

  • Repurpose and republish old content: Repurposing and republishing old content can help you to get more mileage out of your existing content. You can repurpose old content by updating it, turning it into a different format (such as a video or podcast), or republishing it on a different platform.
  • Use social media: Social media is a powerful tool for promoting content. By sharing your content on social media, you can increase its reach and drive more traffic to your website. Make sure to optimize your social media posts with relevant hashtags and include links to your content.
  • Leverage email marketing: Email marketing is a great way to promote your content and stay in touch with your audience. You can use email marketing to send out newsletters, updates, and other types of content that will interest your subscribers.
  • Optimize for search engines: Optimizing your content for search engines is an important step in making sure that your content is easily discoverable by your target audience. This can be done by using relevant keywords, optimizing your meta tags, and using internal and external links.
  • Use influencers and guest bloggers: Partnering with influencers or guest bloggers can help you to expand your reach and attract a new audience. Influencers and guest bloggers can share your content with their own followers and promote it to a new audience.


  • An e-commerce store can repurpose its old blog post about “how to style a white t-shirt” into a video tutorial, and republish it on its YouTube channel.
  • A B2B SaaS company can use social media to promote its whitepaper on “how to increase productivity in remote teams” by sharing it on LinkedIn and Twitter, including relevant hashtags and a link to download the whitepaper.
  • A local business such as a restaurant can use email marketing to send out a newsletter with updates about their menu and specials, and also include a link to their website and a call to action to make a reservation.


  • Keep track of your content performance and adjust your promotion strategy accordingly.
  • Use analytics tools such as Google Analytics and social media analytics to track the performance of your content and identify areas for improvement.
  • Experiment with different types of content and promotion methods to find what works best for your audience.
  • Make sure to have a consistent and cohesive approach in your promotion strategy, and use your website, email, and social media channels to promote your content.

See the lessons below for additional information:

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is an important aspect of content management as it helps to ensure that your content is easily discoverable by your target audience.

Here is how you can optimize your content for search engines as a content management best practice to increase website traffic, generate more leads, and achieve your business objectives:

  • Use relevant keywords: Research and use keywords that are relevant to your content and that your target audience is searching for. These keywords should be used in the title, headings, and throughout the content. However, it’s important to use them naturally and avoid keyword stuffing.
  • Optimize your meta tags: Your meta tags, such as the title tag and meta description, are used by search engines to understand the content of your page. Make sure that your meta tags are optimized with relevant keywords and provide a clear and concise summary of your content.
  • Use internal and external links: Internal links are links that point to other pages within your website, while external links are links that point to pages outside of your website. Content linking helps search engines understand the structure of your website and the relevance of your content.
  • Use images and videos: Images and videos can make your content more engaging and increase the time users spend on your website. Optimize images and videos by using relevant file names and alt tags.
  • Use structured data: Structured data is a way to mark up your content in a way that makes it easier for search engines to understand. By using structured data, you can provide additional information about your content, such as the date it was published, the author, and the type of content it is.


  • A fashion blogger can optimize their content by including relevant keywords such as “summer fashion trends” in the title and throughout the content, optimizing meta tags with keywords and a brief summary, and including internal and external links to other relevant fashion blogs and websites.
  • A local business, such as a restaurant, can optimize its content by including relevant keywords such as “best pizza in town” in the title and throughout the content, optimizing meta tags, including images and videos of their food and atmosphere, and using structured data to provide information about their location and hours of operation.


  • Use keyword research tools to find relevant keywords for your content.
  • Optimize your website’s on-page SEO, such as using structured data and meta tags, to improve your website’s visibility in search engine result pages.
  • Use analytics tools such as Google Analytics to track your website’s performance and identify areas for improvement.
  • Keep track of the latest SEO trends and updates to ensure that your content is up-to-date and in compliance with search engine guidelines.

See the lessons below for additional information:

Content Management

Content management is a crucial aspect of any successful online marketing strategy. Effective content management practices can help you organize and optimize your content, ensuring that it’s accessible, engaging, and up-to-date.

Here are some of the best practices for managing your content effectively.

  1. Use a content management system (CMS)

A content management system (CMS) is a software platform that allows you to create, manage, and publish digital content. Using a CMS can help you streamline your content management processes, making it easier to create, edit, and publish content on your website or blog.

Popular CMS platforms include WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla. These platforms offer a range of features and functionality, including customizable templates, plugins, and tools for managing and organizing your content.

  1. Create a content strategy

To effectively manage your content, it’s important to have a clear content strategy in place. Your content strategy should outline your goals, target audience, content topics, formats, and distribution channels.

By having a clear content strategy, you can ensure that your content is focused, relevant, and aligned with your overall marketing objectives. It can also help you identify gaps in your content and opportunities for optimization.

  1. Establish a content governance process

Content governance refers to the policies and procedures for managing and maintaining your content. Establishing a content governance process can help you ensure that your content is accurate, up-to-date, and consistent across all channels.

Your content governance process should include guidelines for content creation, editing, and approval, as well as guidelines for archiving or retiring outdated content. This can help you maintain a high level of quality and relevance in your content while minimizing the risk of errors or inconsistencies.

  1. Use metadata to organize your content

Metadata refers to the information that describes your content, such as tags, categories, and keywords. Using metadata can help you organize and optimize your content, making it easier for users to find and engage with.

For example, you might use tags or categories to organize your blog posts by topic or use keywords in your website metadata to improve your search engine rankings. This can help you improve the usability and discoverability of your content, while also making it easier to manage and update.

  1. Monitor and measure your content performance

To ensure that your content management practices are effective, it’s important to monitor and measure your content performance. This can help you identify which types of content are resonating with your audience, which channels are driving the most engagement, and where you can make improvements.

Tools such as Google Analytics can provide valuable insights into your content performance, including metrics such as pageviews, bounce rates, and engagement. By analyzing this data, you can adjust your content management practices to optimize your results and achieve your marketing goals.

  1. Invest in content maintenance and updates

Content maintenance and updates are essential for keeping your content relevant and up-to-date. This could include updating outdated statistics, refreshing old blog posts with new insights, or archiving or retiring outdated content.

Investing in content maintenance and updates can help you maintain a high level of quality and relevance in your content, while also improving your search engine rankings and user experience. It can also help you identify opportunities for optimization or new content ideas based on existing content.

See the lessons below for additional information:


Image: AI-Generated (Dall-E)

Content Automation

Learn about the benefits, challenges, and the future of content automation.

Content Automation

Learn about the benefits, challenges, and the future of content automation.

Content AutomationContent automation uses technology to create, manage, and distribute content and involves a wide range of tools that use artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and natural language processing (NLP) to automate various aspects of content creation and distribution, including content creation, curation, optimization, and distribution.

While there are some challenges associated with content automation, your business can mitigate these risks by implementing best practices and guidelines to stay ahead of the competition and deliver a better customer experience.

What Is Content Automation?

Content automation is a popular buzzword in the digital marketing world, referring to the use of technology to create, manage and distribute content.

The goal of embracing content automation is to streamline content production and distribution, reduce costs, and improve the overall quality of your content.

There are several types of content automation tools, each with its own set of functions.

Content creation tools use artificial intelligence and machine learning to generate text, graphics, and other multimedia content automatically. These tools analyze data and user behavior to produce relevant and engaging content that resonates with your target audience.

Content curation tools, on the other hand, collect and organize content from various sources to create a library of relevant and useful content for the audience. These tools can also automatically schedule and distribute your curated content on various platforms.

Content optimization tools use data analysis to identify content performance and suggest changes to improve engagement and conversion rates. These tools can also optimize content for search engines by suggesting keywords and improving readability and structure.

Finally, content distribution tools automate the process of sharing content on various platforms, such as social media, email, and websites. These tools can schedule and publish content automatically, freeing up your time to focus on creating new content.

To learn more about content automation tools, see these lessons:

How Does Content Automation Work?

Content automation works by utilizing a combination of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and natural language processing (NLP) technologies to create, manage, and distribute content.

AI is used to mimic human intelligence, such as learning from data and making predictions. It can analyze data to identify patterns and trends, which can help in generating relevant and engaging content.

Machine learning algorithms are used to train AI models to improve their accuracy and effectiveness over time.

NLP is used to analyze human language and generate human-like responses. It can be used to create text-based content, such as blog posts and social media updates, that sound like they were written by a human.

NLP can also be used to analyze existing content to identify keywords and optimize it for search engines.

Big data analytics plays a crucial role in content automation by analyzing vast amounts of data to identify patterns and trends. By analyzing user behavior and preferences, content automation tools can generate content that resonates with the target audience.

Big data analytics can also be used to track the performance of content and identify areas for improvement.

Content automation tools use various techniques and algorithms to automate different aspects of content creation and distribution.

For example, some tools use generative adversarial networks (GANs) to generate images and videos, while others use deep learning algorithms to create text-based content.

Some tools use sentiment analysis to analyze user feedback and improve content quality, while others use natural language generation (NLG) to create summaries, captions, and other types of text-based content.

Examples of content automation technologies include:

  • GPT-3: a language generation AI model that can create human-like text-based content, such as articles and social media updates.
  • Synthesia: a video creation tool that uses AI to automatically generate lifelike video content narrated by AI-powered synthetic humans.
  • Adobe Experience Manager: a content management system that uses ML to automate content creation and optimization.
  • Google Analytics: a web analytics tool that uses big data analytics to track content performance and identify areas for improvement.
  • Hootsuite Insights: a social media monitoring tool that uses NLP to analyze user feedback and sentiment.

Overall, content automation uses a range of technologies to automate various aspects of content creation and distribution, improving efficiency, consistency, and quality. By leveraging these technologies, your business can create high-quality content that will resonate with your target audience while minimizing the time and resources required.

The Benefits Of Content Automation

Content automation offers many benefits, including increased efficiency and productivity, improved content quality and consistency, and enhanced audience engagement and conversion rates.

One of the main advantages of content automation is increased efficiency and productivity.

By automating various aspects of content creation and distribution, you can save time and resources that can be redirected to other areas of your business.

Content automation can also help you produce more content in less time.

This can be crucial if your business operates with extremely limited resources.

Another benefit of content automation is improved content quality and consistency.

By using AI and ML to analyze data and user behavior, you can create content that resonates with your target audience.

Content automation tools can also ensure consistency in branding and messaging across various platforms, helping your business to maintain a strong brand identity.

Content automation can also help to enhance audience engagement and conversion rates.

By generating relevant and engaging content, your business can attract and retain customers.

Automation tools can also help you optimize your content for search engines, social media, and other platforms, increasing the visibility of your content and driving more traffic to your website.

Finally, content automation can help you save time and money, while also delivering a better customer experience.

By automating content creation and distribution, you can reduce the need for manual labor and streamline your content production processes. This can help your business save money on labor costs and other expenses, while also delivering a more consistent and engaging customer experience.

Examples of businesses that have successfully implemented content automation include:

The Challenges Of Content Automation

While content automation offers several benefits to businesses, it also comes with its fair share of challenges.

Let’s explore some of the challenges of content automation and how your business can mitigate these risks.

One of the main challenges of content automation is the risk of producing low-quality content.

While AI and ML can help businesses to generate content quickly, the resulting content may not always be high quality or engaging for your target audience. This can lead to a decrease in audience engagement and a negative impact on your brand’s reputation.

To mitigate this risk, ensure that your content automation tools and technologies are properly calibrated to produce high-quality content.

Another challenge of content automation is the lack of control over the content creation process.

Automated content creation can sometimes result in content that does not align with your brand’s messaging or voice.

To address this, establish guidelines for content creation and regularly review and approve content generated by your automation tools.

Content automation also poses the risk of plagiarism and copyright infringement.

Automated content creation tools can sometimes inadvertently generate content that is similar to existing content, which can result in legal issues.

To mitigate this risk, ensure that your content automation tools are properly configured to avoid producing content that may infringe on copyright laws.

In addition, ensure that your business uses reputable sources for content curation and that your content is properly cited and attributed.

By taking these precautions, you can avoid legal issues and maintain your credibility with your audience.

Examples of businesses that have faced challenges with content automation include:

  • Microsoft: the technology giant faced criticism after its chatbot Tay began producing offensive and inappropriate content due to inadequate content filtering. (Source: “Microsoft’s chatbot mess: What went wrong.” BBC News, 2016.)
  • JPMorgan Chase: In 2013, JPMorgan Chase implemented an automated content generation system to create news stories related to financial markets. The system relied on algorithms to analyze data and generate reports. However, the system produced numerous errors in the news articles, including inaccurate information, misspellings, and nonsensical sentences. (Source: “The Rise of the Robot Reporter.” The New York Times, 2013.)
  • The Washington Post: The Washington Post launched its Heliograf content automation system in 2016, which was designed to generate news articles automatically. However, the system faced criticism for producing stories that lacked nuance and failed to capture the human element of the news. (Source: “The Washington Post is automating news stories about the Olympics with Heliograf.” Nieman Lab, 2016.)
  • Associated Press: The Associated Press (AP) began using automated content generation systems in 2014 to create articles about corporate earnings reports. The system was successful in generating thousands of articles in a short period of time. However, it faced criticism for producing articles that lacked insight and analysis. (Source: “How The Associated Press uses automation to create earnings reports.” Digiday, 2014.)
  • Forbes: In 2018, Forbes launched a tool called Bertie, which used artificial intelligence to generate story suggestions for writers. However, the tool faced backlash from the writing community, who argued that it was replacing human creativity with machine-generated ideas. (Source: “Forbes Unveils Bertie, A Bot That Writes Articles Using AI.” Forbes, 2018.)
  • Coca-Cola: Coca-Cola launched an automated content generation system called the AI-powered Content Creation Engine in 2019. The system was designed to generate social media content for the company’s brands. However, the system faced criticism for producing generic and uninteresting content that failed to engage consumers. (Source: “Coca-Cola launches AI-powered Content Creation Engine.” The Drum, 2019.)

Content Automation – Best Practices And Guidelines

While content automation can increase efficiency and reduce costs, it is important to follow best practices and guidelines to ensure that the content is high quality and effective in engaging the target audience.

Here are some best practices and guidelines for content automation:

  • Define your audience: Before beginning any content automation project, it is important to define your target audience. This will help you tailor your content to their interests and preferences. For example, if your audience is millennials, you may want to focus on creating visually appealing content that can be easily shared on social media.
  • Develop a content strategy: A content strategy should outline the goals, types of content, and distribution channels for your automation project. This can help ensure that your content is consistent and aligned with your overall business objectives.
  • Use data to inform content creation: Data can be used to identify trends, insights, and gaps in your content. This can help you create more relevant and engaging content for your audience. For example, you can use analytics tools to identify which topics and formats are most popular among your audience.
  • Ensure accuracy and quality: Automated content should be accurate and free of errors, such as misspellings and factual inaccuracies. To ensure quality, consider using human editors to review the content before it is published.
  • Add a human touch: While automation can help increase efficiency, it is important to ensure that the content does not lose its human touch. Adding personalization, such as using a recipient’s name or providing customized recommendations, can help make the content more engaging and memorable.

In addition to the best practices and guidelines mentioned above, here are some additional tips for successful content automation:

  • Understand the limitations of automation: While automation can be efficient and cost-effective, it is important to understand its limitations. Automation cannot replace human creativity and intuition, and it may not be suitable for all types of content. Consider the type of content you are creating and whether automation is the best approach.
  • Optimize for SEO: Automated content should be optimized for search engines to ensure it is discoverable by your target audience. Use relevant keywords and meta descriptions to help improve search engine rankings.
  • Monitor performance and make adjustments: Regularly monitor the performance of your automated content and make adjustments as needed. Use analytics tools to track engagement, clicks, and conversions, and make changes to improve performance.
  • Ensure compliance with regulations and guidelines: If your automated content includes sensitive or regulated information, ensure that it complies with relevant regulations and guidelines. For example, if your content involves healthcare information, ensure that it meets HIPAA regulations.
  • Continuously improve and iterate: Content automation is not a one-time project, but rather an ongoing process. Continuously evaluate and improve your content to ensure that it remains relevant and engaging to your audience.

The Future Of Content Automation

Content automation is rapidly evolving, and businesses need to stay up to date with the latest trends and innovations in the field to remain competitive.

One of the latest trends in content automation is the use of conversational AI, which allows your business to interact with your audience in a more natural and engaging way.

Conversational AI can be used to automate customer service and support, as well as to create personalized content for individual users.

Another emerging trend is the use of augmented and virtual reality technologies to create immersive content experiences for users.

In addition, businesses are increasingly using data analytics and AI to optimize their content for target audiences. By analyzing user behavior and engagement data, your business can gain insights into what types of content resonate with your audience and adjust your content creation and distribution strategies accordingly.

Looking ahead, we can expect content automation to continue to evolve and become more sophisticated. AI and ML technologies are likely to become more advanced, enabling businesses to create highly personalized and engaging content for their audience.

In addition, we can expect to see the integration of content automation with other emerging technologies, such as blockchain and the Internet of Things (IoT), to create even more innovative content experiences.

To prepare for these changes, your business should invest in the latest content automation tools and technologies, and ensure that your team is trained on how to use these effectively.

You should also stay up to date with the latest trends and innovations in your field and be prepared to adapt new content strategies accordingly.

Examples of businesses that are leading the way in content automation include:

  • HubSpot: the marketing automation platform offers a suite of content automation tools, including content creation, optimization, and distribution.
  • Grammarly: the writing assistance tool uses AI to analyze and improve the quality of written content, helping writers to create more effective and engaging content.
  • Salesforce: the customer relationship management (CRM) platform uses AI and ML to personalize content for individual users and optimize content for target audiences.

Content Automation – FAQs

Here are frequently asked questions about content automation:

What is content automation?

Content automation involves using software to handle repetitive content-related tasks, ensuring adherence to brand guidelines, and enhancing overall content quality and consistency.

How does content automation work?

The process uses a combination of algorithms, tools, and sometimes human oversight to manage and streamline the creation, management, and publication of digital content. It automates tasks like data collection, content creation, and updates.

What are the benefits of content automation?

Content automation saves time, reduces human error, ensures brand consistency, and can improve the scalability of content operations. It allows creators to focus on more strategic tasks such as content planning and analysis.

What types of content can be automated?

Nearly any type of repetitive content tasks can be automated, including social media posts, email marketing campaigns, content updates, and even content personalization for different audiences.

Is content automation expensive?

The initial setup can be costly depending on the complexity of the tasks to be automated and the software used. However, the long-term benefits often offset these initial costs by improving efficiency and reducing the need for manual labor.

Can content automation affect SEO?

Yes, when done correctly, content automation can positively impact SEO by ensuring consistent and timely updates, and by helping to target content based on keyword research and SEO trends.

What are the challenges of implementing content automation?

Challenges include the complexity of setting up systems, the need for continuous updates and maintenance, integrating with existing technologies, and ensuring that automated content still meets quality and relevance standards.


Content automation can help your business to create and distribute high-quality content efficiently and effectively. While there are some challenges associated with content automation, your business can mitigate these risks by implementing best practices and guidelines.

By embracing content automation, your business can stay ahead of the competition and deliver a better customer experience.

The future of content automation looks bright, with new trends and innovations emerging all the time. By staying up to date with the latest developments in the field, your business can take advantage of these emerging technologies to create more engaging and personalized content for your audience.


Click on the links below to explore additional ways to automate all content-related areas of your business:

Content Planning Automation

Content Planning Automation

Streamline your content planning process and maximize your team's productivity with content planning automation.
Content Production Automation

Content Production Automation

Streamline your content production process and optimize your workflow with content production automation.
Content Promotion Automation

Content Promotion Automation

Streamline your content promotion process and optimize your workflow with content promotion automation.
Content Management Automation

Content Management Automation

Streamline your workflow and maximize your team's potential with content management automation.


Images: Monitor, Cyber, Cursor, Wordcloud

Mind Mapping

Use mind mapping to streamline your content planning and content creation process.

Mind Mapping

Use mind mapping to streamline your content planning and content creation process.

Mind mapping is a powerful and effective tool for content planning as it enables you to brainstorm ideas, organize your thoughts, and identify key concepts in a logical and systematic manner.

In this lesson, we explore the benefits of using mind mapping for content planning and content organization. We also provide a list of mind-mapping tools that you can use to plan out your content.

What Is Mind Mapping?

Mind mapping is a technique used to organize and visualize information in a hierarchical and interconnected way. It involves creating a diagram or a “mind map” that connects different ideas, concepts, and pieces of information in a way that reflects how they are related to each other.

The process of mind mapping typically starts with a central idea or topic, which is placed at the center of the map. From there, related ideas and concepts are connected to the central topic using branches or lines, forming a tree-like structure. These branches can then be further expanded with sub-branches to create a more detailed and complex map.

Mind Map structure
This is the basic structure of a mind map built around a central idea.

For example, if you were creating a mind map for a blog post on “healthy meal planning,” the central topic would be “Healthy Meal Planning.”

You might then create branches for subtopics such as “Meal Prepping,” “Grocery Shopping,” and “Recipe Selection.”

Each of these subtopics could then be further expanded with additional branches, such as “Benefits of Meal Prepping” or “Finding Nutritious Recipes Online,” etc.

Mind map blog post outline
Use a mind map to create a blog post outline.

Mind maps can be created using pen and paper, whiteboards, or specialized software. They are often used as a brainstorming tool to generate and organize ideas, streamline processes, take notes, solve problems, foster collaboration between team members, and make decisions.

Mind maps are also very flexible. There is no limit to the number of branches, subconcepts, and relationships you can include to make your mind map as detailed as it needs to be.

Also, the web-like appearance of a mind map makes it easy to visualize and understand relationships between concepts or ideas. The visual and nonlinear nature of mind maps can help users to see patterns and connections that might not be immediately apparent in a more traditional outline or list format.

Using diagrams to visually “map” information and organize your thinking processes using branching and radial pictorial methods goes back centuries.

Why Use Mind Mapping For Content Planning?

Mind mapping is a powerful tool for content planning. Mind maps offer a wide range of benefits over traditional text-based methods of planning.

Some of the benefits of using mind maps when planning out your content include:


Mind maps stimulate creativity by allowing you to generate ideas in a free-form, non-linear way. By encouraging a broad range of associations, mind maps can lead to new insights and unexpected connections.


Mind maps are an excellent tool for brainstorming as they allow you and your team to generate and record ideas in a free-flowing manner.

With mind maps, you can brainstorm and generate new ideas and creative solutions to problems. By visualizing your ideas and concepts in this way, you may discover new connections or insights that you may not have thought of otherwise.

You can also quickly capture all your ideas and then arrange and group them into related categories.

For example, you could use a mind map to brainstorm ideas for a blog post on healthy eating habits.


Mind maps offer a more structured and organized way of planning content than traditional linear outlines. The visual format allows you to see the relationships between different ideas, making creating a well-structured and cohesive piece of content easier.

Mind maps allow you to organize information in a logical and structured way, making it easier to understand,  remember, and identify connections between them. By grouping related concepts together, you and your team can create a clear and coherent framework for your content.

For example, you could use a mind map to organize the key themes and sub-themes for an e-book on personal finance.


Mind maps enable you to plan and organize your content more quickly and efficiently than text-based methods. By providing a clear visual overview of your content plan, you can quickly identify gaps and ensure that all important topics are covered.

As with the e-book example above, you could use a mind map to make sure that you have covered all chapters and topics you plan to write about.


Mind maps provide a visual representation of ideas, which can help you and your team to understand and remember them more easily.

The use of colors, symbols, and images can enhance the visual appeal of mind maps and make them more engaging.

For example, you could use a mind map to visualize the key messages and visual elements for an infographic on workplace productivity.


Mind maps are an effective tool for communicating your content plan to others, such as team members, editors, or clients.

The visual format makes it easier for others to understand the structure and flow of your content, leading to clearer and more effective communication.


Mind maps can be easily shared and edited by multiple users, making them an ideal tool for collaborative content planning. They enable you and your team to work together to generate and refine ideas, and to track progress towards shared goals.

For example, your content planning team could use a mind map to collaborate on the key themes and messaging for a social media campaign.


Mind maps are flexible and adaptable, making them suitable for a wide range of content-planning applications. They can be easily updated and revised as your content plan evolves.

You can add new ideas, expand on existing ones, and reorganize the structure of your plan with ease. They can also be used to plan everything from blog posts and articles to e-books and marketing campaigns.

For example, you could use a mind map to plan the structure and content for a webinar on social media marketing.

Memory retention

Mind maps are a great tool for memory retention as they allow you to visually connect information with images and symbols that represent the concepts. This makes it easier to recall the information later.

For example, you could use a mind map to organize the key ideas and arguments for a research paper on climate change.


Mind maps can save time in content planning by enabling you and your team to identify key concepts and themes and quickly see what content you have already created and what content you still need to create.

This can help to streamline your content creation process and ensure that the final product is well-organized and focused.

For example, you could use a mind map to identify the key topics and themes for a series of blog posts on digital marketing.

How To Create A Mind Map

Creating a mind map for content planning is a simple process that can help you to organize your thoughts and ideas in a visual and structured way.

For this example, we’ll use a free online mind-mapping tool called MindMup (listed in the “Mind Map Tools” section further below).

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to create a mind map for content planning:

Start With A Central Topic

To create a mind map, start by identifying the main topic or theme of your content and write your central topic or main idea in the center of your paper or digital canvas. This will be the foundation of your mind map.

For this example, let’s say we want to create a blog post about “healthy meal planning.”

So, after creating a new mind map file, this will be our first entry:

  • Central topic: Healthy Meal Planning
Creating a mind map - Adding a central topic.
Use the central node of your mind map to represent your main topic or theme.

Add Subtopics

Next, add subtopics around the central topic, branching out from the center.

These subtopics should be related to the central topic and form the main categories for your content.

You can brainstorm ideas related to your main topic or theme and add them as branches to the central node.

For our example, we’ll add the following subtopics:

  • Subtopic 1: Meal Prepping
  • Subtopic 2: Grocery Shopping
  • Subtopic 3: Recipe Selection
Mind map - Add subtopics.
Add subtopics around the central topic of your mind map.

Expand Your Mind Map

After adding subtopics, add branches to each subtopic to further expand on the specific details and ideas related to each mind map category.

For this example, let’s add a couple of branches to our first subtopic:

  • Subtopic 1: Meal Prepping
    • Branch 1: Benefits of Meal Prepping
    • Branch 2: How to Meal Prep for the Week
  • Subtopic 2: Grocery Shopping
  • Subtopic 3: Recipe Selection
Mind map - expanding with additional branches.
Add branches to subtopics.

Continue adding branches to your other subtopics by identifying connections between your content ideas and adding them as links between branches. These can then be divided into smaller subcategories or sub-branches to further break down your content ideas.

Mind map with topics and subtopics.
Expand your mind map to include all of the main ideas for your topic.

Use Colors And Symbols

Use colors and symbols to visually differentiate between different ideas, concepts, and types of content. This can help you to see the relationships between different subtopics and ideas.

For this example, we’ve used different colors and font sizes to make our central topic and subtopics stand out…

Mind map blog post outline with colored items
Use colors to identify different groups in your mind map.

Review And Refine

After completing your mind map, review and refine it as needed. This can include adding new ideas, restructuring your map, or removing unnecessary elements.

Convert To An Outline

Once you have a complete and refined mind map, you can easily convert it into a traditional linear outline. This can be helpful if you prefer to work with a more text-based format.

Many mind map tools allow you to export your mind map as a text-based file.

For example, with MindMup, you can download your mind map as an outline:

Exporting a mind map file in MindMup
MindMup lets you export your mind map as an outline.

Select the export format to download your file as (e.g. MS Word/Google Writer)…

MindMup Export outline screen.
Let’s export this file as a Word or GDoc document…

You can now use your mind map text in a range of applications (e.g. create articles, slides, web pages, etc.)

Mind map exported as a text-based outline.
Here’s our mind map exported as a text-based outline.

We cover some practical ways to use mind maps below.

Using Mind Maps

Mind maps can be used in a wide variety of practical applications.

Here are some of the ways you can use mind maps to help in your content-related processes:

Content Research

Mind mapping is a valuable tool for content research. Whether you are conducting research for a writing project, marketing campaign, or building out content for pages on your website, mind maps can help you collect, organize, and analyze information more effectively.

As you conduct your research, gather information on each sub-topic and add it to the corresponding branch of your mind map. This could include quotes, statistics, images, or links to articles or other resources.

Using our earlier example, let’s say that you want to create a blog post on “healthy meal planning”.

You could start building your site map by brainstorming ideas. However, if you want to save time, you can also use AI content research tools like ChatGPT.

For example, here is a list of mind-map items generated by ChatGPT using the following prompt:

“Generate a comprehensive, itemized, and hierarchical list of topics to be included in a mind map where the central topic is “Healthy Meal Planning”.”

Mind map topic list generated by ChatGPT.
Use AI tools like ChatGPT to generate mind map topic lists quickly and easily.

You can also expand your mind map entries further using other content research tools, such as entering a topic into a tool like AnswerThePublic.

Topic ideas generated by AnswerThePublic
Use tools like AnswerThePublic to generate further topic ideas for your mind map.

Continue researching and building out your mind map. Remember to share your mind map with other members of the team, clients, stakeholders, etc for additional input and feedback, collaboration, ideas, etc.

After building out your mind map, analyze and synthesize the information you have gathered. Look for patterns or connections between different sub-topics. Use your mind map to help you identify gaps in your research or areas where you need to dig deeper.

Once you have gathered and analyzed all of your research, use your mind map to create an outline for your content. This will help you structure your content in a logical and easy-to-follow format.

Content Planning

Mind maps can help you plan sections for a blog post or content for an entire website.

For example, here’s the mind map we used to plan the initial content structure for …

Mind map -
The mind map used for planning the initial content structure for

After mapping out the content structure for this website, this mind map then became part of our content production plan.

Content Production

To illustrate how mind mapping can help with content production, let’s go back to our earlier “healthy meal planning” example.

Suppose we want to create an entire website related to this topic.

All you need to do is build a map containing a list of topics for all the articles, media, pages, etc. that you’ll need to create for your site.

Healthy Meal Planning mind map
A mind map containing all the topics we’ll want to cover to create content for our website.

As seen earlier, most mind-mapping tools allow you to export your mind map as an outline, so once you’ve built out your site map, this would be the next step.

Exporting your mind map as an outline then becomes the foundation of your content production plan.

Mind map exported as a text-based outline.
Here’s your content production plan.

You can transfer the contents of this outline to a production scheduling tool like a spreadsheet or a content calendar and start building out your content systematically to create a comprehensive and well-structured authoritative site.

Content Documentation

Mind mapping is also very useful for keeping your content processes organized.

For example, suppose you plan to build a website.

You can use a mind map to plan out your website structure, and then refer to this mind map to create and organize all the content for each different section or page of your site.

Mind map - website planning
Each section of your website needs content. The same mind map used for website planning can be used to build out your content and keep it organized.

Other Practical Ways To Use Mind Maps

Mind maps are a valuable tool for content-based applications across a wide range of industries and disciplines.

Here are examples of some other applications related to content where mind maps can be used:

  1. Note-taking and study aids: Mind maps can be used to take notes during lectures, meetings, or brainstorming sessions. They can also be used as a study aid to organize and summarize course material. For example, you can use a mind map to summarize the key concepts and ideas from a lecture, training session, or reading assignment.
  2. Project management: Mind maps can be used to plan and organize projects, breaking down the overall goal into smaller, more manageable tasks. For example, a project manager can create a mind map to outline the steps involved in completing a project, assign tasks to team members, and set deadlines.
  3. Decision-making: Mind maps can be used to weigh the pros and cons of different options and make informed decisions. For example, you can create a mind map to compare and contrast the features of different sales funnels to help you decide which one to accept.
  4. Creativity and ideation: Mind maps can be used to generate and organize ideas for creative projects, such as writing, art, or design. for example, you can create a mind map to brainstorm plot points and characters for a story or ebook.
  5. Strategic planning: Mind maps can be used to develop strategies and plans for achieving specific goals, such as business growth or personal development. For example, you can create a mind map to outline the steps involved in launching a new product, including market research, product design, and marketing.
  6. Process mapping: Mind maps can be used to diagram and streamline complex processes, such as workflows or manufacturing processes. For example, you can create a mind map to visualize and optimize the assembly line process, identifying potential bottlenecks and inefficiencies.
  7. Knowledge management: Mind maps can be used to organize and categorize information for easier retrieval and reference. for example, you can create a mind map to organize your company’s database of research papers and publications, allowing users to quickly search and access relevant information.

Mind Mapping Tools

While you could create mind maps using graphic applications like PowerPoint or Google Slides, there are various different tools available for creating mind maps, from free online tools to paid desktop applications.

Google Slides - mind map
A mind map created using Google Slides.

Dedicated mind-mapping tools offer several advantages over traditional software for creating mind maps.

Some of these benefits include:

  • Specialized functions: Mind-mapping tools are specifically designed to create mind maps, so they offer a variety of specialized functions that are not available in traditional software. These functions can include the ability to easily add branches, colors, images, notes, and links to different elements in the mind map.
  • Increased productivity: Mind-mapping tools often have keyboard shortcuts, automatic formatting options, and other features that allow for faster and more efficient mind-map creation. This can help to increase productivity and save time.
  • Collaboration: Many mind-mapping tools offer real-time collaboration features, allowing multiple users to work on the same mind map simultaneously. This can be particularly useful for group projects or brainstorming sessions.
  • Integration with other tools: Many mind-mapping tools offer integration with other tools such as Google Drive, Dropbox, and Trello. This allows for easy sharing and syncing of mind maps with other tools and team members.
  • Better organization: Mind-mapping tools often have features that allow for better organization of ideas and information. This can include the ability to easily rearrange branches, collapse and expand different sections of the mind map, and add tags or labels to different elements.
  • More customization: Mind-mapping tools often offer more customization options than traditional software. This can include the ability to customize the colors, fonts, and styles of different elements in the mind map.
  • Better visualization: Mind-mapping tools often offer better visualization options than traditional software. This can include the ability to create different types of charts, graphs, and diagrams, as well as the ability to add images and icons to different elements in the mind map.

Here is a list of some of the best mind map content planning tools available:


MindMup – Free online mind-mapping tool.

MindMup is a powerful and versatile mind map software that helps you organize your ideas and boost your productivity. The mind map software is designed to help you capture and organize your ideas quickly and effortlessly.

With MindMup, you can create unlimited mind maps for free and store them securely in the cloud, so you can access them anytime, anywhere, from any device.

The software boasts a frictionless interface and powerful keyboard shortcuts that help you focus on your ideas and remove all distractions while mapping. MindMup’s keyboard shortcuts allow you to work faster, saving you valuable time and effort.

MindMup is perfect for individual note-taking, collaborative planning, teamwork, and classrooms. Its versatile features and easy-to-use functionality make it an ideal tool for brainstorming, creating presentations, and documenting outlines with ease. You can also publish your ideas online and share them on social networks to reach a wider audience.

MindMup’s powerful features include the ability to convert maps easily to PDF, PowerPoint, outlines, and other file formats. You can also save your maps to Google Drive and manage them using Google Apps. MindMup Atlas adds images and contextual information to ensure that your maps show up nicely on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.

MindMup’s functionality goes beyond mind mapping. With MindMup, you can structure writing, create storyboards, post to social media, plan and manage projects, collaborate easily with team members, attach documents, add images and icons, and administer sharing settings for your organization with ease.

MindMup is free to use and there’s no account/login required. Free users can create public maps up to 100 KB and save them for up to six months. Gold users can create private maps, and share and edit concurrently. MindMup also offers community chat help and support to its users.

You’ll probably notice two things about the structure of mind maps. One, they are incredibly flexible. There is no limit to the number of branches, subconcepts, and relationships you can include—your mind map will be exactly as detailed as you need it to be. And two, the web-like appearance makes it incredibly easy to visualize and understand the relationships between each concept or idea.

More info: MindMup


Lucidspark - mind mapping software
Lucidspark – mind mapping software

Lucidspark mind mapping software is a powerful tool that enables you to collaborate with your team to generate innovative ideas and turn them into reality.

With the mind map maker, you can visualize and expand on ideas with ease, making it an ideal solution for teams of all sizes.

Lucidspark’s mind-mapping software is designed to inspire creativity and innovation. It allows you to break down large concepts into specific ideas and explore new ways of thinking. With an unlimited canvas, you can work on multiple ideas simultaneously, using mind map templates and freehand drawing to add your own notes and connect concepts.

Collaboration is key to this mind map maker, and the software enables you to invite your team members to contribute their ideas directly to your mind map.

The in-editor chat, comments, and @mentions make it easy to solicit feedback and keep everyone connected. You can also focus your team’s attention on specific areas of the board and follow individual collaborators to see all their updates in real-time.

Lucidspark mind map
A mind map created using Lucidspark.

Lucidspark’s mind map generator comes with a Note Panel that allows you to add bullet points and checkboxes, set the agenda, and provide important context.

With your Note Panel, you can easily brainstorm with your team and keep your ideas organized in a way that makes sense for your team. You can list tasks, document action items, and keep your meeting notes together without creating a separate document.

Lucidspark integrates seamlessly with popular apps, making it easy to access, edit, share, and create a new mind map online using your favorite tools. With Slack integration, you can insert a board in your team’s Slack channel or start a new board directly from Slack.

Google Drive integration allows you to share your board and maintain control with various access permissions. You can import and export your mind map from one application to another without losing your work.

With Lucidspark’s mind map templates, you can add structure to your brainstorming and select the right template for your specific needs.

In short, Lucidspark’s software is easy to use and enables you to invite contributors to your online mind map via email, Slack, or a shareable link. You can even customize your shapes and add more context using the Context Toolbar.

Lucidspark mind mapping software offers a free trial.

More info: Lucidspark


Create mind maps easily using Canva.

Canva is a versatile design software that allows you to easily create mind maps for all kinds of projects.

With a wide variety of customizable templates and an intuitive drag-and-drop interface, you can create beautiful and informative mind maps in just a few clicks, add images and icons to your map, and export your map as an image or PDF.

You can start building your mind map by choosing from one of Canvas’ professionally designed templates or creating your own from scratch. Add branches, icons, images, and text to create a visual representation of your ideas and thought processes.

With built-in collaboration tools, you can easily share your mind maps with your team and get feedback in real time.

One of the unique features of Canva’s mind maps is the ability to easily customize your mind map with your own branding and color schemes. This allows you to create mind maps that align with your company’s branding guidelines and make your ideas more memorable and impactful.

Whether you’re brainstorming ideas for a new project, organizing your thoughts for a presentation, or mapping out a complex process, Canva makes it easy to create and share professional-looking mind maps with a user-friendly interface and robust set of design tools.

More info: Canva


MindMeister - Collaborative mind mapping software
MindMeister – Collaborative mind mapping software

MindMeister is an online mind-mapping software that allows you to easily create stunning, unique mind maps.

Its intuitive editor makes mapping your big ideas together with your team quick and effortless. MindMeister is perfect for a variety of uses including project planning, brainstorming, meeting management, and more.

MindMeister checklist
A checklist mind map created using MindMeister mind-mapping software.

MindMeister gives you access to a range of features to help you create mind maps, including expertly-designed themes, three map layouts: mind map view, org chart, or list, customizable styles, shapes, and start/endpoints of your connection lines to show relationships between any two mind map topics, outline mode to toggle between the visual and linear view, expandable notes, and the ability to attach files to maps or link out to documents, articles, and more on the web. With focus mode, you can eliminate distractions and focus solely on your ideas.

Collaboration is easy with MindMeister. You can hold collaborative brainstorming sessions with your team using Brainstorm mode, and add comments and reactions to spark debate on your mind maps in a structured way.

MindMeister also allows you to define how your team uses the software, manage users, groups, and subscription options from a single team admin portal, and create groups within your organization to streamline map storage and sharing.

Sharing your mind maps is simple with MindMeister via your map’s unique share link. you can also export to PDF, Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and more, or print your maps on paper. MindMeister’s iOS and Android apps allow you to map across multiple devices with real-time sync to ensure that your ideas are safeguarded.

MindMeister mind map template
MindMeister provides many mind map templates.

MindMeister provides access to many templates and a vast library of public mind map examples, created by MindMeister users that you can view online or copy to your account.

MindMeister - mind map library example.
A mind map from MindMeister’s vast mind map library.

You can try MindMeister for free.

More info: MindMeister

Mind Map Pro

Mind Map Pro
Mind Map Pro – Professional Mind-Mapping Software

Mind Map Pro is a digital tool designed for creative mind mapping and project management to simplify processes and enhance productivity for businesses.

With integrated task management, planning, analysis, and team chat tools, Mind Map Pro allows you to transform your innovation from a concept within a mind map into a real-world solution.

You can collaborate with team mind maps, discuss ideas with live online chat, and use Kanban task boards with SWOT analysis to reach team goals. Mind Map Pro connects teams across more than 90 countries worldwide, improving communication within offices and enhancing connectivity for remote workers and distributed teams.

With a selection of professional templates, you can kick start your project planning, take notes and export them easily, manage meetings and brainstorm ideas, and visualize them in 2D and 3D mind mapping views.

Mind Map Pro
Mind Map Pro lets you visualize your mind maps in 3D views.

Mind Map Pro also offers an innovative way to manage your tasks creatively with mind mapping, making your ideas happen and increasing your productivity to reach your goals faster.

More info: Mind Map Pro


Coggle – Mind-mapping tool.

Coggle is an easy-to-use online software for creating and sharing mind maps and flowcharts.

Coggle lets you easily visualize your ideas, whether you’re brainstorming, planning, or taking notes, without the hassle of downloading or installing anything.

One of Coggle’s key features is its real-time collaboration tool, which enables you to work simultaneously with your team on the same diagram.

Additionally, Coggle saves every change made to the diagram, allowing you to review all changes and revert to any previous version with ease.

Coggle also offers unlimited image uploads and the ability to add floating text and images, making it easy to annotate parts of your map. The software also provides powerful flowcharting capabilities, allowing you to create expressive, powerful diagrams that represent process flows and other advanced things.

Coggle mind map.
Create mind maps for complex processes with Coggle.

Another key feature of Coggle is its multiple starting points, which allow you to add central items to your diagrams and map related topics in a single workspace. Coggle also lets you create as many private diagrams as you want, and you can share them with your team, classmates, or the world.

Coggle requires no login for collaboration, making it easy to allow any number of people to edit a diagram by sharing a secret link with them. You can also use Coggle to take structured notes during meetings or brainstorming sessions, and share your ideas with others.

Coggle is a powerful and versatile tool that can help you to organize your ideas, collaborate with others, and create detailed diagrams that accurately represent your thought processes.

More info: Coggle


Xmind – full-featured mind mapping and brainstorming app.

Xmind is a comprehensive mind-mapping and brainstorming app that provides a complete toolset for creativity and thinking.

With its non-linear approach, intuitive features, and pre-set structures, Xmind allows you to create mind maps for just about anything.

The app’s powerful features let you organize your thoughts easily and enrich your maps with multimedia information. Xmind provides you with a smart combination of multiple structures on the same branch, making your mind map more cohesive and balanced, especially for complex issues or large projects.

You can outline your thoughts hierarchically with the dedicated Outliner view, which is also a quicker way to jot down notes.

A mind map created with Xmind.

Xmind offers a number of different modes and tools, including:

  • ZEN Mode -helps you stay focused on one mind map, eliminating distractions and boosting productivity.
  • Pitch Mode – lets you seamlessly turn your mind map into a slideshow. With practical layouts and auto-generated smooth transitions, pitching ideas becomes effortless. Xmind also provides an Essential Mind Toolbox with intuitive tools made for organizing thoughts and adding further information to your mind map.
  • Relationship –  connect two relevant ideas with customizable line style and text description.
  • Summary – lets you easily add a conclusion or recap to a group of ideas.
  • Boundary – is a handy tool for highlighting topics that share similarities or mark special concepts.
  • Markers – offer a great variety of neat icons for marking priorities, assignment of tasks, progress, etc.
  • You can also use Labels for simple notation and categorization, and Audio Notes to capture additional text information.

Xmind even lets you present mathematical and chemical formulas elegantly with LaTeX command. The smart color theme ensures you achieve a consistent look throughout your map instantly, while the built-in hand-drawn style adds a fun-filled look to your mind maps.

Over 400 Xmind-designed stickers covering the most common scenarios and professionally-designed structures for specific subjects let you create unique and aesthetically pleasing mind maps.

More info: Xmind


Miro Mind Map

Miro is a robust and collaborative mind-mapping tool that helps distributed teams brainstorm, plan projects, map out information architecture, create org charts, develop sales strategies, and capture and organize ideas quickly with chat, comments, sticky notes, and video.

Miro empowers remote, in-office, and hybrid teams to communicate and collaborate across formats, tools, channels, and time zones without the constraints of physical location, meeting space, and whiteboards.

With Miro, you can toggle into presentation mode, or break up your map into frames to present slides. Built-in video, chat, @mentions, and comments make communication seamless. Multiple team members can co-create synchronously in real-time, and use an infinite canvas to add any content or other mind maps to the same board.

Miro screenshot
Miro lets you create collaborative mind maps with your team.

Miro Mind Map works across all devices, includes a timer feature that lets you manage and track your time while running a whiteboarding session in real time, and provides over 300 customizable templates.

More info: Miro


Mind42: Free online mind-mapping tool.

Mind42 is a free, online mind-mapping software that provides a unique and efficient way of visually organizing information.

With Mind42, you can quickly and easily create mind maps that can be used for anything from to-do lists to brainstorming sessions and event planning.

Mind42 is ad-supported but completely free to use, with private mind maps created by default. You can also choose to share your mind maps with others, either by sending them a link to view the map or by inviting them to collaborate on the map in real time.

A mind map created using Mind42.

As a specialized tool, Mind42 allows you to enter your thoughts, arrange and refine them, and explore your ideas in a graphical way. It is not a multiple-purpose diagramming tool, but rather a powerful software that supports the creation, management, and editing of data structures required for mind maps.

Mind42 is a web application, which means you can access it from anywhere with an internet connection. You don’t need to download or install anything, as it runs directly in your browser. To get the best Mind42 experience, it’s recommended to use a modern browser such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Apple’s Safari.

More info: Mind42


SimpleMind - mind-mapping software
SimpleMind – mind-mapping software.

SimpleMind is a mind-mapping software that helps you organize your thoughts, remember information, and generate new ideas.

With its intuitive interface and free-form layout, you can easily place topics anywhere you want or use one of the various auto layouts.

SimpleMind allows you to add color, images, and photos to your Mind Map with its Pro version.

You can customize topics and lines, add notes, links, checkboxes, and much more.

SimpleMind mind map
A mind map generated using SimpleMind.

SimpleMind allows you to sync your mind maps across platforms using clouds, such as Dropbox, Google Drive, iCloud Drive, or OneDrive.

You can easily share your Mind Map as a .pdf or image, create a slideshow to present your ideas, and even print it.

With SimpleMind, you can change the appearance of your Mind Map by selecting one of the 15+ style sheets or create your own. You can maintain an overview by collapsing and expanding branches, hiding or showing branches or topics, or using autofocus to block out distractions.

SimpleMind is a reliable and clear app that does not collect or sell your information.

More info: SimpleMind


MindNode - mind-mapping app
MindNode – mind-mapping app

MindNode is a mind-mapping app designed to help you organize your thoughts quickly and beautifully.

It allows you to capture, organize, style, and share your ideas effortlessly. With its visual brainstorming feature, you can plan your vacation, outline your next project, and write notes with ease.

MindNode also offers tools such as Tasks, Outlining, Quick Entry, Stickers, Themes, Visual Tags, Focus Mode, and Notes to enhance your brainstorming experience.

The app allows you to export and print your mind maps, and sync your data via iCloud for easy access across multiple devices. MindNode makes it easy to stay organized and on top of your ideas without getting in your way.

A mind map created with MindNode.
A mind map created using MindNode.

MindNode lets you capture, organize, style, and share your thoughts on various topics. The software offers powerful features like outlining, visual tags, focus mode, tasks, quick entry, stickers, themes, notes, dark mode, external screen support, customizable panels, and share options, allowing you to create a clear and structured representation of your ideas.

MindNode’s iCloud sync feature ensures you can access your mind map on any device, allowing you to pick up where you left off.

More info: MindNode


Scapple mind map software
Scapple mind map software.

Scapple mind map software is a virtual sheet of paper that lets you make notes and connect them using lines or arrows. You have complete freedom to experiment with how your ideas fit together, and every note is equal.

Creating notes is as easy as double-clicking anywhere on the page and making connections between ideas is as simple as dragging and dropping one note onto another.

Scapple mind map
A mind map created using Scapple.

You can move notes around and customize their appearance using colors and borders. Scapple is a simple but powerful way of shaping your ideas and is available for download on both macOS and Windows.

More info: Scapple

Mind Mapping Best Practices

While mind maps are a powerful tool for content planning, there are several best practices that you should follow to ensure that your mind maps are effective and useful.

Here are some best practices to keep in mind when creating mind maps for content planning:

  • Start with a Clear Goal: Before you start creating your mind map, it’s important to have a clear goal in mind for your content. This could be a specific topic you want to cover, a target audience you want to reach, or a particular format you want to use.
  • Keep it Simple: While it can be tempting to include every idea and detail in your mind map, it’s important to keep it simple and focused. Stick to the main categories and subtopics, and only include details that are directly relevant to your content goal.
  • Use Visuals: Mind maps are a visual tool, so it’s important to use visuals to enhance your map. This could include using colors to differentiate between categories, icons to represent different ideas, or images to illustrate your points.
  • Be Flexible: Remember that mind maps are a flexible tool, and you should be prepared to revise and refine your map as needed. Be open to adding new ideas, moving things around, or even starting over if your initial plan isn’t working.
  • Collaborate with Others: Mind maps can be an effective tool for collaborative content planning. Consider working with team members or other content creators to generate new ideas and refine your map.

For example, if you were creating a mind map for a social media campaign, you might start by defining your content goal, such as increasing engagement on your brand’s Instagram account.

From there, you could create main categories like “Visual Content,” “User-Generated Content,” and “Hashtag Campaigns,” and then add specific ideas and details to each category.

By following these best practices, you can create effective and useful mind maps that help you to plan and organize your content in a more creative and efficient way.

Mind-Mapping FAQs

Here are frequently asked questions about mind-mapping:

What is a mind map?

A mind map is a visual diagram that organizes information around a central concept, typically used for note-taking, brainstorming, and complex problem-solving.

What is mind-mapping?

Mind-mapping is a visual technique used to organize and represent information through diagrams that outline ideas in a structured format, enhancing creativity and productivity.

Can mind mapping help with problem-solving?

Yes, mind mapping aids in problem-solving by allowing individuals and teams to visually outline the problem, brainstorm potential solutions, prioritize actions, evaluate alternatives, and understand, track, and address the progress of resolving complex issues effectively.

Can mind-mapping be used to address challenges?

Yes, mind-mapping can be used to address challenges by organizing thoughts and approaches to understand and deal with the issues at hand.

What makes mind-mapping an effective brainstorming tool?

Mind-mapping is effective for brainstorming because it encourages the generation of creative ideas by visually mapping out thoughts and connections among them.

What are the steps involved in mind-mapping for problem-solving?

The steps typically involve identifying the problem, generating possible solutions, and evaluating each solution to find the most effective one. This structured approach helps in thorough analysis and decision-making.

How can you use mind maps in the design process?

In design, mind maps are used to brainstorm ideas, visualize connections, and lay out the structure of arguments, making them integral in conceptualizing products and user experiences.

What are the essential elements of a mind map?

Every mind map should include a central theme, branches for main ideas connected to the center, and keywords or images on the branches to symbolize thoughts and concepts.

What can you do with a computer-generated mind map?

Computer-generated mind maps allow for more dynamic organization of information, easy updates, and sharing capabilities, enhancing collaboration in teams.

How do mind maps facilitate collaboration in teams?

Mind maps facilitate team collaboration by providing a visual representation of collective thoughts, making it easier to brainstorm, organize, and evolve ideas in a group setting.

What benefits do mind maps offer to content researchers?

For content researchers, mind maps can organize complex information, outline structures for articles or content creation, and visually connect various research elements, enhancing clarity and efficiency in the research process.


Using mind maps for content planning and organization is a powerful way to streamline your content creation process. By using a visual representation of your content ideas, you can easily identify connections between ideas and save time by quickly seeing what content you have already created and what content you still need to create.

There are a number of mind-mapping tools you can use.  Each tool has its own unique features and benefits, so it’s important to choose the one that best fits your needs and preferences.

With the right mind-mapping tool, you can streamline your content planning process and create more effective and organized content.


Images: Silhouette, Network


This transformational book is essential reading for understanding the importance of using effective systems to grow your business.

The E-Myth: Why Most Small Businesses Don’t Work And What To Do About It

This transformational book is essential reading for understanding the importance of using effective systems to grow your business.

The E-MythThe E-Myth is a classic tome in the world of entrepreneurship.

In this best-selling book, Michael E. Gerber argues that most small businesses fail because their owners fall into what he calls “the e-myth trap.”

This trap is the belief that just because you’re good at something, you’ll automatically be good at running a business that does that thing.

In other words, if you’re a great baker, you’ll automatically be a great bakery owner.

In The E-Myth, Michael Gerber dispels the myths surrounding starting your own business and shows how commonplace assumptions can get in the way of running the business.

Gerber contends that running a business is actually a completely different skill set from the actual work the business does. It’s like being a great football player and thinking that automatically makes you a great coach or team owner. They are different jobs that require different skills.

So, what’s the solution to the e-myth trap?

Gerber suggests that small business owners need to think like franchisees, even if they have no intention of franchising their business. This means creating a system for everything and treating your business like a well-oiled machine. It means working on your business, not just in it.

To do this, Gerber advises business owners to develop standard operating procedures for every aspect of their business, from how to answer the phone to how to package products for shipping. He also stresses the importance of delegating tasks to employees and using technology to automate processes wherever possible.

In short, if you want your business to succeed, you need to think like a franchisee and treat your business like a well-oiled machine. Don’t fall into the e-myth trap – unless you want your business to crash and burn like a stunt car at a demolition derby.

Applying E-Myth Principles To Content Management

So, how can this book help you when it comes to content management?

Well, for a start, the entire approach of this course is based on using E-Myth principles to manage your content effectively.

One of the key takeaways from Gerber’s book is that business owners — especially small business owners — need to work on their businesses, not just in them.

This means focusing on developing and implementing effective systems and processes that can be replicated and scaled, and employing people to manage these systems and processes, rather than trying to manage people and relying on them to do day-to-day tasks that will keep the business running in their own way.

Effective content management, then, starts with the right mindset and a content strategy, and then developing systems and processes to manage areas like content planning, content production, and content promotion.

This ensures that your content-related systems and processes are managed in an efficient and organized way, that they can be measured and improved upon, and that this can ultimately lead to achieving your business goals and objectives.

Next, Gerber stresses the importance of creating standard operating procedures for every aspect of your business. This ensures that every aspect of the business is consistent and reliable, no matter who is doing the work.

Another important aspect of Gerber’s approach is the emphasis on delegating tasks to your team and training them to follow and contribute to improving the systems, processes, and procedures of the business.

This helps to prevent organization-wide burnout and failure and allows the business to focus on its strategic aspects, such as growth and expansion.

Finally, Gerber emphasizes the importance of using technology to automate processes wherever possible. This not only saves time and money, but it also ensures that the business is scalable and can grow without becoming overwhelmed by manual processes.

There are many ways to implement content automation in your business.

The book walks you through the steps in the life of a business from entrepreneurial infancy, through adolescent growing pains, to the mature entrepreneurial perspective, the guiding light of all businesses that succeed.

Gerber then shows how to apply the lessons of franchising to any business whether or not it is a franchise. Finally, Gerber draws the vital, often overlooked distinction between working on your business and working in your business.

“The E-Myth” is an essential read if you plan to start a small business or improve the performance of an existing business, including all your content-related areas.

More info: The E-Myth


Automate Your Lead Generation With PhantomBuster

PhantomBuster is a lead generation automation tool that helps you automate your lead generation process.

Automate Your Lead Generation With PhantomBuster

PhantomBuster is a powerful lead-generation tool that helps you automate your lead-generation process.

Generating leads is crucial for acquiring new customers and increasing revenue.

However, lead generation can be a challenging task, and one of the biggest obstacles is obtaining verified email addresses for contacting prospects.

PhantomBuster is a powerful tool that lets you generate leads from all major networks and websites with 100+ ready-made automation tools, including obtaining verified email addresses of prospects for your business.

In this article, we briefly cover what PhantomBuster is and the benefits of using this powerful lead generation tool.

What Is PhantomBuster?

PhantomBuster is an automation tool that carries out automated actions on your behalf, and with its intuitive dashboard, you can set it up in minutes.

Use PhantomBuster’s Email Extractor to obtain verified email addresses of prospects.

It works via 100+ automation tools for every major platform and website you can think of, running actions on your behalf while you focus on more important things.

PhantomBuster is designed with lead generation in mind; so your sales and marketing teams will particularly benefit from this software.

For example, you can use Phantoms and Flows (See “How To Use” section below) to auto-connect with a list of LinkedIn profiles, gather emails from a Sales Navigator search, send personalized messages on Twitter, collect contact data from a Google Maps search, extract the followers of an Instagram account, and so much more.

To learn all that you can do with PhantomBuster, visit their site, check out their add-ons store, and read their blog for tutorials on how to extract verified email addresses from LinkedIn, how to automate your lead generation, how to connect Phantoms to your CRM, etc.

How To Use PhantomBuster

There are two types of automations that you can use; “Phantoms” and “Flows.”

A Phantom is an automation that works solo, while a Flow has multiple actions that work in sync with each other.

All you have to do is select a Phantom or Flow from the store, add an input (e.g. your session cookie or an API key to get access), specify what you would like the Phantom/Flow to do, and how often (e.g. run a search URL or work through a Google Sheet database), and hit ‘Launch’.

The automation tool will then take care of the rest. When it’s finished running, it will create a data output file with all the resulting information—ready for you to upload straight to your CRM.

The video below explains what a Phantom is:

Benefits Of Using PhantomBuster To Automate Your Lead Generation

PhantomBuster saves you time and streamlines your lead-generation process with over 100 automated actions across all major websites and platforms.

Instead of losing hours on manual tasks, you can have more time to invest in building real relationships with your clients.

Data extraction that would normally take days will only take a few minutes. You can source targeted profiles from any major platform or website and add them to a .CSV file, Google Sheets document, or spreadsheet.

With verified email addresses, company details, phone numbers, and more, PhantomBuster lets you fill in the gaps and enrich data and emails. You can send tailored messages to nurture new leads and track your progress to ensure the best results.

Phantoms automatically scrape existing public and verified data from users’ digital footprints on the platform.

Note: Data scraping with PhantomBuster is not illegal provided you operate and comply with best practice guidelines.

Try Out PhantomBuster With A Free Trial

PhantomBuster offers a 14-day free trial. Simply create an account (no credit card needed), and test out the platform, tools, and features for yourself.

More info: PhantomBuster


Image: PhantomBuster logo

Content Management Automation

Streamline your workflow and maximize your team’s potential with content management automation.

Content Management Automation

Streamline your workflow and maximize your team’s potential with these content management automation tips.

Content Management Automation - AI Generated image

With the sheer amount of content being produced every day, manual management and optimization can be overwhelming.

Automating certain content management tasks can greatly improve efficiency and productivity and free up your team’s time to focus on more critical tasks, such as strategy, ideation, and analysis.

This lesson is part of our content automation series and provides essential content management automation tips that can help streamline your workflow and maximize your team’s potential.

Content Management Automation Tips

Here are some essential content planning automation tips to help you streamline your workflow and boost your team’s productivity:

1) Use AI-Powered Tools For Content Ideation

AI-powered tools can help you generate content ideas based on trending topics, search queries, and social media activity. These tools can analyze search data, social media trends, and competitor content to suggest topics that are relevant and likely to perform well, provide valuable insights into the performance of your existing content, and suggest ways to optimize it.

Follow these steps to automate your content ideation:

  1. Choose an AI-powered content ideation tool that meets your needs.
  2. Enter a keyword or topic related to your industry or niche.
  3. Use the tool to generate a list of content ideas based on popular topics and trends.
  4. Use the ideas generated by the tool to create new content or improve existing content.

Some popular AI-powered content ideation tools include:

  • SemRush – offers a range of SEO and content marketing tools, including a content ideation tool that can help you generate ideas for your content.
  • BuzzSumo – allows you to analyze popular content and identify popular topics and trends.
  • AnswerThePublic – generates a list of popular questions related to your keyword, which can help you create content that addresses the needs and concerns of your target audience.

See these lessons and resources for more information:

2) Automate Your Content Creation Process

Automating your content creation process can save your team hours of work every week and reduce your reliance on external content creators, which can result in significant cost savings.

You can use content creation templates, pre-designed layouts, and AI-powered tools to save time and generate content quickly and efficiently.

Follow these steps to automate your content creation process:

  1. Identify the areas of your content creation process that can be automated, such as content formatting, image creation, or video editing.
  2. Choose the automation tools that meet your needs.
  3. Integrate the tools into your content creation workflow.
  4. Test and optimize your automated content creation process to ensure that it meets your standards for quality and effectiveness.


  • Use AI-powered writing assistants to help with content creation.
  • Use content creation templates to streamline your process and ensure consistency in formatting and style.
  • Use AI-powered editing and proofreading tools.
  • Create a content calendar to plan and schedule your content in advance.
  • Delegate tasks to team members or freelancers to help reduce workload and ensure timely delivery.

Some popular content creation automation tools include:

  • ChatGPT – helps save time by generating high-quality content such as articles, blogs, social media posts, emails, and other types of content quickly and efficiently. Using predefined templates and guidelines can ensure that all content produced is aligned with your brand’s values and message.
  • Canva – allows you to create and edit images and graphics for your content.
  • Grammarly – offers a range of writing and editing tools, including grammar and spell check, tone detection, and plagiarism detection.
  • – an AI-powered writing tool that can help you write high-quality blog posts, social media posts, and emails faster and better by cutting down your writing time by up to 80%
  • Lumen5  – create videos from your existing content or from scratch using AI-powered technology.

See these lessons and resources for more information:

3) Optimize Your Content For Search Engines

Optimizing your content for search engines can help you rank higher in search results, increase your visibility, attract more organic traffic, and reach a wider audience.

Automating the optimization process can save you time and ensure that your content is optimized for the right keywords, meta descriptions, and tags.

Follow these steps to automate your content optimization:

  1. Identify the keywords and phrases related to your industry or niche.
  2.  Incorporate the keywords and phrases into your content, including in the title, meta description, and throughout the body of your content.
  3. Use header tags and subheadings to organize your content and make it more readable.
  4. Use internal and external links to provide context and authority to your content.


  • Use SEO tools to help with keyword research and optimization.
  • Make sure your content is well-structured with headers, meta descriptions, and alt text for images.
  • Include internal and external links to relevant content to improve your website’s authority and ranking.
  • Use Google Analytics to monitor your website traffic and track your SEO progress.
  • Consider using a content optimization tool to help optimize your content for SEO.

Some popular SEO optimization tools include:

  • SmartCrawl – a popular WordPress plugin that provides on-page SEO optimization tools, including content analysis, meta-tag optimization, and keyword analysis.
  • Google Analytics – Google Analytics provides insights into your website traffic and user behavior, which can help you optimize your content for search engines.
  • Ahrefs – Ahrefs is an SEO optimization tool that provides insights into your website’s backlinks, keywords, and content performance.

See these lessons and resources for more information:

4) Automate Your Social Media Scheduling

Social media scheduling can be a time-consuming task, but automating your social media scheduling process can help you save time, increase efficiency, and post content consistently and efficiently.

You can use scheduling tools to schedule posts in advance and ensure that your content is posted at the right time for your target audience.

Follow these steps to automate your social media scheduling:

  1. Choose a social media scheduling tool that meets your needs.
  2. Connect your social media accounts to the tool.
  3. Create a social media content calendar and schedule your posts in advance.
  4. Test and optimize your social media scheduling process to ensure that it meets your standards for quality and effectiveness.


  • Consider using AI-powered tools to help with content creation and scheduling.
  • Utilize social media analytics to monitor your performance and adjust your strategy accordingly.
  • Be sure to customize your content for each social media platform, taking into account the unique features and audience preferences of each one.

Some popular social media scheduling tools include:

  • SproutSocial – streamline your social media presence by automating the scheduling and publishing of posts across various social media channels, and easily manage your social media accounts from a single dashboard, making it easy to collaborate with your team members and track your social media performance.
  • Hootsuite – manage and schedule your social media posts across multiple platforms, including Facebook, and Twitter. Consider using Hootsuite’s Bulk Scheduling feature to upload multiple posts at once.
  • Buffer – schedule social media posts in advance across multiple social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and more.

See these lessons and resources for more information:

5) Use Analytics Tools To Measure And Analyze Your Content Performance

Analytics tools can provide valuable insights into your content’s performance, such as engagement rates, traffic sources, and conversion rates.

Automating the analysis process with analytics tools can also help you track and analyze your content performance, so you can identify areas for improvement and optimize your content strategy.

There are many analytics tools you can use to measure your content’s performance, including:

  • Website analytics tools for tracking website traffic, user behavior, and conversion rates. Pay attention to metrics such as bounce rate, time on page, and conversion rate to evaluate the effectiveness of your content.
  • Social media analytics tools to help you track engagement and reach on social media platforms.
  • Heat mapping tools to help you analyze user behavior and improve website design and content.

Here’s how to use Google Analytics to measure and analyze your content performance:

  • Create a Google Analytics account and connect your website to the platform.
  • Set up goals and conversions to track user behavior and measure the effectiveness of your content.
  • Use the Behavior reports to analyze how users interact with your website and identify popular pages or areas that need improvement.
  • Use the Acquisition reports to track how users find your website and which channels are driving the most traffic.
  • Use the Audience reports to understand your audience demographics, behavior, and interests.
  • Use the Realtime reports to monitor your website traffic in real-time and make data-driven decisions.

Use the data gathered from these tools to inform your content strategy and make data-driven decisions for future content creation.

See these lessons and resources for more information:

Save Time Automating Your Content Processes

See the lessons below for additional ways to automate your content processes:

Content Planning Automation

Content Planning Automation

Streamline your content planning process and maximize your team's productivity with content planning automation.
Content Production Automation

Content Production Automation

Streamline your content production process and optimize your workflow with content production automation.
Content Promotion Automation

Content Promotion Automation

Streamline your content promotion process and optimize your workflow with content promotion automation.
Content Management Automation

Content Management Automation

Streamline your workflow and maximize your team's potential with content management automation.


Image: AI-Generated (Dall-e)

Content Promotion Automation

Streamline your content promotion process and optimize your workflow with content promotion automation.

Content Promotion Automation

Learn how to streamline your content promotion process and optimize your workflow with these content promotion automation tips.

Content Promotion Automation - AI Generated image Content promotion is a critical part of any content marketing strategy.

However, promoting your content can be time-consuming and challenging, especially if you have to do it manually.

Automation tools can help you optimize your processes and streamline your workflows, allowing you to focus on creating exceptional content.

This lesson is part of our content automation series and provides essential content promotion automation tips to help you get started.

Content Promotion Automation Tips

Here are some essential tips to streamline your content promotion process and take your content marketing to the next level:

1) Use Social Media Scheduling Tools

Social media is a powerful tool for promoting your content, but manually posting content on multiple platforms can be time-consuming.

Social media scheduling tools can help you automate your social media posting, ensuring that your content reaches your target audience at the right time, and saving you time.

Follow these steps to start automating your social media posts:

  1. Choose a social media scheduling tool that meets your needs.
  2. Connect your social media accounts to the tool.
  3. Create a content calendar and schedule your posts in advance.
  4. Monitor and analyze the performance of your social media posts using analytics tools and adjust your strategy as needed.

You can use these tools to schedule your posts across different social media channels and analyze your performance.

Some popular social media scheduling tools that allow you to schedule your posts across different social media channels and analyze your performance include:

  • Hootsuite –  schedule posts on multiple social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
  • Buffer  – schedule posts on multiple social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
  • Later – this scheduling tool is specifically designed for Instagram, allowing you to plan and schedule your Instagram posts in advance.

See these lessons and resources for more information:

2) Use Email Marketing Automation Tools

Email marketing automation tools can help you automate your email marketing campaigns. engage with your audience, and ensure that your content reaches your subscribers at the right time.

You can use these tools to segment your email list, create personalized emails, and analyze your performance.

Follow these steps to automate your email marketing:

  1. Choose an email marketing automation tool that meets your needs.
  2. Create an email list and segment your subscribers.
  3. Create email templates and automate your campaigns.
  4. Monitor and analyze the performance of your email campaigns using analytics tools and adjust your strategy as needed.

Some popular email marketing automation tools include:

  • Aweber – offers a drag-and-drop email builder and automation tools.
  • Mailchimp – automate your email campaigns with a wide range of templates and integrations.
  • Constant Contactemail marketing automation tools, website builder, and e-commerce tools.

See these lessons and resources for more information:

3) Use Influencer Marketing Automation Tools

Influencer marketing automation tools can help you identify and reach out to relevant influencers in your industry, streamline your influencer outreach, and save time.

You can use these tools to search for influencers based on their niche, audience size, and engagement rates, and automate your outreach campaigns.

Follow these steps to automate your influencer marketing:

  1. Choose an influencer marketing automation tool that meets your needs.
  2. Identify potential influencers in your niche.
  3. Reach out to influencers and negotiate terms.
  4. Monitor and analyze the performance of your influencer campaigns using analytics tools and adjust your strategy as needed.

Some popular influencer marketing automation tools include:

Aspire – influencer discovery and outreach tools with campaign management and tracking features.
Upfluence – Upfluence offers influencer discovery and outreach tools, as well as analytics and reporting features.
GRIN – GRIN offers a range of influencer marketing automation tools, including influencer discovery, outreach, and campaign management.

See these lessons and resources for more information:

4) Use Content Syndication Automation Tools

Content syndication automation tools can help you repurpose your content, automate the distribution of your content, and reach a wider audience.

Follow these steps to automate your content syndication:

  1. Choose a content syndication automation tool that meets your needs.
  2. Identify potential content syndication partners in your niche.
  3. Reach out to content syndication partners and negotiate terms.
  4. Monitor and analyze the performance of your content syndication campaigns using analytics tools and adjust your strategy as needed.

Some popular content syndication automation tools include:

  • Outbrain – offers content syndication tools that allow you to promote your content on major news sites and other platforms.
  • Taboola – a content discovery platform that allows you to promote your content on major news sites and other platforms, as well as offering analytics and optimization tools.
  • Zemanta – offers a range of content syndication tools, including sponsored content distribution, native advertising, and retargeting.

See these lessons and resources for more information:

5) Use Retargeting And Advertising Automation Tools

Retargeting and advertising automation tools can help you target your audience more effectively, automate your campaigns, and drive more traffic to your website.

Follow these steps to automate your retargeting and advertising campaigns:

  1. Choose a retargeting and advertising automation tool that meets your needs.
  2. Identify your target audience and create a retargeting or advertising campaign.
  3. Set your budget and bid for ad placement.
  4. Monitor and analyze the performance of your retargeting or advertising campaigns using analytics tools and adjust your strategy as needed.

Some popular retargeting and advertising automation tools that let you create targeted ads, retarget your website visitors, and analyze your performance include:

  • Google Ads –  Google Ads allows you to create and automate your advertising campaigns on Google search, YouTube, and other platforms.
  • Facebook Ads – Facebook Ads allows you to create and automate your advertising campaigns on Facebook and Instagram.
  • AdRoll – AdRoll offers retargeting and advertising automation tools, as well as email marketing and analytics features.

See these lessons and resources for more information:

6) Use Lead Generation Automation Tools

Lead generation is a key aspect of content promotion, as it allows you to capture the contact information of potential customers and build your email list.

By using lead generation automation tools, you can automate the process of capturing leads and save time.

Follow these steps to automate your lead generation:

  1. Choose a lead generation automation tool that meets your needs.
  2. Create a lead capture form and embed it on your website or landing page.
  3. Set up automated lead nurturing campaigns and follow-up emails.
  4. Monitor and analyze the performance of your lead generation campaigns using analytics tools and adjust your strategy as needed.

Some popular lead generation automation tools include:

  • PhantomBuster – lets you generate leads from all major networks and websites, with 100+ ready-made automation tools for everything you can think of; from collecting email addresses on LinkedIn to auto-following on Twitter.
  • HubSpot – offers a range of lead generation automation tools, including lead capture forms, email marketing, and lead nurturing campaigns.
  • Sumo – Sumo offers a range of lead generation automation tools, including pop-up forms, welcome mats, and analytics and reporting features.

See these lessons and resources for more information:

Save Time Automating Your Content Processes

See the lessons below for additional ways to automate your content processes:

Content Planning Automation

Content Planning Automation

Streamline your content planning process and maximize your team's productivity with content planning automation.
Content Production Automation

Content Production Automation

Streamline your content production process and optimize your workflow with content production automation.
Content Promotion Automation

Content Promotion Automation

Streamline your content promotion process and optimize your workflow with content promotion automation.
Content Management Automation

Content Management Automation

Streamline your workflow and maximize your team's potential with content management automation.


Image: AI-Generated (Dall-e)

Content Production Automation

Streamline your content production process and optimize your workflow with content production automation.

Content Production Automation

Learn how to streamline your content production process and optimize your workflow with these content production automation tips.

Content Production Automation - AI Generated imageContent production can be a complex and time-consuming process, involving tasks such as research, writing, editing, and publishing.

However, with the rise of content production automation, your business can streamline its workflow and increase its productivity.

This lesson is part of our content automation series and provides essential content production automation tips to help you optimize your processes and achieve better results.

Content Production Automation Tips

Use these content production automation tips to optimize your workflows, increase your productivity, and achieve better results:

1) Use AI-Powered Tools For Content Research And Analysis

AI-powered tools for content research and analysis can help you gather insights into your target audience, competitors, and industry trends. You can use these insights to create more targeted, relevant, and engaging content, and save time and effort in creating quality content.

Follow these steps to automate your content creation using AI tools:

  • Choose an AI-powered content research and analysis tool that meets your needs.
  • Use the tool to generate topic ideas, analyze keywords and search terms, and gather data on your competitors.
  • Use the insights from the tool to create high-quality, relevant content that meets the needs of your target audience.
  • Monitor and analyze the performance of your content using the tool to refine and optimize your content strategy.

Some popular AI-powered content research and analysis tools include:

  • SemRush – provides comprehensive data and insights on your competitors and helps you identify profitable keywords and topics for your content.
  • BuzzSumo – analyze the performance of your content and your competitors’ content on social media.
  • Clearscope – helps you optimize your content for search engines by analyzing your content and suggesting improvements.

See these lessons and resources for more information:

2) Use Templates For Content Creation And Formatting

Templates can help you streamline your content creation process and ensure consistency across different formats and channels.

You can use templates for blog posts, social media posts, email newsletters, and other types of content.

Follow these steps to automate your content creation and formatting using templates:

  1. Choose a content creation and formatting tool that offers templates.
  2. Choose a template that fits the type of content you want to create, such as a blog post, social media post, or email.
  3. Customize the template to fit your brand and message.
  4. Use the template as a guide to create high-quality, consistent content.

Some popular content creation and formatting tools that offer templates include:

  • Canva – provides templates for various types of content, including social media posts, flyers, and infographics.
  • HubSpot – offers templates for email campaigns, landing pages, and blog posts.
  • Grammarly – Grammarly offers templates for business writing, such as emails and reports.

See these lessons and resources for more information:

3) Automate Your Content Publishing And Distribution

Automating your content publishing and distribution can help you save time and ensure that your content reaches your target audience at the right time and on the right platforms.

You can use scheduling tools to publish your content on different channels and at optimal times.

Follow these steps to automate your content publishing and distribution:

  1. Choose a content management system that offers automation features.
  2. Create a content calendar that includes your publishing and distribution schedule.
  3. Use automation features to schedule your content for publishing and distribution on the appropriate platforms.
  4. Monitor and analyze the performance of your content using analytics tools and adjust your strategy as needed.

Some popular content management systems that offer automation features include:

  • WordPress – offers plugins and automation tools that allow you to schedule your posts and distribute your content across various platforms.
  • HubSpot – offers automation features for content creation, publishing, and distribution, as well as analytics and reporting tools.
  • Buffer – allows you to schedule and automate your social media posts and analyze the results.

See these lessons and resources for more information:

4) Use AI-Powered Tools For Content Optimization And SEO

AI-powered tools can help you optimize and improve the visibility and ranking of your content on search engines, and increase your organic traffic.

You can use these tools to identify relevant keywords, analyze your content’s readability and structure, and suggest ways to improve your SEO.

Follow these steps to automate your content optimization and SEO using AI-powered tools:

  • Choose an AI-powered content optimization and SEO tool that meets your needs.
  • Use the tool to analyze your content and suggest improvements to optimize it for search engines.
  • Use the insights from the tool to make changes to your content, such as adjusting keywords, optimizing meta tags, and improving readability.
  • Monitor and analyze the performance of your content using the tool to refine and optimize your content strategy.

Some popular AI-powered content optimization and SEO tools include:

  • SmartCrawl – a popular WordPress plugin that analyzes your content and provides suggestions for improving your SEO. It analyzes various elements such as content length, readability, and keyword usage, and provides suggestions for improving your content.
  • SemRush – provides the ability to conduct in-depth keyword research, analyze competitors’ strategies, track search engine rankings, identify content gaps, generate content ideas, and monitor brand mentions and backlinks.
  • Google Analytics –  provides insights into how users interact with your website and content. It can help you identify areas for improvement and track the performance of your content.

See these lessons and resources for more information:

5) Automate Your Content Quality Assurance And Editing

Automating your content quality assurance and editing can help you improve the quality and consistency of your content and ensure that your content is error-free.

You can use tools to check for grammar and spelling errors, ensure that your content follows your brand guidelines, and provide feedback to your writers.

Follow these steps to automate your content quality assurance and editing:

  1. Choose a content quality assurance and editing tool that meets your needs.
  2. Use the tool to check for errors such as spelling and grammar, as well as readability and style.
  3. Use the insights from the tool to make changes to your content.
  4. Monitor and analyze the performance of your content using analytics tools and adjust your strategy as needed.

Some popular content quality assurance and editing tools include:

  • Grammarly – checks for spelling and grammar errors, as well as readability and tone.
  • ProWritingAid ProWritingAid checks for errors and provides suggestions for improving your writing, including style and structure.
  • Hemingway Editorchecks for readability and suggests improvements to make your writing more clear and more concise.

See these lessons and resources for more information:

Save Time Automating Your Content Processes

See the lessons below for additional ways to automate your content processes:

Content Planning Automation

Content Planning Automation

Streamline your content planning process and maximize your team's productivity with content planning automation.
Content Production Automation

Content Production Automation

Streamline your content production process and optimize your workflow with content production automation.
Content Promotion Automation

Content Promotion Automation

Streamline your content promotion process and optimize your workflow with content promotion automation.
Content Management Automation

Content Management Automation

Streamline your workflow and maximize your team's potential with content management automation.


Image: AI-Generated (Dall-e)

Content Planning Automation

Streamline your content planning process and maximize your team’s productivity with content planning automation.

Content Planning Automation

Learn how to streamline your content planning process and maximize your team’s productivity with these content planning automation tips.

Content Planning Automation - AI Generated imageContent planning is the backbone of any successful content marketing strategy.

However, without the right tools and processes, this can be quite a daunting task.

Manually planning content can be time-consuming and inefficient.

This is where content planning automation comes in. Automating certain tasks can help you save time and ensure that your content planning is optimized for maximum results.

This lesson is part of our content automation series and provides essential content planning automation tips to help you get started.

Content Planning Automation Tips

Here are some essential content planning automation tips that will help you streamline your workflow and boost your team’s productivity.

1) Use AI-Powered Tools For Content Ideation

AI-powered tools can help you generate fresh and engaging content ideas based on trending topics, search queries, and social media activity. These tools can also provide valuable insights into the performance of your existing content and suggest ways to optimize it.

Follow these steps to automate your content ideation process:

  1. Identify your target audience and the purpose of the content.
  2. Research these AI-powered content ideation tools and select one that matches your needs.
  3. Input relevant keywords, topics, and categories into the tool.
  4. Review and analyze the generated content ideas.
  5. Use these ideas as a starting point for your content creation.

Some popular AI-powered tools that can assist in the process of generating content ideas include:

  • Clearscope – a content optimization tool designed to help you produce high-quality content that is relevant to your audience’s search queries.
  • MarketMuse – MarketMuse uses AI to analyze your content and identify gaps and opportunities for improvement.
  • BuzzSumo – BuzzSumo uses AI to identify the most shared content related to a given topic on social media platforms.
  • Google Trends – Google Trends provides insights into the popularity and relevance of specific search terms, allowing you to tailor your content to the interests and needs of your target audience.

See these lessons and resources for more information:

2) Automate Your Editorial Calendar

An editorial calendar can help you stay organized and consistent with your content creation.

Automating your editorial calendar can help you plan and organize your content in advance, streamline the process, and save you time. You can use scheduling tools to schedule content publication and ensure that your content is published on time.

Follow these steps to automate your editorial calendar:

  1. Determine the frequency and type of content you want to publish.
  2. Choose an editorial calendar tool that fits your needs.
  3. Plan and schedule your content in advance.
  4. Automate reminders and notifications to keep you on track.
  5. Monitor and adjust your editorial calendar as needed.

Some popular AI-powered editorial calendar tools include:

  • Monday – helps you streamline your content planning and creation process by allowing teams to collaborate, assign tasks, set deadlines, and track progress in a visually appealing and customizable dashboard.
  • CoSchedule – CoSchedule is a comprehensive marketing calendar that allows you to plan and schedule all your marketing activities in one place.
  • Trello – Trello allows you to create a board for your editorial calendar and add cards for each content piece.
  • Asana – Asana allows you to create tasks and assign due dates for your content creation process.

See these lessons and resources for more information:

3) Automate Your Content Research

Automating your content research can help you save time and ensure that your content is optimized for your target audience. You can use AI-powered tools to gather data and insights on your target audience, such as their interests, preferences, and behavior.

Follow these steps to automate your content research:

  1. Decide on the keywords and topics you want to research.
  2. Choose a content research tool that fits your needs.
  3. Input your keywords and topics into the tool.
  4. Analyze the results and gather the necessary information.
  5. Use the gathered information as a basis for your content creation.

Some popular content research tools include:

  • SemRush – provides insights on competitors, keywords, and topics.
  • Google Trends – allows you to track the popularity of a keyword over time.
  • Ahrefs – provides insights on backlinks, organic search traffic, and keywords.

See these lessons and resources for more information:

4) Use Content Planning Templates

Content planning templates can help you stay organized and consistent with your content creation, streamline your content planning process, and ensure that you cover all the essential elements of a successful content marketing strategy.

You can use templates to plan your content themes, formats, channels, and goals.

Follow these steps to automate your content planning with templates:

  1. Determine the type of content you want to create.
  2. Choose a content planning template that fits your needs.
  3. Fill in the necessary information, such as topic, keywords, and target audience.
  4. Plan and schedule your content in advance.
  5. Monitor and adjust your content plan as needed.

Some popular content planning templates include:

See these lessons and resources for more information:

5) Automate Your Content Distribution

Automating your content distribution can help you reach your target audience more effectively and efficiently, save time, and ensure that your content reaches your target audience.

Follow these steps to automate your content distribution:

  1. Determine the distribution channels that best fit your content and target audience.
  2. Choose a content distribution tool that fits your needs.
  3. Set up and configure your content distribution tool.
  4. Schedule and automate your content distribution.
  5. Monitor and analyze the results and adjust your content distribution strategy as needed.

You can use scheduling tools to schedule email newsletters, social media posts, and other types of content distribution.

Some popular content distribution tools include:

  • Aweber – create and automate email campaigns.
  • Hootsuite – Hootsuite allows you to schedule and automate your social media posts across multiple platforms.
  • Buffer – Buffer allows you to schedule and automate your social media posts and analyze the results.

See these lessons and resources for more information:

Save Time Automating Your Content Processes

See the lessons below for additional ways to automate your content processes:

Content Planning Automation

Content Planning Automation

Streamline your content planning process and maximize your team's productivity with content planning automation.
Content Production Automation

Content Production Automation

Streamline your content production process and optimize your workflow with content production automation.
Content Promotion Automation

Content Promotion Automation

Streamline your content promotion process and optimize your workflow with content promotion automation.
Content Management Automation

Content Management Automation

Streamline your workflow and maximize your team's potential with content management automation.


Image: AI-Generated (Dall-e)

Don’t Put Yer Content Writers In Charge Of Yer Content Strategy. Here’s Why…

Lemme give it to ya raw, so y’all see the hidden flaw…

Don’t Put Yer Content Writers In Charge Of Yer Content Strategy. Here’s Why…

AI-generated laptop image: Dall-eLemme give it to ya raw
So y’all see the hidden flaw
Why gettin’ from article to conversion
Requires a logical inversion

If you ain’t got no content strategy,
And you ain’t got no content plan,
All you’ll get’s discontent’n’tragedy
When your bizzyness gets out of hand

When it comes to strategizing
Execs gotta make the decision
Coz writers’ got brains that’ll do yer writing
But they ain’t got eyes that’ll see yer vision

Don’t ask writers for ideas
And then ask’em to start writin’
Coz they’ll give ya panaceas
That read good but are seldom profitin’

If you wanna hit yer metrics
You gotta listen to me, man
Start with plain arithmetics
Number one: yer content plan

Don’t ask writers to create one
Coz I’m telling ya, it’ll never fly
Management’s gotta get it done
And I’m here to tell ya why

If y’all blogging to be heard
Then y’all gotta stop yer guessing
Before y’all publish yer first word
Y’all gotta know who y’all addressing

Who’s yer audience? That’s so epic
To generate sales’n’leads
Do yer research and make each topic
Hit yer target market’s needs

Who’s yer writer gonna write for
If they don’t know where they’re going?
How y’all gonna make’em write more
If they don’t know what y’all knowing?

It takes solid information
To gain users’ trust and belief
So get yer systems in organization
And create a content brief

Y’also need a content pipeline
That’ll keep yer content goin’
With written procedures and guidelines
And documented workflowin’

If ya have existing content
Ya don’t wanna duplicate it
So make sure to be consistent
And perform a content audit

And if y’ain’t getting no results
From all yer writers’ rootin’-tootin’
Shelve yer cussin’ and yer insults
And start content troubleshootin’

Yeah, I know y’ain’t got no budget
Nor resources, nor the time
But there’s just no way to fudge it
To make content worth yer dime

Without all this prior structurin’
Yer content production will run dry
And yer content team will be fracturin’
And yer content dream will die

So if yer success is to be no accident
Ya gotta listen to me, dude
Y’all need some serious content management
And a change of attitude

Coz the more work ya pile on yer writers
Before they even pen a word
The less content ya’ll feed to search spiders
And the more yer targets will seem absurd

So until y’all do all to maximize yer team’s productivity
Don’t make’em yer content marketing overseers
Don’t put’em in charge of yer content strategy
Don’t ask’em to brainstorm new content ideas

Don’t make your content writers SEO analysts
Or topic cluster siloing specialists
Don’t send’em searchin’ for trends in yer analytics
And keep’em right out of yer BizDevOps politics

Don’t delegate yer content planagement
Don’t abdicate yer content management
Don’t fixate only on yer content promotion
It’ll just complicate yer content production

Ignore the AI dramedy
Forget one-click automation
There’s no simple push-button remedy
For strategic domination

Develop a content strategy aligned with yer goals and vision
Implement a content plan, don’t forget yer content research
Set up yer systems for tracking and get cracking with yer documentation
And watch yer content creation and yer content metrics converge

If ya want yer content marketing to help get yer vision realized
Give yer writers all they need and tell’em exactly what to write
Then get busy with yer business of expandin’ yer enterprise
Coz yer content will be targeted and hit yer metrics right.


Not generated by AI … just I.

Content Style Guide

Best practices for creating a content style guide, including how to organize your guide, what to include, and how to keep it up-to-date.

How To Create A Content Style Guide

Best practices for creating a content style guide, including how to organize your guide, what to include, and how to keep it up-to-date.

Style Guide - Stylish Office with computer.Creating a content style guide can seem overwhelming, especially if you’re starting from scratch.

However, with a little planning and organization, you can create a style guide that reflects your brand and helps your team produce high-quality content.

In this lesson, we look at the difference between a style guide and a content style guide, explore best practices for creating a practical style/content style guide for your business, and provide guidelines for writing, designing, and formatting your web content to ensure consistency across your brand voice.



Style Guide vs Content Style Guide

A style guide and a content style guide are similar in that they both provide guidelines for creating and maintaining consistent visual and written brand elements.

However, there is a difference between the two.

A style guide, also known as a brand style guide or brand guidelines, typically focuses on visual elements such as colors, typography, logos, and imagery. It provides instructions on how to use these elements consistently across all marketing materials, including print and digital media.

A style guide helps to ensure that the visual presentation of your brand is consistent and recognizable to your audience.

On the other hand, a content style guide is more focused on the written elements of your brand. It provides guidelines for the tone, voice, grammar, punctuation, and other language-related aspects of your content.

A content style guide ensures that all written communications, whether it’s website copy, social media posts, or email newsletters, adhere to the same standards and present a consistent voice to your audience.

In summary, a style guide focuses on visual elements while a content style guide focuses on written elements. Both guides are essential tools for creating a consistent and recognizable brand identity.

This lesson provides instructions and practical examples for incorporating elements of both a style guide and a content style guide into your business.

Benefits Of Using A Style Guide

The benefits of having a style guide for your business, website, and content include:

  • Consistency: A style guide ensures consistency in the visual and verbal elements of your website, documentation, products, or brand, helping to create a cohesive image and message. This is particularly important if your business wants to maintain a professional and trustworthy image.
  • Branding: A style guide can help align your website, documentation, products, or brand with your organization’s overall branding and messaging. It can provide guidelines for the color palette, typography, and image usage, and ensure that your website presents a cohesive image that aligns with your overall brand.
  • Professionalism: A well-designed and consistent website is more likely to be perceived as professional and trustworthy by your visitors. A style guide can help ensure that your website presents a polished image to visitors.
  • Efficiency: A style guide can save time and effort by providing clear guidelines for creating and maintaining your website, documentation, products, or brand. Team members can refer to the guide when creating new content, rather than having to spend time trying to figure out the correct format or style.
  • Communication: A style guide can improve communication within your organization by establishing a common vocabulary, tone, and style for your website, documentation, products, or brand.
  • Training: A style guide can be used to train new team members, designers, or developers in your organization, on the specific guidelines and standards to be followed.
  • Flexibility: A style guide is a living document that can be updated and modified as needed, which allows for flexibility in the way your website, documentation, products, or brand are presented.
  • Maintenance: A style guide can help maintain consistency over time, even as your website, documentation, products, or brand evolve and new team members join your organization.

In short, a style guide:

  • Helps to maintain a consistent brand voice and messaging across all channels of your business,
  • Ensures that your content is easily recognizable and reflects the values and personality of your brand,
  • Helps to improve the user experience, making it easier for your audience to engage with your content and understand your message, and
  • Serves as a guide for maintaining consistency and ensuring that your website presents a professional and cohesive image.

Important Style Guide Elements For Your Content

Here are some examples of elements that you can include in your style guide:

  • Tone and voice for writing – for example, a friendly and approachable tone.
  • Guidelines for grammar, punctuation, and capitalization.
  • Color palette and typography for design.
  • Headings and subheadings formatting, bullet points, and links.
  • Image usage, layout, and spacing.
  • Naming convention for files and folders.
  • Providing training and resources for team members.

Let’s go through these style guide elements.

Guidelines for Writing

Tone And Voice

Tone and voice can greatly impact the effectiveness of a piece of content.

The tone refers to the attitude or emotion conveyed in the writing, such as formal, informal, serious, or humorous. The voice refers to the personality and style of the writing, such as conversational, informative, or persuasive.

Adding tone and voice guidelines for writing to your content style guide can help ensure that the content is consistent and aligns with your brand’s overall messaging and target audience.

Tone guidelines help to ensure that the content is written in a way that conveys a desired attitude or emotion.

For example, if your brand’s messaging is meant to be informative and serious, your tone guidelines would call for a formal and professional tone in the writing.

On the other hand, if your brand’s messaging is meant to be light-hearted and fun, your tone guidelines would call for a more casual and playful tone in the writing.

For example, a financial services company may have a more formal and serious tone, while a lifestyle brand may have a more casual and conversational tone.

Voice guidelines help to ensure that your content is written in a way that aligns with your brand’s overall style and personality.

For example, if your brand’s messaging is meant to be sophisticated and high-end, your voice guidelines would call for a more formal and sophisticated writing style.

On the other hand, if your brand’s messaging is meant to be relatable and down-to-earth, your voice guidelines would call for a more casual and conversational writing style.

Creating and adding tone and voice guidelines to your content style guide involves identifying the overall tone and voice of your brand, creating a list of adjectives to describe the tone and voice, writing examples of the tone and voice in different contexts, adding the guidelines to your content style guide, providing training and resources for team members and regularly reviewing and updating your guide.

Follow the steps below to ensure that your website and documentation present a consistent and cohesive image aligned with your brand’s mission, values, and target audience.

Suggested Process For Creating Tone And Voice Guidelines

  1. Identify the tone and voice of your brand: Before creating your tone and voice guidelines, it’s important to have a clear understanding of the overall tone and voice of your brand. This should align with your brand’s mission, values, and target audience. For example, if your brand is targeted at a younger audience, you may want to use a more casual and conversational tone and voice, whereas if your brand is targeting professionals, you may want to use a more formal and sophisticated tone and voice.
  2. Create a list of adjectives to describe the tone and voice: Once you have a clear understanding of your brand’s tone and voice, create a list of adjectives that accurately describe it. For example, if your brand has a casual and friendly tone, you might include adjectives like “approachable,” “informal,” and “friendly.”
  3. Write examples of the tone and voice in different contexts: To further clarify your brand’s tone and voice, provide examples of how it should be used in different contexts. For example, you might provide examples of how the tone and voice should be used in blog posts, product descriptions, and social media posts.
  4. Add the guidelines to your content style guide: Once you have a clear understanding of your brand’s tone and voice, and have provided examples of how it should be used, add the guidelines to your content style guide. You can include the list of adjectives, along with the examples you provided, to give team members a clear understanding of how the tone and voice should be used.
  5. Provide training and resources: To ensure that your team members understand and adhere to the tone and voice guidelines, provide training and resources to help them understand the guidelines and apply them to their work.
  6. Review and update the guide regularly: As your brand evolves, it’s important to review and update the tone and voice guidelines in your content style guide accordingly.

Examples of tone and voice guidelines:

  • Tone: Professional, informative, and friendly.
  • Voice: Clear, concise, and approachable.
  • Tone: Casual, friendly, and helpful.
  • Voice: Conversational and easy to understand
  • Tone: Formal, authoritative, and sophisticated.
  • Voice: Precise, accurate, and objective.


  • Use a consistent tone and voice throughout the content.
  • Use a tone and voice that is appropriate for the brand and target audience.
  • Avoid using jargon or technical language that may be difficult for the target audience to understand.
  • Use a friendly and approachable tone to make the content more relatable and engaging.
  • Use active voice instead of passive voice, which makes the content more direct and clear.
  • Use a consistent point of view, either first or third person, throughout the content.
  • Use words that reflect the brand’s personality and values, for example, formal, casual, etc.

Feel free to use the example below as a starting point for adding voice and tone guidelines to your own content style guide.

Example Of Voice And Tone Guidelines For Your Content Style Guide


These tone and voice guidelines will help to ensure that our content is consistent and aligns with our brand’s overall messaging and target audience. It will also help to create a cohesive message across all our brand’s content and help our audience to recognize our brand’s voice easily.

These tone and voice guidelines can play a significant role in creating a strong and consistent brand voice that resonates with our target audience.

H1: Content Style Guide: Guidelines For Writing

H2: Tone and Voice

H3: Definition

  • Tone: Attitude or emotion conveyed in the writing
  • Voice: Personality and style of the writing

H3: Establishing the Tone and Voice

  • Formal and serious tone
  • Casual and conversational tone

H3: Examples

  1. Formal tone: “Our company has been providing financial services for over 50 years and has a proven track record of success.”
  2. Casual tone: “We’ve been helping people achieve their financial goals for over half a century and have the experience to back it up.”

H3: Suggestions

  • Use a consistent tone and voice throughout the content
  • Use a tone and voice that is appropriate for our brand and target audience
  • Avoid using jargon or technical language
  • Use a friendly and approachable tone
  • Use active voice instead of passive voice
  • Use a consistent point of view, either first or third person
  • Use words that reflect our brand’s personality and values (provide examples of these words here)

Grammar and Punctuation

Grammar and punctuation can greatly impact the clarity and effectiveness of a piece of content.

Adding grammar and punctuation guidelines for writing to your content style guide can help ensure that the content is consistent, accurate, and easy to understand.

Grammar guidelines can help to ensure that your content is written in a way that follows proper grammatical rules. This can include guidelines on sentence structure, verb tense, subject-verb agreement, and word usage.

Following proper grammar rules can help ensure that the content is clear and easy to understand and that the intended meaning is conveyed correctly.

Punctuation guidelines can help ensure that the content is written in a way that follows proper punctuation rules. This can include guidelines on the use of commas, semicolons, colons, and other punctuation marks.

Proper punctuation can help to clarify the meaning of sentences and make the content easier to read and understand.

Having clear grammar and punctuation guidelines can help to ensure that your content is accurate and easy to understand, which is particularly important for technical or informative content.

Creating and adding grammar and punctuation guidelines to a content style guide involves determining the preferred grammar and punctuation style, creating a list of common grammar and punctuation rules, providing examples and explanations, adding the guidelines to your content style guide, providing training and resources, and regularly reviewing and updating the guide.

Follow the steps below to ensure that your website and documentation present a consistent and professional image for your brand, with clear and precise language that follows established grammar and punctuation rules.

Suggested Process For Creating Grammar And Punctuation Guidelines

  1. Establish a style: Decide on a specific style for grammar and punctuation that should be used in your content style guide. This can be based on industry standards, such as AP style or Chicago Manual of Style, or on the preferences of your organization.
  2. Create a list of common grammar and punctuation rules: Once you have determined the preferred style, create a list of common grammar and punctuation rules that should be followed in your content. These could include rules for punctuation, capitalization, and spelling, verb tense, subject-verb agreement, punctuation usage (commas, semicolons, etc.), and other grammar rules, as well as guidelines for commonly misused words or phrases.
  3. Provide examples and explanations: To help your team members understand and apply the grammar and punctuation guidelines, provide examples and explanations of the rules. This can include examples of correct and incorrect usage, and explanations of why the rules are important.
  4. Add the guidelines to your content style guide: Once you have created your list of grammar and punctuation rules and provided examples and explanations, add them to your content style guide. This will serve as a reference for team members when creating and editing content.
  5. Provide training and resources: To ensure that your team members understand and adhere to the grammar and punctuation guidelines, provide training and resources, such as grammar and punctuation guides, for them to reference.
  6. Review and update the guide regularly: As the language evolves, it’s important to review and update the grammar and punctuation guidelines in your content style guide accordingly.

Examples of grammar and punctuation guidelines:

  • Use the Oxford comma
  • Use quotation marks for direct quotations
  • Use the active voice
  • Use “who” to refer to people and “that” to refer to things.


  • Use a consistent style for grammar and punctuation throughout your content.
  • Avoid using complex sentence structures that may be difficult for your target audience to understand.
  • Use punctuation correctly and consistently, including commas, semicolons, and other punctuation marks.
  • Check for common grammar errors, such as subject-verb agreement, verb tense, and capitalization.
  • Use contractions when appropriate, to make your content more conversational and relatable.
  • Use a spell checker and proofread your content before publishing.
  • Have someone else review your content to ensure that the grammar and punctuation are correct.

Feel free to use the example below as a starting point for adding grammar and punctuation guidelines to your own content style guide.

Example Of Grammar And Punctuation Guidelines For Your Content Style Guide


Consistency in the use of grammar and punctuation will help to create a professional image for our brand and show that our company pays attention to detail. Clear and accurate grammar and punctuation can also help to improve the credibility of our brand’s content, and make it more likely to be taken seriously by our target audience.

Use the grammar and punctuation guidelines below.

H1: Content Style Guide: Guidelines For Writing

H2: Grammar and Punctuation

H3: Guidelines

  • Capitalization
  • Verb tense
  • Subject-verb agreement
  • Punctuation usage (commas, semicolons, etc.)
  • Other grammar rules

H3: Establishing a Style

  • The Chicago Manual of Style
  • The Associated Press Stylebook

H3: Examples

  1. Capitalization: “The company’s CEO, John Smith, announced the new product launch.”
  2. Punctuation usage: “We offer a wide range of products, including clothing, accessories, and home decor.”

H3: Suggestions

  • Use a consistent style for grammar and punctuation throughout the content
  • Avoid using complex sentence structures
  • Use punctuation correctly and consistently
  • Check for common grammar errors
  • Use contractions when appropriate
  • Use a spell checker and proofread the content before publishing
  • Have someone else review the content

Spelling And Capitalization

Spelling and capitalization can greatly impact the clarity and effectiveness of a piece of content.

Adding spelling and capitalization guidelines for writing to your content style guide can help to ensure that your content is consistent, accurate, and easy to understand.

Spelling guidelines help to ensure that the content is written in a way that follows proper spelling rules. This can include guidelines on the spelling of commonly misspelled words, as well as guidelines on the use of American or British spellings.

Proper spelling helps to ensure that your content is clear and easy to understand and that the intended meaning is conveyed correctly.

Capitalization guidelines help to ensure that your content is written in a way that follows proper capitalization rules. This can include guidelines on the use of capital letters for proper nouns, sentence beginnings, and acronyms, as well as guidelines on the use of lowercase letters for common nouns and titles.

Consistent capitalization helps to make the content more easily readable and improves the overall professionalism of the brand’s content.

Creating and adding spelling and capitalization guidelines to your content style guide involves determining the preferred spelling and capitalization style, creating a list of common spelling and capitalization rules, providing examples and explanations, adding the guidelines to your content style guide, providing training and resources, and regularly reviewing and updating the guide.

Follow the steps below to ensure that your website or documentation presents a consistent and professional image, with clear and precise language that follows established spelling and capitalization rules.

Suggested Process For Creating Spelling And Capitalization Guidelines

  1. Determine the preferred spelling and capitalization style: Before creating the spelling and capitalization guidelines, it’s important to determine the preferred style to be used in your content style guide. This can be based on industry standards, such as AP style or Chicago Manual of Style, or on the preferences of your organization.
  2. Create a list of common spelling and capitalization rules: Once you have determined the preferred style, create a list of common spelling and capitalization rules that should be followed in your content. This can include rules for capitalizing proper nouns, titles, and acronyms, the correct spelling of words, proper use of homophones, and guidelines for capitalizing proper nouns, as well as guidelines for commonly misspelled words or phrases.
  3. Provide examples and explanations: To help team members understand and apply the spelling and capitalization guidelines, provide examples and explanations of the rules. This can include examples of correct and incorrect usage, and explanations of why the rules are important.
  4. Add the guidelines to your content style guide: Once you have created your list of spelling and capitalization rules and provided examples and explanations, add them to your content style guide. This will serve as a reference for team members when creating and editing content.
  5. Provide training and resources: To ensure that your team members understand and adhere to the spelling and capitalization guidelines, provide training and resources, such as spelling and grammar checker tools, for them to reference.
  6. Review and update your guide regularly: As the language evolves, it’s important to review and update the spelling and capitalization guidelines in your content style guide accordingly.

Examples of spelling and capitalization guidelines:

  • Capitalize the first word of a sentence
  • Capitalize proper nouns
  • Capitalize titles when used before a name, lowercase when used after
  • Use American spelling instead of British spelling


  • Use a consistent style for spelling and capitalization throughout your content.
  • Use a spell checker to check for spelling errors, but also proofread your content to catch any errors that may not be caught by the spell checker.
  • Capitalize proper nouns, titles, and other words as per the style guide.
  • Use consistent capitalization for brand names and product names.
  • Avoid using unnecessary capitalization, like capitalizing every word in a title or sentence.
  • When in doubt, consult a dictionary or style guide for the correct spelling or capitalization of a word.
  • Have someone else review the content, to ensure that the spelling and capitalization are correct.

Feel free to use the example below as a starting point for adding spelling and capitalization guidelines to your own content style guide.

Example Of Spelling And Capitalization Guidelines For Your Content Style Guide


These spelling and capitalization guidelines will help to ensure that our content is accurate and easy to understand. This is important for technical or informative content.

Consistency in the use of spelling and capitalization also helps to create a professional image for our brand and shows that our company pays attention to detail. Clear and accurate spelling and capitalization will also help to improve the credibility of our brand’s content and make us more likely to be taken seriously by our target audience.

H1: Content Style Guide: Guidelines For Writing

H2: Spelling and Capitalization

H3: Guidelines

  • Correct spelling of words
  • Proper use of homophones
  • Capitalization of proper nouns, titles, and other words

H3: Establishing a Style

  • The Chicago Manual of Style
  • The Associated Press Stylebook

H3: Examples

  1. Spelling: “The company’s CEO, John Smith, announced the new product launch.”
  2. Capitalization: “The company is named XYZ Inc.”

H3: Suggestions

  • Use a consistent style for spelling and capitalization throughout the content
  • Use a spell checker to check for spelling errors and proofread the content
  • Capitalize proper nouns, titles, and other words as per the style guide
  • Use consistent capitalization for brand names and product names
  • Avoid using unnecessary capitalization, like capitalizing every word in a title or sentence
  • When in doubt, consult a dictionary or style guide for the correct spelling or capitalization of a word
  • Have someone else review the content, to ensure that the spelling and capitalization are correct

Abbreviations And Acronyms

Abbreviations and acronyms are shortened forms of words or phrases that can be used in writing to save space or for convenience.

Adding abbreviations and acronyms guidelines for writing to your content style guide can help ensure that your content is consistent, accurate, and easy to understand.

Abbreviations guidelines help to ensure that your content is written in a way that follows proper abbreviation rules. This can include guidelines on the use of commonly used abbreviations such as “etc.” or “e.g.”, as well as guidelines on when to use periods or not in abbreviations.

Clear and consistent use of abbreviations helps to make your content more easily readable and improves the overall professionalism of your brand’s content.

Acronyms guidelines help to ensure that your content is written in a way that follows proper acronym rules. This can include guidelines on the use of commonly used acronyms, as well as guidelines on when to spell out an acronym or when to use the acronym form.

Clear and consistent use of acronyms helps to make your content more easily readable and improves the overall professionalism of your brand’s content.

Creating and adding abbreviations and acronyms guidelines to a content style guide involves determining the preferred style, creating a list of common abbreviations and acronyms, providing examples and explanations, adding the guidelines to your content style guide, providing training and resources, and regularly reviewing and updating the guide.

Follow the steps below to ensure that your website or documentation presents a consistent and professional image, with clear and precise language that follows established abbreviations and acronyms guidelines.

Suggested Process For Creating Abbreviations And Acronyms Guidelines

  1. Determine the preferred style for abbreviations and acronyms: Before creating the abbreviations and acronyms guidelines, it’s important to determine the preferred style to be used in your content style guide. This can be based on industry standards, such as AP style or Chicago Manual of Style, or on the preferences of your organization.
  2. Create a list of common abbreviations and acronyms: Once you have determined the preferred style, create a list of common abbreviations and acronyms that should be used in your content. This can include both standard and industry-specific abbreviations and acronyms. Include rules for when to use full forms, when to use abbreviations or acronyms, and how to format them in the text.
  3. Provide examples and explanations: To help team members understand and apply the abbreviations and acronyms guidelines, provide examples and explanations of the rules. This can include examples of correct and incorrect usage, and explanations of why the rules are important.
  4. Add the guidelines to your content style guide: Once you have created your list of abbreviations and acronyms and provided examples and explanations, add them to your content style guide. This will serve as a reference for team members when creating and editing content.
  5. Provide training and resources: To ensure that your team members understand and adhere to the abbreviations and acronyms guidelines, provide training and resources, such as a glossary of common abbreviations and acronyms.
  6. Review and update the guide regularly: As the language evolves, it’s important to review and update the abbreviations and acronyms guidelines in your content style guide accordingly.

Examples of abbreviations and acronyms guidelines:

  • Spell out the full name of an abbreviation or acronym when first introducing it, followed by the abbreviation or acronym in parentheses
  • Use the abbreviation or acronym consistently throughout the text, afterward.
  • Use a period after each letter in an acronym, unless the acronym is more commonly known without it.

It’s important to have a clear and consistent format for using abbreviations and acronyms in the content, as it can make your content easier to read and understand for the target audience.

It is also important to keep in mind that not all acronyms and abbreviations will be widely understood and used in your industry or by your audience so it’s important to have examples and explanations for them in your content style guide.

Here, for example, is a list of well-known abbreviations and acronyms and their expanded forms:

  • NASA – National Aeronautics and Space Administration
  • AIDS – Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
  • ASAP – As Soon As Possible
  • CEO – Chief Executive Officer
  • FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation
  • NATO – North Atlantic Treaty Organization


  • Use a consistent style for abbreviations and acronyms throughout your content.
  • Use full forms when first introducing an abbreviation or acronym, and then use the shortened form in subsequent references.
  • Use parentheses to indicate the full form of an abbreviation or acronym when first used in the text.
  • Use capitalization consistently, per the style guide, for abbreviations and acronyms.
  • Avoid using too many abbreviations or acronyms in the text, as it can make the content difficult to understand.
  • Use commonly understood abbreviations and acronyms, such as “NASA” or “IKEA”.
  • Have someone else review the content, to ensure that the abbreviations and acronyms are used correctly.

Feel free to use the example below as a starting point for adding abbreviations and acronyms guidelines to your own content style guide.

Example Of Abbreviations And Acronyms Guidelines For Your Content Style Guide


These abbreviations and acronyms guidelines will ensure that our content is accurate and easy to understand. Consistency in the use of abbreviations and acronyms will also help to create a professional image for our brand and show that our company pays attention to detail.

Clear and accurate use of abbreviations and acronyms will also help to improve the credibility of our brand’s content and make it more likely to be taken seriously by our target audience, particularly in technical or specialized fields where the use of acronyms is more commonly used.

Note: Keep in mind that not all acronyms and abbreviations will be widely understood and used in our industry or by our audience.

H1: Content Style Guide: Guidelines For Writing

H2: Abbreviations and Acronyms

H3: Guidelines

  • Use of full forms
  • Use of abbreviations or acronyms
  • Formatting in the text

H3: Establishing a Style

  • The Chicago Manual of Style
  • The Associated Press Stylebook

H3: Examples

  1. Abbreviation: The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is a national security organization.
  2. Acronym: The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is an international military alliance.

Here are well-known abbreviations and acronyms used in our industry and their expanded forms:

[insert list of abbreviations and acronyms used in your industry and their expanded forms here]

H3: Suggestions

  • Use a consistent style for abbreviations and acronyms throughout the content
  • Use full forms when first introducing an abbreviation or acronym, and then use the shortened form in subsequent references
  • Use parentheses to indicate the full form of an abbreviation or acronym when first used in the text
  • Use capitalization consistently, per the style guide, for abbreviations and acronyms
  • Avoid using too many abbreviations or acronyms in the text, as it can make the content difficult to understand
  • Use commonly understood abbreviations and acronyms
  • Have someone else review the content, to ensure that the abbreviations and acronyms are used correctly

Guidelines For Design

Color Palette

A color palette is a set of colors used in design to create a cohesive and visually appealing look and feel for your brand.

Colors can evoke different emotions and meanings, so it’s essential to choose colors that align with your brand’s message and your target audience.

Adding color palette guidelines for design to your content style guide can help ensure that your design uses a consistent set of colors that is visually pleasing, and align with your brand’s overall visual identity, messaging, and target audience.

This can include guidelines on the use of specific colors, such as your brand’s primary and secondary colors, as well as guidelines on how to use color in different contexts, such as for headings, body text, and background elements.

For example, if your brand’s messaging is meant to be sophisticated and high-end, your color palette guidelines may call for a more sophisticated color scheme, such as using darker and muted colors.

On the other hand, if your brand’s messaging is meant to be relatable and down-to-earth, the color palette guidelines may call for a more casual and bright color scheme.

Creating and adding color palette guidelines for design to a content style guide involves identifying the primary and secondary colors, creating a color palette, providing examples and explanations, adding the guidelines to your content style guide, providing training and resources, and regularly reviewing and updating the guide.

Follow the steps below to create color palette guidelines that will help to improve your brand’s recognition with your target audience and create a cohesive message across all of your brand’s design.

Suggested Process For Creating Color Palette Guidelines

  • Identify the primary and secondary colors: Before creating the color palette guidelines, it’s important to identify the primary, secondary, and accent colors that will be used in your design as well as any specific shades or tints of those colors. These colors should align with your brand’s overall aesthetic and message. Choose a limited number of colors based on your brand and your intended audience, typically 3-5, to ensure consistency and cohesiveness in the design.
  • Create a color palette: Once you have identified the primary and secondary colors, create a color palette document that includes these colors, along with any additional colors that will be used in the design. The color palette should include the color codes or values for each color (e.g. RGB, HEX, CMYK) and the color name so that it can be easily referenced and used. Also, include examples of how the colors are used, such as on a website, in a brochure, on social media, or in print materials.
  • Establish a style: Decide on a specific style for the color palette that should be used in the content. This could be based on your brand’s existing color scheme or be created from scratch. It’s important to ensure that the color palette is consistent with your brand’s visual identity and target audience.
  • Provide examples and explanations: To help team members understand and apply the color palette guidelines, provide examples and explanations of how the colors should be used. This can include examples of color combinations, ways to use the colors in different design elements (e.g. backgrounds, headlines, buttons, etc.), how to use the colors to create contrast or hierarchy, and explanations of why certain colors were chosen and how they align with the brand’s overall aesthetic and message. For example, the primary color could be used for headings, the secondary color for subheadings, and the accent color for calls to action.
  • Add the guidelines to your content style guide: Once you have created your color palette and provided examples and explanations, add the guidelines to your content style guide. This will serve as a reference for team members when creating and editing design elements.
  • Provide training and resources: To ensure that your team members understand and adhere to the color palette guidelines, provide training and resources, such as color theory tutorials or design software tutorials.
  • Review and update the guide regularly: As your brand evolves, it’s important to review and update the color palette guidelines in your content style guide accordingly.

Examples of color palette guidelines:

  • Use the primary color palette (Blue, Green, and Yellow) in the header and the secondary color palette (Red, Purple, and Orange) in the body text
  • Use a maximum of three colors in any design element
  • Use a neutral color (black or white) as a background


  • Use tools like CanvaAdobe Color, Palette Generator, or Coolors to create and edit your color palette.
  • Use a color palette that is easy to use, easy to read, easy on the eyes, and easy to update and maintain.
  • Use the color palette for all branding materials, including logos, business cards, and marketing materials.
  • Create variations of the colors, like a light and dark version of the primary color, to use in different contexts.
  • Make sure that the colors look good together, and that they are legible on both light and dark backgrounds.
  • Test the color palette on different devices and browsers to ensure that the colors look consistent across different platforms and mediums.
  • Use the color palette as a starting point, but don’t be afraid to use other colors as well, as long as they complement the overall color scheme.

Feel free to use the example below as a starting point for adding color palette guidelines to your own content style guide.

Example Of Color Palette Guidelines For Your Content Style Guide


These color palette guidelines will help to ensure that our design is consistent, visually pleasing, and aligns with our brand’s overall messaging and target audience.

Consistency in the use of color will also help to create a cohesive and visually appealing look and feel for our brand, which will help to improve our brand’s recognition and memorability. It will also help to create a cohesive message across all of our brand’s design.

H1: Content Style Guide: Guidelines For Design

H2: Color Palette

H3: Definition

  • Primary color: Blue #0071C5
  • Secondary color: Grey #868686
  • Accent color: Yellow #FFCC33

H3: Examples

  1. Background: Blue #0071C5
  2. Headlines: Yellow #FFCC33
  3. Buttons: Blue #0071C5 with Yellow #FFCC33 hover effect

H3: Suggestions

  • Use a color palette that includes a primary, secondary, and accent color
  • Use a color palette that is consistent with our brand’s visual identity
  • Use a color palette that is appropriate for the target audience
  • Use a color palette that is easy to read and easy on the eyes
  • Use a color palette that is consistent with the overall design of the content
  • Use a color palette that is easy to implement across different platforms and mediums
  • Use a color palette that is easy to update and maintain
  • Use a color palette that is easy to use effectively


Typography is the art and technique of arranging type in order to make written language legible, readable and appealing when displayed.

Font choices can evoke different emotions and meanings and typography can affect the readability of your content.

Adding typography guidelines to your content style guide, therefore, can help to ensure that your content design is consistent, visually pleasing, easy to read, and aligns with your brand’s overall messaging and target audience.

Typography guidelines help to ensure that your design uses a consistent set of typefaces, font sizes, spacing, and other elements that align with your brand’s overall visual identity. This can include guidelines on the use of specific typefaces, such as your brand’s primary and secondary typefaces, as well as guidelines on how to use typography in different contexts, such as for headings, body text, and call-to-action elements.

If your brand’s messaging is meant to be sophisticated and high-end, your typography guidelines may call for a more sophisticated typeface, such as a serif font.

On the other hand, if your brand’s messaging is meant to be relatable and down-to-earth, your typography guidelines may call for a more casual and legible typeface, such as a sans-serif font.

Creating and adding typography guidelines for design to your content style guide involves identifying the preferred typography style, creating a list of font families and sizes, providing examples and explanations, adding the guidelines to your content style guide, providing training and resources, and regularly reviewing and updating the guide.

Follow the steps below to create typography guidelines that will ensure that your website, content, and documentation present a consistent and professional image that aligns with your brand’s overall aesthetic and message.

Suggested Process For Creating Typography Guidelines

  1. Identify the preferred typography style: Before creating your typography guidelines, it’s important to determine the preferred style to be used in your content style guide. This can be based on industry standards, such as web-safe fonts or specific font families, or on the preferences of your organization. Include the primary, secondary, and accent fonts, font sizes, line spacing, letter spacing, and other typographic elements.
  2. Create a list of font families and sizes: Once you have determined the preferred style, create a list of font families and sizes that should be used in your design. This can include the font families and sizes for headings, body text, and other design elements.
  3. Provide examples and explanations: To help team members understand and apply your typography guidelines, provide examples and explanations of how the fonts and sizes should be used. This can include examples of how to use font combinations, ways to use the fonts in different design elements (e.g. headlines, body text, captions, etc.), how to use the fonts to create contrast or hierarchy, and explanations of why certain font families and sizes were chosen and how they align with your brand’s overall aesthetic and message.
  4. Add the guidelines to your content style guide: Once you have created your list of font families and sizes and provided examples and explanations, add the guidelines to your content style guide. This will serve as a reference for team members when creating and editing design elements.
  5. Provide training and resources: To ensure that your team members understand and adhere to the typography guidelines, provide training and resources such as font pairing tutorials, web typography best practices, and design software tutorials.
  6. Review and update your guide regularly: As your brand evolves, it’s important to review and update the typography guidelines in your content style guide accordingly.

Examples of typography guidelines:

  • Use the font family ‘Open Sans’ for headings and ‘Arial’ for body text
  • Use a minimum font size of 14pt for body text
  • Use bold and italic formatting sparingly to add emphasis
  • Use a consistent line spacing (1.5 or 2) throughout the design
  • Use uppercase for headings and title case for subheadings


  • Use a limited number of fonts. A limited number of fonts will help create a consistent visual identity and make it easy to use typography effectively.
  • Use typography that is appropriate for the brand and target audience.
  • Use typography that is easy to read and easy on the eyes.
  • Use typography that is consistent with the overall design of the content.
  • Use typography that is easy to implement across different platforms and mediums.
  • Use typography that is easy to update and maintain.

Feel free to use the example below as a starting point for adding typography guidelines to your own content style guide.

Example Of Typography Guidelines For Your Content Style Guide


These typography guidelines will help to ensure that our design is consistent, visually pleasing, easy to read, and aligns with our brand’s overall messaging and target audience.

Consistency in the use of typography can also help to create a cohesive and visually appealing look and feel for our brand, which helps to improve our brand’s recognition and memorability. It also helps to create a cohesive message across all of our brand’s designs and helps our audience read our brand’s content more easily.

H1: Content Style Guide: Guidelines For Design

H2: Typography

H3: Definition

  • Primary font: Arial
  • Secondary font: Times New Roman
  • Accent font: Futura
  • Body text font size: 14px
  • Headline font size: 18px
  • Line spacing: 1.5
  • Letter spacing: 0.1em

H3: Examples

  1. Headlines: Arial 18px, bold
  2. Body text: Times New Roman 14px, regular
  3. Captions: Futura 12px, italic

H3: Suggestions

  • Use a limited number of fonts
  • Use typography that is appropriate for our brand and target audience
  • Use typography that is easy to read and easy on the eyes
  • Use typography that is consistent with the overall design of the content
  • Use typography that is easy to implement across different platforms and mediums
  • Use typography that is easy to update and maintain

Image Usage

Images can greatly impact the effectiveness of a piece of content.

Images can evoke different emotions and meanings, so it’s essential to choose images that align with your brand’s message and target audience. It’s also important to make sure that your images are properly sized and optimized for the web as well as labeled and attributed to avoid any copyright issues.

Adding image usage guidelines for design to your content style guide, then, helps to ensure that the images are consistent, visually pleasing, and aligned with your brand’s overall messaging and target audience.

Image usage guidelines help to ensure that your design uses a consistent set of images that align with your brand’s overall visual identity. This can include guidelines on the use of specific types of images, such as product images, lifestyle images, or illustrations, as well as guidelines on how to use images in different contexts, such as for headers, body content, and background elements. Consistency in the use of images can help to create a cohesive and visually appealing look and feel for your brand.

If your brand’s messaging is meant to be sophisticated and high-end, your image usage guidelines may call for a more sophisticated and professional set of images, such as high-quality product shots or professionally shot lifestyle images.

On the other hand, if your brand’s messaging is meant to be relatable and down-to-earth, your image usage guidelines may call for a more casual and relatable set of images, such as candid lifestyle shots or illustrations.

Creating and adding image usage guidelines for design to a content style guide involves determining the preferred image usage style, creating a list of image usage rules, providing examples and explanations, adding the guidelines to your content style guide, providing training and resources, and regularly reviewing and updating the guide.

Follow the steps below to create image usage guidelines that will help to make your content design more cohesive, visually pleasing, and easy to understand for your target audience.

Suggested Process For Creating Image Use Guidelines

  1. Determine the preferred image usage style: Before creating your image usage guidelines, it’s important to determine the preferred style to be used in your content style guide. This can be based on industry standards, such as image resolutions and file types, or on your organization’s preferences.
  2. Create a list of image usage rules: Once you have determined the preferred style, create a list of image usage rules that should be followed in your design. This can include rules for image sizes, image resolution, file types, and image placement within the content.
  3. Provide examples and explanations: To help team members understand and apply the image usage guidelines, provide examples and explanations of how images should be used. This can include examples of image placement, and explanations of why certain image usage rules were chosen and how they align with the brand’s overall aesthetic and message.
  4. Add the guidelines to your content style guide: Once you have created your list of image usage rules and provided examples and explanations, add them to your content style guide. This will serve as a reference for team members when creating and editing design elements.
  5. Provide training and resources: To ensure that your team members understand and adhere to the image usage guidelines, provide training and resources, such as image editing software tutorials and image compression best practices.
  6. Review and update the guide regularly: As your brand evolves, it’s important to review and update the image usage guidelines in your content style guide accordingly.

Examples of image usage guidelines:

  • Use images with a resolution of at least 72 dpi and a minimum size of 800 x 600 pixels
  • Use JPEG file format for photographs and PNG for graphics and icons
  • Use images that are relevant and add value to the content
  • Use alt tags for images for accessibility
  • Use a consistent image style throughout the design


  • Use high-quality images that are appropriate for your brand and target audience.
  • Use images that are consistent with the overall design of your content.
  • Use images that are easy to implement across different platforms and mediums.
  • Use images that are easy to update and maintain.
  • Use images that are easy to use effectively.
  • Use images that are relevant to the content.
  • Use images that are properly sized and optimized for the web.
  • Use images that are properly labeled and attributed.

Feel free to use the example below as a starting point for adding image usage guidelines to your own content style guide.

Example Of Image Usage Guidelines For Your Content Style Guide


These image usage guidelines will help to ensure that our content design is consistent, visually pleasing, and aligns with our brand’s overall messaging and target audience.

Consistency in the use of images can also help to create a cohesive and visually appealing look and feel for our brand, which helps to improve our brand’s recognition and memorability and helps our audience to understand our brand’s message more easily.

H1: Content Style Guide: Guidelines For Design

H2: Image Usage

H3: Guidelines

  • Image sizes: 1200x800px
  • Image resolutions: 72 dpi
  • File types: JPEG, PNG
  • Image placement: Above the fold

H3: Examples

  1. Hero image: 1200x800px, JPEG, 72 dpi
  2. Product image: 800x600px, PNG, 72 dpi
  3. Infographic: 1200x800px, JPEG, 72 dpi

H3: Suggestions

  • Use high-quality images that are appropriate for the brand and target audience
  • Use images that are consistent with the overall design of the content
  • Use images that are easy to implement across different platforms and mediums
  • Use images that are easy to update and maintain
  • Use images that are easy to use effectively
  • Use images that are relevant to the content
  • Use images that are properly sized and optimized for the web
  • Use images that are properly labeled and attributed

Layout And Spacing

Layout and spacing are important elements of design that can greatly impact the effectiveness and readability of a piece of content.

Adding layout and spacing guidelines for design to your content style guide helps to ensure that the design is consistent, visually pleasing, easy to read, and aligns with your brand’s overall messaging and target audience.

Layout guidelines help to ensure that your content design uses a consistent layout structure that aligns with your brand’s overall visual identity.

This can include guidelines on the use of specific layout elements, such as grids, white space, and typography hierarchy, as well as guidelines on how to use layout in different contexts, such as for different types of content, such as blog posts, landing pages, or e-commerce pages.

Consistency in the use of layout can help to create a cohesive and visually appealing look and feel for your brand.

Spacing guidelines help to ensure that your design uses a consistent amount of space between elements, such as typography, images, and other design elements.

This can include guidelines on the use of specific spacing measurements, such as line height, margins, and padding, as well as guidelines on how to use spacing in different contexts, such as for different types of content, such as blog posts, landing pages, or e-commerce pages.

Consistent use of spacing can help to create a cohesive and visually appealing look and feel for your brand and also improve the readability of the content.

Creating and adding layout and spacing guidelines for design to your content style guide involves determining the preferred layout and spacing style, creating a list of layout and spacing rules, providing examples and explanations, adding the guidelines to your content style guide, providing training and resources, and regularly reviewing and updating the guide.

Follow the steps below to create effective layout and spacing guidelines for your content style guide.

Suggested Process For Creating Layout And spacing Guidelines

  1. Determine the preferred layout and spacing style: Before creating the layout and spacing guidelines, it’s important to determine the preferred style to be used in your content style guide. This can be based on industry standards or your organization’s preferences.
  2. Create a list of layout and spacing rules: Once you have determined the preferred style, create a list of layout and spacing rules that should be followed in your design. This can include rules for the placement of elements, margins, padding, the use of white space, and the use of grid systems.
  3. Provide examples and explanations: To help team members understand and apply the layout and spacing guidelines, provide examples and explanations of how elements should be placed and spaced. This can include examples of different layout options and explanations of why certain layout and spacing rules were chosen and how they align with your brand’s overall aesthetic and message.
  4. Add the guidelines to your content style guide: Once you have created your list of layout and spacing rules and provided examples and explanations, add them to your content style guide. This will serve as a reference for team members when creating and editing design elements.
  5. Provide training and resources: To ensure that your team members understand and adhere to the layout and spacing guidelines, provide training and resources, such as design software tutorials and layout best practices.
  6. Review and update the guide regularly: As your brand evolves, it’s important to review and update the layout and spacing guidelines in your content style guide accordingly.

Examples of layout and spacing guidelines:

  • Use a consistent grid system throughout the design
  • Use a minimum of 2-3 units of white space between elements
  • Use a maximum of 2 font sizes per page
  • Use a consistent alignment of elements
  • Use a consistent use of headings and subheadings


  • A grid system can help create a consistent layout and make it easy to arrange elements within your content.
  • Margins and padding can be used to create white space and balance in your layout.
  • Alignment of elements can also be used to create a visually pleasing layout and make it easy to read and understand.
  • It’s also important to keep in mind that the layout and spacing should be consistent with the overall design of the content and be easy to implement across different platforms and mediums, and also easy to update and maintain.

Feel free to use the example below as a starting point for adding layout and spacing guidelines to your own content style guide.

Example Of Layout And Spacing Guidelines For Your Content Style Guide


These layout and spacing guidelines will help to ensure that our design is consistent, visually pleasing, and easy to read, and aligns with our brand’s overall messaging and target audience.

Consistency in the use of layout and spacing will also help to create a cohesive and visually appealing look and feel for our brand, improve our brand’s recognition and memorability, create a cohesive message across all of our brand’s design, and helps our audience to understand our brand’s message more easily.

H1: Content Style Guide: Guidelines For Design

H2: Layout and Spacing

H3: Guidelines

  • Grid system: 12-column
  • Margins: 16px
  • Padding: 8px
  • Alignment: Left-aligned

H3: Examples

  1. Grid system: 12-column grid system
  2. Margins: 16px on all sides
  3. Padding: 8px on all sides
  4. Alignment: Left-aligned headlines, centered body text

H3: Suggestions

  • Use a grid system to create a consistent layout
  • Use appropriate margins and padding to create white space and balance
  • Align elements consistently to create a visually pleasing layout
  • Use a layout that is easy to read and easy on the eyes
  • Use a layout that is consistent with the overall design of the content
  • Use a layout that is easy to implement across different platforms and mediums
  • Use a layout that is easy to update and maintain

Guidelines for Formatting

Headings And Subheadings

Headings and subheadings are important elements of formatting that can greatly impact the readability and organization of a piece of content.

Adding headings and subheadings guidelines for formatting to your content style guide can help ensure that your content is organized and easy to read, and aligns with your brand’s overall messaging and target audience.

Headings and subheadings guidelines help to ensure that your content uses a consistent structure for organizing information.

This can include guidelines on the use of specific heading levels, such as H1, H2, and H3, as well as guidelines on how to use headings and subheadings in different contexts, such as for different types of content, such as blog posts, landing pages, or e-commerce pages.

Consistency in the use of headings and subheadings can help to create a cohesive and easily readable structure for the content.

Headings and subheadings guidelines can also help to ensure that the content is easy to read and aligns with your brand’s overall messaging and target audience.

For example, if your brand’s messaging is meant to be sophisticated and high-end, your headings and subheadings guidelines could call for a more sophisticated and professional structure, such as using larger and bolder font sizes for headings.

On the other hand, if your brand’s messaging is meant to be relatable and down-to-earth, your headings and subheadings guidelines could call for a more casual and relatable structure, such as using smaller and less bold font sizes for headings.

Follow the steps below to create effective headings and subheadings guidelines for your content style guide.

Suggested Process For Creating Headings And Subheadings Guidelines

  • Define the heading levels: Start by defining the different levels of headings that will be used in the content. Typically, there are three main levels: H1 (main heading), H2 (subheading), and H3 (sub-subheading).
  • Establish a hierarchy: Decide on a hierarchical structure for the headings. For example, H1 should be used for the main title of the content, H2 for the main sections, and H3 for sub-sections.
  • Choose a formatting style: Decide on a formatting style for the headings, such as font size, color, and weight. For example, H1 could be 24pt, bold, and a different color than the body text; H2 could be 18pt, bold, and a different color than the body text; and H3 could be 16pt, bold, and the same color as the body text.
  • Provide examples: Provide examples of how headings and subheadings should be formatted in the content style guide.


  • Use headings and subheadings to structure the content and make it easy to scan and understand.
  • Use headings and subheadings consistently throughout the content.
  • Avoid overuse of headings and subheadings, as this can make the content difficult to read.
  • Use keywords in headings and subheadings, as this can help improve the SEO of the content.
  • Use headings and subheadings in a logical and hierarchical manner, so that the content flows well and is easy to understand.

Feel free to use the example below as a starting point for adding headings and subheadings guidelines to your own content style guide.

Example Of Headings And Subheadings Guidelines For Your Content Style Guide


These headings and subheadings guidelines will help to ensure that our content is organized and easy to read, and aligns with our brand’s overall messaging and target audience.

Consistency in the use of headings and subheadings will also help to create a cohesive and easily readable structure for our content, which can help to improve our audience’s understanding of the content and help with SEO.

H1: Content Style Guide: Guidelines For Formatting

H2: Defining the Heading Levels

  • H3: Main Heading (H1)
  • H3: Subheading (H2)
  • H3: Sub-subheading (H3)

H2: Establishing a Hierarchy

  • H3: Main Title
  • H3: Main Sections
  • H3: Sub-sections

H2: Choosing a Formatting Style

  • H3: Font Size, Color, and Weight
  • H3: Examples

H2: Suggestions

  • H3: Use headings and subheadings to structure the content
  • H3: Use headings and subheadings consistently
  • H3: Avoid overuse of headings and subheadings
  • H3: Use keywords in headings and subheadings
  • H3: Use headings and subheadings in a logical and hierarchical manner

Lists And Bullet Points

Lists and bullet points are important elements of formatting that can greatly impact the readability and organization of a piece of content.

Adding lists and bullet points guidelines for formatting to your content style guide can help ensure that the content is organized, easy to read, and aligns with your brand’s overall messaging and target audience.

Lists and bullet points guidelines help to ensure that your content uses a consistent structure for organizing information.

This can include guidelines on the use of specific types of lists, such as numbered lists or bullet lists, as well as guidelines on how to use lists and bullet points in different contexts, such as for different types of content, such as blog posts, landing pages, or e-commerce pages.

Consistency in the use of lists and bullet points can help to create a cohesive and easily readable structure for your content.

Lists and bullet points guidelines also help to ensure that the content is easy to read and aligns with your brand’s overall messaging and target audience.

For example, if your brand’s messaging is meant to be sophisticated and high-end, your lists and bullet points guidelines could call for a more sophisticated and professional structure, such as using larger and bolder font sizes for bullet points.

On the other hand, if your brand’s messaging is meant to be relatable and down-to-earth, your lists and bullet points guidelines could call for a more casual and relatable structure, such as using smaller and less bold font sizes for bullet points.

Follow the steps below to create effective lists and bullet points guidelines for your content style guide.

Suggested Process For Creating Lists And Bullet Points Guidelines

  1. Define the types of lists: Start by defining the different types of lists that will be used in the content, such as numbered lists, bullet points, and definition lists.
  2. Establish a formatting style: Decide on a formatting style for the lists, such as font size, color, and bullet or number style. For example, lists could be 14pt font size, the same color as the body text, and with round bullet points.
  3. Provide examples: Provide examples of how lists should be formatted in the content style guide.


  • Use lists to make the content easy to scan and understand.
  • Use lists consistently throughout the content.
  • Avoid overuse of lists, as this can make the content difficult to read.
  • Use lists in a logical and hierarchical manner, so that the content flows well and is easy to understand.
  • Try to limit each list to a maximum of 8-10 items.
  • When using numbered lists, make sure the numbers are in order and correspond to the items in the list.
  • Use bullet points for short, simple lists and numbered lists for longer, more complex lists.

Feel free to use the example below as a starting point for adding lists and bullet points guidelines to your own content style guide.

Example Of Lists And Bullet Points Guidelines For Your Content Style Guide


These lists and bullet points guidelines will ensure that our content is organized, easy to read, and aligned with our brand’s overall messaging and target audience.

Consistency in the use of lists and bullet points will also help to create a cohesive and easily readable structure for the content, which can help to improve our audience’s understanding of the content and improve our SEO.

Additionally, it can break down complex information and make it more scannable and easily digestible for our audience.

H1: Content Style Guide: Guidelines For Formatting

H2: Lists and Bullet Points

H3: Types of Lists

  • Bullet points
  • Numbered lists
  • Definition lists

H3: Formatting Style

  • Font size: 14pt
  • Color: Same as body text
  • Bullet or Number style: Round bullet points

H3: Examples

Bullet point list

  • Item 1
  • Item 2
  • Item 3

Numbered list

  1. First item
  2. Second item
  3. Third item

H3: Suggestions

  • Use lists to make the content easy to scan and understand
  • Use lists consistently throughout the content
  • Avoid overuse of lists
  • Use lists in a logical and hierarchical manner
  • Try to limit each list to a maximum of 8-10 items
  • When using numbered lists, make sure the numbers are in order and correspond to the items in the list
  • Use bullet points for short, simple lists and numbered lists for longer, more complex lists

Links And Buttons

Links and buttons are important elements of formatting that can greatly impact the usability and user experience of a piece of content.

Adding links and buttons guidelines for formatting to your content style guide helps to ensure that your content is easy to navigate, clear and consistent, and aligns with your brand’s overall messaging and target audience.

Links and buttons guidelines help to ensure that your content uses a consistent design for links and buttons throughout the website or app.

This can include guidelines on the use of specific design elements, such as color, typography, and spacing, as well as guidelines on how to use links and buttons in different contexts, such as for different types of content, such as blog posts, landing pages, or e-commerce pages.

Consistency in the use of links and buttons can help to create a cohesive and easily usable structure for your content.

Links and buttons guidelines can also help to ensure that the content is easy to navigate, clear and consistent, and aligns with your brand’s overall messaging and target audience.

For example, if your brand’s messaging is meant to be sophisticated and high-end, your links and buttons guidelines could call for a more sophisticated and professional design, such as using a larger and bolder font size, or a more prominent color.

On the other hand, if your brand’s messaging is meant to be relatable and down-to-earth, your links and buttons guidelines could call for a more casual and relatable design, such as using a smaller and less bold font size or a more subtle color.

Follow the steps below to create effective links and buttons guidelines for your content style guide.

Suggested Process For Creating Links And Buttons Guidelines

  1. Define the types of links and buttons: Start by defining the different types of links and buttons that will be used in the content, such as internal links, external links, download links, and call-to-action buttons.
  2. Establish a formatting style: Decide on a formatting style for the links and buttons, such as font size, color, and underlining. For example, links could be 14pt font size, blue color and underlined, and call-to-action buttons could be bold and a different color than the body text.
  3. Provide examples: Provide examples of how links and buttons should be formatted in your content style guide.


  • Use links and buttons to make the content interactive and easy to navigate.
  • Use descriptive and meaningful link text, and avoid using “click here” or “read more” as link text.
  • Make sure links and buttons are clearly visible and easy to find.
  • Use underlining and different colors to distinguish links and buttons from the body text.
  • Use call-to-action buttons to encourage engagement and conversions.
  • Make sure links are working and buttons are properly linked to the right destination.
  • Test the links and buttons on different devices and browsers to ensure that they are working properly

Feel free to use the example below as a starting point for adding links and buttons guidelines to your own content style guide.

Example Of Links And Buttons Guidelines For Your Content Style Guide


These links and buttons guidelines will ensure that our content is easy to navigate, clear and consistent, and aligned with our brand’s overall messaging and target audience.

Consistency in the use of links and buttons will also help to create a cohesive and easily usable structure for the content, which can help to improve our audience’s experience of the content and lead to better user engagement and conversion.

H1: Content Style Guide: Guidelines For Formatting

H2: Links and Buttons

H3: Types of Links and Buttons

  • Internal links
  • External links
  • Download links
  • Call-to-action buttons

H3: Formatting Style

  • Links: 14pt font size, blue color, underlined
  • Call-to-action buttons: bold, different color than body text

H3: Examples

  • Internal link: Learn more about our company []
  • External link: Check out this resource []
  • Download link: Download our brochure []
  • Call-to-action button: Sign up for our newsletter []

H3: Suggestions

  • Use links and buttons to make the content interactive and easy to navigate
  • Use descriptive and meaningful link text
  • Make sure links and buttons are clearly visible and easy to find
  • Use underlining and different colors to distinguish links and buttons from the body text
  • Use call-to-action buttons to encourage engagement and conversions
  • Make sure links are working and buttons are properly linked to the right destination
  • Test the links and buttons on different devices and browsers to ensure that they are working properly

Tables And Charts

Tables and charts are important elements of formatting that can greatly impact the readability and understanding of complex data in a piece of content.

Adding tables and charts guidelines for formatting to your content style guide help to ensure that the data is presented in a clear, consistent, and visually appealing way, and aligns with your brand’s overall messaging and target audience.

Tables and charts guidelines help to ensure that your content uses a consistent design for tables and charts throughout the website or app.

This can include guidelines on the use of specific design elements, such as color, typography, and spacing, as well as guidelines on how to use tables and charts in different contexts, such as for different types of content, such as blog posts, landing pages, or e-commerce pages.

Consistency in the use of tables and charts can help to create a cohesive and easily understandable structure for the data presented.

Tables and charts guidelines also help to ensure that the data is presented in a clear, consistent, and visually appealing way, and aligns with your brand’s overall messaging and target audience.

For example, if your brand’s messaging is meant to be sophisticated and high-end, your tables and charts guidelines could call for a more sophisticated and professional design, such as using a more elegant typeface, or using more prominent colors to highlight important data.

On the other hand, if your brand’s messaging is meant to be relatable and down-to-earth, your tables and charts guidelines could call for a more casual and relatable design, such as using a more friendly typeface, or using more subdued colors to present the data.

Follow the steps below to create effective tables and charts guidelines for your content style guide.

Suggested Process For Creating Tables And Charts Guidelines

  • Define the types of tables and charts: Start by defining the different types of tables and charts that will be used in your content, such as simple tables, data tables, and different types of charts (line charts, bar charts, pie charts, etc.).
  • Establish a formatting style: Decide on a formatting style for the tables and charts, such as font size, color, and table or chart design. For example, tables could have a clean and simple design, with alternating row colors and a bold font for the headings, and charts could use a color palette that is consistent with the overall design of the content.
  • Provide examples: Provide examples of how tables and charts should be formatted in the content style guide.


  • Use tables and charts to make data and information easy to understand and visually appealing.
  • Use tables and charts consistently throughout the content.
  • Use a clean and simple design for tables, with clear headings, and alternating row colors.
  • Use charts that are appropriate for the data and information being presented, and make sure they are clearly labeled.
  • Use a consistent color palette for charts, that is consistent with the overall design of the content.
  • Make sure tables and charts are easy to read and understand, by including clear and concise captions and labels.
  • Keep the tables and charts simple, and avoid over-decorating or over-complicating the design.

Feel free to use the example below as a starting point for adding tables and charts guidelines to your own content style guide.

Example Of Tables And Charts Guidelines For Your Content Style Guide


These tables and charts guidelines will ensure that our data is presented in a clear, consistent, and visually appealing way, and aligns with our brand’s overall messaging and target audience.

Consistency in the use of tables and charts will also help to create a cohesive and easily understandable structure for the data presented, which can help to improve our audience’s understanding and retention of the information.

This will also make it easier to compare, contrast and understand the data, which is especially important when our audience needs to make decisions based on the information provided.

H1: Content Style Guide: Guidelines For Formatting

H2: Tables and Charts

H3: Types of Tables and Charts

  • Simple tables
  • Data tables
  • Line charts
  • Bar charts
  • Pie charts

H3: Formatting Style

  • Tables: Clean and simple design, alternating row colors, bold font for headings
  • Charts: Consistent color palette with the overall design of the content

H3: Examples

  • Simple table:

| Month | Sales |
| Jan | 1000 |
| Feb | 2000 |
| Mar | 3000 |

  • Data table:

| Product | Price | Quantity | Total |
| A | $10 | 10 | $100 |
| B | $20 | 20 | $400 |
| C | $30 | 30 | $900 |

  • Line chart:

[Line chart showing the growth in sales over a period of time, with labeled x and y axis, and a clear caption describing the data]

H3: Suggestions

  • Use tables and charts to make data and information easy to understand and visually appealing
  • Use tables and charts consistently throughout the content
  • Use a clean and simple design for tables, with clear headings and alternating row colors
  • Use charts that are appropriate for the data and information being presented, and make sure they are clearly labeled
  • Use a consistent color palette for charts, that is consistent with the overall design of the content
  • Make sure tables and charts are easy to read and understand, by including clear and concise captions and labels
  • Keep the tables and charts simple, and avoid over-decorating or over-complicating the design

Best Practices for Maintaining Consistency In Your Content Style Guide

1. Create A Central Repository For Your Style Guide

  1. Choose a platform: Choose a platform to use as the central repository for your content style guide. Some options include:
  • A shared Google Drive or Dropbox folder.
  • A shared document management system such as Microsoft SharePoint or Google Docs.
  • A dedicated content management system such as WordPress, Confluence, or Notion.
  1. Organize the content: Once a platform has been chosen, organize the content of the style guide into sections and sub-sections, making it easy for team members to find the information they need.
  2. Create a table of contents: Create a table of contents that lists the sections and sub-sections of the style guide, making it easy for team members to navigate the guide.
  3. Add permissions and access: Add permissions and access to the content style guide for the relevant team members, so that they can access, edit, and update the guide as needed.
  4. Update regularly: Keep your content style guide updated regularly, and make sure that team members are aware of any changes that have been made.


  • Keep your content style guide simple and easy to use
  • Use headings and sub-headings to organize the content
  • Use examples and screenshots to help team members understand the guidelines
  • Make the content style guide searchable
  • Use a consistent format and layout throughout the guide
  • Make sure the guide is accessible to all team members


  • Confluence: A popular example of a dedicated content management system that can be used as a central repository for a content style guide. It allows for easy organization of content, collaboration among team members, and the ability to add permissions and access control.
  • Google Docs: Another example of a shared document management system that can be used as a central repository for a content style guide. It allows for easy organization of content, collaboration among team members, and the ability to add permissions and access control.


  • Have a designated person or team in charge of maintaining and updating your content style guide.
  • Provide training and resources for team members to help them understand and follow the guidelines in the content style guide.
  • Encourage team members to provide feedback and suggestions on the content style guide to improve its usability and effectiveness.
  • Have a system in place for reviewing and approving changes to the content style guide, to ensure consistency and accuracy.

A central repository for a content style guide can help to ensure consistency and accuracy in the content produced by your team. Choose a platform that is easy to use, accessible to all team members, and easy to keep the guide updated and organized. Regularly review, update, and approve the content style guide to maintain consistency and accuracy in your content.

2. Establish A Review And Approval Process

  1. Identify stakeholders: Identify the stakeholders who will be involved in the review and approval process of your content style guide. This could include members of the marketing, content, and design teams, as well as any relevant executives or managers.
  2. Define roles and responsibilities: Define the roles and responsibilities of each stakeholder in the review and approval process. This could include who will be responsible for reviewing the guide, who will be responsible for making changes and updates, and who will be responsible for final approval.
  3. Establish a schedule: Establish a schedule for reviewing and updating your content style guide. This could include regular meetings or check-ins to review and update the guide, as well as a schedule for major updates or revisions.
  4. Use a checklist: Use a checklist to ensure that all aspects of your content style guide are reviewed and approved. This could include items such as grammar, punctuation, tone, and design elements.
  5. Provide feedback: Allow stakeholders to provide feedback and suggestions on your content style guide. Encourage open communication and collaboration throughout the review and approval process.


  • Use a consistent format and layout throughout the guide to make it easy to review
  • Have a designated person or team in charge of maintaining and updating your content style guide.
  • Provide training and resources for team members to help them understand and follow the guidelines in your content style guide.
  • Encourage team members to provide feedback and suggestions on your content style guide to improve its usability and effectiveness.


  • A weekly meeting with your marketing, content, and design teams to review and update the content style guide.
  • A quarterly review of your content style guide by the executive team to ensure that it aligns with the company’s overall branding and messaging.
  • An annual review of your content style guide by an outside agency or consultant to ensure that it aligns with industry best practices and standards.

A review and approval process for a content style guide is an important step to maintain the consistency and accuracy of your content. It’s essential to identify the stakeholders, define roles and responsibilities, establish a schedule, and use a checklist to ensure that all aspects of the content style guide are reviewed and approved. Encourage open communication and collaboration throughout the process, and have a designated person or team in charge of maintaining and updating the content style guide.

3. Provide Training And Resources For Team Members

  1. Create a training program: Create a training program that provides team members with the knowledge and skills they need to understand and use the content style guide. This could include an overview of the guide, examples of how to use the guide, and hands-on practice exercises.
  2. Use different formats: Use different formats to provide training and resources, such as videos, tutorials, webinars, and in-person training sessions. This will make it accessible to different learning styles and preferences of team members.
  3. Make it mandatory: Make the training program mandatory for all team members who will be using the content style guide. This will ensure that everyone has a solid understanding of the guidelines and how to use them.
  4. Provide ongoing support: Provide ongoing support and resources for team members to help them implement the guidelines in the content style guide. This could include a FAQ section, a helpdesk, or a resource library.
  5. Encourage feedback: Encourage team members to provide feedback on the training program and resources. Use their feedback to improve the program and resources, and make them more effective.


  • Keep the training program simple and easy to understand
  • Use examples and real-world scenarios to help team members understand the guidelines
  • Make the training interactive and engaging
  • Use a consistent format and layout throughout the training program
  • Make sure the training program is accessible to all team members


  • A webinar that provides an overview of the content style guide and how to use it, with a Q&A session at the end.
  • A series of short tutorial videos that cover different aspects of the content style guide.
  • An in-person training session that provides hands-on practice exercises for team members to work on.

Providing training and resources for team members is important to ensure that they understand and use the guidelines in the content style guide

4. Regularly Review And Update Your Style Guide

  1. Establish a review schedule: Establish a regular schedule for reviewing and updating your content style guide. This could include monthly, quarterly, or annual reviews, depending on the needs of your organization.
  2. Assign a review team: Assign a team or individual responsible for reviewing and updating the content style guide. This team should include members from different departments, such as marketing, content, and design.
  3. Use a checklist: Use a checklist to ensure that all aspects of the content style guide are reviewed and updated. This could include items such as grammar, punctuation, tone, and design elements.
  4. Update guidelines: Update the guidelines in the content style guide as needed, based on feedback from team members, changes in industry standards, or updates to the brand’s visual identity.
  5. Communicate changes: Communicate any changes or updates to the content style guide to all team members, and provide them with the necessary training and resources to implement the changes.


  • Use a consistent format and layout throughout the guide to make it easy to review
  • Keep the content style guide simple and easy to use
  • Use examples and screenshots to help team members understand the guidelines
  • Make the content style guide searchable
  • Encourage team members to provide feedback and suggestions on the content style guide to improve its usability and effectiveness.


  • A quarterly review of the content style guide with the marketing and content teams, with updates made as needed.
  • An annual review of the content style guide by an outside agency or consultant to ensure that it aligns with industry best practices and standards.
  • A continuous review process that allows team members to provide feedback and suggestions on an ongoing basis, with regular updates made to the guide.

Regularly reviewing and updating a content style guide is important to ensure that it remains accurate and up-to-date. A review schedule should be established, a team or individual should be assigned for the review, and a checklist should be used to ensure that all aspects of the content style guide are reviewed and updated.

Communicate any changes to your team members. Provide them with the necessary training and resources to implement the changes. Encouraging team members to provide feedback and suggestions on your content style guide will help to improve its usability and effectiveness.

Content Style Guide – FAQs

Here are frequently asked questions about creating a content style guide:

What is a content style guide?

A content style guide is a set of guidelines used to ensure consistency in tone, language, and presentation of content across a brand or publication.

Why do I need a content style guide?

It helps maintain consistent messaging, which is crucial for building a reliable and recognizable brand identity. Consistency in content improves user experience and brand perception.

What should a content style guide include?

A content style guide should cover aspects such as grammar, language, formatting, tone of voice, and the overall style of visuals and web design elements.

How do I create a content style guide?

Identify your audience, define your brand’s voice and tone, determine guiding principles for language and grammar, and decide on formatting styles. Then, compile these into a document that is easily accessible to all content creators.

Can you give examples of different tones that might be included in a style guide?

Tones can range from formal and authoritative to informal and conversational, depending on the brand’s target audience and the context in which the content is used.

How often should a content style guide be updated?

Regularly review and update your content style guide to reflect changes in branding strategy, audience preferences, and evolving language trends to keep it relevant and effective.

Who should be involved in creating a content style guide?

Typically, this includes content strategists, marketing teams, and senior editorial staff, but involving a wider range of stakeholders like customer service representatives and sales teams can provide additional insights.


A content style guide is a crucial tool for your business. It provides guidelines for writing, designing, and formatting your content, and establishes best practices for maintaining consistency.

Implementing a style guide may require some initial effort, but it will pay off in the long run, saving your organization time, improving your brand recognition and customer trust, and increasing the effectiveness of your content, website, and documentation.


Image: Computer Desk

AI Content Research Tools

Use these powerful AI content research tools to speed up and improve your content research.

AI Content Research Tools

Use these powerful AI content research tools to speed up and improve your content research.

Content Research: AI ToolsArtificial intelligence (AI) tools are transforming content research by enabling businesses to gather and analyze data faster and more accurately.

With the help of AI tools, businesses can conduct keyword research, content analysis, and trend analysis in a fraction of the time it would take to do it manually.

In this lesson, we provide a list of powerful AI tools you can use to help speed up and improve your content research and explore the practical uses of AI tools for content research, including their benefits, limitations, and recommended best practices.

AI Content Research Tools – Hosted

The tools listed below are hosted externally by their developers and require registration or setting up an account (free or paid).


AI content research tools - ChatGPT
ChatGPT’s main screen

ChatGPT is a powerful large language model developed by OpenAI, an artificial intelligence research laboratory.

It is based on the GPT (Generative Pre-training Transformer) architecture and is trained on a massive amount of text data from the internet.

ChatGPT has a good understanding of various topics and can be used for a range of natural language processing tasks such as language translation, text summarization, text generation, text completion, and answering questions.

Essentially, ChatGPT is a computer program that can communicate with people in a way that feels natural and human-like. It can hold conversations with users, answer questions, provide valuable insights on a wide range of subjects, and understand and respond to user input in a conversational manner.

ChatGPT’s natural language processing capabilities not only make the tool well-suited for chatbot and virtual assistant applications but also a valuable time and cost-saving tool for content research and content creation.

ChatGPT can generate high-quality content quickly and accurately, saving your business a significant amount of time and resources. Additionally, the program can be customized to match your brand’s specific voice and tone, ensuring that the content it generates is consistent with your brand’s messaging and values.

Here are some of the potential uses and benefits of using ChatGPT:

  • Research assistance: ChatGPT can help your business conduct research by providing accurate and relevant information on a wide range of topics. This can save time and resources by automating the process of gathering information for market research, competitive analysis, or even academic research.
  • Summarization: ChatGPT can be used to generate summaries of long documents or articles. This can save time and resources by providing quick and accurate summaries that highlight the most important points of a piece of content. This can also be particularly useful if your business needs to stay up-to-date on industry news and trends or if you are creating product summaries, product reviews, etc.
  • Generate high-quality content quickly and accurately: ChatGPT can generate written content that is grammatically correct, factually accurate (most of the time), and in line with your brand’s messaging and voice. This can help your business save significant time and resources in creating content for your website, social media, email marketing, and other marketing channels and activities.
  • Improve the quality of search engine optimization (SEO): ChatGPT can help your business identify the right keywords to use in your content to improve your search engine rankings. This can also help you attract more organic traffic to your website and increase your brand visibility.
  • Enhance the accuracy and quality of product descriptions: ChatGPT can be used to generate detailed and accurate product descriptions that help customers make informed purchasing decisions. This can increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Streamline content curation: ChatGPT can help your business identify relevant content to curate and share with your followers. This can help build authority in your industry and increase brand awareness.
  • Conduct market research: ChatGPT can be used to analyze customer feedback and reviews to identify common themes and pain points. This can help to improve your products and services to better meet customer needs.
  • Text completion: ChatGPT can be used to complete text in a way that is consistent with the style and tone of the original text. This can save you time and resources by automating the process of completing repetitive tasks such as filling out forms, generating email templates, or even completing academic assignments.
  • Personalization: ChatGPT can be trained to match your brand’s voice and tone, enabling your business to generate highly personalized content that resonates with your target audience and increase brand loyalty and customer engagement.
  • Improve social media marketing: ChatGPT can help your business generate engaging and relevant social media posts that resonate with your followers, build your social media presence and increase engagement.
  • Enhance customer service: ChatGPT can be used to provide quick and accurate responses to customer inquiries. This can help to improve your customer service and free up your customer service representatives to handle more complex issues.


To use ChatGPT, you must first have a ChatGPT account. Sign up for a free ChatGPT account.

When using ChatGPT as a content research tool, keep in mind the following:

  1. The quality of your prompts will determine the quality of your results.
  2. It’s important to fact-check everything, as AI tools in their current state are not always accurate and will sometimes “hallucinate” their reply.

Let’s go through an example of using ChatGPT to summarize content about a product, tool, or solution.

Here’s some content we wanted to summarize about one of the tools we list in this section…

Chrome Web Store - Extension description
Use ChatGPT to summarize and condense long content and information about products, tools, or solutions.

The screenshot below shows the result of asking ChatGPT to summarize this information after pasting in excerpts of the above content with the prompt: “Rewrite the following as a product description:”

ChatGPT screenshot
We asked ChatGPT to summarize information about a product.

ChatGPT immediately provided this reply…

ChatGPT screenshot
ChatGPT generated this content, but it was a little too “salesy”…

The reply felt too “salesy”, so we entered the prompt shown below and got this new reply…

ChatGPT screenshot
So, we asked ChatGPT to rewrite it as a product review, but it came out a little too “hypey”…

This time, the tool provided a description that felt very “hyped up”, so we reworked the prompt to eliminate the hype, and this is whatChatGPT delivered…

ChatGPT screen
With the right prompt, ChatGPT delivered a content summary that was “just right”!

As you can see, ChatGPT delivers different results based on your prompts, so developing better “prompt engineering” skills will improve the output generated by the tool.

Overall, ChatGPT is a powerful language model with endless possibilities. As more businesses recognize the value of artificial intelligence in improving their operations and customer experiences, we can expect to see even more exciting innovations in the field of natural language processing.

For additional ways to use ChatGPT in your content research and content creation, visit the links below:

More info: ChatGPT


Merlin AI-powered tool.
Merlin gives you the power of OpenAI’s GPT on Google searches, Gmail, Google sheets, and everywhere else you search or write online.

Merlin is an AI tool that lets you use OpenAI’s GPT on any website (e.g., Google Search, Gmail, GoogleSheets, LinkedIn, and anywhere you search or write online) and generate content with a Cmd/Ctrl+M prompt.

Here’s how Merlin works:

  • Select any online content
  • Click on Cmd+M (Mac) or Ctrl+M (Windows) to open Merlin
  • Choose what you want to do with it (create a reply, summarize, make it shorter, or add some fun)
  • Merlin will create a reply.

Merlin lets you:

  • Summarize Content On Any Website – Enter the full text of your content and ask Merlin to generate a summary based on that text. The tool will analyze the text and suggest a summary that includes the main points and key details of the content.
  • Write Professional Email Replies – Enter a prompt describing the context of the email and the desired tone and content of your reply, and ask it to generate text based on your prompt. The tool will analyze the prompt and suggest words and phrases with your desired tone and content.
  • Generate Excel Formulas and Codes – Enter a prompt describing your desired excel function or operation and ask it to generate a formula or code based on that prompt. It will then analyze the prompt and suggest a formula or code that will accomplish the task.

Watch the video below for an overview of this tool:

More info: Merlin

AI Content Research Tools – Browser Extensions

The following tools can be downloaded as extensions and added to your web browser.



  • The examples used here are for the Chrome web browser. If you don’t use Chrome, search online for equivalent extensions in your browser of choice.
  • If you need help installing extensions for the Chrome browser, see our Chrome browser extensions tutorial.
  • To use extensions that access ChatGPT, you will need to sign up for an OpenAI account and be logged in.

ChatGPT for Google

AI content research tools - ChatGPT for Google Chrome browser extension.
ChatGPT for Google

ChatGPT for Google is a free and open-source browser extension that can be added to Google Chrome.

It displays ChatGPT responses alongside search engine results, enabling users to access a broader range of information on any given topic.

ChatGPT for Google extension
The ChatGPT for Google extension adds a ChatGPT box to Google Search results.

The extension supports several popular search engines, including Google, Bing, and DuckDuckGo.

The video below provides an overview and a demo of what you can do using this extension:

Go here to install the extension: ChatGPT for Google


AI content research tools - AIPRM for ChatGPT Chrome extension.
AIPRM for ChatGPT adds prompt templates to ChatGPT.

AIPRM for ChatGPT lets you access a curated selection of ChatGPT prompts and adds a list of prompt templates for SEO, SaaS, marketing, art, programming, and more to ChatGPT.

AIPRM for ChatGPT - ChatGPT Prompts
AIPRM for ChatGPT installs one-click prompts inside ChatGPT.

You can output content from ChatGPT in your choice of language, tone, and writing style.

AIPRM for ChatGPT output.
Use AIPRM’s selectors to choose how you want ChatGPT to output your content.

The video below shows you how to create prompt templates using the extension…

You can access one-click ChatGPT prompts created by a community of prompt engineers and contribute your own.

Go here to install the extension: AIPRM for ChatGPT

Gimme Summary AI

Gimme Summary AI
Summarize articles quickly with the Gimme Summary AI extension.

Gimme Summary AI is an extension that lets you generate article summaries on the web quickly and easily using ChatGPT AI.

This tool is useful for summarizing product descriptions (e.g.  for listicles, product reviews, etc.)

Simply install the Gimme Summary AI extension from the Chrome Web Store, click on the extension icon, and click the “Generate Summary” button to generate a summary.

For more details visit the website here:

Merlin – OpenAI GPT Powered Assistant

Merlin AI-powered tool.
Merlin – OpenAI GPT powered assistant for Chrome.

The Merlin web browser extension lets you access the Merlin tool described earlier from your web browser.

The extension is available for Google Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and chromium based browsers. The tool’s developers also plan to make it available to other browsers in the future.

Merlin - screenshot
Use Merlin to generate content on Google Search, Gmail, GoogleSheets, LinkedIn, and anywhere you search or write online.

More info: Merlin Extension for Chrome

ChatGPT And Video Extensions

AI content research tools - Chrome web store extensions for ChatGPT and video.
Browse loads of Chrome web store extensions for ChatGPT and video content research.

There are many extensions available that bring the power of AI tools like ChatGPT to other areas of content research like videos and other media types.

Use these tools to generate video scripts, video summaries, video transcripts…even transcribe Google Meet and Zoom calls, etc.

Additional Content Research Browser Extensions

With the proliferation of new AI tools being released every day, finding additional AI content research tools for your web browser is easy.

Just go to the Chrome web store and search for “AI” in the extensions search box and a whole list of AI-related extensions will display…

Chrome Web Store - AI-related extensions.
Search for AI-related extensions in the Chrome Web Store.

Similarly, repeat the process to find “content research” related extensions…

Chrome Web Store - content-research-related extensions.
Search for content-research-related extensions in the Chrome Web Store.

AI Tools For Content Ideation

Here are some AI-powered tools you can use to assist in the process of generating content ideas.


Clearscope helps your content team understand what to write about.

Clearscope is a content optimization tool designed to help you produce high-quality content that is relevant to your audience’s search queries.

Its user-friendly integrations seamlessly fit into your existing content workflow, allowing you to create and organize Clearscope reports effortlessly.

With Clearscope’s text editor, you can optimize your content by learning how to use its scoring metrics, such as Content Grade, Word Count, and Readability. The tool also offers a variety of features that can help you build content briefs and outlines quickly, including the Terms, Research, and Outline tabs.

If you’re not sure which keywords or search intents to target, Clearscope’s keyword discovery feature can help you fine-tune your content strategy. The tool can also refresh your existing content with updated optimization recommendations.

Overall, Clearscope is a valuable tool if you are a content creator looking to produce SEO-friendly content that will resonate with your audience. Its easy-to-use integrations, reporting features, and optimization tools make it an essential addition to any content workflow.

Additional AI-powered content ideation tools include:

  • MarketMuse – MarketMuse uses AI to analyze your content and identify gaps and opportunities for improvement.
  • BuzzSumo – BuzzSumo uses AI to identify the most shared content related to a given topic on social media platforms.
  • Google Trends – Google Trends provides insights into the popularity and relevance of specific search terms, allowing you to tailor your content to the interests and needs of your target audience.

AI Tools For Keyword Research

There are several AI tools you can use for keyword research, including:

  • Google Keyword Planner – use this tool to research and analyze keyword ideas, get historical statistics, and forecast future performance.
  • Ahrefs – this tool offers a comprehensive keyword research feature, including keyword suggestions, search volume, keyword difficulty, and more.
  • SEMRush – this tool provides keyword research and analysis, competitor research, and site audit functionality.

Example Of Using AI Tools For Keyword Research

To understand how AI tools can be used for keyword research, let’s say your company sells organic skincare products and you want to create a blog post about the benefits of organic skincare that targets the right keywords to reach your target audience.

Using Ahrefs, for example, you could enter “organic skincare” into its keyword research tool.

Ahrefs - Free Keyword Generator
Ahrefs offers a free keyword generator tool.

Choose a source and location for your keyword research and ask the tool to find keywords.

Ahrefs - Free Keyword Generator
Use the tool to search and find keywords from different sources and locations.

The tool then generates a list of related keywords and keyword ideas.

Ahrefs - Free Keyword Generator: Keyword ideas results: phrase match
Ahrefs’s keyword tool generates phrase-match keyword ideas…

It also provides a list of questions related to the keyword, which is useful for generating new content topic ideas.

Ahrefs - Free Keyword Generator: Keyword ideas results: Questions
And keyword-related questions too!

Note: For a detailed list of related keywords, along with data on search volume, keyword difficulty, and other relevant metrics, requires the paid version of the tool.

Ahrefs - Keyword Explorer
Ahrefs – Keyword Explorer (paid version).

You could then use this data to select the most relevant keywords for your blog post.

Additionally, using Google’s Keyword Planner tool, you could input “organic skincare” and get a list of suggested keywords and their average monthly search volume.

Google's Keyword Planner
Google’s Keyword Planner tool is part of Google Ads.

This would help you to identify any additional keywords that you may have missed so you can optimize your content accordingly.

Utilizing AI tools for keyword research can help you save time, identify relevant keywords, and ensure that your content is optimized for search engines.

For a complete list of tools you can use for keyword research and SEO, see this section: Search Optimization Tools

AI Tools For Content Analysis

There are several AI tools you can use for content analysis, including:

  • Grammarly – provides suggestions for improving the readability, tone, and clarity of your writing.
  • MonkeyLearn Sentiment Analyzer – analyzes the sentiment and emotion of text, allowing you to understand how your content is being perceived.
  • MarketMuse – uses AI to analyze the quality and relevance of your content and provides recommendations for improvement.

Example of Using AI Tools for Content Analysis

To understand how AI tools can be used for content analysis, let’s say that your company is in the health and fitness industry and has written a blog post on the benefits of a new workout routine.

Your company wants to ensure that the content is engaging and informative, and is looking for ways to improve its quality.

Using Grammarly, you would scan the text of your blog post and get suggestions for correcting spelling and grammar errors, rewording sentences, etc.

AI Content Research Tool - Grammarly
Use Grammarly to help analyze your content.

The paid version of Grammarly provides suggestions for improving the readability, tone, and clarity of your content, helping you adjust the tone of your content to better resonate with your target audience.

Grammarly - premium suggestions.
Grammarly checks your content for clarity, delivery, engagement, and correctness using AI.

Additionally, using MonkeyLearn Sentiment Analyzer, you could analyze the sentiment and emotion of the text. This would allow you to understand how the content is being perceived by the audience, and to make any necessary adjustments to improve its impact.

AI Content Research Tool - MonkeyLearn Sentiment Analyzer
MonkeyLearn’s Sentiment Analyzer helps you analyze your content’s sentiment.

Using AI tools for content analysis can improve the quality and relevance of your content, ensuring that it is engaging and informative to your target audience.

AI Tools For Trend Analysis

There are several AI tools that can be used for trend analysis, including:

  • Google Trends – see how often specific search terms are being used over time.
  • BuzzSumo – see which topics are being discussed the most on social media and other online platforms.
  • Exploding Topics – this tool uses AI to identify emerging trends before they become popular.

Example of Using AI Tools for Trend Analysis

To understand how AI tools can be used for trend analysis, suppose your company creates content for a tech-savvy audience.

Your company wants to ensure that it is creating content that is relevant and engaging to its target audience. By using AI tools for trend analysis, you can gain insights into the types of content that are popular among your audience.

Using a tool like Google Trends, you could input a range of search terms related to your industry, and see how often these terms are being searched over time. This would help you identify which topics are currently popular among your target audience, and create content that is more likely to be consumed and shared.

AI Content Research Tool - GoogleTrends
Discover and compare trending topics using GoogleTrends.

Additionally, you could then use a tool like BuzzSumo to identify which topics are being discussed the most on social media and other online platforms. This could help you create content that is more likely to be shared and engaged with by your target audience.

AI Content Research Tools - BuzzSumo
Use BuzzSumo to identify topics being discussed on social media and other online platforms.

Using AI tools for trend analysis can help you gain insights into the types of content that are popular among your target audience. You can then use this information to create more relevant and engaging content.

Using AI Tools For Content Research – Best Practices

Follow the best practices below to leverage the benefits of using AI tools for content research without compromising the quality of your content:

Know The Limitations Of AI Tools

While using AI tools can significantly improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your content research and help you gather, analyze, and generate insights from vast amounts of data, it is important to keep in mind that AI tools are still evolving and may not always provide accurate or complete results.

AI tools are also dependent on the quality and quantity of the data they are trained on and have limitations. Therefore, AI tools should not be used as a replacement for human analysis, but rather as a supplement and complement to it.

Choose The Right AI Tools

There are various AI tools available for content research, each with its own strengths and weaknesses.

Before choosing an AI tool for content research, consider your specific research needs and goals. Some tools may be better suited for keyword research, while others may be more effective for content analysis or trend analysis. It is also important to research and compare the features, pricing, and user reviews of different tools to make an informed decision.

Use AI Tools As A Complement to Human Analysis

While AI tools can help you analyze and generate insights from vast amounts of data quickly and efficiently, they should not be used as a replacement for human analysis.

AI tools complement human analysis, as they can help identify patterns and trends that may not be immediately apparent to humans. However, it is ultimately up to humans to interpret and contextualize the data generated by AI tools.

Verify AI-Generated Insights With Human Analysis

Human intelligence is still better at understanding context and making subjective judgments than Artificial Intelligence.

AI tools can generate valuable insights, but it is important to verify and contextualize these insights with human analysis. This can help ensure the accuracy and completeness of your research findings.

For more content research tools, go here: Content Research Tools


Image: AI-generated image (DALL-E)

Document Library

Learn how to use a document library to manage and organize your documents and digital content more effectively.

Document Library

Learn how to use a document library to manage and organize your documents and digital content more effectively.

Document Library

As businesses, organizations, and individuals generate and handle vast amounts of information every day, document libraries have become an essential tool for effective content management.

In this lesson, we explore what a document library is, discuss the benefits of having a document library, provide practical tips on how to create one, and list tools to help make creating a resource library for your users easy.

What Is A Document Library?

A document library is a collection of files, documents, or records that are systematically organized and stored in a digital format.

Your business can create different types of document libraries to manage and organize your documents.

A document can be:

  • A downloadable file stored in your site’s media library – e.g. a PDF, image, or PowerPoint presentation.
  • Any downloadable file stored on a third-party platform like Dropbox, Google Drive, Microsoft SharePoint, or Box.
  • A resource that is available for people to read directly on your website, without having to download anything.
  • Any resource that you embed directly into your website – e.g. a flipbook or an embedded Google Drive document.
  • A link to a web page, either on your own website or on a different website.

Common types of document libraries include the following:

  • Employee Document Library – This library is for storing and managing employee-related documents, such as employment contracts, performance evaluations, time off requests, and HR policies. An employee document library is usually only accessible to HR staff and the individual employee.
  • Marketing Document Library – This library is for storing and managing marketing-related documents, such as marketing plans, branding guidelines, social media templates, and case studies. The marketing document library is usually accessible by the marketing team and other relevant staff members.
  • Sales Document Library – This library is for storing and managing sales-related documents, such as product information, pricing sheets, sales scripts, and customer case studies. The sales document library is usually accessible by the sales team and other relevant staff members.
  • Finance Document Library – This library is for storing and managing financial documents, such as invoices, receipts, tax records, and financial reports. The finance document library is usually only accessible to the finance team and upper management.
  • Legal Document Library – This library is for storing and managing legal documents, such as contracts, patents, trademarks, and regulatory compliance documents. The legal document library is usually only accessible to the legal team and upper management.
  • Project Document Library – This library is for storing and managing project-related documents, such as project plans, timelines, budgets, and status reports. The project document library is usually accessible by the project team and other relevant staff members.
  • Knowledge Base – A knowledge base is a document library that stores information, resources, and documentation to help employees or customers find the information they need quickly and efficiently. A knowledge base can include articles, how-to guides, FAQs, and troubleshooting guides.
  • Training Library – A training library is a document library that provides employees with access to training materials, videos, and other resources to help them develop new skills and improve their job performance.
  • Proposal Library – A proposal library is a document library that stores proposals, pitches, and presentations that can be used as templates for future projects.
  • Policy and Procedure Library – A policy and procedure library is a document library that stores the policies and procedures of an organization, making them accessible to all employees.
  • PDF Library – A PDF library is a document library that stores PDF files, making them easily accessible to employees or customers. A PDF library can include manuals, user guides, reports, and other documents in PDF format.
  • Newsletter Directory – A newsletter directory is a document library that stores past issues of company newsletters. It can be useful for employees who want to refer to previous newsletters or for new employees who want to get up to speed on the company’s news and culture.

The type of document library you create will depend on the specific needs of your business and the type of documents your business wants to manage.

Each type of library can have its own access restrictions, allowing only relevant staff members to access and manage the documents.

Document Library Uses

Here are just some examples of ways businesses can use a document library:

  • An IT support company creates a knowledge base with articles and guides to help its clients troubleshoot common technical issues.
  • An engineering firm creates a project library for a new building construction project, storing all relevant documents including architectural designs, blueprints, and progress reports.
  • A sales team creates a training library with videos and online courses to help new hires develop their sales skills and learn about the company’s products and services.
  • A marketing agency creates a proposal library with sample proposals, pitches, and presentations that can be customized and reused for future clients.
  • An HR department creates a policy and procedure library with the company’s code of conduct, HR policies, and benefits information.
  • A software development company creates a PDF library with user manuals and technical documentation for their software products.
  • A marketing team creates a newsletter directory with past issues of their monthly newsletter, which contains updates on company events and projects, employee spotlights, and industry news.

Benefits Of Having A Document Library

A well-organized document library can provide many benefits, including:

  • Easy access to critical information: With a document library, you can quickly retrieve the documents you need, reducing the time and effort required to locate critical information.
  • Collaboration: Document libraries provide a centralized location where team members can collaborate, share ideas, and work together on projects.
  • Increased productivity: Document libraries help to eliminate duplication of efforts, reduce errors and redundancies, and streamline workflows, resulting in increased productivity.
  • Enhanced security: Document libraries can provide secure access control, limiting access to sensitive information to only authorized personnel.
  • Improved regulatory compliance: By using a document library to organize and store records, organizations can demonstrate compliance with legal, regulatory, and industry standards.

How to Store Information About Your Documents

Organizing your documents in a systematic and efficient way is essential to maximize the benefits of having a document library.

Here are some tips on how to store information about your documents to make them easier to find and manage:

Create A Naming Convention

Developing a naming convention for your documents is an essential first step in organizing them.

A consistent naming convention helps to ensure that all documents are named logically and that files can be easily located.

For example, using a standard format like “YYYYMMDD_Title” (Year, Month, Day, Title) can be a helpful way to create meaningful filenames.

Organize Documents Into Categories

Organizing documents into categories can make them easier to locate and manage.

Categories could include clients, projects, products, departments, or any other logical grouping that makes sense for your organization.

Make sure to keep the categories manageable and not too broad or too specific.

Use Metadata To Tag Documents

Metadata provides additional information about a document beyond its filename. It can include author, date created, keywords, description, and more.

Tagging your documents with metadata makes them easier to find and retrieve later on.

Many file types allow metadata to be added to the file itself, making it easier to manage.

By developing a consistent naming convention, organizing your documents into categories, and using metadata to tag them, you can make it easier to locate and manage your documents.

The more organized and accessible your document library is, the more efficient and productive you can be.

For more ways to organize your documentation, see our lesson on Content Organization

Common File Types For Document Libraries

When building a document library, it is essential to consider what file types you want to include and how you plan to handle them.

Document libraries can contain a wide variety of file types, including:

  • Word processing documents (e.g., .docx, .doc)
  • Spreadsheets (e.g., .xlsx, .xls)
  • Presentations (e.g., .pptx, .ppt)
  • PDF files
  • Images (e.g., .jpeg, .png, .gif)
  • Audio and video files (e.g., .mp3, .mp4)

Handling Different File Types

Different file types require different handling.

For example, images and videos may require thumbnail previews, while text documents may require a search function.

Consider using a document library tool that can handle different file types, such as Document Library Pro, which supports a wide variety of file types and provides advanced features for managing and organizing them (see further below).

Another consideration when dealing with file types is the size of the files.

Large files can be more challenging to manage and store, so it is essential to have a plan for managing larger files. This could include compressing files or using cloud storage solutions to manage and store larger files.

It is also essential to consider the level of security required for different file types. Sensitive files should be stored in a secure location and access should be restricted to authorized personnel.

Consider using a document library tool that supports access control features, so you can ensure that sensitive files are protected.

By using a tool that can manage a wide variety of file types and support advanced features, you can ensure that your document library is easy to use, secure, and efficient.

How To Build A Document Library

Organizations of all shapes and sizes use WordPress for their company websites. Many need to share documents, newsletters, or other resources online with the general public or for internal use.

If your site runs on WordPress and you’re looking to build a document library that lets you add or import documents of any file type and list them in a searchable, filterable document library on the front end, consider using a plugin like Document Library Pro.

Document Library Pro

Document Library Pro
Document Library Pro is a professional document library plugin for WordPress users.

While there are many WordPress file management and media library plugins for the WordPress admin, few can create a searchable front-end document library.

Document Library Pro is a professional document library plugin for WordPress that allows businesses and organizations to create a robust document management system or document directory in minutes and display these in an easy-to-find format without any technical knowledge.

The plugin makes document library management easy, helping to keep your documentation organized, create a resources hub or a publications database, share these resources, and present your documents in a searchable front-end document library.

Screenshot of Document Library Pro WordPress document library plugin.
Document Library Pro lets you display any type of document or resource on your WordPress website. (Image sourced from plugin website.)

Let’s briefly cover the following areas of using this plugin to build your document library in WordPress:

  • Overview of plugin features
  • Installation and configuration steps
  • Adding or importing documents of any file type
  • Listing documents in a searchable, filterable document library on the front end
Document Library Pro
Click the banner for more info on the Document Library Pro plugin.

Overview of Document Library Pro Features

Document Library Pro is a powerful tool for building a document library and offers several features for quickly adding and managing documents on a WordPress site, including:

  • Support for multiple file types
  • Front-end document submission and import
  • Customizable document templates
  • Search, sort, and filter options
  • Access control and user roles
  • Detailed documentation and support

A key feature of the plugin is its ability to instantly list documents in a searchable, sortable table with filters, or alternatively in a tiled grid layout, making it easy for users to find the documents they need quickly.

Document Library Pro - Document Library
Document Library Pro makes it easy for users to find the documents they need quickly. (Image sourced from plugin website.)

Installation And Configuration Steps

To install and configure Document Library Pro, follow these steps:

  • Install and activate the Document Library Pro plugin on your WordPress site. (If you need help with this step, see this WordPress plugin installation tutorial).
  • Configure your document library settings, including document categories, access control, and user roles.
  • Add or import documents to your document library. Document Library Pro supports a wide range of file types, including PDFs, images, videos, and more.
  • Customize your document library display by selecting a document template and customizing the front-end layout.
  • Use the search, sort, and filter options to make it easy for users to find the documents they need.

Adding Or Importing Documents Of Any File Type

Document Library Pro literally supports any file type that can be stored in the WordPress Media Library. It even allows users to link to documents hosted externally on third-party websites like Dropbox, Office 365, or YouTube.

Moreover, Document Library Pro allows you to embed documents, audio, and video directly on your website. This lets you display documents on your site instead of just providing download links. The plugin even provides embedded music and video players which your site users can play on the main document library page.

Additionally, the plugin offers flexible download links that allow users to choose whether to show download buttons, text links, or file-type icons on the main document library page. You can choose whether to provide instant downloads or a separate page for each document.

Having the ability to display any type of document on a WordPress website (including a wide range of document file types such as PDFs, DOCs, XLS, PPTs, EPUBs, Google Docs & Sheets, videos, and more) can add a lot of value and functionality to your site.

You can add documents in several ways, including manual uploading, bulk CSV uploads, or using drag and drop to add multiple files to the WordPress Media Library.

The plugin also allows you to add extra information about each document, such as a title, excerpt, full description, and image, to make the document library more accessible.

Additionally, it can calculate and display other important details automatically, such as the file size, file type, date, and last modified date.

List Documents In A Searchable, Filterable Document Library

You can organize and display corporate documents such as contact lists, data sets, financial spreadsheets, forms, how-to guides, handbooks, instructions, legal documents, license agreements, lists, manuals, policies and procedures, reports, stationery, templates, terms and conditions, white papers, and worksheets.

Additionally, you can display promotional documents like case studies, flyers, leaflets, and marketing materials on your website.

An added benefit of using WordPress with this plugin is the versatility of displaying industry-specific documents such as blueprints, manuscripts, sheet music, maps, signage, and personal documents like flipbooks, downloadable kids activities, leisure guides, nutrition guides, recipes, and even treasure hunts. You can even create a WordPress audio or video gallery to display photos, music, and videos, which can act as a resource or document gallery for your site.

Using The Plugin

To get started with Document Library Pro, all you need to do is add your documents to the plugin’s ‘Documents’ section in the WordPress admin area.

Once you’ve added your documents, the plugin will automatically display them in a searchable document library on the front end of your website.

The plugin offers several ways to add documents to your library, including manual uploading, selecting files from the Media Library, drag-and-drop, and bulk import from CSV.

It supports any file type, including PDF, JPG, DOCx, and more. You can choose what information to display in the document library, such as summaries, file types, file sizes, categories, and more.

Organizing your documents in a document library is essential for efficient document management.

The plugin offers two ways to categorize your documents: categories and tags. You can create a hierarchical structure of categories and sub-categories or add labels or tags to each document.

You can even create custom taxonomies to use as well as tags if you require multiple types of labels.

Document Library Pro
Document Library Pro lets you add categories, tags, descriptions, and more to each file in your document library. (Image sourced from plugin website.)

With a well-organized document library, users can easily find the documents they need, read them online or download them, and share them with others.

You can even embed multimedia content, such as a page-turning flip book or an embedded Google Drive document.

The plugin’s documentation section provides tutorials on how to get the most out of using the plugin, including :

  • Creating a document library page
  • Customizing the display of documents
  • Using search, sort, and filter features to make the library easy to navigate
  • Making your document library private
  • Using access control to restrict access to the document library
  • Configuring user roles and permissions
  • Setting up a staff intranet document library

With a wide range of features, including support for multiple file types, front-end document submission and import, advanced search, sort, and filter options, customizable display options, and embedded media players, the Document Library Pro plugin makes it easy to build a powerful document library.

Document Library Pro
Create a searchable document library with Document Library Pro (click the banner to visit the plugin site for more info).

More info: Document Library Pro

Document Libraries – FAQs

Here are frequently asked questions about document libraries:

What is a document library?

A document library is a feature in content management systems like SharePoint where users can store, organize, and manage documents and files. It provides version control, metadata, and collaboration tools.

What are the key benefits of using document libraries?

Document libraries offer centralized storage, versioning, metadata management, and collaboration features, facilitating efficient document management and retrieval.

How should I organize documents within a document library?

Organize documents logically using folders, metadata, or a combination of both. Consider factors like project, department, or document type for effective organization.

What are the differences between document libraries and lists?

Document libraries are for managing files, while lists are for managing structured data. Libraries offer features like versioning and check-in/check-out, while lists are more suitable for items like tasks or issues.

Can I customize document libraries to fit my organization’s needs?

Yes, document libraries can be customized extensively. You can add metadata, create custom views, set permissions, and configure workflows to streamline document management processes.

What is a document center, and how does it differ from a document library?

A document center is a specialized site template designed for large-scale document management. It offers enhanced search, archive capabilities, and content organizing features compared to a standard document library, which is more suitable for smaller-scale document management within team sites.

How many document libraries should we have?

The number of document libraries you should have depends on your organization’s needs, project scope, and the type of content. It is best to organize documents in a way that aligns with your business processes and makes it easy for users to find what they need.

What are the pros and cons of creating multiple document libraries?

Pros include better organization and easier metadata management. There aren’t significant cons if managed well; however, too many libraries can lead to confusion and difficulty in navigating and managing permissions if not structured correctly.

Should I use folders within document libraries?

Traditionally, best practices suggest avoiding folders for better metadata usage and easier searchability. However, using folders can make sense for organizing files into a familiar hierarchy for users, especially when transitioning from file share systems.

What are the best practices for managing document libraries?

Best practices include organizing files with metadata instead of folders, enabling version control, setting permissions carefully, and regularly auditing content for relevance and accuracy.

Can you automate processes within a document library?

Yes, automation in document libraries like SharePoint can be achieved using workflows to manage document lifecycles, approvals, and notifications, enhancing productivity and ensuring compliance.


Image: Library Books

Digital Asset Management Systems (DAMS)

Learn about the key benefits and features of a Digital Asset Management System (DAMS) and popular DAMS platforms.

Digital Asset Management Systems (DAMS)

Learn about the key benefits and features of a Digital Asset Management System (DAMS) and popular DAMS platforms.

Digital Asset Management Systems (DAMS)Learn what a Digital Asset Management System (DAMS) is, the benefits and key features of a DAMS, and the best DAMS platforms for your needs.

This lesson is part of our series on understanding Content Management Systems (CMS).


What Is A Digital Asset Management System?

A Digital Asset Management System (DAMS) is a type of CMS that is specifically designed for managing digital assets, such as images, videos, and audio files.

DAMS provide tools for organizing, storing, and retrieving digital assets, as well as tools for managing their lifecycle, including version control and expiration management.

Additionally, DAMS provides a centralized repository for all types of digital assets, making it ideal for organizations that need to manage large amounts of digital assets and digital content effectively, such as media companies and creative agencies.

DAMS Features

Digital Asset Management Systems offer features such as :

  • Powerful search and retrieval capabilities for finding and accessing digital assets.
  • Lifecycle management tools for managing the creation, storage, and expiration of digital assets.
  • Workflow and approval processes, metadata management, and tagging.
  • Version control for managing multiple versions of digital assets.
  • Integration with other tools and systems, such as Adobe Creative Suite.
  • Secure access controls for managing who can access and edit digital assets.

DAMS Benefits

There are many benefits of using Digital Asset Management Systems. For example, DAMS:

  • Improve the efficiency and speed of digital asset management processes by making it easier for organizations to manage large amounts of digital assets, such as images, videos, and audio files.
  • Provide tools for centralizing, organizing, storing, and retrieving digital assets, making it easier to find and use these, which can improve efficiency and reduce costs.
  • Enhance collaboration by allowing multiple users to access and work with the same digital assets.
  • Help to ensure that the latest version of digital assets is always available, which can help to avoid confusion and errors.
  • Provide secure access controls for managing who can access and edit digital assets, which can help to ensure the security of sensitive assets and confidential information.


Some of the pros of using DAMS include:

  • DAMS provides powerful search and retrieval capabilities for finding and accessing digital assets.
  • DAMS offers lifecycle management tools for managing the creation, storage, and expiration of digital assets.
  • DAMS provides version control for managing multiple versions of digital assets.
  • DAMS integrates with other tools, such as Adobe Creative Suite, for streamlined workflows.


Some of the cons of using DAMS include:

  • DAMS can be complex and difficult to set up and configure.
  • DAMS can be expensive and require a significant investment.
  • DAMS may require technical skills to set up and customize.

Popular DAMS Platforms

If your organization is struggling to manage a vast amount of digital assets, such as images, videos, audio files, and documents effectively, the Digital Asset Management Systems (DAMS) listed below can help you manage, organize, store, search, retrieve, and distribute your digital assets, streamline your workflows, and improve your productivity:

Adobe Experience Manager Assets

Adobe Experience Manager Assets is a comprehensive digital asset management solution that goes beyond just managing digital assets. It helps you quickly locate and modify the assets you need, ensure that you have the appropriate versions, and distribute them seamlessly across teams and channels.

By utilizing AI-powered workflows, Experience Manager Assets transforms the traditional DAM into a dynamic content engine that automates experience delivery and streamlines creative workflows at scale.

Experience Manager Assets allows you to search, edit, manage, and distribute your assets in a single platform, all with the speed and agility of a cloud-native solution. The platform offers features such as digital rights management, which helps to effectively manage asset states and expiration information, minimizing the risk of legal penalties.

Additionally, Adobe Asset Link transforms how creatives and marketers work together, speeding up content creation. Asset Link enables teams to design, review, and approve any asset directly within Photoshop CC, Illustrator CC, or InDesign CC, all housed within Experience Manager Assets.

Overall, Adobe Experience Manager Assets is a powerful digital asset management system that can help organizations and creative and marketing teams streamline workflows, enhance productivity, and deliver timely, relevant customer experiences.

Widen Collective

Widen Collective is a cloud-based digital asset management solution that covers the content lifecycle from creation to distribution.

It features a centralized library for managing images, documents, audio, and video files, and includes a governance model for user roles and access controls.

The system allows for easy search and filtering, on-the-fly file conversions, asset downloads, sharing, and embedding. Add-on applications can be activated for creative and marketing workflows, including product information management, creative review and approval, portals for curated content, templates for non-creative users, and insights for built-in reporting and analytics.

Widen Collective features an intuitive and user-friendly interface, integrates with over 50 marketing software tools, and offers support, implementations, and consulting through annual subscriptions. It is widely used by organizations in a variety of industries for organizing, managing, and distributing large amounts of digital content.


Bynder offers a Digital Asset Management (DAM) module that provides an easy-to-use, yet highly functional platform to centralize, organize and share all digital media files.

Bynder’s focus on usability ensures users save time and effort when working with digital files and collaborating with colleagues. In addition to DAM, Bynder’s digital asset management platform provides powerful and intuitive features and a richly integrated ecosystem that helps teams manage content, touchpoints, and relationships.

Bynder is widely used by organizations in the creative and marketing industries for managing and distributing brand assets.


Celum offers a cloud-based content and collaboration software that enables businesses to easily manage thousands of images, videos, and documents, and scale their support, sales, marketing, and other processes.

The platform can be deployed on-premise or in the cloud, depending on the project and team size. Celum provides automation tools for sales activities such as CRM, email, appointment booking, and online review systems. The key benefit of Celum is its scalability, allowing it to grow with the goals of your business.

The CELUM Cloud platform offers a scalable and flexible platform for managing and distributing digital assets, with a focus on improving efficiency and collaboration across teams, and covers the entire content supply chain, providing a central hub for content with tools for agile teamwork, process automation, online proofing, and file synchronization and sharing.

CELUM is widely used by organizations in the retail, manufacturing, and healthcare industries for managing product images and other marketing materials.

Digital Asset Management (DAM) by MediaBeacon

MediaBeacon is a digital asset management (DAM) solution that provides a single source of truth and advanced features for managing and organizing digital files such as images, video, audio, and artwork.

The platform is part of a company that offers a collaborative content creation platform for packaging, labeling, and marketing collateral and provides powerful search tools and user permissions that allow teams to find what they need to produce marketing and packaging content while reducing reproduction costs and wasted time.

MediaBeacon is widely used by organizations in the creative and marketing industries for managing and distributing brand assets.


Frontify is a comprehensive cloud-based brand management platform that enables creators and collaborators to manage and grow their brands, with digital asset management, brand guidelines, creative collaboration, and print and design templates in a single platform.

Frontify enables the centralization and distribution of all brand assets and allows users to create and maintain digital brand guidelines and streamline collaboration through project workflows, design templates, and other features. Frontify is used by companies across various industries and sizes.


Picturepark is a cloud software solution that automates the organizing, distributing, and integration of digital assets such as images, videos, documents, and metadata with a focus on improving efficiency and collaboration across teams.

The platform combines digital asset management, product information management, and Headless Content Services into a versatile API-first solution that can be extended as needed. Innovative technologies like Adaptive Metadata and Business Rules automatically structure, classify, and semantically link content for omnichannel distribution and integration into third-party systems.

Picturepark is widely used by organizations in the media and entertainment industries for managing and distributing large amounts of digital content.


WebDAM is a cloud-based digital asset management (DAM) solution that centralizes visual content to streamline workflows for businesses.

It offers a user-friendly interface and a wide range of tools for managing and distributing digital assets, including image editing, video playback, and collaboration features. Its open API enables users to organize, share, and track content while allowing file transfers between their DAM system and other platforms.

WebDAM integrates with various marketing and database platforms, providing access to digital assets and e-commerce capabilities. It also offers industry-standard security and mobile accessibility in over eleven languages. Support is available through an online knowledge base.

Webdam is widely used by organizations in the creative and marketing industries for managing and distributing brand assets.

WoodWing Assets

WoodWing Assets is a scalable digital asset management system available both as a cloud and on-premise solution that is used by publishers, creative agencies, and marketing departments in various industries.

It offers features for storing, organizing, accessing, sharing, and managing rich-media assets within a single environment, and seamless integration with Adobe Creative Cloud.

WoodWing Assets helps centralize digital assets for easier access and faster collaboration, automate workflows, and integrate with existing tools allowing users to save time on asset searches, reuse digital assets, ensure brand consistency, and create personalized content.


Cloudinary is a SaaS platform that manages media assets for web and mobile apps, supporting the entire media pipeline from upload to optimized delivery across any device or channel.

The platform is used by over 1 million developers worldwide and is the industry standard for managing, transforming, and delivering images and videos online. Cloudinary uses intelligent AI-powered automation to optimize visual experiences and fast loading, saves time and effort by creating asset variations, and its API-based, future-proof Apps for DAM, providing a low-cost approach to customization.

Cloudinary is used in e-commerce and retail, travel and hospitality, adtech, food and beverage, sports, media, entertainment, and social media markets.

Choosing The Right DAMS For Your Organization

A Digital Asset Management System (DAMS) is a critical tool for organizations that want to effectively manage and store digital assets, such as images, videos, audio files, and other multimedia content.

By providing a centralized repository for all types of digital assets, a DAMS can help your organization centralize and organize its digital content, enhance collaboration, improve security, and improve the efficiency and speed of your digital asset management processes.

When choosing a DAMS, it is important to consider factors such as the size and complexity of the digital assets, the need for collaboration and workflow tools, and the need for integration with other tools and systems.

Additionally, consider the costs associated with a DAMS, including both the initial investment and ongoing maintenance and support costs.

For more lessons related to Content Management Systems (CMS), click on one of the links below:

Content Management System (CMS)
Content Management System (CMS)
Learn how a content management system (CMS) can help you manage your content more effectively.
Content Management System FAQ
Content Management System FAQ
Find answers to frequently asked questions about content management systems (CMS).
Web Content Management Systems (WCMS)
Web Content Management Systems (WCMS)
Learn about the key benefits and features of a Web Content Management System (WCMS) and popular WCMS platforms.
Enterprise Content Management Systems (ECMS)
Enterprise Content Management Systems (ECMS)
Learn about the key benefits and features of an Enterprise Content Management System (ECMS) and popular ECMS platforms.
Component Content Management Systems (CCMS)
Component Content Management Systems (CCMS)
Learn about the key benefits and features of a Component Content Management System (CCMS) and popular CCMS platforms.
Digital Asset Management Systems (DAMS)
Digital Asset Management Systems (DAMS)
Learn about the key benefits and features of a Digital Asset Management System (DAMS) and popular DAMS platforms.


Image: AI-Generated using DALL-E

Web Content Management Systems (WCMS)

Learn about the key benefits and features of a Web Content Management System (WCMS) and popular WCMS platforms.

Web Content Management Systems (WCMS)

Learn about the key benefits and features of a Web Content Management System (WCMS) and popular WCMS platforms.

Web Content Management Systems (WCMS)Learn what a Web Content Management System (WCMS) is, the benefits and key features of a WCMS, and the best WCMS platforms for your needs.

This lesson is part of our series on understanding Content Management Systems (CMS).


What Is A Web Content Management System?

A Web Content Management System (WCMS) is a software platform that allows organizations to manage, publish, and deliver digital content to their website. The purpose of a WCMS is to make it easy for non-technical users to create, edit, and publish content, without the need for technical expertise.

Web Content Management Systems are ideal for organizations that want to create and manage their own websites. They offer a range of features, including easy-to-use content creation tools, customizable templates, and advanced SEO optimization tools.

WCMS Features

Key Features of a WCMS include

  • Easy-to-use interface and tools for creating, editing, and publishing web content.
  • Templates and themes for creating and customizing the look and feel of a website.
  • Built-in SEO tools for optimizing web content for search engines.
  • Integrated search and retrieval and history tracking capabilities.
  • Support for multiple languages and devices.
  • Integration with other tools and systems, such as marketing automation and e-commerce platforms.
  • Workflow and collaboration tools for managing and publishing web content.

WCMS Benefits

Web Content Management Systems provide many benefits. For example, a WCMS:

  • Makes it easy for non-technical users to manage and update their website.
  • Helps to ensure a consistent and professional look and feel across your website.
  • Provides tools for optimizing web content for search engines, which can improve search engine rankings and drive more traffic to your website.
  • Helps to improve productivity and efficiency by streamlining processes and reducing the time and effort required to create, manage, and publish content.
  • Improves collaboration by allowing multiple users to work on the same content simultaneously.
  • Enhances the user experience by providing a seamless and consistent experience across all devices.


Pros of using a WCMS include:

  • WCMS are user-friendly and easy to use, even for non-technical users.
  • WCMS provide tools for optimizing web content for search engines.
  • WCMS offer a range of customization options, allowing organizations to create a unique and professional look and feel for their website.


Cons of using a WCMS include:

  • WCMS can be expensive and require a significant investment.
  • WCMS may require technical skills to set up and customize.
  • WCMS may not be suitable for managing large amounts of complex content.

Popular WCMS Platforms

There are many popular content management systems to choose from, each with its own set of features and capabilities.

Here are some of the most popular content management systems available:


WordPress - home page
WordPress is the world’s most popular CMS platform.

WordPress is the most popular CMS in the world, used by over 40% of websites.

WordPress is an open-source WCMS platform that allows users to easily create and manage websites and is well known for its user-friendly interface, versatility, and a large community of users and developers. It is widely used for building and managing websites of all sizes, from personal blogs to complex e-commerce sites.

WordPress is also free to use and being open-source, it can be modified by developers to meet the specific needs of your business. WordPress is written in PHP and uses a MySQL or MariaDB database to store data.

Some key features of WordPress include:

  • User management: WordPress allows multiple users to access and edit a website, each with their own set of permissions and roles.
  • Themes and plugins: WordPress has a large library of themes and plugins that can be used to customize the look and functionality of a website.
  • Multilingual support: WordPress allows for the creation of multilingual sites, making it easy to create content in multiple languages.
  • SEO friendly: WordPress has built-in SEO features, such as the ability to create custom URLs and meta tags, which can help improve a website’s visibility in search engines.
  • Customizable: WordPress is highly customizable, allowing developers to create custom templates, widgets, and plugins to extend the functionality of the website.

Benefits of using WordPress include:

  • Low cost: WordPress is an open-source platform, meaning that it is free to use and can be modified by developers to meet specific needs.
  • Flexibility: WordPress has a large library of themes and plugins that can be used to customize the look and functionality of a website.
  • Large community: WordPress has a large and active community of developers and users, which can provide support and resources.
  • Easy to use: WordPress has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for non-technical users to create and manage a website.
  • High scalability: WordPress can handle large amounts of traffic and data, making it suitable for large websites and high-traffic sites.

Cons of WordPress include:

  • Security issues: WordPress can be prone to security issues if not properly maintained, so it’s important to keep the software up to date and to be aware of potential vulnerabilities.
  • Resources: WordPress may require additional resources to handle high traffic.

For more details about using WordPress as a CMS, go here: Content Management System (CMS).



Drupal is another open-source CMS that is popular among developers, government agencies, universities, and large enterprises for building complex websites and web applications. It is known for its robustness, scalability, flexibility, and security.

Drupal allows users to easily create and manage websites. It is free to use and can be modified by developers to meet specific needs. Drupal is written in PHP and uses a MySQL, PostgreSQL, or SQLite database to store data.

Some key features of Drupal include:

  • User management: Drupal allows multiple users to access and edit a website, each with their own set of permissions and roles.
  • Modules and themes: Drupal has a large library of modules and themes that can be used to customize the look and functionality of a website.
  • Multilingual support: Drupal allows for the creation of multilingual sites, making it easy to create content in multiple languages.
  • SEO friendly: Drupal has built-in SEO features, such as the ability to create custom URLs and meta tags, which can help improve a website’s visibility in search engines.
  • Flexible Content modeling: Drupal allows you to create custom content types and fields, which can be used to model any kind of content, making it suitable for a wide range of use cases.

Benefits of using Drupal include:

  • Low cost: Drupal is an open-source platform, meaning that it is free to use and can be modified by developers to meet specific needs.
  • Flexibility: Drupal has a large library of modules and themes that can be used to customize the look and functionality of a website.
  • Large community: Drupal has a large and active community of developers and users, which can provide support and resources.
  • High scalability: Drupal can handle large amounts of traffic and data, making it suitable for large websites and high-traffic sites.
  • Security: Drupal has a great track record in terms of security and it’s a platform that is frequently audited for vulnerabilities.

Cons of Drupal include:

  • Steep learning curve: Drupal can have a steep learning curve for new users, as it requires a good understanding of web development concepts and the underlying technologies.
  • Limited commercial support: Drupal is an open-source platform, so commercial support may be limited compared to proprietary solutions.
  • Limited customization options: While Drupal allows for some level of customization, it may not be enough for businesses with highly specific requirements.
  • Higher maintenance costs: Drupal requires more maintenance and technical support than other CMS, as it is built on top of a complex architecture.
  • It’s not as user-friendly as other CMS: Drupal’s interface can be a bit more complex than other CMS like WordPress or Joomla, which can make it harder for non-technical users to navigate.

More info: Drupal



Joomla! is another open-source CMS that is popular among small and medium-sized businesses. It is similar to WordPress in terms of ease of use and has a large library of extensions and templates.

Joomla! is a content management system (CMS) that allows users to easily create and manage websites. It is free to use and can be modified by developers to meet specific needs. Joomla is written in PHP and uses a MySQL database to store data.

Some key features of Joomla! include:

  • User management: Joomla! allows multiple users to access and edit a website, each with their own set of permissions and roles.
  • Templates and extensions: Joomla! has a large library of templates and extensions that can be used to customize the look and functionality of a website.
  • Multilingual support: Joomla! allows for the creation of multilingual sites, making it easy to create content in multiple languages.
  • SEO friendly: Joomla! has built-in SEO features, such as the ability to create custom URLs and meta tags, which can help improve a website’s visibility in search engines.

Benefits of using Joomla! include:

  • Low cost: Joomla! is an open-source platform, meaning that it is free to use and can be modified by developers to meet specific needs.
  • Flexibility: Joomla! has a large library of templates and extensions that can be used to customize the look and functionality of a website.
  • Large community: Joomla! has a large and active community of developers and users, which can provide support and resources.
  • Easy to use: Joomla! has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for non-technical users to create and manage a website.

Cons of Joomla! include:

  • Steep learning curve: Joomla! can have a steep learning curve for new users, as it requires a good understanding of web development concepts and the underlying technologies.
  • Limited scalability: Joomla! can have limited scalability, as it may not be able to handle large amounts of traffic or data.
  • Security issues: Joomla! has been known to have security issues in the past, so it’s important to keep the software up to date and to be aware of potential vulnerabilities.
  • Limited customization options: While Joomla! allows for some level of customization, it may not be enough for businesses with highly specific requirements.
  • Limited commercial support: Joomla! is an open-source platform, so commercial support may be limited compared to proprietary solutions.

More info: Joomla



Shopify is a popular e-commerce CMS designed for small and medium-sized businesses. It allows users to create and manage an online store, and it includes features such as inventory management, payment processing, and order tracking.

Shopify is a content management system (CMS) and e-commerce platform that allows businesses to create and manage an online store. It provides a wide range of tools and features to help businesses create an attractive, functional e-commerce website, and manage their inventory, orders, and customer data. Shopify is a hosted solution, which means that all data is stored on Shopify’s servers and it takes care of security, backups and software updates.

Some key features of Shopify include:

  • E-commerce focused: Shopify is an e-commerce platform, it offers built-in features such as inventory management, payment and order processing, customer management, and shipping management.
  • Mobile-responsive design: Shopify templates are mobile-responsive, which means that they will automatically adjust to fit the screen size of the device being used.
  • App store: Shopify has an app store that offers a wide range of third-party apps that can be used to add new features and functionality to a store.
  • Payment gateway integration: Shopify allows integration with multiple payment gateways, including popular options such as PayPal and Stripe.
  • SEO friendly: Shopify has built-in SEO features, such as the ability to create custom URLs and meta tags, which can help improve a website’s visibility in search engines.

Benefits of using Shopify include:

  • User-friendly: Shopify has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for non-technical users to create and manage an online store.
  • Cost-effective: Shopify is a cost-effective solution, as it requires a monthly subscription fee and no additional costs for hosting or maintenance.
  • Scalable: Shopify can handle a large amount of traffic, making it suitable for small and large businesses alike.
  • Good customer support: Shopify offers good customer support, which can help businesses with any issues or questions they may have.
  • Variety of themes and apps: Shopify offers a wide range of templates and apps that can be used to customize the look and functionality of an online store.

Cons of Shopify include:

  • Limited customization options: While Shopify allows for some level of customization, it may not be enough for businesses with highly specific requirements.
  • Limited control over data: As Shopify is a hosted solution, businesses do not have full control over their data, and they are limited to Shopify’s terms of service.
  • Transaction fees: Shopify charges a transaction fee on some plans, which can add up if a business has a high volume of sales.
  • Limited third-party integration: Shopify’s third-party integration options are limited compared to other platforms like WordPress or Adobe Commerce.
  • Dependence on Shopify: Businesses that use Shopify are dependent on the platform, so if Shopify goes down, their store goes down as well.

More info: Shopify

Adobe Commerce

Adobe Commerce
Adobe Commerce (formerly Magento)

Adobe Commerce (formerly Magento) is a content management system (CMS) built on top of the Adobe Experience Platform and integrated with Adobe Experience Cloud. It allows businesses to create, manage, and deliver personalized digital commerce experiences across web and mobile channels.

Some key features of Adobe Commerce include:

  • Support for headless commerce, allowing businesses to use a microservices architecture to create highly customizable, decoupled front-end and back-end systems.
  • Integration with Adobe Experience Cloud, including Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) for content management and Adobe Target for personalization and A/B testing.
  • Support for multiple languages and currencies, making it easy to create global e-commerce sites.
  • Built-in analytics and reporting, allowing businesses to track customer behavior and optimize their online store.
  • Catalog management, order management, payment processing with support for a wide range of payment methods and integrations with popular third-party systems.

Benefits of using Adobe Commerce include:

  • Improved customer experience, through personalized and highly-targeted digital commerce experiences.
  • Increased flexibility and scalability, as businesses can easily add new features or integrations as needed.
  • Enhanced security and compliance, as Adobe Commerce is built on top of the Adobe Experience Platform, which is compliant with industry standards such as SOC2 and PCI DSS.
  • Improved data insights and analytics, allowing businesses to make better-informed decisions and optimize their online store.

Pros of Adobe Commerce include:

  • Integration with Adobe Experience Cloud: Adobe Commerce is built on top of the Adobe Experience Platform and integrated with other Adobe Experience Cloud solutions, such as Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) for content management and Adobe Target for personalization and A/B testing. This allows businesses to easily create personalized, highly-targeted digital commerce experiences.
  • Support for headless commerce: Adobe Commerce supports a headless commerce architecture, which allows businesses to use a microservices architecture to create highly customizable, decoupled front-end and back-end systems. This allows for greater flexibility and scalability.
  • Built-in analytics and reporting: Adobe Commerce includes built-in analytics and reporting, allowing businesses to track customer behavior and optimize their online store.
  • Support for multiple languages and currencies: Adobe Commerce supports multiple languages and currencies, making it easy to create global e-commerce sites.
  • Support for a wide range of payment methods and integrations: Adobe Commerce supports a wide range of payment methods and can be integrated with popular third-party systems.

Cons of Adobe Commerce include:

  • High cost: Adobe Commerce can be a costly solution, as it requires a subscription to the Adobe Experience Cloud in addition to the cost of implementation and customization.
  • Steep learning curve: Adobe Commerce can have a steep learning curve, as it requires a good understanding of the Adobe Experience Cloud platform and the underlying technologies.
  • Limited customization options: While Adobe Commerce allows for some level of customization, it may not be enough for businesses with highly specific requirements.
  • Higher maintenance cost: Adobe Commerce can require more maintenance and technical support than other e-commerce solutions, as it is built on top of the Adobe Experience Platform.
  • Limited scalability: Adobe Commerce can have limited scalability, as it is built on top of the Adobe Experience Platform which has its own scalability limits.

More info: Adobe Commerce

Sitecore Experience Platform

Sitecore Experience Platform
Sitecore Experience Platform

Sitecore is a feature-rich and flexible WCMS, designed for large enterprises and those with high-end needs. It offers a range of features, including personalization, analytics, marketing automation, and a content marketing solution that enables your business to create, manage campaigns, and conduct experience analytics.

The platform empowers content curation and offers in-context editing, preview capabilities, and multi-site and multi-lingual capabilities. It also features a WYSIWYG experience editor and drag-and-drop interface, personalization at scale, machine learning-based analytics, testing and optimization, intuitive campaign creation and marketing automation, and omnichannel delivery.


Umbraco CMS
Umbraco CMS

Umbraco is a cloud-based content management system that lets you create, modify, update, and publish content.

Umbraco CMS is an open-source ASP.NET CMS platform with over 500,000 active installs worldwide and more than 200,000 active community members. It is highly flexible, scalable, and customizable, allowing developers to create customized solutions that are easy for content editors to manage.

It also offers customizable web forms, integration with third-party applications, and collaborative editing capabilities. The platform is available for free and on monthly subscriptions with support extended via phone, email, and other online measures.

The platform’s main goal is to give users the freedom to manage their projects their way, without overwhelming them with irrelevant options and buttons.



Squarespace is an all-in-one platform for building a customized online presence, offering a selection of website templates, designer fonts, and color palettes for websites, online stores, and portfolios.

Squarespace is used by a wide range of individuals and businesses, including entrepreneurs, photographers, restaurants, musicians, and fashion designers.

The platform offers easy e-commerce integration, allowing businesses to set up an online store, integrate booking services, and add third-party extensions, as well as powerful SEO tools to increase visibility, in-depth analytics to track website traffic, visitor behavior, and more, plus email and social tools.



Wix is an all-in-one web creation platform used by self-creators and small and medium-sized websites. It is easy to use, even for those with no technical knowledge.

Wix provides blogging capabilities, design features, full web dev tools, SEO optimization, eCommerce solutions, built-in marketing tools, and online scheduling software.

Square Online

Square Online
Square Online

Square Online (formerly known as Weebly) is part of Square’s product suite. It allows businesses to set up an online store quickly using a site builder with SEO features, inventory management, and an online shopping cart, manage payments, offer curbside pickup and local delivery, and sell online and on social media.

Choosing The Right WCMS For Your Organization

A Web Content Management System (WCMS) is an essential tool for effectively creating, editing, managing, publishing, and delivering digital content to your website. A WCMS can help to improve productivity, enhance the user experience, and increase the accessibility of content.

There are many different types of content management systems available, each with its own set of features and capabilities. The right CMS for your business will depend on your specific needs and requirements.

When choosing a WCMS, it is important to consider factors such as the size and complexity of the content, the need for collaboration and workflow tools, and the need for integration with other tools. Additionally, you should consider costs, including both the initial investment and ongoing maintenance and support.

For more lessons related to Content Management Systems (CMS), click on one of the links below:

Content Management System (CMS)
Content Management System (CMS)
Learn how a content management system (CMS) can help you manage your content more effectively.
Content Management System FAQ
Content Management System FAQ
Find answers to frequently asked questions about content management systems (CMS).
Web Content Management Systems (WCMS)
Web Content Management Systems (WCMS)
Learn about the key benefits and features of a Web Content Management System (WCMS) and popular WCMS platforms.
Enterprise Content Management Systems (ECMS)
Enterprise Content Management Systems (ECMS)
Learn about the key benefits and features of an Enterprise Content Management System (ECMS) and popular ECMS platforms.
Component Content Management Systems (CCMS)
Component Content Management Systems (CCMS)
Learn about the key benefits and features of a Component Content Management System (CCMS) and popular CCMS platforms.
Digital Asset Management Systems (DAMS)
Digital Asset Management Systems (DAMS)
Learn about the key benefits and features of a Digital Asset Management System (DAMS) and popular DAMS platforms.


Image: AI-Generated using DALL-E